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1. Introduction
With the decrease in fossil fuels, much attention has been paid to investigate the new
biodegradable materials. The increased social awareness for sustainable development gather
momentum in favor of materials from renewable resources [1–3]. Therefore, polysaccharides have
become the main part of natural-based materials which are particularly advantageous due to their
biocompatibility, biodegradability, and non-toxicity [4–6]. Production of environmentally friendly
packaging materials based on polysaccharides from renewable resources are also expected to substitute
for petroleum-based packaging materials [7]. Cellulose and hemicelluloses are the most and the
second most abundant polysaccharides in biomass, respectively [8–11]. Some studies have been widely
studied for preparing films from them. Biocomposite films based on quaternized hemicelluloses
and montmorillonite showed good thermal properties by the addition of clay nanoplatelets [12].
Bacterial cellulose as reinforcement was added in the arabinoxylan films, it could effectively increase
the stiffness and strength of the films [13]. In addition, hydrophobic films formed by acetylated
bleached hemicelluloses and acetylated cellulose showed the improvement of thermal and mechanical
properties [14]. Therefore, the films based on hemicelluloses and cellulose have a prospective
application in many fields.
Various derivatives of cellulose have been synthesized and used in practical applications.
Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is one of the most widely applied cellulose derivatives and it
has good film forming property, which can form transparent films and possess high mechanical
strength [15,16]. It contains a hydrophobic polysaccharide backbone and many hydrophilic carboxyl
groups, showing amphiphilic characteristic [17]. CMC is an acidic polysaccharide, due to its a number
of carboxylic substituents [18]. In addition, hemicelluloses are also the excellent materials for the film
preparation [19–21]. Quaternized hemicelluloses (QH) are derivative of hemicelluloses which have
highly solubility and cationic property because of the cationic agents and hydroxide radical in QH [22].
Blending is a main method for fabricating films by mixing two components, which is a simple and
effective method to improve the properties of films [23,24]. When the two components are compatible,
more homogeneous structure and better physicochemical properties of the blended films can be
obtained than that of films from individual components [25]. In this article, quaternized hemicelluloses
(QH) were obtained from bamboo hemicelluloses by esterified with 2,3-epoxypropyltrimethyl
ammonium chloride [26]. Then, QH and CMC as the positive and negative charged polyelectrolyte,
respectively, could form the polyelectrolyte complex through intermolecular hydrogen bonding and
strong electrostatic attraction. A series of novel blended films that are non-toxic, renewable, and
biodegradable were prepared from the two kinds of biopolymer according to a predetermined ratio.
The structural analyses of the blended films were determined by FT-IR and XRD. The morphological
structure was demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy
(AFM). The mechanical properties and light transmittance were studied by tensile test and UV/Vis
spectrophotometer. The water vapor permeability (WVP) of the blended films was performed
according to the standard ASTM E 96/E 96M-05 [27]. The relationship between the structure and their
physicochemical properties of the blended films was also discussed in this study.
2. Experimental Section
2.1. Materials
The hemicelluloses was extracted and purified from the phyllostachys pubescens (Meishan,
Sichuan Province, China). The sugar composition of hemicelluloses was 83.6% xylose, 5.1% arabinose,
4.2% glucose, 0.4% galactose, and 6.8% glucuronic acid (relatively molar percent). The molecular
weight obtained by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) showed that the native hemicelluloses had
an average molecular weight (Mw) of 13,420 g¨ mol´1 and a polydispersity of 4.1, corresponding
to a degree of polymerization of 88. Sodium hydroxide was purchased from Beijing Chemical
Works (Beijing, China). 2,3-epoxypropyltrimethyl ammonium chloride (ETA) was obtained from
Sigma-Aldrich Co., Ltd. (St. Louis, MO, USA) CMC, the degree of substitution is 0.78, was supplied
by Tianjin Jinke Fine Chemical Research Institute (Tianjin, China). The weighed average molecular
weight of CMC is 1.9 ˆ 104 , and the viscosity is 800–1200 Pa¨ s. All reagents mentioned above were
directly used without further purification.
where q/t, d, s, ∆P are the slope of the weight increase versus time (g/s), the film thickness (cm), the
film area exposed to moisture (4.91 cm2 ), and the difference of the vapor pressure between the two
sides of films (23.76 mmHg), respectively.
crystallinity of the blended films. Therefore, the crystallinity values of the blended films do not
Materials 2016, 9,of
the blended films. Therefore, the crystallinity values of the blended films do
4 6 ofnot
show obvious regular change with the QH/CMC content ratio.
show obvious regular change with the QH/CMC content ratio.
Figure 3.The
The XRDpatterns
patterns ofQH
QH andCMC.
Figure 3. The XRD
Figure 3. XRD patterns of
of QH and
and CMC.
Table 2. The degree of crystallinity of QH, CMC, and the blended films.
Table 2. The
Table 2. The degree
degree of
of crystallinity
crystallinity of
of QH,
CMC, and
and the
the blended
blended films.
Sample Code QH CMC Film 1 Film 2 Film 3 Film 4
Sample Code QH CMC Film 1 Film 2 Film 3 Film 4
Sample Code QH 9 84.6 27.7 Film33.4 Film34 35.9
Crystallinity(%) 9 CMC
84.6 Film27.7
1 2
33.4 343 Film
Crystallinity(%) 9 84.6 27.7 33.4 34 35.9
3.3. Morphology of Blended films
3.3. Morphology of Blended films
The SEM of
3.3. Morphology images
Blended offilms
the surface and cross section of the blend film are present in Figure 5.
The SEM images of the surface and cross section of the blend film are present in Figure 5.
As can be seen from Figure 5a, the surface of the film is smooth and homogeneous without any
As canThebe seen
SEM from of
images Figure 5a, theand
the surface surface
cross of the film
section is blend
of the smooth filmandarehomogeneous
present in Figure without
5. As any
aggregation. It suggested that the QH and CMC were diffused evenly in the film. In the microstructure
be seen fromItFigure
5a, thethat the QH
surface of and CMCiswere
the film smooth diffused evenly in the film.
and homogeneous In the
without anymicrostructure
of the film cross section in Figure 5b, a dense and smooth structure of blended film suggested that
of suggested
It the film cross
the QHinand Figure
CMC 5b,were
a dense and smooth
diffused evenly in structure
the film. of In
blended film suggested
the microstructure of that
strong interaction force existed between QH and CMC. QH and CMC have a positive charge and
film interaction
cross section in force
5b, abetween
dense and QH and CMC.
smooth QH and
structure CMC have
of blended a positive charge
film suggested and
that strong
negative charge, respectively. In addition, abundant of hydroxyl groups were existed in the surface
negative charge,
interaction respectively.
force existed betweenIn addition,
QH and CMC. abundant QH of andhydroxyl
CMC have groups were existed
a positive charge in andthenegative
of QH and CMC. Therefore, hydrogen bonding and electrostatic attraction between the oppositely
of QH and
charge, CMC. Therefore,
respectively. hydrogen
In addition, abundantbonding and electrostatic
of hydroxyl groups were attraction
existed between the oppositely
in the surface of QH
charged polymers are the driving force for the formation of tight and smooth films.
and CMC. polymers
the driving force for
bonding andtheelectrostatic
formation of tight andbetween
attraction smooththe films.
oppositely charged
The surface nanotopography and toughness of the four blended films were investigated by
The surface
polymers nanotopography
are the driving force for theand toughness
formation of the
of tight andfour blended
smooth films.films were investigated by
AFM. The height images, 3D topography, and phase topography of the films are shown in Figure 6.
AFM.The Thesurface
images, 3D topography, and phase
and toughness of thetopography
four blended of films
the films
wereare shown in Figure
investigated by AFM. 6.
From the height images and 3D topography of films, it was obviously found that the surfaces of
The the height
height images,images and 3D topography
3D topography, of films, it of
and phase topography wastheobviously
films are shownfoundinthat the 6.
Figure surfaces
From the of
blended Film 1 and Film 2 were more flat than those of blended Film 3 and Film 4. The roughness
height Film 1and
images and 3DFilm 2 were more
topography flat itthan
of films, wasthose of blended
obviously found Film 3 and
that the Film of
surfaces 4. The
Film 1
values were calculated in the areas of 2 μm × 2 μm, and the roughnesses of Film 1, Film 2, Film 3,
and Filmwere calculated
2 were in the
more flat areas
than of 2ofμm
those × 2 μm,
blended and3 the
Film androughnesses
Film 4. TheofroughnessFilm 1, Film 2, Film
values were 3,
and Film 4 were 11.4, 3.48, 40.7, and 57.3 nm, respectively. The roughnesses of the blended films
and Film 4inwere
calculated 11.4,of3.48,
the areas 2 µm40.7,
ˆ 2andµm, 57.3 nm,roughnesses
and the respectively.ofThe Filmroughnesses
1, Film 2, Film of 3,
and blended
Film 4 films
increased with the increase of QH relative content ratio from 1:1.5 (Film 2), 1:1 (Film 1) to 1.5:1 (Film 4).
11.4, 3.48, with
40.7, the
57.3 nm, of respectively.
QH relative content ratio from 1:1.5
The roughnesses of the(Film 2), 1:1films
blended (Filmincreased
1) to 1.5:1with
Materials 2016, 9, 4 7 of 12
increase of QH
Materials 2016,relative content ratio from 1:1.5 (Film 2), 1:1 (Film 1) to 1.5:1 (Film 4). It was due to that
9, page–page
QH have many2016, branch
9, page–page
chains on its backbone, which resulted in the roughness of the blended films
It was due to that QH have many branch chains on its backbone, which resulted in the roughness of
increased. When the ratio of QH/CMC reached up to 2:1, the roughness of blend Film 3 had a little
It was
the due tofilms
blended that QH have many
increased. Whenbranch chains
the ratio on its backbone,
of QH/CMC reachedwhich
up to resulted in the roughness
2:1, the roughness of
of blend
decrease compared with Film 4, but still higher than that of Film 1 and Film 2.
the blended films increased. When the ratio of QH/CMC reached up to 2:1, the roughness of blend
Film 3 had a little decrease compared with Film 4, but still higher than that of Film 1 and Film 2.
Film 3 had a little decrease compared with Film 4, but still higher than that of Film 1 and Film 2.
Figure 5. SEM images of the surface (a) and cross section (b) of Film 4.
Figure 5. SEM
Figure images
5. SEM imagesofofthe
thesurface (a) and
surface (a) andcross
section(b)(b) of Film
of Film 4. 4.
Figure 6. AFM height images (A, D, G, J), 3D topography (B, E, H, K), and phase topography (C, F, I, L)
Figure 6. AFM
6. blend height
height images
Film (A, 3,
2, Film D,and
G, J),
(A,D,G,J), 3Dtopography
3D topography (B,
4. E, H, K), and
(B,E,H,K), andphase
phasetopography (C, (C,F,I,L)
topography F, I, L) of
of the blend Film 1, Film 2, Film 3, and Film 4.
the blend Film 1, Film 2, Film 3, and Film 4.
Materials 2016, 9, 4 8 of 12
7. The7. The tensile stress‐strain curves of Film 1, Film 2, Film 3, and Film 4.
tensile stress-strain curves of Film 1, Film 2, Film 3, and Film 4.
3.5. UV‐Vis Transparency of Films
3.5. UV-Vis Transparency of Films
Generally, transparency of film is an assistant criterion to judge the miscibility of blended films.
The lighttransparency
Generally, transmittances of of the
filmblended films at wavelength
is an assistant of 200–800
criterion to judge thenmmiscibility
are shown in ofFigure 8. films.
It can be seen obviously that the transmittance curve of each film rose gradually
The light transmittances of the blended films at wavelength of 200–800 nm are shown in Figure 8. with the increase of
wavelength. Comparing the four blended films, the transparencies of the blended films increased
It can be seen obviously that the transmittance curve of each film rose gradually with the increase of
with the QH/CMC content ratio decreasing in visible light spectrum, and it had the following order:
Film 2Comparing the 4four
> Film 1 > Film blended
> Film films,
3. In other the transparencies
words, a relatively high of the blended
content of CMC in films
the increased
blended with
the QH/CMC content ratio decreasing in visible light spectrum,
films is beneficial for the transparency of the blended films. and it had the following order: Film 2
> Film 1 > Film 4 > Film 3. In other words, a relatively 8 high content of CMC in the blended films is
beneficial for the transparency of the blended films.
Materials 2016, 9, 4 9 of 12
Materials 2016,
2016, 9, 9, page–page
Figure 9. The water vapor permeability of blend Film 1, Film 2, Film 3, and Film 4.
Figure 9.9.The
permeability of
of blend
blend Film
andFilm 4. 4.
Materials 2016, 9, 4 10 of 12
4. Conclusions
A series of blended films of QH and CMC were successfully fabricated in this study, and they
were linked by the hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interaction. The blended films with different
proportions of QH and CMC were also studied to determine their properties. From the results of
mechanical properties and water vapor permeability, it was found that the intensity of hydrogen
bonding and electrostatic interaction between QH and CMC increased with the increasin QH/CMC
content ratio in the appropriate range, which made the film structurally dense, resulting in the tensile
strength increase and WVP film decrease, respectively. However, hydrogen bonding and electrostatic
interaction were not formed enough to support the structure of the film when excess QH was added,
which led to the film tensile strength decrease and the WVP increase. The light transmittances of the
blended films increased with the decrease of the QH/CMC content ratio. The prepared films show
good strength, low WVP, and good light transmittances, which are beneficial for the applications of
films as packaging materials. Besides, compared with the petroleum-based plastics, the films fabricated
from QH and CMC have biocompatible, nontoxic, and biodegradable properties. Therefore, the films
fabricated by blending CMC with QH might become attractive in the application of packaging materials
to replace the traditional petroleum-based packaging materials.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by Grants from State Forestry Administration (201404617), 2014
Beijing Student Research Training Program (S201410022044), National Natural Science Foundation of China
(21406014), Ministries of Education (NCET-13-0670), and Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of
China (201458).
Author Contributions: Shiyun Liu and Fangbing Chu performed the experiments; Yanru Liang and Shuai Pang
analyzed the data; the paper was written under the direction and supervision of Feng Peng and Runcang Sun;
Xianming Qi and Ying Guan are responsible for the writing of this work.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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