Artificial and Computational Intelligence - AIML ZG557
Artificial and Computational Intelligence - AIML ZG557
Artificial and Computational Intelligence - AIML ZG557
Course Objectives
No Course Objective
CO3 Learn to apply probability theory to describe and model agents operating in
uncertain environments
CO4 Learn the optimization models of computation and processing in real world
application of intelligent agents
Text Book(s)
T1 Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence – A M odern Approach”,
Third Ed, Pearson Education, 2010
0. Introduction
a. Artificial Intelligence: Foundations, Overview of M odern AI & Application
1. Introduction to Intelligent Agents: Notion of Agents and Environments, Rationality,
Nature of Environments, Structure of Agents
2. Problem Solving Agent using Search:
a. Problem Formulation, Uninformed Search Algorithms: Uniform cost Search,
Depth Limited Search, Iterative Deepening Search – Informed Search Algorithms:
Notion of Heuristics, Greedy best first search, A* search, Optimality of A*
b. Heuristic Functions: Heuristic Accuracy & Algorithm performance, Admissible
heuristics from relaxed problems, pattern databases & Experience
c. Local Search Algorithms & Optimization Problems: Hill Climbing Search,
Simulated Annealing, Local Beam Search, Evolutionary Algorithms - Genetic
Algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization
3. Game Playing:
a. Searching to play games: M inimax Algorithm, Alpha-Beta Pruning
b. M aking imperfect real time decisions
4. Knowledge Representation using Logics:
(Pre-Reading: Logics- Propositional, Predicate, TT-Entail, Theorem Proving)
a. Logic Representation of a sample agent, Proof by resolution, DPLL Algorithm,
Agents based on Propositional logic
b. Overview of First Order Logic semantics, Example representation, Unification &
Lifting, forward chaining, Backward Chaining, Resolution
5. Probabilistic Representation and Reasoning
a. Inference using full joint distribution & Example, Knowledge representation
using Bayesian Networks, semantics of Bayesian Networks, Representation of
Conditional Independence using Bayesian Networks
b. Exact Inference - by enumeration and variable elimination, Need for Approximate
Inference - Direct Sampling
6. Reasoning over time
a. Time and Uncertainty, Inference in temporal models
b. Hidden M orkov M odels, Algorithms: Filtering, Smoothing, Finding the most
likely sequence, EM algorithms for Learning the parameters of HM M
7. Ethics in AI
a. Explainable AI- Logically Explained Network, Explainable Bayesian Network
Learning Outcomes:
No Learning Outcomes
LO4 Apply probability theory to describe and model agents operating in uncertain
LO5 Analyze ways for agents to learn and improve their behavior.
Academic Term
Course No DS E**ZG557
Lead Instructor
Logical Agent:
9 (1) Logic Representation of a sample agent T1: Chapter
(2) DPLL Algorithm, Agents based on Propositional logic 7.1, 7.2, 7.5.2,
(3) Overview of First Order Logic semantics, Example 7.5.3, 7.6.1,
representation 8.1, 8.3.4
Ethics in AI:
(1) Explainable AI- Logically Explained Network, Research
16 Explainable Bayesian Network papers & web
Case study No Case study Objective Case study S heet Access URL
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Evaluation S cheme:
Legend: EC = Evaluation Component; AN = After Noon Session; FN = Fore Noon Session
No Name Type Duration Weight Day, Date, S ession, Time
EC-1 Quiz-I Online - 5% TBA
Assignment -1 Take- - 13% TBA
Assignment -2 Take- - 12% TBA
EC-2 M id-Semester Open/Clos 1.5 hours 30% TBA
Test ed Book
EC-3 Comprehensive Open/Clos 2.5 hours 40% TBA
Exam ed Book
Syllabus for M id-Semester Test (Open/Closed Book): Topics in Contact Sessions: 1 to 8
Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open/Closed Book): All topics