Leadership Training

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"If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would-not let a

single meal pass,without sharing i~ ~someway." -Buddha

.............................................................. LEARNING OlifTCQMES, -';··································:.......................
At the end of this chapter, the learners should be able to:
1. simplify the concept of transformational leader'ship;
2. determine the distinct characteristics of a good leader; q.nd
3. develop commitment towards-the· values of teamwork and decision-
making. ' ,, V

······· .. ···· ......................................................, GE'FTI:NG STARTED ............................a~,.........................:...........

This chapter discusses leadership training in which the leader inspires his/her
followers to.perform well and develop their ?wn leaders~p potential.
. ;t

, ............. =··············:·················:·..............:•··············· LET .US TALK ······· ....................... ...................................................

Human Behavior - • , I ,

-Human behavior is the capacity to perform mental, physical, emotional, and

social activitie~ experienced during the five stages of human life (i.e., prenatal,
infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood). It includes the behaviors dictate·d
by culture, society/ values, morals, ethics, and genetics (Farnsworth, 2019).
Human beings. have a typical life course that consists of successive phases of
growth, each of which is characteristic of the distinct set of physical, physiological,
and behavioral features of the person. Human development is ·a.field ~f study that
r attempts to describe and explain the chan'ges in.human cognitive, emotional, and
behavioral capabilities _a nd functioning over a life~e (Encyclopecij.a J3ritannka,
- ents ---
- Human Person Gearing towards Social Development NSTP-CWTS 1, AWorktext for College Stud
Motivation. . . . .
al and external facto.rs that stimulate the desire· only
Motivation refers to intern t· Uy interested in somethi
and energy of a humall person to stay con mua
. . . b
. .
or subiect and .the exertion of perslstent effort
It 1s the commitment to a JO , ro e, 1 , ' , , . d .
· tt · · l It ·s the result of the interplay of consc1ou~ an unc,;mscious
factors, such as the pow.er of desire cir need, the va~ue of ~ e rewar
m a ammg a goa . 1 · h d fO ·
a goal, and
the presupposition of an individual and its significance with others.
Drive and ambition are needed in motivation ahd achieving goals, for example,
. 7.
needing the extra. push on a certain stage in life, work, schooJ, or at h~me,_ or in
giving up a bad habit or shedding a few pounds. A person needs motivation to obst~
get a job done and achi~ve a. goal. Self-n;lOtivation can work for some people.
A young person may be motivated-to lose w~ight just by imagining how it will 8. Havi
look and feel that smaller sizes of clothing can fit J:um/her. An old photograph of a
slimmer bod.y could help motivate a person to keep exirdsing and eating healthy. 9.
A salesman can be moµvated to achieve his/her target quota to e.arn cash bonuses
or a job promotion in ad,dition to the commission tpat he/ she will receive after a
successful sale (Swindell, 7012).
The. opposH~ pf motivation can happ~n ·as well. Demotivatjon can be caused by
f~ar, low levels of engagement, and poor communication. Being demotivated may
hinder a person from achieving his/her, goals. ·
Good Leadership to become ef
Leadership is concerned ~ith the qualities demonstrated by.a leader an? the . to f~Uow (Mai
process of social influences in which a _human ·persc.m enlists the aid and support possess:
of another to accomplish an·activity. ?Orne people are good leaders,, while others 1.
are not. A good leader possesses qualities that will ·m ake others follow him/ her
(Li, 2010). · "' i

Characteristics of a Good Leader . ,. :·

The following .are the "ten essential characteristics of .a go9d , and charismatic
leader (Li, 2010):

1. Visionary. Good leaders know where they want to , go, and they ~
moti~ate people to believe in their vision for their country, ·co1:nn:um1ty;
and family. Good leaders view things_as what they could be ·a nd not
simply as what they are. ·

2. Witty. Good leaders can make sound jud~e~ts

during crucial situations.
~d decisions eveQ

3. 'Passionate. Good leaders are very passionate and lnterisely inimersed111

whatever they are focused_on (e.g.; business, sports, or hobbies).
4. Compassionate. Good leaders show compassion for their suppo~. ~
followers. They possess excellent coaching ;p:id . develOpment s
- - - - - - - - - - Leadership Training ----:-----~-.:.....,__ _ __

While these leaders have goals to accomplish, they can still consistently
care for their constitu ents. They are not selfish individuals who think
e· only about their wants and needs; th~y have a heart for others.
S. Charismatic. Good leaders are fascinating i:11dtviduals who tend to draw
'rt the human person towards excelling . in building relationships and
obtaining remarkable performances.
6. Communicative. Good leaders are usually great speake~s and charismatic.
They are fluent in conveying. and express~g ide~s and are convincing.
m 7. Persistent. Gqod leaders are ·~determined to attain their goals despite
~o obstacles and problems. They believe that the·benefits of attaining their
~e. goals outweigh t}:le risks and hardships.
ill 8. Having integrity. Good leaders keep their words -and promises d1,1.ring
fa elections or campaign periods. They are reliable.
,es 9. Daring. Good leaders are bold, willing t~ take·risks, and determined to
i: a chase their drea111-s amid the reality of fear and uncertainty. Winstori
Churchill states that -~ourage is the virtue on which all other virtues rest.
by ·10. Disciplined. Good -leaders 'observe -self-control and order. Where most
1ay people are easily. ~istracted or dejected~ .good leaders manage .to stay
focused and steady regardless of the situation. ·
Leaders must recogm~e, ·aevelop," and.:-r,:efine per~o_n al qualities~that are ne~dec;i ·

-to become effective leaders, particularly ~e kind of feade·r s others want or need
to follow (Maxwell, 1999): The~following are the qualities that goodJeaders must
)Ort possess: !") '

ters 1. Character is the-_quality of a human being's behavior as rev~aled in

her his/her habit~, opinions, ~-attitudes, inter_ests, . actions,• ~d -personal
philosophies. A good lea<;ier:
possesses -good vision, courage,
and the ability·to plan strategically and catalyze d~velopment.
. ~

2. Charis ma. refers to the abiUty to ~harm and:infiuence .a person, group, .

or·cause. (
3: Commitment refers· to" the act of engaging ~ a ·c ontinuous obligatiol}.
It also refers to the intellectuar and emotlorial .adherence to a political,
an or
social, c_u ltur.al, or religious entity cciuse. : ·. ·

4. Communication is two-way process pf (:OnvE:ying_and under~t~~in_g
information in which there is a created:and ·f ,..,, _ _.,, . . ___,._ _ y _,_'-'----'L - = -: .1.o~L -
~ !=

wen communicators. The :meaning of .

not only in what is ~aid or }:tow it
5. Competence is the manifestatio
and skills that enable a person t
person can understand and resp
and reasonably. Core competence
ab~ity, or expertise in a specific
---------=--....;.___ 51
. 1 u ents
Human Person Gearirig towards Social oevelopment: l'ISTP-cWTS , A Worktext for College St d --- 1.- .
6. Coiirage is a quality of a person who faces difficulties without f 2.
making things right. The boldness of -a leader can inspire pe e? lll\d
organizations. · op e and 3.
Transf~,m~tion~I -Leadership ,,, , of .lea'aership tha t ·aent·f· 5.
. . . . ,theory the 1 1 1es
Transformational ,leadershi~ _'.s ;hen leaderS are able to inspire and generate
changes that need to tak~ ~lace. t 15 s a erson or grollp's pt1;rpose and mission. 6.
awarern~ss and acceptabilb1ty totwalrdk b~yond th~ir self-interest for the good of 7.
They stimulate the mem ers o 00 . Of C d · .
others or of the organization. It is an integrati~n of the full range ea ership 8.
models (Bass, 1998). It creates a positive change m the person_or"group . 9.
A transformative leader is a role niodel Who motivates members to be' more
innovative and ·risk-takers. They ·are not ·afraid l:o explore unconventional
strategies in achieving a collective viSion. This kind of leadership goes beyond
the traditional transactfonaf leadership that emphasizes corrective action and ·11.
exchallges and completion of perfor)llance expectations. Trans_a ctionalleadership 12.
~; mainly focuses on centralization in which the managers direct most of the activities
by telling each person what to do and how to do it. Meanwhile, transformational
leaders trust their -subordinates and allow~ them to have space for growth. 13.

Transactional and-Ti'ansf~rmational leadership .

. Transactional leadership is based on power ~hat makes use of re~ards and FourC
coercion to deliver benefits to members (patronage). It is also charact~nzed ~y ~he · The
use of force or fear as illu~trated by colo~zation; vote-buying, and _otq.er similar
methods. _ _ . . 1.

. Transform~tional lead~rship'- or . real' leadership · start~ ·_ with recognizing the
members' needs and the steps towards achieving these needs and·relating rewards 2.
to effort.
- The leader acts as · a role ,modef He/She .
lives' out, values·-I demonstrates 3.
perscmal qualities, is appro_ac~a~le_ and accessi~le, and accepts -pressure to -perform.
The _leader treats people as·1~~1v1dual~ ~d involves them in making decisions
seeking empowern:ient, and giving maxnnum freedom.:These leaders also concern
themselves with developing t~eir members (Bass; 1998). _ 4

Beh~viors of a Transformation~I_.L~~der:
Transformational leaders ate tnoti f1 ·
who exemplify the mor~l standard
e!lvirorunental work ethics 1 .
wiU: . . . .
~~~ _. an~ . J?Ositive _·.- devel~pers
an _o rganization. · He/She_- fost~
and r
, c ear va1ues r. and 1·org . ti nal ...i:- . • . ~ - --~ .Ora}
t d
s an ar ds (Bass, 1998). The f 11 . ' . · · ::._ ... aruza o ·:,~ecti~~ ~ 0\
, .
trans1ormational leader: o owing . ·are "· the
. · -:, ·. •,i
; .vehaviors.:
.. ;. . ..1-:1-• . d. ·-1,iV·--J
_cxuwtte ·, . ·
- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - Leadership Training - - - - - - - - - , - . . - -- - -- -

1.- · Articulates a creative vision .of the foture

2. Uses story symbols in C0:111ffiunica.ting messages
3. Has a strong sense of purpose and mission
4. Expresses optimism, enthusiasm, and confid~nce in achieving goals
5. Engenders trust and respect by doing "Yhat is right, not just doing things
right . . . · _ .
6. _Instills pride~ the members_of an organization
7. Talks of the importance of vaiues and beliefs .
• 1.
8. Considers moral _
a nd ethical consequences of decision-making
9. Seeksdifferent per~pe~tives in problem-solving
10. En~ourages th~ members of ari organization to ~hallenge old assumptions
and think of better solutions - · .
11. Spends;ti.J:ne ~eaching and coaching new members of an organization
12. Considers the uniqueness of an individual member's needs, abilities, and
aspirations · · ·
13. Recognizes and celebrates the . adlievements of ' members, and is
compassionate, .appreciativf:, and responsive to everyone

Four Components. of Transformational

. .~

There are four

·compopents of Jrcmsfonnational
. ~
~ely (Bass,
l. Charisma~ Charismatic leaders are influencers who envision ~nd build
self-confidence and prqmote high standards. ·
. '

2. Inspirational motivation-. The\inspi.Fational m.otiva~o~ of a leader provides

challenges and reas-011: for engagin~ in goal~ and undertakings. ·
3.' Intellectual stimulation. Intellectual stimulation allows others to question
. and generate more creative sol:utions for problems and •i~sues that are
4. Individualized considerat{on.,. A good leader treats •. each member of an
. organization as a unique person, and ·provides coaching, mentoring, and
opportunities for growth. . . . .. · ·
Leaoers ha. ve
. the ability to translate their vision and >commitment into
_ ~titutional practice. ·Transformational leadership is a non~hieratcilucalistructure·
and promotes active participation_in _processes. I~-i~. desciibed.:.as :having high
moral and ethical standards. · ·

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· · ~ • TP-CWTS 1, A Worktext for <::ollege Students - - ----------1

. . . I Development. NS
- Human Person Gearing towards s~c1a . • • • 1. o ·
esses and institutions are discussed
· values, proc . ' le
The processes of transfornun.g . . ,. _ d
as follows: . . power as dominion .to power as 2. _p
l. Transformation of v~lues:J;~~o peace; from efficien.cy consideration d
liberation; from war and co 1 , . between genders); from growth to -
. an d · equity. (ba ance k -all" norm to sh armg
to equality• •
· an~ a caring
· 3.
. . bil' . d from a -winner-ta e
sustama i~, _an ,. . rom hierarchical to participatory; from
2. Ttansformat101;1 of processe~. F tr ·sparent; and from burdenso_me to
corrupt to dean; from secretiye to an ""' . A Gycle c
empowering ,,.. • · 1· · · The
c . • • • ., F . bureaucratic to ega 1tanan,
. 3. Transfor)1lation . of mstitutions. ron:i " . - . _inf ormati~
responsive, and accountable , , ,. . . .
Moving from transactional leade;ship to transformatio~l leadership reqwres a
shift in leadership functions. The following are necessary: · ·
1. Leaders ·must take more responsibility for the decisions they mak_e, and 2.
- provide conditions for creativity.and developn:ent.
2. Leaders m{ist ·concentrate on a strat~gy to help people respond to 3.
the ch~ging world. Tran~formatj.onal. leadership is . criti,c al ..for an
organization. The primary<> leader· needs to come from . the ranks of
members. L~adership -is not the sole responsibility of ~e officers of an
organization; it,,i~ ·everyoRe's responsibility. An organization will grow
along with its l~a~~rs. _ ·
J11ere are thre·e types ·of tr~nsformationa,l leaders}:t.ip function. These are task
function, team function, and individual function, whl.eh are discussed thoroughly
as follows: · ·
1. Task fl!-Ilction e~c?mphsses involving others in· defining tasks, making a .....,.
ptan, and~~llocatmg tasks'.' A leader utilizes peer pre~sure and ·embodies
se1f-c~nfrol,_instead of being o.isdpliriary when c~ntrollfng tasks. When
checking the performanc~ and adjusting the plan, self-management and 2.
group revie~s are applied. · •
2. Team tin ·f~nction involves
. ✓, setting ~tandards enfor·cmg
· · 1·me,
• ,

promo g team spm~, encouraging and motivating pthers, developing

lea~~rs, commurucatmg openly _a nd honestly with ·th d
trallllilg. · _. . . _. _ . e ,group, an
3. Individual function involves attendin . t 0. ~ . .. . . .
individuals and enhan • th .· ?
· per~9,~ al problems, . praismg 4
members of the organiz~:g e; ~.confi~ence, usmg the_abilities . of ->the
on, _~ . :mvolvmg them ip. decision-makm,_g;
. . -

Leader~ship Development
Leadership_ d~velopment is necess
done by orgaruzmg the current pool
. and supporting active leaders. . ?·
6 . for . . . . . .. -
_._ dqrgaruzations ~o succeed:, TIµa:~~
ea er!, :providing .km;,wle.dge_arid' ~:

54 -.- '.~>,q,\;:
~ - - -- - - - Leadership Train ing

Developing a pool of leaders entails finding the right person with

· leadership qualities, widellll?-g the" "catchment are~," ~d assurin g a
democratic process.
z. .Providing knowledge and skills requires building t~e leaders' personal
capacities. • c ..
3. Supporting active leaders means not placing the~·· ,in positions and
leaving them there without growth. - •. . . . ·., ·,,, ( _ , . _, , ·

A~ycle of Leadership Cor:-trol

The framework of transformational leadership emphasizes active and
informational leadership.
1. · A lead~r must be e~ergetic, syf?pathetic, fri~ndly, and understandable to
ensure the enthusiastic coope!ation ~of his/her followers. _
2. A_leader mu_st be co~ident in knowing and doing a task to _g ain the
confidence of his/her follm,yers-.
3. A leader must ~erve as an: ex~m~le f?r hi~/ her followers.
, , j- t}').Q -
,.. %i .~

Seven Habit s:of.; H ighly :" Effe~tive Pe.e ple ,

The seven habits of ru.ghly eff.eclive peopte are great assets· in the four areas: bf .
life, namely, physical, s~"cial/em?tion?J,";111:e:ritat ~d spiritua.J. (~ovey! ~094:). These --
habits •are discussedas follows: .
A.• - -

1. B~ proactive.
Being proactivi ·means-j aking :responsibility for :one's life ;through
his/her freedom to cRo~se which1behavior and responses he/she.should
exhibit. A person can have e:reativity and mitiative~· .-
2. Begin with the end i~ mind. ~
When design~g,a plan 6r making•a ~ecisfon: on~'~Jst · ~nsu:re_that it
is whathe/she~wants. He/Slie must dedicate time and effort in _a chieving
his/her plan. ·
3. Prioritize.
One ·must practice self-management, by ~knowing pis/h~!' pri~tles.
4. !}tink win-win.
One · must look at life -:, as
competition. Entering 'agree
mutually beneficial and for both
5. Un~erstand first, the~J,~ ~ders
To understand so~eone, on
listener must p~t himself/herse
. t: NSTP-CWTS t A Worktext for College Stud
- - Human Person Gearing towards Soaal Developmen: · · '· ents --..

to another petson's explanatio~ can enab~e the li~tener ta evaluate, prob,,, nrne
and interpret the speakers, feehngs and give advice. peopled
· 6. Synergize. ·• ' ·
before ge
starts wi
Synergy refers to. the habit and·. practice of c~ea~v~ cooperation. schedule
Groups can produce better ·results as compar~ t? mdivtdu~l~ because pl~eris
more tasks.can be done and more things are maxmuzed and utilized. focused d
7. Sharpen the saw.
What someone learned from years ago may become obsolete in the
present. Learning is a never-ending proc;ess; the brain needs constant oedsiOI
updating. Along with this, . h11~or is a powerful tool that one can use \

in the workplace because it fosters camaraderie. A sense of humor is . I
essential to ease the tension, boredom, and hostility one may experience
from am
while working. Effective leadeFs haye the ability to energize their
correct dI
followers. set of pat

I -different
Teamwork hand (Ba
Teamwork is the collaborativ~ pro~ess of working within a group of people to One
achieve its goals. Teaµiwork entail_s people's cooperation by using their skills and 1.
providing constructive feedback, regardless of any personal conflict. Teamwork
brings people together for a common purpose, and prioritizes the · needs of 2.
the group instead of the needs of the individuals. Many management .gunis
define team as a ~oup of individual_s passionately committed to their end goal. 3.
'When groups have common goals, teamwork is vital to .success. Teachers expect
collaboration among students, employer~ expect employees to function effectively
as a team, and most organizations convene a group of leaders to.handle problems Decisi
or piojects. Therefore, it is essenti~l to learn teamwor:\( and- collaboration skills Deci~
even if one prefers to work jndependently (Agarwal, ~003). with. ottj
Time Management involve

Time management encompasses . arranging, · orgaruzmg, scheduling, _and 1.

budgeting to generate more effective work and productivity. With the ab1J,ndance
of reading materials, classroom discussions, workshops, day-planning, and .
seminar-workshops on time management, teachers and corporations · ar~· more
organized and productive, owing to the use of time management as a tool for the
busy world (Estes, 2012). 2.
Time management is a skill anyone can and ~ust have. Reading materials
· and seminar-workshops about time management qften focus on 6usiness leaders
and corporations; however, they are also necessary for students, tea~qers, factory 3.
workers, professionals, and homemakers. Time management essen~al.for people is
who run businesses or manage work and home responsibilities (Dayton, 1983).

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------ Leadership Training - - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -

Tillle management ~ean_s plannin~ ~head o_f a 's~h~~uled time .. Sometimes,

le ·dedicate more trme m reorgaruzmg their priorities and responsibilities
pefeoP e getting actual work done. It is suggested that efficient time management
b or · . .the w~rk. s_pace. T"ime mana~ement involves keeping_ a
tarts with orgaruz~n~
tion. schedule of the tasks and activities that _ar~ ~e~ lIJl.port~r~.t. Keeping a daily
t:tuse 5
er is ~elpful to track _such tasks. Self"'.'discrpbne IS need~d to get organized and
plaJUled on a task. If th~e is-a need to adapt to certain changes, one must practice
focus_ .· . •-
:tant oedsion-Maldng
use Decision-making is a process that involves s·electing the mo~t logical choice
>r is
from among two or -~ore ,options. M~king- a tlecision is in~~umental •in the
urvival:and prospenty of hl,lman beings. Although the _ability to. make tl;le
~orrect decision ~ithin a shor~ time is a highly- valued trait, one cannot fo~low a
et of patterns when deciding on a ~course of action at all points in time. There are
~ifferent types of decision-making that one does depending on t}:1.e -· situatiol'l: at
hand (Dale Carnegie and Associates, Inc., 1981).
le to One must consider the following wl).en making.decisions: '·· .,;_· , .J•rr<
and 1. Identify alternative solutions to problems.
2. Evaluaie all option:s, _;nd id~ntify which of them are the most effective
s of
urus and appropri~te in me~ting-the set objectives.
goal. 3. Conduct an in-depth evaluation and·select .t he .pest option.
. ;'- . . ....

:p ect
Decision-Making·-lnvohie·m ent .
kills · I?ecision-~·urking invoiveinent-· refers to the pr?cess ·of sharing kh~wledge
with _others in deciding and committing to choose the best option available (Dale
Carnegie and A~sociates, Inc., 1981).' There are different types of decision-m.aking
involvement:· · · · ·
1. A mnseitsu~ · or agreement entails covipromisj.i}g -diff~renl possibilities
and c!fter all_opini~:tts have been~discussed. The discµssi9.ns shmild foster
lilCe understanding, unity I cooperation,· _anq conuni~ent, . a_n d·- .. everyone
and should be able to expres~ themselves freely. Disagreements and minority
Lore viewpoints should·be studied as much as ~~ agreemen~s.
2. Majority vqting is the inost effe~tive Way,of making .d~ciSiQI)S; however,
the minority might lose interest because they may ~eel they have not been
ials heard.· r
lers • I.. .,: lo.JI ). • , • • . • ••

ory 3. A silent consensus often leads to a umuumous decisi.~n~ )F!~:type _of

•pie decision-making involvement i~ not usually used. when· ~~~¢ d~g . on
important issues. When some members do not want t<> disagree,_.g,~they
choose to stay silent; it is assumed that they are unaniIIiOJJs!n1.~ to
a decision.
- Human Person ~earing towards Social Development: NSTP-CWTS , A Worktext for College Students - -

4. · A clique is a s~all group-with members who plan their decision-makin ·························· ---·

beforehand so that they can get their preferred way of resolving an issu g Transform
This method can bEi divisive because the ~ou~ might J:,~ing a spirit ~i . jjlfluences peo
rivalry, i-:ather than cooperation, to the orgamz,ation. of a good lead
5. The handclasp happens whe~ a person gives ~ ~uggestion and another the attauunen
person apptoves of' it without farther · discussion. This method is ·not decision-ma" ·
,recommertded because it might caµse .resentment among the people
involved in the decision-making. ·
6. The on'e-person decision is that which is made quickly; however, later oil,
the decision-maker might not get full support ,b ecause he/she did not
· consider other people.while making the .decision.
7. The plop occurs when fl group decides- not to make a decision at all. When
, someone makes a suggestion, it ·is ,dropped, and ·no· one pays further
· .· ·; attention to it. - ·

Difficultie-s in•Decision·~Makfr,g -
- . ·Decision-making can be µifficult ·becau~e'it tak;s time an:d energy to weigh
. options and uHim'a.tely'make a·'decis!on °(Qale Carne~~ anq As~ociat~s~ Inc., 19~1) ..·
Examples of the difficulti~s and hindrances people nught face m dec1s10n-makmg
are as follows: · · ·
1.. Fe¥ of consequences~ which,t,rlngs-divi~ion and 4isagree~ent within the :"-.'

members of. . an Qrganization .' ~"' - ~ ---

2. Conflicting loyalties, which fr~quently lead to the division of loyalty _
towards-the decisions·made · · · · •: ., . :· . ·:_ ,.,·, _-
3. Interpersonal conflicts and-personal differences-, ~which mig}_lt interfere
with sound decision-making ·
4. Hidden agendas and ~e.cret moti~es, w~ch hinde't'Jhe ·decisioil-making
for reasons the members of the-:-organization do not want to share ;·· i ·

5. Blupdering methods, 1'\7hich include using rigid •p rocedures that le~ve

_little room for :xpressin_g-differing ~iews, substituting persorial opinions
for adequ?te informatH;m~ and disregarding .proper consultation or
consensus · - ·
6. ~adeq~ate le~dership,, w~ich. restricts the ~x~ression of. opinions·· and
d1scu~s~o~ on Issues and_d1sr~gards the factors ~a:t cause-difficulty in the
orgatUz-ation . , · · · · .. 1 r · , .' ·

7. Clash of interest, which could result in opposm·g ·

making - . · ,
·t · d
- d ··
views ow~ s ec1s1on-

- - -------- - - Leadership Training

············· .. •· .. •··········.. •················· .......................... SUMMING UP . ........................................................................._. ..

· forrnational leadership is an organizational system . framework th~t
trans s people to com~ together around a common vision. One of the marks
iltfluenc~ leader is the ability to liste~, l~arn, and ,lead his/her followers towards
of a goouunent of goals. He/She is adept in _teamwork, time management, and
the atta . -- . · .
decision-making. . . . . ';.. , . .




.... ...........................••·············-····················· WORK ON TJ:IESE ··································································:....

Nante: - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - Course and Level: _ _ _ __

facilitator: ~ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __:_~

1n5trt1ction: Relate the following exercises to real-life ·situations, Ulen write your
answers on ~e sp~ces provided. · . . ._

1. Formulate ways ·on how tc;> be a good leader. Justify them by relating
them to the discussion of the.characteristics of a good leader.

' \

C 2. Obtain at least two components of transformational leadership and

compare them using the Venn diagram below.

- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - 61
_Name: ---------------Co1.11:se and Level: ________
facilit~tor: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D a t e: - - - ~ - - -=----

rnstruction: Write your reflection on the spaces provided.

1. How would you diminish difficultjes in decision-making?

2. What is your role .as a leader in yo~ respective cir~e?

- 63
a= '
-~Htator·· - - - ~ Date: and Level:

1n5trUction: Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer o~ the space
ovided before each number. ·
pr ,
___ 1. Which process involves selecting the most logical choice from
among two or more options?
a. C~oosing c. Decision-making
b. Contracting d: Revising

____:. 2. What type of decision~making µwolves compromising_after all

opinions h:a_ve been heard?
a. Cons~nsus ~ ~- Clique
b. - Majority voting r · d. Handclasp
_ _ 3. Which is considered the most effective way to make a decision?
a. Consensus c. Clique
b. Majority voting _., " ~: d... Handclasp
_ _ 4. Which term is b~ing described in.the statement, "It is a small gro~p
whose members plan to get their way in decision-making."?
a. Consensut .· -~ ·c. Clique
b. - -MajoriJy voting _ . · '_ r ' d. -Handclasp

_ _ 5. What type of decision_:-making involves the unanimous agreement

of some members who do not want to disagr_ee and have chos.en to
stay silent aJ:,out an fssue? . · · ·
a. · Handclasp c. Plop
b. Silent consensus •., · d·. · One-person decision
. ..

- - 6. Which characteristic of a good leader means having a heart for their

a. Vision c. Charisma -
b. Wit d. Compassion
- - 7. Which characteri~tic 'of a good' leader .means ·being c ~:; and:
having a tendency to draw pe~ple:tow~ds th~m?
a. Vision · c; Charisma
b. Wit d.

___________.;:...------- 65 ../ · /" ·"'
~ - - -- -- - - - -- - Exercis.e

8. Which characteristic of a good leader entails m~king judgments and

;_--- decisions even during crucial situations? ·
a. Vision c. Charisma
b. Wit d. Compassion

Which characteristic of ·a good lead~r m~ans being determined to
attain his/her goals in spite of obstacles·?
a. Vision c. Charisma
.b. Compassion d. Persistence
___ 10. Which characteristic _
of a good l_eader entails observing self-control
and order? ·
a. Discipline ., , c. _Persistence
b. Wit d. Vision

- 11. Which of-the following correctly de~cribes transformational value?

a. fower a~- dominion·to power as liberation
b. -Secrecy to ·t ransparency
c. l3ur~aucracy to accountability
d. Growth to po~er
12. ·Whic);l of the following correctly describes the transformational
a . . Pqwer_as dominion to power as liberation ·
h. Secrecy to transparency
c. Burec:!ucracy to accountability
d. Growth to powei:-
_ _ 13. Which of ,the following correctly describes trarµ,fo~mational
a. Power as dominion to power as liberation
b. Secrecy to transparency
C. Bureaucracy to acco~tability .
d . . Growth to power
. . .
_ 14. Which of the following pertains to the drive and orientation needed
to achieve.one's goals? - · ,
a. Motivation ' .
' ·c. Realization

b. Expectation , ~ _ , d. Vision
--.:_ 15. Which .of the following is the process of working colli'l?Jl!.!J
with a group of people to achieve a goal?
a. Camaraderie c. Agreement
b. J Teamwork d. Hierarchy
- - - - - - - - - - - - 67

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