TIP 026-Circuit Breaker Reset Policy
TIP 026-Circuit Breaker Reset Policy
TIP 026-Circuit Breaker Reset Policy
Purpose: Recently Atlas has experienced several Fuel pump issues on all fleet types. This Maintenance
Tip is a reminder that per the GMM, Fuel boost pumps, Fuel pump controls, and FQIS circuit breaks
should NOT be reset prior to determining the cause of the issue and correcting it. This TIP obsoletes TIP
This section describes the Company’s policy concerning the resetting of tripped circuit breakers (CB's) on
the aircraft.
A. Historically flight and ground crews have viewed resetting of a circuit breaker (CB) as a
relatively common occurrence. Generally, resetting a circuit breaker is met with no adverse
results. However, smoke, burnt wires, electrical odors, arcing and loss of related aircraft
systems have been reported as a result of resetting tripped CBs.
B. There is a latent danger in resetting a circuit breaker tripped for an unknown cause because the
tripped condition is a signal that something may be wrong in the related circuit. Until it is
determined what caused the circuit breaker to trip, there is no way of knowing the
consequences of resetting the CB. Resetting a circuit breaker tripped by an unknown cause
should normally be a maintenance function on the ground.
CDCCL - Resetting of tripped fuel pump circuit breakers
is applicable to Airworthiness Limitation 28-AWL-17.
The following procedure must be followed for CDCCL
A. Reset of a tripped Fuel Pump or Fuel Pump Control circuit breaker is prohibited in flight.
B. Reset of other circuit breakers is not recommended, unless in the judgment of the Captain, the
tripped circuit breaker has a significant adverse effect on safety and then it may be reset only
once and only after a short cooling period of approximately two (2) minutes.
C. A ground reset of a tripped circuit breaker by the Flight Crew should only be accomplished after
Maintenance has determined that it is safe to do so.
A detailed logbook write-up is a proven safety practice
for tracking purposes, and may provide maintenance
personnel with the key to prompt trouble-shooting and
effective corrective action on the ground. That write-up
should include the following:
• The conditions existing when the CB trip occurred
• The conditions existing when the CB was reset
• The results of resetting the CB
A. Fuel Boost Pump, Fuel Pump Control, and/or Fuel Quantity Indicating System (FQIS) circuit
breakers should not be reset until such time as the cause for the trip has been determined and
B. A tripped breaker by an unknown cause may be reset only after maintenance has determined
the cause of the trip and that it may be safely reset.
C. A tripped breaker may be cycled as part of an approved troubleshooting procedure, unless doing
so is specifically prohibited for the existing condition.
D. For all other tripped circuit breakers one reset may be attempted after a cooling period of
approximately two (2) minute. If the circuit breaker trips again, do not attempt another reset
until such time as the cause for the trip has been determined and corrected.