Jurnal Si Tengku
Jurnal Si Tengku
Jurnal Si Tengku
Email : tengku.amrizal90@gmail.com
of holdings is consolidated money statements of profitability ratios each year and compared the
constituent corporations of a company and money solvency and profitability ratios in the same year
reportage of large economic units. Consolidated between the consolidated financial statements and the
money statements typically consist of monetary non-consolidated financial statements. The researcher
information related to the first unit and every one of also reviewed the previous studies related to this study.
the subsidiary units. It represents shareholders that
invest in subsidiary corporations for which there is a
profit to them (Saleh Ardestani, 1994). IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Through Holding of Mining structure, the
III. METHODS government expects that SOEs in the mining industry
The method used in this study is descriptive are able to expand to other countries. The holding
analysis, namely, to explain the results of the company is expected to be a world class company
calculation of financial ratios consisting of profitability which is able to compete with global mining
ratios and solvency ratios that occurred in companies companies.
between 2013 and 2017. Data collection is done by The presence of the holding has the potency to
analyzing the company's financial performance. The provide opportunities for the community to participate
population in this study is the financial statements of in developing related supporting industries and their
PT. Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Persero) in 2013 ~ development. In addition, the opening of new job
2017. opportunities will absorb the manpower in significant
The researcher did not enter the company's 2018 amounts. This synergy of mutual benefit drives the
financial statement data because it was not final. The creation of products at competitive prices.
research method compared the solvency and
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 100
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 100
The comparison between target and realization in Rp 35.90 trillion in 2016 to Rp 47.18 trillion in 2017.
this report are not stated in consolidation, as group The largest contributor to revenues was the sale of coal
consolidation was established at the end of November that amounted to Rp 18.25 trillion, or 38.7% of total
2017, whereas targets for the corporate work set up revenues. Meanwhile, total consolidated assets
and budget were established at the start of 2017. increased by 27.6% from Rp 73.10 trillion as of
However, the company presented the consolidated December 31, 2016 to Rp 93.24 trillion per December
performance separately in this report. Company assets 2017, the largest contributor to the increase came from
in the work plan and corporate budget are as much as PT INALUM (Persero) fixed assets. Of the total
of USD.7 billion, in the financial year reached USD consolidated assets, current assets amounted to Rp
5.7 billion or 335.8% beyond the stipulated target. 37.46 trillion, increased by 12.1% compared to 2016 at
Even when compared with the previous year, which Rp 33.42 trillion. The largest contributor to the
amounted to USD 1.6 billion, there has been a growth increase came from the trade receivables of subsidiary,
of 256.25%. The increase in these assets was mainly PT Bukit Asam Tbk. Meanwhile, consolidated cash
driven by an increase in equity, which was 336.28% flows from operating activities recorded an increase of
beyond target. 36.6%, from Rp 4.34 trillion as of December 31, 2016,
The increase in the company’s equity comes from to Rp 5.94 trillion as of December 31, 2017. Among
additional state investment from the four mining contributors to cash flows is receivables from
companies, namely PT Timah Tbk, PT Aneka customers, which grew by 26.0% from Rp 34.58
Tambang Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk and PT Freeport trillion in 2016 to Rp 43.57 trillion in 2017. The
Indonesia. The government has transferred all of its largest revenue came from PT Bukit Asam Tbk
shareholdings in the four companies as additional state amounting to Rp 16.41 trillion.
equity participation for the company. In terms of sales,
the company also showed excellent performance in V. CONCLUSION
2017 at 99.9% of the target. In the Company Work The restructuring of a company into a holding has a
Plan and Budget, the company set the target of net very large impact on increasing the company's ability
sales at USD 436,8 million. The actual sales achieved to increase effectiveness and efficiency to earn profits.
amounted to USD 436,5 million. The above-target The restructuring of a company into a holding also has
realization and improvement from 2016 was mainly a huge impact on increasing the company's ability to
due to the increase of the aluminium reference price in pay off its obligations. Becoming a holding has a very
the global market. The price in 2016 was well below significant positive impact and can be an alternative
USD 2,000 per ton, and started in 2017 the price strategy to improve company performance.
reached USD 2,069 per ton. As a result of the increase A good profitability ratio will make the company
in sales, the company’s net profit reached USD 110,14 able to measure management effectiveness as a whole
million, or 160.3% beyond the target. In comparison which is aimed at the size of the profit obtained in
with the previous year, the increase in net profit is relation to sales and investment. The better the
65,8%. In addition to the rise in aluminium reference profitability ratio, the better the ability to describe the
prices, the growth in profits is also driven by efficiency company's high profitability. A good solvency ratio
measures that were successfully implemented by the will enable the company to be able to assess the
company. The company recorded a lower Cost of company's ability to pay off all of its obligations both
Goods Sold in 2017 compared to the previous year. short and long term by guaranteeing assets or assets
As for the consolidated financial performance, owned by the company until the company is closed or
gross profit was Rp 13.91 trillion, a growth of 69.4% liquidated.
over the previous year. The largest contributor to gross
profit was PT Bukit Asam Tbk with Rp 8.5 trillion. REFERENCES
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