10 Conclusion
10 Conclusion
10 Conclusion
among Muslim groups on different religious issues. Let us see that how much
success Nadvah achieved in this objective. In the first meeting of Nadvat
al-'Ulama', in April 1894, in Madrasah-i Faid-i Am, Kanpur, almost all the
Muslim sects and groups, having kept their differences aside, participated in
the meeting. But unfortunately this could not be continued for longer time
due to the differences in their sectarian views or other considerations. The
followers of Shi'ah sect withdrew themselves because they found it difficult
to stand shoulder to shoulder with AM al-Sunnah wal Jam 'ah in theological
field. A group of Muslims became aloof from Nadvah when they saw the
involvement of British government, particularly at the time of foundation
ceremony. No doubt Shibli tried to unite them by pointing out in his lectures
that the pulpit of the Prophet's mosque was constructed by a Christian. Some
well wishers of Nadvah left it when Shibli forcefully introduced English, Hindi
and Sanskrit in the curriculum.
The followers of Barelvi group played a leading role in defaming the
Nadvah. Ahmad Rada Khan Barelvi, 'Abd al-Qadir Badauni and Nazir Ahmad
Rampuri opposed Nadvat al-'Ulama' openly and published more than 40 books,
letters and pamphlets in Nadvah's criticism. Among them Khadxvah ( * ZJP),
Jazwah ( tf^O^ ), Sitwah ( TSJLJ^ ), Jathwah ( *J/^ ),
were the magazines which were brought out against Nadvah. Not content
with this they even tried to get fatvas against them from Arab world. They
used to vilify and slander the Nadvah in relation with the name of the place
and its situation. For example they propagated among the traders of Surat that
the members of Nadvat al-'Ulama' were Wahhabi and had no faith in peer-
mureed system. Among the teachers and students of Madrasah-i Aliya,
Calcutta, they used to preach that Nadvi's were naturist and had no faith in
real religious education. They used to say among moderate Muslims that the
Nadvah's members were conservative and opposed to the education of modern
arts and sciences.
In the reply to the Barelvi group, the supporters and wel-wishers of Nadvat
al-'Ularna' wrote several books and treaties and refuted their charges and
blames. Such as the book Irshad al-Kumla { ) of Maulana Hafiz-
Allah, Itmam al- Hujjat 'AlaMukhalifi al-Nadvah (6s^[£\$&^JQ\)
of Maulana 'Abd al-Hai, Maqasid Nadvat al-'Ulama Aur Uski Mukhalifat
( ^ l ^ i c r W ^ t f ^ V l ^ )of Mirza Hairat 'AH, Hidayat al-Albab
( — U ^ M ^ M o f M u h ammad ' Ali Monaeri had been written in refutation
of Barelvi's blames. Further more Maulana 'Abd al-Hai wrote that they did
not spare any one and often used to defame our senior respected 'ulama'even,
like Shah 'Abd al-'Aziz, Shah W ali-Allah. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi, Muhammad
Qasim Nanautavi, Rashid Ahmad Gangohi etc, then how could Nadvah be
saved by their pens and tongues.
No doubt the attacks of Barelvi group could not damage the image and
the status of Nadvat al-'Ulama' in the Muslim Community. But they failed in
uniting the different Muslim groups under one flag. In the wake of this
objective, however the members of Nadvat al-'Ulama' continued an endeavour
to make the people to realize the advantages of cooperation and disadvantages
of non-cooperation.