Somnath Temple Soil Erosion Rwall
Somnath Temple Soil Erosion Rwall
Somnath Temple Soil Erosion Rwall
APRIL 2017
Environmental Consultants
This report is released for the use of the Shree Somnath Trust, Gujarat, Regulators and relevant
stakeholders solely as part of the subject project’s Environmental Clearance process. Information
provided (unless attributed to referenced third parties) is otherwise copyrighted and shall not be used
for any other purpose without the written consent of Kadam.
Form 1 and Form 1(A) for Development of Promenade with a Retaining Wall to prevent Sea
Name of
Erosion & a Public Walkway along the Sea Front at Somnath Temple, Town Prabhas Patan,
District: Gir-Somnath, Gujarat
1727718112 Report No. 1 Version 1 Released April 2017
Prepared By Prachi Shah & Ankita Prajapati, Team Member
Reviewed By K. K. Antani, Project Coordinator
Kadam has taken all reasonable precautions in the preparation of this report as per its auditable quality plan.
Kadam also believes that the facts presented in the report are accurate as on the date it was written. However, it
is impossible to dismiss absolutely, the possibility of errors or omissions. Kadam therefore specifically disclaims any
liability resulting from the use or application of the information contained in this report. The information is not
intended to serve as legal advice related to the individual situation.
1 SCOPING ...................................................................................................2
Annexure 1: Site Location Map..................................................................................................... 26
AAQM : Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
1. Land Environment
Construction phase
Source: existing water
supply scheme
Operation Phase
Source: existing water
supply scheme
Requirement : Approx. 163 kld
(Refer Annexure 9 water
~1.18 km in NNE direction with
Connectivity NH-8D connecting Somnath -
2. Water Environment
3. Vegetation
4. Fauna
5. Air Environment
6. Aesthetics
7. Socio-Economic Aspects
Operation phase:
A slight increase to local populace may result due
to management of sanitation on the promenade.
Visitors / tourists of Somnath Temple may visit
the promenade for a short while, No permanent
influx at the site.
Give details of the existing social infrastructure The site is in proximity to Somnath Temple at
around the proposed project. Prabhas Patan.
No, Local communities have a symbiotic &
Will the project cause adverse effects on local mutually beneficial interaction with the
communities, disturbance to sacred sites or other developments.
cultural values? What are the safeguards Also the proposed development will increase the
proposed? significance and beautification of temple and
Prabhas Patan as a whole.
8. Building Material
9. Energy Conservation
S. No.
Item Details
S. No.
Item Details
What are the thermal characteristics of the
building envelope? (a) roof; (b) external walls;
9.9 and (c) fenestration? Give details of the material Not Applicable
used and the U-values or the R-values of the
individual components.
What precautions & safety measures are
9.10 proposed against fire hazards? Furnish details of Not Applicable
emergency plans.
If you are using glass as wall material provides
9.11 details and specifications including emissivity and Not Applicable
thermal characteristics.
What is the rate of air infiltration into the
9.12 building? Provide details of how you are Not Applicable
mitigating the effects of infiltration.
To what extent the non-conventional energy
technologies are utilized in the overall energy LED and 10% Solar street lights would be used
consumption? Provide details of the renewable on the promenade.
energy technologies used.
Project site below Samudra Darshan guest House Head end of proposed seawall
1. Structure of EMP
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is the key to ensure a safe and clean environment. The
desired results from the environmental mitigation measures proposed in the project may not be
obtained without a management plan to assure its proper implementation & function. The EMP
envisages the plans for the proper implementation of mitigation measures to reduce the adverse
impacts arising out of the project activities. EMP has been prepared addressing the issues like:
Pollution control/mitigation measures for abatement of the undesirable impacts caused during
the construction and operation stage
Details of management plans (Landscape plan, Solid waste management plan etc.)
The major impacts due to different project activities were identified. The mitigation measures
proposed for the impacts constitute the part of Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The
environmental mitigation measures for construction and operation phases have been given in
below table.
Mitigation Measures
Construction Stage:
• Toilet and drinking water facilities for construction workers will be provided by the contractor
Water quality
at the construction site to avoid unhygienic condition at site.
• Dust suppression measures will be undertaken such as regular sprinkling of water around
vulnerable areas of the construction site by suitable methods to control fugitive dust during
earthwork and construction material handling/over hauling.
Air quality
• Properly tuned construction machinery & vehicles in good working condition with low noise &
emission will be used and engines will be turned off when not in use.
• Covering vehicles which transport fine materials such as sand.
Noise level • Provision of ear muffs etc. to construction personnel exposed to high noise levels.
• Waste construction materials will be recycled and excess construction debris will be disposed
Solid wastes
at designated places in tune with the local norms.
• Appropriate landscape including plantation of evergreen and ornamental flowering shrubs and
Landscape ground covers at open spaces will be done, which would serve the dual purpose of controlling
fugitive dust and improving the aesthetics of the area.
• Adequate safety measures complying with the occupational safety manuals will be adopted to
prevent accidents/hazards to the construction workers.
Operation Stage:
Water quality • Sewage generated from public toilets (if any) on the promenade will be collected and disposed
Plants grown in such a way to function as pollutant sinks are collectively referred as greenbelts. These
plants should also provide an aesthetic backdrop for persons using the site and for the surrounding
Type of pollution (air, noise, water and land pollution) likely from the activities at the site
Greenbelt is designed to minimize the predicted levels of the possible air and noise pollutants. While
designing the scheme the following facilities are considered:
Greenbelt Management
It is presumed that the selected plants will be grown as per normal horticultural practice and the
authorities responsible for the plantation will make adequate provisions for water and protection of the
saplings. A budgetary cost estimate is also prepared for greenbelt development.
Water source
Water supply from exiting water supply scheme. Water tankers may also be used at the initial stages
of development of the plant.
The area around the excavation would be kept clear of surface encumbrances.
Adjacent structures would be stored in accordance with the design documents to prevent
Guardrails or some other means of protecting people from falling into the trench/excavation
would be present.
Electrical Safety
If work has to be done near an overhead power line, the line must be de-energized and
grounded before work is started.
Anytime electrical equipment is deactivated for repair, the equipment will be locked out and
tagged at the point where it can be energized.
The Contractor would provide the necessary safety equipment, supplies and monitoring
equipment to their personnel.
A competent person has been designated to supervise activities that require the use of
All picks would be carefully planned to ensure that the crane adequately hoist the load.
The Contractor should provide hearing protection to employees that are exposed to noise
levels above the permissible limit.
Vadodara (Head Office)