Dapus Tambahan-31-8-2023
Dapus Tambahan-31-8-2023
Dapus Tambahan-31-8-2023
Gansser, O. A., dan Reich, C. S. (2021). A new acceptance model for artificial
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in a hospitality consumer context. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and
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Tafesse, W. (2021). The effect of app store strategy on app rating: The moderating
role of hedonic and utilitarian mobile apps. International Journal of Information
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Rita dkk. (2018), Popp dkk. (2021) Kim dkk (2023) performance expectancy –
reuse intent
Okumus dkk. (2018), Alalwan (2020); Gansser dan Reich (2021)--. Effort
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Alalwan (2020), Kim dkk. (2023) facilitating condition
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Assessing Determinants of Continuance Intention towards Personal Cloud Services: Extending UTAUT2
with Technology Readiness
The Used of Modified UTAUT 2 Model to Analyze The Continuance Intention of Travel Mobile Application