Lesson Objective
To understand what happens at plate boundaries.
Success Criteria
• To understand why the tectonic plates are moving.
• To be able to explain the differences between
plate boundaries.
Starter Challenge
What similarities are there between the earth and a
hard-boiled egg?
Starter Challenge
So, how is the earth like a
hard-boiled egg?
Photo courtesy of Martin Luff (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
Divergent Plate Boundaries
The two plates are moving apart.
This often occurs in the middle of the ocean.
Molten rock (magma) rises up in the gap created, creating
shield volcanoes.
Divergent Plate Boundaries
Large eruptions see the lava reach above the ocean, where it
cools and forms an island. Iceland is a good example of this.
When this plate boundary occurs on land, it forms a rift valley as
the plates pull apart.
Small earthquakes also take place here.
In Your Books…
Your text here
Make a sketch to show what
happens at a divergent boundary.
Add labels to your sketch and write
two sentences below to explain
what happens.
Rift Valley
Hell’s Gate, Kenya (part of a rift valley)
Photo courtesy of Ninara (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
Convergent Plate Boundaries
The two plates are moving towards each other.
Oceanic crust collides with continental crust.
The oceanic crust is denser and is subducted into the mantle and melts.
The melted material mixes with volatile gases, which force it to the surface
and create some of the most explosive volcanoes.
Convergent Plate Boundaries
An example is where the Juan de Fuca plate meets the North
American plate – resulting in Mt St Helen’s volcano.
The Eurasian plate and African plate are also colliding, resulting in
Italian volcanic activity.
As well as dealing with powerful
volcanoes at convergent plate
boundaries, people there also
live with the threat of
deadly earthquakes.
Photo courtesy of European Commision DG ECHO (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
Timeline Answers
Heat from the earth’s core makes
the temperature of the mantle rise.
Convection currents lead to the
slow movement of the
tectonic plates.
When two plates move towards
each other, they can get
jammed together.
Pressure builds up as the plates
are forced together - but they are
still locked tight.
Eventually, the plates give way and
jolt past each other.
The built-up energy is released as
seismic waves and an
earthquake occurs.
In Your Books…
Make a sketch to show what happens at a convergent boundary.
Add labels to your sketch and write two sentences below to explain
what happens.
Conservative boundaries
At conservative boundaries, the
plates slide past each other.