10. Who is the author of the novel "Un hombre muerto a puntapiés"?
a) Pablo Palacio
b) Pablo Neruda
c) Alejandro Carrión
c) French
29. Which country is the Nobel Prize awarded in?
a) Italy
b) Japan
c) Sweden
30. Where is the Euphrates River located?
a) Asia
b) Europe
c) America
31. What did Marconi the Italian invented?
a) The Dynamite
b) The furnace
c) The wireless telegraph
32. Who invented the steam engine?
a) Alfred Nobel
b) Thomas Newcomen
c) Robert PuIton
33. What was Simon Bolivar nationality?
a) Ecuadorian
b) Venezuelan
c) Peruvian
34. Who is the one who said the expression "I have plowed in the sea"?
a) Juan José Flores
b) Vicente Rocafuerte
c) Simon Bolivar
35. Who is called "Mariscal de Ayacucho"?
a) Juan Montalvo
b) Juan León Mera
c) Antonio José de Sucre
36. The Royal Audience of Quito was created in:
a) 1563
b) 1822
c) 1515
37. Quito was annexed to Gran Colombia on:
a) April 11, 1822
b) May 29, 1822
2022 – 2023
c) Francisco Miranda
58. The Republic of Honduras is located in?
a) North America
b) South America
c) Central America
59. In Ecuador, who separated the church from the state?
a) García Moreno
b) Isidro Ayora
c) Eloy Alfaro
60. In which house did the Creoles meet to organize the Supreme Junta of Quito?
a) Eugenio Espejo
b) Manuela Cañizares
c) José de Antepara
61. To whom did Napoleon Bonaparte surrender the Spanish throne?
a) Joseph Bonaparte
b) Antonio Nariño
c) Francisco de Caídas
62. George Washington was president of:
a) Canada
b) United States
c) England
63. The Estancos revolution took place in:
a) The neighborhoods of Cuenca
b) The neighborhoods of Riobamba
c) The neighborhoods of Quito
64. What is made with the toquilla straw?
a) Hats
b) Dresses
c) Books
65. Which of the following musical rhythms is from Ecuador?
a) Tango
b) Pasillo
c) Zamba
66. The autochthonous musical instrument of Ecuador is?
a) Rondador
b) Guitar
c) Violin
67. What colors identify the clothing of the Saraguros?
2022 – 2023
c) Morona Santiago
77. Who is the author of the "Tree of Good and Evil"?
a) Medardo Angel Silva
b) Pablo Palacios
c) Joaquín Gallegos Lara
78. Machalilla National Park is located in:
a) Manabí
b) Guayas
c) El Oro
79. The Babahoyo River is located in the province of:
a) Loja
b) Los Rios
c) Cuenca
80. Which province of Ecuador is the largest potato producer?
a) Loja
b) Carchi
c) Zamora Chinchipe
81. The festival of the “Mama Negra” takes place in:
a) Latacunga
b) Cuenca
c) Riobamba
82. Father Juan Bautista Aguirre was born in:
a) Cuenca
b) Quito
c) Daule
83. Juan León Mera was:
a) Conservative
b) Revolutionary
c) Liberal
84. Where do the Salasacas live in?
a) Tungurahua
b) Manabí
c) El Oro
85. Who burned the city of Quito?
a) Atahualpa
b) Rumiñahui
c) Quisquis
86. The gold mines are located in which province of the Amazon?
2022 – 2023
a) Zamora Chinchipe
b) Napo
c) Morona Santiago
87. Who is the author of the novel "La hoguera Bárbara"?
a) Alfredo Pareja Diez Canseco
b) Agustin Cueva
c) Benjamín Carrión
88. In which province of the country is Puerto Bolivar located?
a) Los Rios
b) El Oro
c) Zamora
89. José Mejía Lequerica died in:
a) Cuenca
b) Quito
c) Cadiz
90. Who was the author of the Nuevo Luciano de Quito?
a) José Mejía
b) Eugenio Espejo
c) Pedro Vicente Maldonado
91. Carlos María de la Condamine was a member of:
a) Tribunal of Inquisition
b) The French Geodetic Mission
c) The Royal Audience of Quito.
92. What was the origin of Alexander Humbolth?
a) Hungarian
b) German
c) Italian
93. The “Canto a Bolivar” was written by:
a) José Joaquín de Olmedo
b) Medardo Angel Silva
c) Ernesto Noboa y Caamaño
94. Who is the author of the “Boletín y Elegía de las Mitas”?
a) César Dávila Andrade
b) Federico García Lorca
95. Angel Felicísimo Rojas was:
a) Quiteño
b) Guayaquilian
c) Lojano
2022 – 2023
96. Does the cold Humboldt Current modify the climate of?
a) The Amazon region
b) The northern part of Ecuador
c) The Ecuadorian coast
97. From the marine species to fish in Ecuador, which is the most sought after?
a) Tuna
b) Whales
c) Dolphins
98. Which is the fishing port of Ecuador?
a) Port of Esmeraldas
b) Port of Guayaquil
c) Port of Manta
99. The best known mining town in Ecuador is?
a) Zaruma
b) Ponce Enriquez
c) Angosturas
100. What is the capital of the province of Manabí?
a) Portoviejo
b) Babahoyo
c) Milagro
101. Huayna Capac was born in:
a) Tomebamba
b) Quito
c) Lima
102. The Obrajes were works in:
a) The mines
b) In agriculture
c) In the looms
103. The montoneras was a war strategy of:
a) Juan José Flores
b) Eloy Alfaro
c) García Moreno
104. Eloy Alfaro died in:
a) Manabí
b) Guayas
c) Quito
105. The Comptroller General of the State was the work of:
a) Eloy Alfaro
2022 – 2023
b) Isidro Ayora
c) Velasco Ibarra
106. What is the main activity of the inhabitants of the Colon Archipelago?
a) Agriculture
b) Industry
c) Tourism
107. The chroniclers of the Indies were:
a) Encomenderos
b) Those in charge of writing the correct social events.
108. What did the Quitus worship?
a) Snakes
b) Mountains
c) To the Sun and the Moon
109. Pedro Cieza de Leon was:
a) Chronicler
b) Geographer
c) Painter
110. Nunez de Balboa discovered:
a) The Indian Ocean
b) The Pacific Ocean
c) The Atlantic Ocean
111. Who was Atahualpa's mother?
a) Paccha
b) Mama Ocllo
112. Which Ecuadorian scientist formed the Geodesic commission?
a) Eugenio Espejo
b) Pedro Vicente Maldonado
c) Gaspar de Villarroel
113. The revolution of the Alcabalas was a tax on:
a) Basic necessities
b) To the tobacconists
c) Sale of estates
114. Which type of court was the Inquisition?
a) Political
b) Ecclesiastical
c) Of justice
115. Father Juan de Velasco belonged to the:
2022 – 2023
a) Jesuits
b) Franciscans
c) Dominicans
116. The capital of Tungurahua is:
a) Loja
b) Cuenca
c) Ambato
117. Where did the Caras inhabit?
a) Pichincha
b) Manabí
c) Esmeraldas
118. What is celebrated on October 31 in Ecuador?
a) Armed Forces Day
b) National Coat of Arms Day
c) Halloween
119. In what year was the last Constitution of Ecuador approved?
a) 1999
b) 2000
c) 2008
120. These are civic values:
a) Celebrate the founding festivities
b) Attending mass
c) Patriotism
121. Social values serve to:
a) Provoke disorganization
b) To promote clashes
c) Strengthening respect
122. Moral values are found in the:
a) Social values
b) Ethical values
c) Civic values
123. An ethical value of universal character is:
a) Hate
b) Dislike
c) Respect
124. Children's rights concerning the family environment are:
a) Right to education
b) Right to public health
2022 – 2023
a) Seven voyages
b) Five voyages
c) Four voyages
154. Which countries formed “La Gran Colombia”?
a) Brazil, Chile, Argentina
b) Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia.
155. What place did Christopher Columbus think he had reached on his first expedition?
a) Oceania
b) The West Indies
c) To the Indies
156. The largest river in South America is:
a) The Amazon
b) The Black River
c) The Putumayo
157. What are the inventions of the “Middle Ages”?
a) The wheel, the telegraph, television
b) Gunpowder, the compass and paper.
158. What is the most important culture of Ecuador?
a) Panzaleo
b) The Chorrera culture
c) Valdivia culture
159. Which is the most accurate ancient calendar?
a) Almanac calendar
b) Aztec calendar
c) Mayan calendar
160. Of the following cities, which one belongs to the European Continent?
a) Miami
b) New Mexico
c) Madrid
161. The Mediterranean Sea separates which continents:
a) The Asian AI from the American AI
b) African AI from European AI.
162. What is the line that divides the world horizontally called?
a) The line of fire
b) The Greenwich Meridian
c) The Equator or Equinoctial line.
163. The elephant, giraffe, and hippopotamus belong to which continent:
2022 – 2023
a) Australian continent
b) American continent
c) African continent.
164. The Panda Bear belongs to which continent:
a) American Continent
b) African Continent
c) The Asian continent.
165. Of the following animal species, which are in danger of extinction in Ecuador?
a) Snakes
b) Castilian pigeons
c) The condor
166. Which geographical area is known as the old continent?
a) Asia
b) Africa
c) Europe
167. Who abolished slavery in Ecuador?
a) Rodrigo Borja
b) Eloy Alfaro
c) General Urbina
168. Which is the largest island in the world?
a) Crete
b) Fernandina
c) Greenland
169. In which hemisphere is the equator located?
a) In the eastern hemisphere
b) In the northern hemisphere
c) In the southern hemisphere
170. What was the name of the woman who took part in the first cry for independence in
a) Teresa of Calcutta
b) Graciela Rodríguez
c) Manuela Cañizares
171. Why is Quito called Light of America?
a) Because the Spaniards called it that way.
b) Because the best families lived there
c) Because that is where the first cry for independence took place.
172. What is the origin of our Spanish language?
a) French and English
2022 – 2023
a) Italic Peninsula
b) St. Helena Peninsula
c) Balkan Peninsula.
183. By what name is the Italic peninsula known:
a) The chocolate factory
b) The Italian boot
184. Who used to meet in the catacombs?
a) The Atheists
b) The Moors
c) The Christians
185. Who reformed the Catholic Church:
a) John Calvin
b) Martin Luther
186. Who was the inventor of the printing press?
a) Galileo
b) Volta
c) Gutenberg.
187. In which European state did the Berlin Wall stand?
a) Greece
b) France
c) Germany.
188. Mongolia on which continent is located in?
a) European
b) American
c) Asian
189. If the origin of the Ecuadorian population was Asian, where did the first settlers come
a) Through the Panama Canal
b) Through the Bering Strait.
190. Through which seaport is Ecuadorian bananas preferably shipped to the world market?
a) Port of Esmeraldas
b) Port of Manta
c) Port of Bolivar
191. What were the wars between the Persians and the Greeks called?
a) Cold wars
b) Medical Wars
192. The name of the author of the Iliad and Odyssey was:
2022 – 2023
a) Nicolaus Copernicus
b) Dante Alighieri
c) Homer
193. In the national mines are exploited in greater quantities:
a) Aluminum and uranium
b) Gold and silver
194. The elements that pollute the environment are:
a) Organic wastes
b) Decomposing wood
c) Garbage, factory waste and sewage.
195. The provinces of Ecuador that are the largest producers of yellow corn are:
a) The province of El Oro
b) The province of Esmeraldas
c) The province of Loja
196. What unit of measurement is used in Ecuador for agricultural purposes?
a) Kilometers
b) Square meters
c) Hectares
197. During which presidency was the Manta Base established in Ecuador?
a) Abdalá Bucarán
b) Jamil Mahuad
c) Leon Febres Cordero
d) Sixto Durán Ballén
e) Rodrigo Borja
198. What is an Ecosystem?
a) A place where a new species lives and reproduces.
b) A particular variety of biotope
c) A unit composed of living things and their abiotic environment.
d) A place where a population lives
199. What is the name given to each of the halves that divide the equator of the Earth's sphere?
a) Parallel
b) Longitude
c) Hemisphere
d) Meridian
200. Which Colombian received the Nobel Prize in Literature?
a) Juan RuIfo
b) César Vallejo
c) Gabriel García Márquez
d) Miguel Ángel Asturias