Leadership Training
Leadership Training
Leadership Training
Human Behavior - • , I ,
1. Visionary. Good leaders know where they want to , go, and they ~
moti~ate people to believe in their vision for their country, ·co1:nn:um1ty;
and family. Good leaders view things_as what they could be ·a nd not
simply as what they are. ·
While these leaders have goals to accomplish, they can still consistently
care for their constitu ents. They are not selfish individuals who think
e· only about their wants and needs; th~y have a heart for others.
S. Charismatic. Good leaders are fascinating i:11dtviduals who tend to draw
'rt the human person towards excelling . in building relationships and
obtaining remarkable performances.
6. Communicative. Good leaders are usually great speake~s and charismatic.
They are fluent in conveying. and express~g ide~s and are convincing.
m 7. Persistent. Gqod leaders are ·~determined to attain their goals despite
~o obstacles and problems. They believe that the·benefits of attaining their
~e. goals outweigh t}:le risks and hardships.
ill 8. Having integrity. Good leaders keep their words -and promises d1,1.ring
fa elections or campaign periods. They are reliable.
,es 9. Daring. Good leaders are bold, willing t~ take·risks, and determined to
i: a chase their drea111-s amid the reality of fear and uncertainty. Winstori
Churchill states that -~ourage is the virtue on which all other virtues rest.
by ·10. Disciplined. Good -leaders 'observe -self-control and order. Where most
1ay people are easily. ~istracted or dejected~ .good leaders manage .to stay
focused and steady regardless of the situation. ·
Leaders must recogm~e, ·aevelop," and.:-r,:efine per~o_n al qualities~that are ne~dec;i ·
-to become effective leaders, particularly ~e kind of feade·r s others want or need
to follow (Maxwell, 1999): The~following are the qualities that goodJeaders must
)Ort possess: !") '
4. Communication is two-way process pf (:OnvE:ying_and under~t~~in_g
information in which there is a created:and ·f ,..,, _ _.,, . . ___,._ _ y _,_'-'----'L - = -: .1.o~L -
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. Transform~tional lead~rship'- or . real' leadership · start~ ·_ with recognizing the
members' needs and the steps towards achieving these needs and·relating rewards 2.
to effort.
- The leader acts as · a role ,modef He/She .
lives' out, values·-I demonstrates 3.
perscmal qualities, is appro_ac~a~le_ and accessi~le, and accepts -pressure to -perform.
The _leader treats people as·1~~1v1dual~ ~d involves them in making decisions
seeking empowern:ient, and giving maxnnum freedom.:These leaders also concern
themselves with developing t~eir members (Bass; 1998). _ 4
Beh~viors of a Transformation~I_.L~~der:
Transformational leaders ate tnoti f1 ·
who exemplify the mor~l standard
e!lvirorunental work ethics 1 .
wiU: . . . .
~~~ _. an~ . J?Ositive _·.- devel~pers
an _o rganization. · He/She_- fost~
and r
, c ear va1ues r. and 1·org . ti nal ...i:- . • . ~ - --~ .Ora}
t d
s an ar ds (Bass, 1998). The f 11 . ' . · · ::._ ... aruza o ·:,~ecti~~ ~ 0\
, .
trans1ormational leader: o owing . ·are "· the
. · -:, ·. •,i
; .vehaviors.:
.. ;. . ..1-:1-• . d. ·-1,iV·--J
_cxuwtte ·, . ·
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Leader~ship Development
Leadership_ d~velopment is necess
done by orgaruzmg the current pool
. and supporting active leaders. . ?·
6 . for . . . . . .. -
_._ dqrgaruzations ~o succeed:, TIµa:~~
ea er!, :providing .km;,wle.dge_arid' ~:
54 -.- '.~>,q,\;:
~ - - -- - - - Leadership Train ing
1. B~ proactive.
Being proactivi ·means-j aking :responsibility for :one's life ;through
his/her freedom to cRo~se which1behavior and responses he/she.should
exhibit. A person can have e:reativity and mitiative~· .-
2. Begin with the end i~ mind. ~
When design~g,a plan 6r making•a ~ecisfon: on~'~Jst · ~nsu:re_that it
is whathe/she~wants. He/Slie must dedicate time and effort in _a chieving
his/her plan. ·
3. Prioritize.
One ·must practice self-management, by ~knowing pis/h~!' pri~tles.
4. !}tink win-win.
One · must look at life -:, as
competition. Entering 'agree
mutually beneficial and for both
5. Un~erstand first, the~J,~ ~ders
To understand so~eone, on
listener must p~t himself/herse
. t: NSTP-CWTS t A Worktext for College Stud
- - Human Person Gearing towards Soaal Developmen: · · '· ents --..
to another petson's explanatio~ can enab~e the li~tener ta evaluate, prob,,, nrne
and interpret the speakers, feehngs and give advice. peopled
· 6. Synergize. ·• ' ·
before ge
starts wi
Synergy refers to. the habit and·. practice of c~ea~v~ cooperation. schedule
Groups can produce better ·results as compar~ t? mdivtdu~l~ because pl~eris
more tasks.can be done and more things are maxmuzed and utilized. focused d
7. Sharpen the saw.
What someone learned from years ago may become obsolete in the
present. Learning is a never-ending proc;ess; the brain needs constant oedsiOI
updating. Along with this, . h11~or is a powerful tool that one can use \
in the workplace because it fosters camaraderie. A sense of humor is . I
essential to ease the tension, boredom, and hostility one may experience
from am
while working. Effective leadeFs haye the ability to energize their
correct dI
followers. set of pat
I -different
Teamwork hand (Ba
Teamwork is the collaborativ~ pro~ess of working within a group of people to One
achieve its goals. Teaµiwork entail_s people's cooperation by using their skills and 1.
providing constructive feedback, regardless of any personal conflict. Teamwork
brings people together for a common purpose, and prioritizes the · needs of 2.
the group instead of the needs of the individuals. Many management .gunis
define team as a ~oup of individual_s passionately committed to their end goal. 3.
'When groups have common goals, teamwork is vital to .success. Teachers expect
collaboration among students, employer~ expect employees to function effectively
as a team, and most organizations convene a group of leaders to.handle problems Decisi
or piojects. Therefore, it is essenti~l to learn teamwor:\( and- collaboration skills Deci~
even if one prefers to work jndependently (Agarwal, ~003). with. ottj
Time Management involve
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------ Leadership Training - - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -
:p ect
Decision-Making·-lnvohie·m ent .
kills · I?ecision-~·urking invoiveinent-· refers to the pr?cess ·of sharing kh~wledge
with _others in deciding and committing to choose the best option available (Dale
Carnegie and A~sociates, Inc., 1981).' There are different types of decision-m.aking
involvement:· · · · ·
1. A mnseitsu~ · or agreement entails covipromisj.i}g -diff~renl possibilities
and c!fter all_opini~:tts have been~discussed. The discµssi9.ns shmild foster
lilCe understanding, unity I cooperation,· _anq conuni~ent, . a_n d·- .. everyone
and should be able to expres~ themselves freely. Disagreements and minority
Lore viewpoints should·be studied as much as ~~ agreemen~s.
2. Majority vqting is the inost effe~tive Way,of making .d~ciSiQI)S; however,
the minority might lose interest because they may ~eel they have not been
ials heard.· r
lers • I.. .,: lo.JI ). • , • • . • ••
4. · A clique is a s~all group-with members who plan their decision-makin ·························· ---·
beforehand so that they can get their preferred way of resolving an issu g Transform
This method can bEi divisive because the ~ou~ might J:,~ing a spirit ~i . jjlfluences peo
rivalry, i-:ather than cooperation, to the orgamz,ation. of a good lead
5. The handclasp happens whe~ a person gives ~ ~uggestion and another the attauunen
person apptoves of' it without farther · discussion. This method is ·not decision-ma" ·
,recommertded because it might caµse .resentment among the people
involved in the decision-making. ·
6. The on'e-person decision is that which is made quickly; however, later oil,
the decision-maker might not get full support ,b ecause he/she did not
· consider other people.while making the .decision.
7. The plop occurs when fl group decides- not to make a decision at all. When
, someone makes a suggestion, it ·is ,dropped, and ·no· one pays further
· .· ·; attention to it. - ·
Difficultie-s in•Decision·~Makfr,g -
- . ·Decision-making can be µifficult ·becau~e'it tak;s time an:d energy to weigh
. options and uHim'a.tely'make a·'decis!on °(Qale Carne~~ anq As~ociat~s~ Inc., 19~1) ..·
Examples of the difficulti~s and hindrances people nught face m dec1s10n-makmg
are as follows: · · ·
1.. Fe¥ of consequences~ which,t,rlngs-divi~ion and 4isagree~ent within the :"-.'
- - -------- - - Leadership Training
.... ...........................••·············-····················· WORK ON TJ:IESE ··································································:....
1n5trt1ction: Relate the following exercises to real-life ·situations, Ulen write your
answers on ~e sp~ces provided. · . . ._
1. Formulate ways ·on how tc;> be a good leader. Justify them by relating
them to the discussion of the.characteristics of a good leader.
' \
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_Name: ---------------Co1.11:se and Level: ________
facilit~tor: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D a t e: - - - ~ - - -=----
rnstruction: Write your reflection on the spaces provided.
- 63
a= '
-~Htator·· - - - ~ Date: and Level:
1n5trUction: Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer o~ the space
ovided before each number. ·
pr ,
___ 1. Which process involves selecting the most logical choice from
among two or more options?
a. C~oosing c. Decision-making
b. Contracting d: Revising
___________.;:...------- 65 ../ · /" ·"'
~ - - -- -- - - - -- - Exercis.e
Which characteristic of ·a good lead~r m~ans being determined to
attain his/her goals in spite of obstacles·?
a. Vision c. Charisma
.b. Compassion d. Persistence
___ 10. Which characteristic _
of a good l_eader entails observing self-control
and order? ·
a. Discipline ., , c. _Persistence
b. Wit d. Vision
b. Expectation , ~ _ , d. Vision
--.:_ 15. Which .of the following is the process of working colli'l?Jl!.!J
with a group of people to achieve a goal?
a. Camaraderie c. Agreement
b. J Teamwork d. Hierarchy
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