CL - 7 - Winter Funwork - 23-24
CL - 7 - Winter Funwork - 23-24
CL - 7 - Winter Funwork - 23-24
Jaipuria Schools
Winter Funwork
Session 2023-24
Dear Student,
Season Greetings and a Very Happy New Year!
As the winter holidays approach, we hope this season brings joy and relaxation to your family.
At Seth M.R Jaipuria Schools, we believe in providing holistic development, including
academic learning and emotional well-being. In line with this ethos, we have created a variety
of fun educational activities for our students to enjoy over the holidays. These activities are
designed to reinforce concepts learned in class and encourage creativity and critical thinking.
This document contains tasks that you must complete during the holidays. These activities
are based on Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals, often
called the SDGs, are a set of 17 goals agreed upon by countries worldwide to make our planet
a better place to live. The United Nations created these goals to address various important
challenges we face. By working together and acting towards these goals, countries and people
worldwide are trying to make the world a fairer, safer, and healthier place for everyone, now
and in the future.
Note to the Parents: We understand the importance of your guidance in ensuring these
projects are completed successfully. Please take some time to read the assignments and help
your child understand the tasks and their purpose and perform them accordingly. Compile all
completed work neatly in a project file or scrapbook.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Team Jaipuria
Subject – English
SDG 13 → Climate Action
Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our
entire civilization. The effects are already visible and will
be catastrophic unless we act now. Through education,
innovation, and adherence to our climate commitments,
we can make the necessary changes to protect the planet.
• Climate scientists have concluded that humans are largely responsible for the climate
change. What is your point of view?
• Why is climate change such a big problem?
• What are the benefits of acting on climate change now?
• How does climate change affect health?
• How can we make a difference, especially in smaller cities?
Activity 2- The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held
the COP 20 summit recently. The main agenda was to evidently talk about climate change.
Many influences across the world also participated in the event including Prajakta Koli of
India. Find out about her contributions to the event and write a report highlighting her
interactions with leaders and stakeholders across the world.
Subject – Hindi
SDG 4→ Quality Education
Education liberates the intellect, unlocks the imagination,
and is fundamental for self-respect. It is the key to
prosperity and opens a world of opportunities, making it
possible for each of us to contribute to a progressive,
healthy society. Learning benefits every human being and
should be available to all.
Activity 1- इं टरनेट एवं अन्य स्रोतों से किसी एि ऐसी क ं दी ि ानी िे बारे में पता
लगाइए किस पर ाल ी में किल्म िा कनमाा ण किया गया ो| इस किल्म िो अपने पररवार िे साथ
दे खिए और किर उस पर अपने पररवार िे सदस्ों िी प्रकतकिया लेते हुए एि वीकियो बनाइए| इसिे
अकतररक्त ि ानी िे लेिि िे साक्षात्कार े तु न्यूनतम दस प्रश्न भी तैयार िीकिए|
Activity 2- पुरातन िाल में पयाा वरण िो लेिर िई िदम उठाये गए थे। इनिा प्रमुि उल्लेि मौयान
साम्राज्य िे म ा ज्ञानी चाणक्य िे अथाशास्त्र में भी ै । मारे दे श िे िई िग ों पर पयाा वरण िो स े ि
िर रिने िा प्रयत्न लगातार िारी ै । रसेअचा िर िे एि प्रोिेक्ट तैयार िरें किसमें उन िग ों या
व्यखक्तओं िे बारे में कलिो ो िो अपनी तरि से पयाा वरण िो प्रदू कित ोने से बचने िे प्रयासों में लगे हुए
Subject – Mathematics
SDG 5 → Gender Equality
Gender Equality is a principle that states that all men and women need to be treated equally
and have the same rights despite their biological
differences. These should not prevent them from having
the same opportunities to succeed in school and in life.
About 2/3 of countries in the developing regions have
achieved gender parity in primary education. In
Southern Asia, only 74 girls were enrolled in primary
school for every 100 boys in 1990. By 2012, the
enrolment rates were the same for girls and boys. By
contrast, in the world of work women in Northern Africa
hold less than 1 in 5 paid jobs in the non-agricultural
sector. And in only 46 countries women hold more than 30% of seats in at least 1 chamber of
their national parliament. Quality, gender-sensitive education encourages the participation
of women and girls in all political, economic, and public spheres by making sure they are heard
and have real opportunities to fully participate. Furthermore, it contributes to putting an end
to practices and traditions that impair the physical, mental, and sexual health of women and
Activity 1: Identify and analyze the traditional gender roles in your community using the
Occupation Checklist given at the end of this activity. Match the jobs and careers to gender.
The sample for the survey is attached herewith. Create graphs of a variety of occupations to
show the percentage of male and female employees, wages for each gender, highest level of
education for each gender, etc.
1. Record the number of males and females in places around your community like a clinic,
local market, petrol pump, etc.
2. Record these observations over 5 days
3. Based on prior permission from the person, you can ask about the wage and education
levels of the particular person.
Tuition teacher
General Physician
Grocery shop
Bank manager
Car Driver/Auto
puller/Cab driver
Dance Teacher
Activity 2: Using the mathematical understanding of probability which
works on the formula of favourable outcomes divided by total outcomes find the probability
Activity 1- A wind-driven electric car is a vehicle that utilizes wind energy. This innovative
concept involves using the kinetic energy from the wind and converting it into electrical
energy to drive an electric motor, which, in turn, moves the car.
Create a wind-powered electric car using basic materials and understand the principles of
renewable energy.
Materials Required:
• Popsicle sticks
• 2 x AA battery holder
• 3V on/off switch
• 3V DC motor
• Bamboo sticks
• 4 small tires
Activity 1: Building Bridges: Promoting Peace in Our Community – As it is said speech is silver
but silence is gold. Organize a peace rally with your friends and acquaintances in the
neighborhood. This rally should be a silent rally that will aim at encouraging the feeling of
brotherhood and oneness. Make a catchy slogan with your friends to carry in the rally. Visit
nearby markets and give a small white colour flag/handkerchief as a sign of peace. Share a
pledge with people in the market to be kind to each other. Take pictures and compile a report
in the project file.
This holiday, you have an exciting assignment! You are going to create your very own podcast
called "Tol Mol ke Bol." In this podcast, you will have the opportunity to speak and have a
conversation with a lawmaker or representative of the law. This person could be a police
official, a lawyer, a judge, a tehsildar, a panchayat head, or anyone involved in making and
upholding the rules and laws in our society.
Select and contact a lawmaker or a representative of the law. Politely ask them if they would
be willing to participate in your podcast. You can explain that it's for your school Holiday
Homework and that you're eager to learn from them.
Think of some interesting and important questions you want to ask your guest. You might
want to know about their job, their responsibilities, how they help people, or how laws are
made and followed in our society.
Find a quiet place to record your podcast. You can use a smartphone or any recording device
available at home. Make sure it's a peaceful environment, so your conversation is clear.
Start recording! Introduce yourself and your guest, then ask your questions. Be polite, listen
carefully, and ask follow-up questions if you are curious about something. Remember, it's a
After you've recorded your podcast, you can share it with your teacher or classmates. You can
use a USB drive, email, or any other method suggested by your teacher.
Write a short reflection about what you learned from this experience. Did you discover
something new? What was the most interesting part of your conversation? How do you feel
about the importance of laws and the role of lawmakers in our society?