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IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.16 No.

10, October 2016 93

ICT feasibilities for doing a better research

Nakhaei, Ali1†*, BaniHashemi, Sayyid Ali2††, Ghafouri, Mohammad3†††
Department of Engineering, Faculty of Computer, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Management, Payame Noor University, Iran
*Author for Correspondence

Summary dimensions. The proof of this subject shows that the

Today world is influenced by ICT In the different areas. Use of research is a strategic phenomenon [2].
ICT has Increasing assistance to the individuals and governments Economic issues such as research credits, building research
in the areas of commercial, office and even medical. We know centers, equipment and human resources are economical
that research and development (R&D) is among the most
aspects in internal environments of research. Effectiveness
important principles of scientific development and the need of
any society to progress and survival. More acceleration in R&D
of research is also considered in national economics and
processes and its execution, cause to the development and we observe issues like effectiveness of results and the
prosperity of societies and governments. In this paper, we studied effect of implementing research results on national
ICT tools available to researchers so they can run various stages production. In social dimension researchers, research units,
of the research process successful, accurate and fast, with the scientific associations, journals and management together
help of these tools. with making relation between components, form the
Key words: internal environment of research. From cultural point, we
Information and Communication Technology, Digital Library, have components in research such as research priorities,
Research Management, Virtual Social Network. fundamental- applied developing researches, quality of
projects approval and so on, and all of these will change
due to existing sciences [2]. Information and
1. Introduction communications technology is a revolution that influences
Today information and communications have created all these dimensions and it could be an opportunity for us
wonderful and unique effects. These effects are clearly in which we can reduce our research gap with other
perceptible in an obvious ways in « information and countries, by using this technology [2].
communication industry» to control flow of information The Increase demands of the researchers that seek long
and also making better use of it for various purposes. ways to accomplish knowledge, could be shortening with
Today scientist’s innovations and inventions is the result of IT [2]. In this paper our purpose is to discuss how to use
these new technologies of collecting, accumulation and high capacity of information technology in different
dissemination of scientific and technical information. In dimensions of research activities.
fact, these devices, exchange information as a raw material
such as a valuable product for producing other industrial
2. Role of Information Technology in
and scientific products, and are a basis for effective and
accurate communication [1]. It is undeniable that, day by promoting research activities
day researches and learning is being done by novel
As mentioned in introduction, information and
communication systems. Therefore, today’s world is
communications technology can be used effectively in
considered an informational literacy and digital worlds;
different aspects if a research process from the beginning
using communication technology creates an added value
to the end of it. According to methodology science, every
that is the result of knowledge, creation and mental
scientific study requires seven steps. These steps are [3]:
researches. This created added value will push
1. Issue or subject selection;
geographical boundaries of the country out, in different
2. Explain the issue;
territories such as economic, political and cultural territory
3. Present the hypothesis;
4. set up a plan;
Research has two environments of internal and external. In
5. Data collection;
internal environment research there are five dimensions
6. Information process;
compromising economic, political, military, cultural and
7. Writing research report;
social dimensions. The external environment has same

Manuscript received October 5, 2016

Manuscript revised October 20, 2016
94 IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.16 No.10, October 2016

Utilization of information and communications technology conducting research and collecting information, researcher
has an effective role in conducting a scientific research in is less dependent on specific time and location.
each of these steps. In the next section, we discuss the 11- Impossible works: ICT provides facilities and
facilities that ICT gives us for conducting a better research, capabilities for researchers that we can say without this
in details. But before that, we briefly mention the benefits technology, achieving that (although with much effort and
of using ICT in the whole process of research. time) are almost impossible. Comparative studies, various
technical lists, statistical graphs, virtual experiments and
2-1- Advantages of using ICT in scientific studies [3] basic searches are examples of these facilities.
12- Being Update. Using this technology will makes the
1- Universality: by using ICT achieving and referring to research up to date and in accordance with the latest
more resources will be possible and researchers could have information and scientific findings, since the researcher has
a wide range of information. access to the latest theories and scientific findings any time.
2- Reducing time: high speed in searching, collecting and
analyzing information are advantages of researching based
on ICT. In addition to process speed and searching 3. ICT facilities for researchers
information, this technology prepares tools for depiction,
transcription, compare edit and archiving information,
which accelerate different stages of research. 3-1- Digital library
3- Accuracy: even tiniest points and information don’t
remain hidden with the help of computer, which helps Using research software, digital library and websites can
researchers to be safe from many common human errors be directly and indirectly effective in strengthening the
and increases the accuracy of the research work. subject selection resources. By using research soft wares
4- Discipline: organized structure and classification and and having access to electronic resources that are available
archive features, some tools, planning and time on the web, better conditions are provided for making use
management softwares in organizing the activities, notes of written, visual and audio resources.[3]
and doing various stages of research is effective. In a scientific society such as university, library serves as
5- Motivation strengthening: attractions and various the heart of that society and has the duties like serving and
features of computer and Internet can be effective in coordination of other parts of that society [4]. Libraries
strengthening researcher’s motivation and reducing the have a significant role in producing researcher’s scientific
researching tiredness. information by providing required information resources
6- Teamwork: communication facilities and the [4].
opportunity of using networks in this technology, provides
proper conditions for organizational activities, large and 3-2- Electronic publishing and creating digital
group researches. libraries [4]
7- Durability: such good conditions that this technology
provides for result storage, easy maintenance and low With the increase of publications in scientific societies and
volume of information, increases durability of maintenance problems and lack of space in libraries,
achievements and research results. Furthermore, this electronic resources will help libraries and this caused
feature makes the bills and notes which are obtained during libraries to have access to a lot of information.
each research, to be used easily in the next researches. Until a few years ago electronic publishing use computers
8- Being multimedia: in researches that are done based on for facilitating and accelerating paper publication but now
information technology, in addition to written information, with concretizing concepts such as electronic magazine,
multimedia information could be used and increase book and also databases, final electronic products enter the
efficiency and attraction of the study. scientific society.
9- Easy publish: with ICT capacities and internet no more Now information technology moves gradually toward
researchers wait for publisher or different institutes to producing the book itself and documents, and creating
publish and use their works and easily and without any cost electronic book and consequently creating electronic
they can publish every section of their research in world library has been possible.
level and with unlimited editions. This feature can Currently, in libraries basic services such as collecting,
strengthen motivation and efforts of students and novices data recovery and providing service for users is done with
in the field of research and make their studies durable. automatic tools.
10- Independency from time and location: various and Some libraries are actually moving toward electronic
many resources could be carried easily in every condition libraries. These libraries scan resources and change them
in the form of CD or any other memories; so, for to electronic resources, doing that will assist them to have
digital library and by World Wide Web they provide
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.16 No.10, October 2016 95

public access to the collection of their library resources. 7. Manuals Databases and other reference sources. It
Furthermore, services of these libraries is done includes a wide variety of reference books in electronic
electronically and without the need for physical presence form such as organizations and persons guide or
of clients in a specific time and location named library, Dictionaries.
these libraries provide remote access to resources for Electronic databases provided for researchers the
clients and answering users’ reference questions is done following benefits [7]:
with email. With the spread of internet and having access • Fast, accurate and comprehensive information
to digital library via internet, users gain access to required achievement.
information resources from everywhere in the world. • Maintaining a very large volume of information.
• Ease modifies and edits information and data
3-3- Scientific Databases • avoiding duplication and inconsistent
• Easy Updating
A database consists of: a large file of digitized information • Easy to search
(bibliographic citations, abstracts and full text documents, • Data sharing
index entries, images, statistics and etc.) Related to the • Notification of updates (News Letter)
subject or specific areas where regularly updated, and are
formed from the records with the same format, that for 3-4- Online Forums
ease and speed of search and retrieval, have been
organized and with the help of the "database management
system» (DBMS) software is organizing. The content was 3-4-1- Introduction to Internet Forums [8]
created by the data producers of databases that usually
publish a print version of the contents and rent the content Social media is a group of Internet-based applications
to a database server (e.g.: «EBSCO» or «OCLC»). These based on web 2.0 technologies and provide the possibility
servers, provides electronic access to data (after it was to create and exchange the contents were built by users.
converted to machine-readable form), usually on CD-ROM Social media takes many forms, including magazines,
or online and using patented mining software [5]. online forums, blogs, wikis and social networks as well.
Databases using formal logic, expert systems, artificial Internet forums are modern version of social bulletin
intelligence and natural language are given to the user the boards and one of the oldest types of social media.
possibility of data logical deduction; thus, new technology This site has been focus on the discussion. Users send
is to create knowledge bases [6].With another approach, messages in the forums, commonly called posts and others
we can classify databases as follows [6]: will respond to these messages. Researchers are classified
1- Bibliographic databases forum Members in different ways. In a category based on
2. The full-text database. It includes full text - is not just intervention in discussion levels, Members of these
the external characteristics. Full text journal articles, and communities are divided into four groups.
publications, legislation, technical reports, messages in • Tourists (tourists have no commitment to debate
Internet discussion groups and organizations and engagement in the forum, tourists are actually
correspondence are examples of such databases. ordinary visitors of the forum content),
3. Image database. This is similar to bibliographic database,
with the difference that the information contained therein, • Minglers (Having strong ties to the forum)
describing images. • Devotees (having high involvement in the forum
4. Reference database. The base can include a list of and no strong links to it),
objects displayed in a museum or plants catalog at a
specific area. It also can provide specific tip that is not • Insiders (Repeated and often old users, with
available in other types of bases, such as information about strong ties to the community and intervene
the potter, requiring described by shape, size, color, and is actively in its discussions)
completely potter's history. Another researcher divided community members into four
5. Numerical and statistical databases. The base consists categories.
mainly of numerical data and various statistics such as
• Initiators (Members, who have started a debate
sales documents or scientific data involves physical
and have a relatively large number of messages in
properties of materials.
the early of the conversation thread)
6. Descriptive database. These databases involve concise
Notes with a wide range explanation of specific geographic • Active Members (Initiators that over time
areas, programs offered by the university or college, or the continue to send messages to continue)
facilities of a company.
96 IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.16 No.10, October 2016

• Followers (Members who have a small number of 3-5- Social networks and its impact on research [12]
messages but participate in the debate)
Today’s World features have emerged, with computers and
• Visitors (Members who share little in discussions internet communications. One of the ICT features based on
and don’t have a large number of messages) web 2.0 is Virtual Social Networks. Social networks have
Some people debate issues prestige is higher than others. defined as Web-based facilities which allow people to
These people are known to opinion leaders or sneezing and create public and semi-public profiles, create
network agents, they are people who are always on the communication lists with other users in detail and view and
search for information; creation and dissemination of navigate your contact list and other lists made by other
information at different shape. These people can be found users. Social networks and the online community of
on social networks, blogs and chat rooms. Now that we are Internet users who wish to communicate with other users in
familiar with the structure of the Internet forums, the their areas of mutual interest, now social networking
influence that online forums can have on learning and between users so welcomed which is arguably one of the
research, will be discussed. most influential provided services has created tremendous
change in recent years in many countries social system. In
3-4-2- Internet forums impact on learning and researching
the field of science and education, social networks are
Discussion forums were conceptualized as early as 1980. research area for students comprehensive information that
The main objective was to create a platform for growing rapidly. With the advent of social networks, the
asynchronous communication among users. They are seen use of these networks is an integral part of the lives of
as online collaborative spaces were diverse set of people many students and has direct effect on all aspects of their
converge and share knowledge. Due to this huge repository life, including the performance of education and other
of knowledge contributed by people from all over the academic skills. Researchers have done a study in 2010
world, online forums can be effective sources of learning. about the use of social networks (Facebook) on students in
They were also seen as enablers of blended and higher education, by combining social networks tools and
constructivist learning [9]. services in e-learning system, users on schools and
Online forum can be used to complement learning and universities can have connections with each other and
teaching, particularly in blended or hybrid learning create a virtual community. Other researchers in their study
courses. According to another work, asynchronous integrate Coome LMS and Facebook, and they came to the
discussion forum can increase students’ understanding and conclusion that e-learning processes are completed with
give them the opportunity to share information, social networking tools. Researchers at the Rhodes
perspectives and experiences. Besides, it leaves an impact University have studies on increasing the educational value
on achievements [10]. related to social networking platform and learning
Pendry, L. F., & Salvatore, J., in their works [11] management systems integration conducted that informal
considered the mechanisms that may underlie two benefits learning Level have increased by using social networks in
of online forum involvement: well-being (satisfaction with the education system.
life) and civic engagement in offline settings. First, we In recent research on the use of social software have taken
found that the factor that best predicted forum place in higher education, It is clear that the use of social
identification was the extent to which people felt the forum networks, has brought educational purposes such as invent
had met their expectations about forming new relationships new ways to learn, giving control to students, provide
(i.e., the social aspect of forum use rather than the transferable skills, support training to each other,
instrumental aspect). Furthermore, consistent with past increasing the constructivist learning, digital identity and
work, we predicted and found that participants’ levels of fostering social interaction. In other study, Data analysis
forum identification predicted their satisfaction with life showed that social network sites supports student’s social
(but only for users of stigma-related forums). We also learning in three areas:
found evidence that forum identification predicted • Recognition and appreciation of creative work
participants’ involvement in offline civic behaviors (for • Graduated colleagues supporting
users of all types of forums). Finally, they predicted and • Class assignments
found that identification with other forum users mediated The researchers stated in their study conclusion that
the relationship between expectations about forming students spend considerable time using electronic media.
relationships being met and users’ satisfaction with life. Results of the study in 2008 showed that students used
social networks website, as the primary communication
method. A lot of research that explores the motivations of
people to join social networks show that these networks
have provided the entire user needs that already scattered
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.16 No.10, October 2016 97

by e-mail, news websites, blogs, chat rooms and other [9] Rekha, V. S., & Venkatapathy, S. (2015). Understanding
meeting. With the continuing rise in popularity of virtual the Usage of Online Forums as Learning Platforms.
networks, most academics to increase the use of these Procedia Computer Science, 46, 499-506.
[10] Durairaj, K., & Umar, I. N. (2015). Analysis of students’
networks in order to successful teach to students. Social
listening behavior patterns in an asynchronous discussion
networks are used in many classes of universities. Most forum. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 176, 27-34.
professors who have practiced this technology believe that [11] Pendry, L. F., & Salvatore, J. (2015). Individual and social
these networks are a way through which they have a benefits of online discussion forums. Computers in Human
positive relationship with the students during their teaching. Behavior, 50, 211-220.
Furthermore Experts have expressed the social relationship [12] Aryani, Ibrahim; Zahid Babolan, Adil; Moeinikia M., &
between students through social networks can be a factor khalegh, Ali. (2015). The role of social networks in the
for successful learning. research ability of graduate students [IN
PERSIAN].Media,6 (2), pp. 26-39

4- Conclusion
ICT has provided many tools for researchers. Researchers
with the aid of search engine and scientific Web based
search software can be choose their research subject more
comfortable. Online Scientific databases and digital library
provides researchers access to research findings associated
to their topic and also related works. And finally Tools
such as online forums and virtual social networks have
created a wide variety of facilities for researchers to
communicate with each other and be aware of their
scientific activities.

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