V2 HSPA CRCST Application 2022-1
V2 HSPA CRCST Application 2022-1
V2 HSPA CRCST Application 2022-1
CRCST certification is designed to recognize entry level and existing technicians who have demonstrated the
experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent services as a sterile processing technician.
CRCST’s are integral members of the healthcare team who are responsible for decontaminating, inspecting,
assembling, disassembling, packaging, and sterilizing reusable surgical instruments or devices in a health
care facility which are essential for patient safety.
To earn CRCST certification, candidates are required to successfully demonstrate skills through the
completion of hands-on work experience in a Central Service/Sterile Processing department, as well as
the successful completion of an examination developed to measure the understanding of general sterile
processing and infection prevention topics. Those certified as a CRCST are required to renew their credentials
annually through the completion of continuing education requirements.
Please read and complete each section fully and accurately in clear, legible handwriting or type. The
completed application and full payment must be received for processing.
Submitted applications will be processed in approximately three to four weeks. By submitting, you agree to
a $25 non-refundable processing fee. Information on how to schedule your exam, as well as your window of
eligibility, will be sent to the email provided. (Scheduling information cannot be provided by phone.) Once
your application is approved, it is your responsibility to schedule your exam within the 120-day window provided.
Additional information on certification requirements, policies, and procedures is available in the HSPA
Handbook and at myhspa.org/certification. For further assistance, contact HSPA at 312.440.0078 or
Please complete each page and mail, fax, or email your completed application to:
ection 3: Standards of Conduct, Disclosure,
and Attestations
I am ready to sit for the CRCST exam within I have signed and dated the Statement
the next 4 months, once my application is of Understanding.
ection 4: Application Fee
ection 1: Certification Type I have included a signed check/money order or
Select full or provisional. credit card information with the application.
ection 2: Applicant Information S
ection 5: Hands-On Experience
I have completed the applicant information. My Manager/Supervisor has completed and
signed the Hands-On Experience. Please
complete ONLY if applying for Full Certification.
HSPA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and is interested in ensuring that no disabled individual is
deprived of the opportunity to take an examination solely by reason of that disability. HSPA will arrange to provide special
testing accommodations for those individuals with a condition or disability as defined under the ADA. Accommodations
will be provided at a designated testing center at no additional cost to the applicant.
HSPA’s “Americans with Disabilities Policy Statement” can be found in full at myhspa.org and in the Certification
Handbook. If you believe that you qualify for an accommodation pursuant to the ADA, we ask that you contact HSPA to
request a Special Accommodations form, to be completed and submitted with your application.
Certified Registered Central
Service Technician (CRCST) Exam
Form Valid March 1, 2023 – February 29, 2024
ull Certification: I have completed the required 400 hours of hands-on experience, as outlined by Section 5
of this application, in a Central Service/Sterile Processing department. My Manager/Supervisor has completed
Section 5 and I am submitting it with my application to test.
rovisional Certification: I will complete the required 400 hours of hands-on experience within 6 months of
passing the certification exam. My hours will be accumulated in the categories, as outlined by Section 5 of this
application. I understand that if I fail to complete and submit documentation of these hours to HSPA prior to the
deadline, my certification will be revoked and I will be required to re-apply for certification.
Personal Information
Organization Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
An email is required. Confirmation and scheduling information will be sent by email. Please check which email you would
like to be used for correspondence: personal business
Please check which address you would like to be used for any mailed correspondence: personal business
Certified Registered Central
Service Technician (CRCST) Exam
Form Valid March 1, 2023 – February 29, 2024
I further certify that the information provided by and about me on this form (and any other subsequent documentation submitted in
relation to my certification) is accurate and correct. I understand that the information I provide to HSPA may be audited for verification.
I agree to provide any information necessary to verify my experience and authorize HSPA to make any necessary inquiries in this
regard. I understand that providing information on this or any document relating to my certification which is determined to be false
or purposefully misleading, or in violation of any portion of the Code of Conduct and/or other policies and procedures, may result in
disciplinary action, including the possible denial or revocation of certification, as outlined in the disciplinary policy.
Non-Disclosure Agreement
This examination is confidential and proprietary. It is made available to me, the examinee, solely for the purpose of becoming certified
in the technical area referenced in the title of this exam. I am expressly prohibited from recording, copying, reproducing, disclosing,
publishing, or transmitting this examination, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, verbal or written, electronic or mechanical,
for any purpose.
Printed Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Check or Money Order enclosed (payable to HSPA) VISA MasterCard American Express Discover
Cardholder Name:______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Certified Registered Central
Service Technician (CRCST) Exam
Form Valid March 1, 2023 – February 29, 2024
Select one: Lead Tech Coordinator Supervisor Manager Director Chief Administrator Other_________
I attest that the applicant listed above has completed the minimum 400 hours of hands-on experience required for the Certified Registered
Central Service Technician (CRCST) certification. I further understand that I may be called upon to verify this information in further detail.