Heroes of Cerulea

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heroes of

Lucas Falk

Pixelated Dungeon Crawl RPG

Bläckfisk Publishing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

▶ Mount Oblivion. An imposing, rocky mountain in the northwest, its peak

circled by clouds. Recently, a fiery volcano has afflicted the area.
▶ Quill Village. A small and cozy hamlet—idyllic despite the Shadow
King’s campaign of chaos. Ducks roam free.
▶ Cerulean Citadel. The once magnificent castle of the royal
family. Now surrounded by an impenetrable barrier and corrupted
by the Shadow King’s evil.
▶ Citadel Town. The capital of Cerulea. Largely abandoned since
the Shadow King arrived. The remaining inhabitants huddle fearfully
inside their homes.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16




9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

▶ Raider Desert. An arid wasteland in the southwest, sur­rounded by

mountains. Rumors say the dunes hide legendary ruins.
▶ Wyvern Mire. Dense, misty wetlands in the south. Something has
poisoned the water, turning the area into a putrid swamp.
▶ Paragon Lake. A large, clear lake in the east, dotted with small
islands. Recently infested by monsters.
▶ Frost Peaks. A chilly, snow-capped mountain range in the north­
east. Lately, avalanches and rockslides have plagued the area.
▶ Gloomwood. A vast and dense forest in the southeast, shrouded
in a mysterious mist. Cursed by a maleficent presence.
OVERWORLD MAP START „Slime.............................................. 22
„Strider......................................... 22
INTRODUCTION 4 „ Octopus....................................... 22
▶ Basics......................................5 „ Chomper....................................... 22
„ Dungeons.......................................5 „ Goblin . . .......................................... 22
„ Hero Sheets.. ................................5 „ Skeleton...................................... 23
„ Dice.. .................................................5 „ Warlock. . ....................................... 23
„ Video Game Logic.......................5 „ Spider. . ......................................... 23
„ Lizardkin. . ................................... 23
RULES 6 „ Sentinel. . ..................................... 23
▶ Actions....................................6 „ Centipede................................... 23
„ Action Rolls. . ................................7 „ Ghost............................................ 24
„ Cooperative Rolls. . ....................7 „ Troll.. ............................................. 24
▶ Monsters. . ...............................8 „ Zombie.. ......................................... 24
▶ Rounds. . ...................................8 „ Turret.. ......................................... 24
„ Multiple Opponents...................8 „ Glutton. . ....................................... 24
▶ Hearts & Energy. . ..................9 „ Knight. . ......................................... 24
▶ Items..................................... 10 „ Centaur . . ...................................... 25
▶ Improving.. ............................ 10 „ Grabber . . ...................................... 25
▶ Miscellaneous Rules. . ......... 10 „ Dino.. .............................................. 25
▶ Inhabitants..........................25
HEROES 11 ▶ Bosses. . .................................26
▶ Choose Kin.............................11 „ Minibosses . . ................................ 27
▶ Note Stats & Gear. . ............. 12 ▶ Items.....................................28
▶ Distribute Attributes. . ...... 13 „ Shops. . .......................................... 28
▶ Determine Appearance...... 13 „ General Items........................... 29
▶ Buy Something?. . ................. 14 „ Special Items............................ 30
▶ Name Your Hero................... 14 ▶ Loot. . ...................................... 31
▶ Hero Agenda......................... 14 „ Standard Loot. . ......................... 31
▶ Hero Sheet. . .......................... 15 „ Chest Loot. . ................................31
▶ Overworld.. ............................32
MASTER 16 „ Locations................................... 32
▶ Master Guidelines............... 17 „ Area Content............................ 32
„ Master Agenda.. .........................17 „ Traveling.. ................................... 32
„ Dungeon Maps............................17
▶ Campaign Play. . .................... 18 WOODLAND TOMB 34
„ Campaign Style. . ........................ 18
▶ Creating Dungeons............. 19 LAKE TOWER 42
▶ Challenges. . ..........................20
▶ Monsters. . ............................. 21 CAVERN OF FLAME 52
„ Rat..................................................21
„ Skull.. ..............................................21 CERULEAN CITADEL 62
„ Bat..................................................21
„ Jellyfish . . .....................................21 SUMMARY END
heroes of
Lucas Falk Legend of Zelda by Shigeru
Miyamoto/Nintendo, Blades in
ILLUSTRATIONS the Dark by John Harper/Evil
Ronja Melin Hat Productions, Mörk Borg by
Caz Wolf Pelle Nilsson & Johan Nohr/Ockult
Lucas Falk Örtmästare & Stockholm Kartell
Lucas Falk Martin Annander, Anders Bohlin,
Vincent Malmberg Eskilsson,
EDITING & Magnus Gille, Edvard Jonsson,
PROOFREADING Pontus Kjellberg, Ludvig Kämpe,
Alf Peter Malmberg Svante Landgraf, Peter Malmberg,
Walton Wood Per Nordén, Yakov Pettersson
Bläckfisk Publishing Enter Command by jeti
www.blackfiskpublishing.com Standart Impressa, www.standart.lt,
Vilnius, Lithuania
© 2024 Lucas Falk ISBN
Bläckfisk Publishing 978-91-519-3749-6
Long ago, the three Divine Dragons
created the mythical realm of Cerulea—
a vast kingdom of green fields, blue
lakes, deep forests, volcanic mountains,
and scorching deserts.
A perpetual cycle of conflict grips
this world: the Guardian and the Paragon
bravely defend Cerulea against the
Shadow King and his horde of monsters.
All three have been reborn numerous
times throughout history.
Now, the Shadow King has returned,
but the Guardian and the Paragon
are still nowhere to be seen...
New heroes must come to
Cerulea’s aid!
tabletop role-playing game ▶ 2–5 friends, including
about exploring dungeons, yourself—it’s dangerous
solving puzzles, and fighting to go alone.
monsters. You and your friends ▶ About three hours
work together to create and per session.
experience an unpredictable ▶ A prepared dungeon.
story—you are both the main ▶ Hero Sheets—one
characters and the coauthors. per player except the
Rules represent your heroes’ MASTER (more about that
skills and the probability that on the next page).
their actions succeed; dice rolls ▶ Pencils, erasers,
make the story more dynamic and a pen.
and interesting by introducing ▶ At least one four-
uncertainty. Your main goal is sided die—preferably
to have fun together. five or more.

4 Introduction
▶ One of you acts as the HERO SHEETS
MASTER. You control the game The Hero Sheet is where players
world, describe environments note down everything about
and situations, portray in­ their characters. It contains
habitants, and determine what information about who the hero
happens following the heroes’ is, what they can do, what they
actions and dice rolls. carry with them, and more.
▶ The rest of you are You can get printer-friendly
players. You each control Hero Sheets from the publisher's
and portray a hero in the website: blackfiskpublishing.com.
game world. You act through
your hero—freely and sponta­
neously—by describing their DICE
actions and reactions. This game only uses four-sided
▶ Use the game mechanics dice, abbreviated “D”. 1D is one
only when failure could be both die, 2D is two dice, et cetera.
reasonable and interesting. "DD" means you roll two dice—
▶ The rules are a tool box. the first die represents the tens
Use them as a foundation, digit; the second represents the
and improvise rulings when ones digit. For example: if you roll
the need arises. 3 and then 1, the result is 31.


A dungeon is a prepared location In this game, a key works in
that the heroes may explore and pretty much every lock—but it
conquer. For instructions on disappears when used. Characters
creating your own dungeons, heal through eating food, and
see p. 19. they increase their maximum health
This book includes four ready- through finding HEART CONTAINERS.
to-play dungeons (p. 34–79), For some reason, random pots
and you can find more on contain money and bombs—and
the publisher's website: boomerangs can bring those
blackfiskpublishing.com. items to you. Monsters are evil;
NPCs only want to talk about one
single thing. Dungeons are puzzles
TROUBLESHOOTING designed to be solved by heroes.
Having problems starting HEROES OF CERULEA
the game? Try blowing embraces these antirealistic
any dust from the book aspects in order to facilitate
before restarting. a peculiar video game–like
role-playing experience.

Introduction 5
When you want your hero to ACTIONS
accomplish something, pick an ▶ ATTACK (strike a monster,
action and describe how your destroy an object)
hero attempts it. ▶ DEFEND (dodge an
If the action is dangerous or attack, avoid a trap)
difficult, the MASTER asks you ▶ USE ITEM (apply
to make an ACTION ROLL. If not, a special item,
the MASTER just eat something)
decides the ▶ INSPECT (take a
action is closer look, try to find
successful. something hidden)
▶ ESCAPE (run away from
combat, break free)
▶ TALK (chat with a
friendly inhabitant)
▶ OTHER (any action that
doesn’t fit into the
above categories)

ACTION ROLLS ▶ If you have 0D or fewer, roll
Based on the action, pick the 2D and use the lowest result.
most appropriate ATTRIBUTE: ▶ Favorable or disadvantageous
circumstances can add or re­
move a die before a roll. The
ATTRIBUTES MASTER has the final word.
▶ MIGHT (push, attack, ▶ For extra-successful actions,
heave, hurl, wreck) the MASTER decides an appro­
▶ BRAVERY (jump, defend, priate outcome: depleting an
climb, evade, resist) extra HEART from a monster,
▶ INSIGHT (discover, saving a friend from a failed
shoot, tinker, analyze, roll, et cetera.
Only players make ACTION
Roll dice equal to your ATTRIBUTE’S ROLLS.. A single ACTION
value. Only the highest individual ROLL determines the out-
result counts: come for both the hero
and the monster.
In combat, a 1–2 means
ACTION OUTCOMES the hero fails and the
▶ 1–2 = Failed action, monster succeeds (the hero
1 HEART lost if the loses 1 HEART
HEART);); a 3 means
action is dangerous. they both succeed (they
▶ 3 = Successful action, both lose 1 HEART
HEART);); and a
1 HEART lost if the action 4 means the hero succeeds
is dangerous. If you just and the monster fails (the
DEFEND,, you don’t lose
DEFEND monster loses 1 HEART
▶ 4 = Successful action.
▶ Additional 4s = Extra-
successful action. COOPERATIVE ROLLS
▶ If working together is advan­
tageous (for example, when
moving a large rock), everyone
DANGER makes an indi­vidual ACTION ROLL.
In melee The best roll counts for the
combat, all whole group.
actions are ▶ If working together is not
dangerous— advan­t ageous (for example,
unless the when sneaking past a monster),
monster is everyone makes an individual
STUNNED ACTION ROLL. Players can then
gift one or more of their dice
results to other players.

Rules 7
▶ Monsters are normally ▶ When heroes aren’t fighting
aggressive and evil creatures or under time pressure,
that cannot be reasoned with you don't have to keep
and will not run from battle. track of time.
▶ Most monsters can’t chase after ▶ Under more intense circum­
the heroes into other rooms. stances, time is divided
▶ If multiple heroes are nearby, into ROUNDS.
each monster attacks a ▶ Each ROUND lasts a couple
random hero. of seconds.
▶ A monster’s attack normally ▶ During a ROUND, participants
depletes 1 of a hero’s HEARTS can initiate one ACTION and
when the hero rolls a 3 or move a short distance.
lower on a combat ACTION ROLL.
Monsters move around during 1 The MASTER describes what
combat, and they can harm the monsters are doing.
heroes just by bumping 2 The players take their turns
into them. according to who speaks first.
▶ Some monsters have special The first player describes
abilities and actions. their hero’s action. The player
▶ Like heroes, monsters have makes their ACTION ROLL,
HEART ratings, which vary and the MASTER interprets
by monster. the effects.
▶ Each successful attack 3 Another player describes their
against a monster depletes hero’s action, makes their
1 of its HEARTS—when the ACTION ROLL, and so on.
monster has 0 HEARTS left, 4 When all players have made
it’s defeated. their ACTION ROLLS, start
▶ A defeated monster dis­- a new ROUND.
inte­g rates, and its items
disinte­g rate with it.
However, it might drop MULTIPLE OPPONENTS
standard loot If several monsters attack a
(p. 31). single hero during the same
ROUND, the hero can pick any
ACTION against one of them and
is forced to DEFEND against
the rest. Make one ACTION ROLL
for each action with –1D for
all the rolls.

8 Rules
temporary—you can ▶ A snack restores 1
restore them. HEART and 1 ENERGY
▶ If you have 0 HEARTS left, ▶ A meal restores 3
you go unconscious. HEARTS and 3 ENERGY
You regain 1 HEART when ▶ A heart potion
someone wakes you up or re­s tores all HEARTS
when the fight ends. ▶ An energy potion
▶ If all heroes are un­c onscious, re­s tores all ENERGY
the game restarts. The heroes
return to the dungeon’s
entrance; their progress
is still saved, but all the NOTATION TIP
monsters have respawned. ▶ Use a pen to outline
▶ Some items consume ENERGY your maximum HEARTS
when used. If you lack the and ENERGY
required ENERGY, you cannot ▶ Use a pencil to cross
use the item. out lost HEARTS

Rules 9
Items are tools that can open ▶ Find new items.
up new possibilities or give you ▶ Find HEART CONTAINERS and
bonus dice on certain actions. ENERGY CONTAINERS.
▶ Each item takes up one slot
on the Hero Sheet.
▶ Gems, food, keys, and TRINITY
FRAGMENTS don’t take up slots. Each fragment gives
▶ Items remain where you one hero the oppor-
leave them. tunity, once per
▶ Items wielded or worn by session, to reroll
monsters are cursed and any number of
cannot be used by heroes. dice during an
When a monster is defeated, ACTION ROLL.
its items dis­a ppear with it.

▶ Heroes cannot harm ▶ If you FALL INTO A PIT, you
friendly inhabitants. lose 1 HEART. After 1 ROUND,
▶ Regular keys can open you automatically return
any regular lock, but they to where you fell from.
dis­a ppear when used. ▶ If you are SWALLOWED BY
Heroes can’t pick locks. QUICK­­SAND, you lose 1 HEART.
▶ Bombs can blow up cracked After 1 ROUND, you auto­
walls and floors—not doors, matically return to where
regular walls, or regular floors. you fell from.
▶ Regular walls can’t be scaled. ▶ When you FALL INTO LAVA,
▶ Heroes normally can’t attack you lose 2 HEARTS and
while swimming (aquarians can, immediately jump back to
and items might give other where you fell from.
heroes this ability). ▶ When a hero enters a boss
▶ STUNNED monsters can’t attack; room, the door seals behind
attacking them isn’t dangerous. them. Other heroes are auto­
▶ When a monster attacks matically teleported inside
a STUNNED hero, it hits the boss room. It opens again
automatically. when the heroes defeat the
boss or when all heroes in the
boss room are unconscious.

10 Rules
▶ Elf. Pointy-eared humanoid ▶ Aquarian. Fishlike humanoid
hailing from the plains. hailing from the lakes.
„ Special: You can spend 1 „ Special: You can spend
ENERGY ahead of an ACTION 1 ENERGY to swim long
ROLL to get +1D. distances underwater or
▶ Avian. Birdlike humanoid attack while in water.
hailing from the skies. ▶ Seedling. Treelike humanoid
„ Special: You can spend 1 hailing from the forest.
ENERGY to make a long jump „ Special: You can spend 1
and glide through the air. ENERGY to turn invisible for
▶ Geon. Rocklike humanoid hailing as long as you stay still.
from the mountains. „ Attributes: –1 MIGHT,
„ Special: You can spend +1 BRAVERY.
1 ENERGY to resist losing ▶ Missing. Abstract, glitchy
a HEART. humanoid of unknown origin.
„ Attributes: +1 MIGHT, „ Special: You can spend
–1 BRAVERY. 1 ENERGY to reroll a die.

Heroes 11
Your hero starts with: 1D SPECIAL ITEM
▶ 3 HEARTS (use a pen to outline 1 Lantern. Lights up
three HEART symbols). dark places. Can immo­-
late objects.
▶ 3 ENERGY (use a pen to outline
three ENERGY symbols). 2 Bow. Ranged weapon.
▶ 15 gems (use a pencil to
Each arrow uses 1 gem.
note them). 3 Boomerang. Can retrieve
▶ A small pouch [4 slots] (use small items from a long
a pencil to mark the bullet). distance. Successful
▶ A starting weapon (use a attacks STUN monsters
pencil to note it in your (not bosses) for the
inventory): current ROUND.
„ Elf: sword. 4 Magic Cape. Spend
„ Avian: spear. 1 ENERGY to make your-
„ Geon: club. self invulnerable for
„ Aquarian: trident. the current ROUND
„ Seedling: dagger. and the next.
▶ A special item—choose or
roll (use a pencil to note it
in your inventory). Multiple ADDITIONAL ITEMS
heroes should not start with Groups with more than
the same item. four heroes can randomize
additional special items
on p. 30.

12 Heroes
MIGHT, BRAVERY, and INSIGHT. ▶ MIGHT (push, attack,
Distribute the following values heave, hurl, wreck)
among your ATTRIBUTES: 3, 2, 1. ▶ BRAVERY (jump, defend,
climb, evade, resist)
▶ INSIGHT (discover,
KIN MODIFIERS shoot, tinker, analyze,
▶ Geon: +1 MIGHT, –1 BRAVERY persuade)
▶ Seedling: –1 MIGHT,

DD HAIR CLOTHES Roll or pick one per column,
or come up with something
11 Brown Brown on your own.
12 Red Red
13 Orange Orange
14 Yellow Yellow
21 Lime Lime
22 Green Green
23 Teal Teal
24 Cyan Cyan
31 Blue Blue
32 Indigo Indigo
33 Purple Purple
34 Magenta Magenta
41 Pink Pink
42 White White
43 Grey Grey
44 Black Black

Heroes 13
Spend gems to buy things. If you ▶ Snack: 5 gems (restores
do, note it on your hero sheet. 1 HEART and 1 ENERGY).
▶ Meal: 10 gems (restores
▶ Bomb: 5 gems (can blow
things up or deplete 2
monster HEARTS).


Roll or pick a name from the table
below, or come up with something
on your own.

11 Iros
12 Reglo
13 Eko
14 Mila
22 Onola ▶ Explore Cerulea.
23 Riya ▶ Help friendly inhabitants.
▶ Find dungeons and clear
24 Alon them of monsters.
31 Rhys ▶ Fight the Shadow King’s

32 Eri evil influence.

33 Nessa
34 Lomio When you break pots and
41 Kinela defeat monsters, you
42 Jevo have a chance to find
helpful stuff. Remind the
43 Ethali MASTER to roll on the
44 Rinu Standard Loot table.

14 Heroes
heroes of

HERO Bravery Insight




INVENTORY Small Pouch (4 slots) Large Pouch (8 slots)

Snacks Keys Gems

Trinity Heroes of Cerulea
Meals Fragments Hero Sheet


The Shadow King dwells in the
Cerulean Citadel, behind an im­penetrable
barrier, while his evil influence
spreads across Cerulea.
His most fearsome beasts have fortified
perilous lairs, from which monsters spawn
and terrorize the region.
These beasts each protect a Trinity
fragment. The Trinity is a legendary
artifact that, once restored,
will be capable of breaking down
the barrier surrounding the
Cerulean Citadel—allowing one
to face the Shadow King.

16 Master
▶ Prepare dungeons full of ▶ Print out the relevant dungeon
trials and monsters. map (available for download
▶ Apply the rules when things on the publisher's website:
are clear cut; make rulings blackfiskpublishing.com).
when they aren’t. If you can’t print the map,
▶ Challenge the players draw it yourself.
and their heroes. ▶ Cut along the dotted lines
▶ Say “yes” to the players’ to form map pieces of the
creative ideas and solutions. separate rooms.
▶ Embrace the video game logic. ▶ When the heroes enter a room,
place the corresponding map
piece in sight for everyone.
▶ If the dungeon has multiple
floors, you can place the
visited map pieces in a clear
plastic sleeve for each floor.
▶ Keep “building” the map as the
heroes explore the dungeon.

Master 17
The Shadow King has split the
Trinity into three fragments and
hidden each inside a dungeon
with a boss to protect it.
Once the heroes have gathered
all three fragments, they can CAMPAIGN STYLE
enter the Cerulean Citadel This game can accommodate three
and face the Shadow King. different campaign styles:
a Dungeon Campaign. The
MODIFYING LENGTH heroes start at a dungeon’s
You can split the Trinity entrance. Whenever they want
into more or fewer frag- to, they can go straight to
ments for a longer or another dungeon, completely
shorter campaign. You might skipping Overworld play. As
have to adjust challenges the MASTER, you don’t have
and monsters. to prepare anything unless
you want to; just select a
dungeon from this book.
b Overworld Campaign. The
MODIFYING DIFFICULTY heroes start at either the
The official campaign is entrance of a dungeon or in
written for three heroes. Citadel Town. They get access
to the Overworld map with
▶ If there are fewer the main dungeons marked. To
heroes: for each get to a dungeon, they have
missing hero, reduce to travel through a number
the number of monsters of Overworld areas. As the
in each room by one MASTER, you should prepare
and the HEARTS of content for some of the areas
bosses by 2. between the dungeons.
▶ If there are more c Screen Crawl Campaign.
heroes: for each The heroes start in Citadel
extra hero, increase Town. Their Overworld map is
the number of monsters blank—they have to travel
by one and the HEARTS through areas, explore,
of bosses by 2. and ask around to find the
dungeons. As the MASTER,
you should prepare content
for most of the areas.

18 Master
1 Determine the dungeon’s theme BEST PRACTICES
and architecture (see below). ▶ Create nonlinear paths
2 Combine the results to name the through the dungeon.
dungeon—Moon Cave, Temple of ▶ Anticipate at least two
Fire, Sky Ship, et cetera. possible solutions for
3 Roll 4D to determine the number challenges—but be very
of rooms in the dungeon, or just open to the players’
decide for yourself. alternative ideas as
4 Determine a challenge (p. 20) long as their solutions
for each room. make sense.
„ If there are at least 5 ▶ Don’t block the main
rooms, one should contain path with your hardest
a special item (p. 30). challenges; use them
„ If there are at least 8 for optional routes and
rooms, one should contain treasure instead.
a boss (p. 26–27). ▶ The dungeon’s special
„ If there are at least 10 item should help solve
rooms, one should contain some of its challenges
a shop (p. 28) or an and defeat its boss.
inhabitant (p. 25). ▶ Embrace the video
5 Write down bullet points de­ game logic, but also
scribing the rooms’ contents. embrace the flexibility
6 Lay out the dungeon. Add of tabletop role-
openings or doors between playing games.
the rooms as you see fit.

11 Fire/Flame/Volcano Dungeon
12 Water/Ocean/Lake Belly
13 Shadow/Darkness/Black Castle/Palace
14 Air/Sky/Cloud Temple/Shrine
21 Spirit/Ghost Tower
22 Forest/Jungle Crypt/Grave/Tomb
23 Swamp/Mire Well/Sewer
24 Ice/Snow/Frost Chateau/Manor
31 Earth/Stone/Rock Fortress/Keep
32 Light/Sun/Moon Tree
33 Death/Skull Lair/Den
34 Sand/Desert/Dune Maze/Labyrinth
41 Time/Past Ruins
42 Dream/Illusion Cave/Cavern/Grotto
43 Curse/Doom Mine/Quarry
44 Storm/Wind Ship 19
Challenges are HIDDEN DOORS
problems the Don’t automatically mention
heroes must cracked walls and the like
solve to pro- to the players—see if
ceed through they check out the wall
the dungeon or get in question. If they don’t,
their hands on treasure. you might ask them for an
INSIGHT roll to discover it.

11 Miniboss. See page 27.
12–14 Monsters. See the facing page.
21 Switch puzzle. Find a hidden button and press it;
hold a floor switch down to keep the door open;
pull a lever from a distance.
22 Push puzzle. Push a particular block; rotate a
statue in a particular direction; rearrange blocks
in a particular pattern.
23 Brazier puzzle. Light all the braziers; extinguish all the
braziers; light braziers in a particular order or pattern.
24 Teleport puzzle. Activate the teleporters in the correct
order; find the correct path or get teleported back
to the beginning.
31 Hidden door. Bomb a cracked wall; cut through an
overgrown opening; move a bookcase; melt a block
of ice; pull down a tapestry.
32 Key in a chest. There is a locked door, and the chest
is in a different room.
33 Key on a monster. There is a locked door, and the
monster is in a different room.
34 Key from a puzzle. There is a locked door, and the
puzzle is in a different room.
41 Elevation obstacle. Traverse a pit; push a block and
climb up; pull down a ladder; raise the ground level.
42 Wall obstacle. Bomb stone blocks; melt ice walls; put out fire.
43 Liquid obstacle. Drain the water; lower the lava level.
Usually accomplished by solving a puzzle, perhaps in
a different room.
44 Darkness obstacle. Avoid pits in the dark; fight monsters
20 in darkness; find the light switch. Master
▶ Roll DD on the list of monsters 01 RAT
to randomize an encounter. ▶ Large vermin.
▶ Roll quantity to determine ▶ Can hide in pots and
how many appear. other narrow spaces.
▶ Roll on the Monster Reaction ▶ HEARTS: 1
table to determine how they ▶ Quantity: 2D
react to the heroes.


▶ Reanimated cranium.
2–3 Hides and tries to ▶ Rolls around on
ambush the heroes. the ground and
4–5 Attacks immediately chomps at feet.
when the heroes
enter the room. ▶ Quantity: 2D

6–7 Attacks when a hero

comes close to it. 03 BAT
8 Friendly; wants to talk ▶ Flying rodent.
about something. ▶ Swoops down from
above when prey
comes close.
▶ For an easier dungeon/ ▶ Quantity: 2D
area, subtract 10 from
the monster roll result.
▶ For a harder dungeon/
area, add 10.

▶ Hovering, tentacled blob.
▶ Turns electric every other
ROUND, which makes all melee
attack rolls toward it
count as a 1.
▶ Quantity: 2D

Master 21
▶ A large plant with a long
stem and a big maw.
▶ Rooted in one spot.
▶ Quantity: 2D

▶ Gelatinous blob.
▶ Can drop from the ceiling
or slip through cracks in
the floor.
▶ Special: Roll 1D: 1 Regular
slime; 2 Fire slime; 3 Ice slime;
4 Electric slime.
▶ Quantity: 2D

▶ Large, four-limbed insect.
▶ Leaps into the air and
attacks from above.
▶ Can walk on water.
▶ Quantity: 2D ▶ Small humanoid with
long arms.
▶ Wields weapons.
▶ Quantity: 2D

▶ Eight-limbed mollusc.
▶ Hides underwater; jumps up
and squirts ink projectiles.
At the end of the ROUND,
it hides again for the
next 1D/2 ROUNDS.
▶ Quantity: 2D

22 Master
▶ Large, silk-spinning arachnid.
▶ Climbs walls and ceilings, then
it descends on its prey.
▶ Quantity: 1D+1
▶ Reanimated bones.
▶ When defeated, it 31 LIZARDKIN
turns into a skull; ▶ Humanoid reptile.
unless destroyed, ▶ Wields weapons.
it reanimates into ▶ HEARTS: 3
a skeleton after ▶ Quantity:
2 ROUNDS. 1D+1
▶ Quantity: 2D

▶ Undead wizard.
▶ Attacks with ranged
blasts of magic.
▶ Can teleport once
per ROUND.
▶ Special: Roll 1D: 32 SENTINEL
1 Regular warlock; ▶ Animated armor.
2 Fire warlock; ▶ Appears to be a statue;
3 Ice warlock; comes to life.
4 Electric warlock. ▶ HEARTS: 3
▶ Quantity: ▶ Quantity: 1D+1
▶ Large, wormlike
arthropod with
elongated mandibles.
▶ Hides underground;
attacks when prey is
nearby. At the end of the
ROUND, it burrows under-
ground again for the
next 1D/2 ROUNDS.
▶ Quantity: 1D+1

Master 23
▶ Reanimated corpse.
▶ When it depletes a HEART,
it also grabs the hero.
The hero can perform no
actions other than
trying to escape.
▶ Quantity: 1D

▶ Mechanical pillar
with a large eye
on top.
34 GHOST ▶ Scouts the room
▶ Vengeful spirit. through circular
▶ Depletes 1 HEART and 1 ENERGY. sweeps—shoots
▶ HEARTS: 3 laser beams when
▶ Quantity: 1D+1 a hero is detected.
▶ Depletes 2 HEARTS.
41 TROLL ▶ Quantity: 1D
▶ Large humanoid with long arms.
▶ Wields weapons.
▶ Quantity: 1D ▶ Tubelike blob.
▶ When it depletes
a HEART, it also
swallows a random
item. Once de-
feated, heroes
can retrieve
those items.
▶ Quantity: 1D

▶ Undead warrior
in plate armor.
▶ Wields weapons.
▶ Quantity: 1D/2

24 Master
▶ Beast with a humanoid upper ▶ Massive hand.
body and equine lower body. ▶ Descends from above and
▶ Wields weapons. attempts to grab a hero.
▶ HEARTS: 6 The hero can avoid it through
▶ Quantity: 1D/2 their ACTION ROLL. If caught,
the hero can perform no actions
other than trying to escape.
▶ The ROUND after a missed grab
or a hero escapes, it jumps
back up onto the ceiling and
runs away only to return later.
▶ HEARTS: 5 ▶ Quantity: 1D/2

▶ Monstrous, crawling lizard with
thick scales and a huge maw.
▶ Sucks in air for one ROUND;
the next ROUND, it breathes
fire that depletes 2 HEARTS.
▶ Invulnerable to regular attacks;
must be damaged from within.
▶ HEARTS: 6 ▶ Quantity: 1D/2

Inhabitants focus on one single ▶ Elves. Pointy-eared humanoids
thing and prefer to talk only living on the plains.
about that. They generally know ▶ Avians. Birdlike humanoids
very little about anything else living among the clouds.
and try to steer the conver­ ▶ Geon. Rocklike human­o ids
sation toward their focus. living in the mountains.
Five different kin inhabit ▶ Aquarians. Fishlike human­o ids
the lands of Cerulea: living in the lakes.
▶ Seedlings. Treelike human­o ids
living in the forests.


1 Elf Child Woman Rude The weather
2 Avian/Aquarian Young Man Uninterested Food
3 Geon/Seedling Adult Androgynous Friendly A problem
4 Monster Old Hidden Helpful A rumor 25
▶ A boss is a particularly ▶ They normally have 5–8
large monster with a special HEARTS (1D+4).
feature. A boss should match ▶ They are usually invulnerable
the dungeon’s theme. to regular attacks until
▶ The boss usually resides in the heroes figure out their
the dungeon room that’s the particular weakness and
hardest to reach. Entering exploit it.
the boss room might require ▶ When the heroes defeat
a special key. a boss, it disintegrates.
▶ They follow a certain action The heroes gain a TRINITY
moveset—you randomize the FRAGMENT, increase their
action at the start of each maximum HEARTS by 1 each,
ROUND. The heroes’ regular and fully restore their
ACTION ROLLS still determine HEARTS and ENERGY.
whether the boss’s action
is successful or not.

11 Fire/Flame Beast
12 Electric/Lightning Slime
13 Mighty/Strong Octopus
14 Cursed/Mystical Plant
21 Phantom/Spirit Spider
22 Stone/Rock Skeleton
23 Giant/Big/Great Eye
24 Frost/Ice Spirit
31 King/Queen Centipede
32 Iron/Armored Scorpion
33 Ancient/Primordial Warlock
34 Nightmare/Grim Snake
41 Dark/Shadow Knight
42 Death/Undead/Fossil Cyclops
43 Mechanical/Clockwork Golem
44 Twins/Brothers/Sisters Dragon

26 Master
11 Make it fall over. 1 Special Attack.
12 Make it swallow bombs. A particularly powerful
attack, usually related
13 Reflect its projectiles to the boss’s feature
back at it. or its type.
14 Remove its armor. 2 Attack. A regular attack.
21 Trap it in place. 3 Displacement. An action
22 Drop something on it that moves the boss or
from above. heroes—for example, a
sweep or a teleportation.
23 Power up a weapon. 4 Defense. A defensive
24 Defeat its minions. action that makes the boss
31 Play a sedating song. impervious to attacks for
the entirety of the ROUND.
32 Climb on top of it.
33 Identify the real one. MINIBOSSES
34 Draw it within reach. ▶ Some dungeons might have
41 Wait for the right moment. a miniboss guarding the
treasure or a special key.
42 Activate all the switches. ▶ Minibosses are typically special
43 Make it hurt itself. versions of monsters.
▶ They can have a special
44 Nothing—just duke it out feature and a certain
(+5 HEARTS). action moveset, but
they usually have no
particular weakness.
▶ They normally have
3–6 HEARTS (1D+2).

Master 27
▶ Roll 1D+1 to decide how many ▶ Shop items can be sold
items the shop has. Then roll for half their listed price
on the table below to determine rounded down.
which items are in stock. ▶ General items and special
▶ Stealing makes you a thief— items can be sold for their
known by every inhabitant. DD value ×5.


11–12 Snack. Restores 1 HEART and 1 ENERGY 5 gems
when consumed.
13 Meal. Restores 3 HEARTS and 3 ENERGY 10 gems
when consumed.
14 Bomb. Can blow things up or deplete 5 gems
2 monster HEARTS.
21 Energy Potion. Restores all ENERGY. Must be 20 gems
consumed immediately or stored in a bottle.
22 Heart Potion. Restores all HEARTS. Must be 30 gems
consumed immediately or stored in a bottle.
23 Wasp. When released from a bottle, it gives 40 gems
heroes +1D for combat rolls during the cur-
rent ROUND and next, then it disappears.
24 Pixie. Restores all HEARTS. If stored in 40 gems
a bottle, it activates automatically when
the hero goes unconscious.
31 Vitality Potion. Restores all HEARTS 50 gems
and ENERGY. Must be consumed immediately
or stored in a bottle.
32 Bottle. Can store a potion, wasp, or pixie. 120 gems
33 Energy Container. Increases one 100 gems
hero’s maximum ENERGY by 1 and restores
all their ENERGY.
34 Heart Container. Increases one hero’s 150 gems
maximum HEARTS by 1 and restores all
their HEARTS.
41–44 A random general item (facing page). DD value ×10

28 Master
Heroes can find general items in treasure chests inside dungeons,
purchase them in shops (for their DD value ×10), or receive them
as a reward for helping friendly inhabitants.

11 Particular key. Only opens a particular lock. Doesn’t have
to be an actual key or an actual lock.
12 Bottle. Can hold a potion, wasp, or pixie.
13 Power Bracelet. +1D for noncombat strength rolls.
14 Hero’s Shield. +1D for DEFEND rolls.
21 Dowsing Rod. Vibrates in rooms where something is hidden.
22 Magic Flute. The user can summon a portal to the closest
town. The portal stays open until heroes travel back through
it. If a new portal opens, the previous portal closes.
23 Large Pouch. Grants a total of 8 inventory slots.
Replaces a small pouch.
24 Hero’s Tunic. +1D for noncombat acrobatic rolls.
31 Shock Ring. Grants immunity to electricity.
32 Frost Ring. Grants immunity to cold.
33 Flame Ring. Grants immunity to fire.
34 Hero’s Bow. +1D for ranged ATTACK rolls. Unlimited arrows.
41 Hero’s Sword. +1D for melee ATTACK rolls.
42 Hero’s Armor. Any time the wearer would lose a HEART,
they lose half a HEART instead. (Use a pen to draw lines
down the middle of your HEART symbols).
43 Big Sword. Successful attacks deplete 2 monster HEARTS.
44 Monster Mask. Monsters (but not bosses) ignore the
wearer as long as the wearer doesn’t attack.

Master 29
Heroes can find special items in treasure chests inside dungeons.

11 Lantern. Lights up dark places. Can immolate objects.
12 Bow. Ranged weapon. Each arrow uses 1 gem.
13 Boomerang. Can retrieve small items from a long distance.
Successful attacks STUN monsters (not bosses) for the
current ROUND.
14 Magic Cape. Spend 1 ENERGY to make yourself invulnerable
for the current ROUND and the next.
21 Big Hammer. Can smash things. Successful attacks
against stone monsters deplete 2 HEARTS.
22 Grappling Hook. Can grab things from a distance and
carry the user across gaps.
23 Feather Boots. The wearer can jump very high and far.
24 Magic Fan. Can create strong gusts of wind.
31 Control Staff. Spend 1 ENERGY to control a monster’s
(not boss’s) actions for the upcoming ROUND. Controlling the
monster demands the user’s full attention and requires an
INSIGHT roll for every action.
32 Truth Lens. The user can see through illusions.
33 Lightning Staff. Spend 1 ENERGY to shoot an electricity
projectile. Successful attacks STUN monsters (not bosses)
for the current ROUND. Can also activate technology
from a distance.
34 Ice Staff. Spend 1 ENERGY to shoot an ice projectile.
Successful attacks STUN monsters (not bosses) for
the current ROUND. Can also freeze water.
41 Fire Staff. Spend 1 ENERGY to shoot a fire projectile.
Successful attacks deplete 1 monster HEART. Can also
immolate objects or melt ice from a distance.
42 Mirror Shield. +1D for DEFEND rolls. Can reflect light
and magic.
43 Shrink Hat. Spend 1 ENERGY to turn tiny. You may return
to regular size at any time.
44 Hover Disc. Spend 1 ENERGY to levitate and glide
through the air for one ROUND.

30 Master
▶ Roll when heroes smash a pot. Roll when heroes search a
▶ Roll when heroes defeat regular chest or the like.
a monster.
DD STANDARD LOOT 11–22 Gems. 1D×25 pieces.
11–14 Monster. (Pots only; 23–24 Bombs. Can blow
otherwise, “Nothing”.) things up or deplete
Roll 1D: 1 Rat; 2 Skull; 2 monster HEARTS.
3 Bat; 4 Slime. 1D pieces.
21–24 Nothing.
31 Gems. 1D×2 pieces. 31–32 Pixie. Restores all
HEARTS. If stored in
32 Energy. Restores 1 a bottle (roll BRAVERY
ENERGY when picked up. to catch it), it acti-
33–34 Heart. Restores 1 vates automati­c ally
HEART when picked up. when the hero goes
41 Snack. Restores 1 33–34 Bottle. Can store a
HEART and 1 ENERGY potion, wasp, or pixie.
when consumed.
42 Meal. Restores 3 41–42 Energy Container.
HEARTS and 3 ENERGY Increases one hero’s
when consumed. maximum ENERGY by
1 and restores all
43 Bomb. Can blow their ENERGY.
things up or deplete
2 monster HEARTS. 43–44 Heart Container.
44 Pixie. Restores all Increases one hero’s
HEARTS. If stored in maximum HEARTS by
a bottle (roll BRAVERY 1 and restores all
to catch it), it acti- their HEARTS.
vates auto­m ati­c ally
when the hero goes

Master 31
LOCATIONS ▶ Raider Desert. A scorching,
▶ Cerulean Citadel. The once arid wasteland in the south-
magnificent castle of the west, surrounded by mountains.
royal family. Now surrounded Rumors say the dunes hide
by an impenetrable barrier legendary ruins.
and corrupted by the ▶ Wyvern Mire. Dense, misty wet­
Shadow King’s evil. lands in the south. Some­thing
▶ Citadel Town. The capital of has poisoned the water, turning
Cerulea. Largely abandoned the area into a putrid swamp.
since the Shadow King arrived. ▶ Frost Peaks. A chilly, snow-
The remaining inhabitants capped mountain range in the
huddle fearfully inside northeast. Lately, avalanches
their homes. and rockslides have plagued
▶ Paragon Lake. A large, the area.
clear lake in the east, dotted
with small islands. Recently
infested by monsters. AREA CONTENT
▶ Quill Village. A small and You can use the map at the very
cozy hamlet—idyllic despite beginning of the book as a base
the Shadow King’s campaign for creating your own Overworld.
of chaos. Ducks roam free. It contains terrain types for the
▶ Gloomwood. A vast and dense different areas as well as some
forest in the southeast, general terrain for inspiration.
shrouded in a mysterious You can roll on the table on
mist. Cursed by a male- the next page for something
ficent presence. to make an area interesting
▶ Mount Oblivion. An imposing, and challenging. It’s up to you
rocky mountain in the north- to develop the concept into
west, its peak circled by a full-fledged area, or you
clouds. Recently, a fiery could just keep it simple.
volcano has afflicted
the area.
Traveling between Overworld
areas doesn’t require any ACTION
ROLLS, doesn’t deplete any re­
sour­­ces, and you don’t have
to keep track of time.
If the heroes return to an
explored area, they are free
to travel past it without having
to enter it again.

32 Master
11 An old graveyard. A miniboss.
12 The ruins of a village. Monsters.
13 A mysterious statue. Monsters.
14 An abandoned house. Monsters.
21 An inhabitant. Requires a particular key.
22 A small village. Requires a specific ritual
(offering a fish; singing a
song; waiting until midnight).
23 A shop. Requires a specific item.
24 A witch’s hut. Roll 1D: Out of reach (high up on a
1–2 Sells potions; 3 Lifts steep ledge; on the other
curses; 4 Tells fortunes. side of a wide ravine).
31 A gambling house. Pay 5 gems, Hidden (underground; behind
roll INSIGHT: 1–2 You lose; vegetation; a cracked wall;
3 You get your 5 gems back; an illusion).
4 You win 10 gems.
32 A particular key. Somewhere within a maze.
33 A stone monument engraved Blockage (boulders;
with text that reveals broken bridge; large,
a secret. sleeping animal).
34 A portal to another area. A guardian requests a toll.
41 A cave with 1D rooms. Hard to reach (on the other
Roll challenges and de­- side of water; high up on a
termine a chest’s contents: ledge; on the other side of
1–2 One hundred gems; a ravine).
3 An Energy Container;
4 A Heart Container.
42 A small dungeon with 1D+1 Hidden danger, trapped,
rooms. Roll challenges or cursed.
and a general item.
43 A pixie fountain with 1D pixies. A stubborn inhabitant.
Bathing restores all HEARTS
44 Roll twice on this column. No obstacle.

Master 33
Restless spirits haunt the
Gloomwood, and skeletal monsters
terrorize nearby farms.
Inhabitants say an ancient crypt
stands somewhere deep within the woods.
Can the heroes break the curse and lay
the spirits to rest once more?

Place the Woodland Tomb somewhere in
the Gloomwood (for example, G15).

▶ In the middle of a forest. ▶ Mossy blocks of stone.
▶ An overgrown stone crypt ▶ Roots on the floor,
among the roots of an vines on the walls
enormous tree. and ceiling.
▶ A knight statue stands ▶ Earthy smell.
on each side of the ▶ Eerily silent.
open entrance.

Woodland Tomb 35


▶ Four knight statues pointing ▶ East: Open passage.
counterclockwise toward Leads to Trap Corridor.
each other. (Moving them ▶ South: Open passage.
does nothing.) Leads outside.
▶ North: Locked, mossy door. ▶ West: Open passage.
Leads to Pit Room. Leads to Skeleton Room.

36 Woodland Tomb
▶ Four stone pillars. SKELETON
▶ Four sneaky skeletons wielding ▶ Reanimated
swords. They hide bones.
be­­hind the pillars, ▶ When de­
ready to ambush feated, it
the heroes. turns into
▶ North: Open passage. a skull
Leads to Statue Room. (1 HEART
▶ East: Open passage. unless de­­
Leads to Entrance. stroyed, it
into a
KEY skeleton
When the heroes defeat after 2
the last skeleton, it drops ROUNDS..
a key.
key . ▶ HEARTS: 2


▶ Four knight statues. STATUE PUZZLE
Three are pointing in a Heroes can rotate the
sequence. The fourth one knight statues. If they
(northeast) is pointing are turned to point like
at the eastern wall. the statues in Entrance
▶ The eastern wall is covered a chest appears in the
with vines. middle of the room. The
▶ North: Open passage. chest contains a key.
key .
Leads to Forest Glade.
▶ South: Open passage.
Leads to Skeleton Room.
Cutting the vines on
the eastern wall opens
a path to Pit Room.
If heroes study the wall,
they notice it; otherwise,
ask for an INSIGHT roll.

Woodland Tomb 37
▶ Outside, surrounded by trees. WANDERER
▶ Many birds chirping and singing. An old man who loves to listen to
▶ A large tree stump in the birds singing. Ignores the heroes,
middle of the glade. mesmerized by birdsong.
▶ A wanderer sitting on
the tree stump, listening
to the birdsong. WANDERER PUZZLE
▶ A chest barely visible through If the heroes touch the
the trees (only reachable wanderer or make a very
through Platform Room). loud sound, he suddenly
Contains 50 gems. pays attention to them.
▶ East: Cracked wall. Leads He realizes he’s been
to Platform Room. sitting here for way
▶ South: Open passage. too long. He gives the
Leads to Statue Room. heroes a bottle and
▶ Northwest: Forest trail hurries home.
leading back to Entrance (A).


▶ Two cautious skeletons ▶ West: Open passage.
wielding bows. They attack Leads to Entrance.
when they spot a hero.
▶ A lit brazier. Relights
if quenched. PIT TRAP
▶ North: Open passage. When the heroes enter the
Leads to Treasure Room. easternmost part of the
corridor, if they hesitate,
have them make an INSIGHT
DEFEND)) roll to discov-
▶ Reanimated bones. er a hidden pit trap. If
▶ When defeated, it turns they continue down the
into a skull (1 HEART
HEART);); corridor, they must make
unless destroyed, a BRAVERY roll: 1–2 FALL
it reanimates into INTO THE PIT;
PIT; 3 Stop in
a skeleton after time to avoid falling;
ROUNDS.. 4 Instinctively leap
▶ HEARTS: 2 across the pit.

38 Woodland Tomb
▶ Platform with a large GRAPPLING HOOK
Can grab things from a distance
chest containing the
Grappling Hook. and carry the user across gaps.
▶ Two knight statues.
▶ Two pots.
▶ South: Open passage.
Leads to Trap Corridor.

If a hero opens the chest
or attacks one of the
statues, both statues
come to life as sentinels
They attack immediately.

▶ Animated armor.
▶ Appears to be a statue;
comes to life.


▶ A wide pit stretches BRAZIER PUZZLE
across the room. Quenching both braziers
▶ Two lit braziers. raises a bridge across
▶ Two pots. the pit.
▶ North: Mossy door. Leads
to Platform Room.
▶ South: Locked, mossy door.
Leads to Entrance.

Woodland Tomb 39
▶ Five platforms above LEVER TRAP
a deep pit. If a walkway or platform
▶ Two walkways far below. is lowered while a hero is
▶ South platform: walled, standing on it, the hero
two unlit braziers. FALLS INTO THE PIT.
▶ West platform: a lever
(lowers north–south walkway,
raises east–west walkway,
raises northwest platform). BAT
▶ Northwest platform: ▶ Flying rodent.
an unlit brazier. ▶ Swoops down from above
▶ North platform: a lever when prey comes close.
(raises north-south walkway, ▶ HEARTS: 1
lowers northwest platform).
▶ East platform: a lit brazier.
▶ Three hidden bats—one over
the northern platform, one BRAZIER PUZZLE
over the northwestern, one If the heroes light all
over the western. They ambush the braziers, a chest
when a hero comes close. appears in the southwest
▶ East: Large, locked door. corner. The chest holds
Leads to Boss Room. a Heart Container.
▶ South: Open passage.
Leads to Pit Room.
LEVER PUZZLE The western wall has a
Pulling a lever again re- crack in it. Heroes can
verses its effects. open a passage to
Forest Glade.


▶ Pits along the walls; a large platform in the center.
▶ Bones and armor parts lie in the middle of the room.
The Undead Knight comes to life when heroes enter.
▶ West: Large, locked door; a gate closes when heroes
enter. Leads to Platform Room.

40 Woodland Tomb
▶ A large, imposing
skeleton in
worn armor.
▶ Wields a rusty
and heavy two-
handed axe.
▶ Armored, –4D for
normal attacks
against it.

Removing pieces of armor exposes a big, evil eye inside
the Undead Knight’s
Knight’s ribcage.
To remove a piece, heroes make an appropriate ACTION
ROLL.. Successful bomb attacks remove two pieces of armor.
Each piece removed reduces the negative modifier for
attacks by 1 die.

1 Spins around like a whirlwind, attacking all heroes.
2 Swings the axe toward a random hero.
3 Picks up a random hero and throws them. The hero’s ACTION
ROLL determines the outcome: 1–2 Miss and FALL INTO
THE PIT; 3 Attack successfully but FALL INTO THE PIT;
4 Attack successfully and avoid getting picked up.
4 Reattaches a lost piece of armor.

Woodland Tomb 41
In Paragon Lake, sea monsters
are attacking boats and scaring
away fishermen.
The monsters’ lair lies inside
a mysterious building that recently
rose from the depths. Can the heroes
cleanse the lake of evil?

Place the Lake Tower somewhere
in Paragon Lake (for example, E11).

▶ Octagonal stone building at ▶ Wet and slick blocks of stone
the center of the lake. covered in algae.
▶ One story high. ▶ Three inches of water
▶ An open platform with a on the floor.
broken stone railing. ▶ Damp air; musty smell.
▶ Sounds of dripping water.

Lake Tower 43
▶ A platform just below CRACKED WALL
water level. The western wall has a
▶ Broken stone railing. crack in it. Heroes can
▶ Open but covered by a ceiling. open a passage to
▶ Four stone pillars. Chest Room.
▶ North: Open passage. Leads
to Upper Center Room.
▶ East: Rotten door. Leads to
Pool Room.
▶ South: Open to the outside.


▶ A pool of water with stairs WATER
leading down to Lower Heroes can swim freely across
Center Room (2A). water. While swimming, they cannot
▶ North: Rotten door. Leads to attack or use items—they can
Upper Walkway Room. only DEFEND, and they fail on
▶ West: Sealed stone door. 1–3. They can dive beneath the
Leads to Secret Room. surface for a short while, but if
▶ South: Open passage. they stay too long, they start
Leads to Balcony. losing HEARTS.


▶ Cross-shaped walkway. ▶ East: Rotten door. Leads
▶ Pools of water, 12 feet deep. to Pool Room.
▶ A floor switch. Raises the ▶ South: Rotten door. Leads
tower, which drains the water to Upper Center Room.
to the floor of the second ▶ West: Sealed stone door.
level; all water drains from Leads to Upper Hole Room.
the current level.

44 Lake Tower
3G 3C

3B 3D

3E 3A


▶ A large pool of water LIZARDKIN
stretching across the ▶ Humanoid reptile.
room, 12 feet deep. ▶ Wields weapons.
▶ Platforms at both ends of the ▶ HEARTS: 3
room. Both have stairs leading
to the bottom, underwater.
▶ Three swimming lizardkin
wielding spears. They attack KEY
when a hero comes close. When the heroes defeat
▶ Four pots on the bottom the last lizardkin,
of the pool. it drops a key.
key .
▶ Southwest: Rotten door.
Leads to Balcony.
▶ Northwest: Rotten door.
Leads to Upper Walk-
way Room.

Lake Tower 45
▶ A small chest. ▶ A small chest.
▶ East: Cracked wall. ▶ Four pots.
Leads to Balcony. ▶ A deep pool of water.
Leads to Lower Walk-
way Room (2E).
▶ A switch on the floor.
Opens the sealed stone
door to the east.
▶ East: Sealed stone
door. Leads to Upper
Center Room.


▶ Two pots.
▶ A deep pool of water. Leads to Lower Hole Room (2F).
▶ A switch on the floor. Opens the sealed stone door to the east.
▶ East: Sealed stone door. Leads to Upper Walkway Room.


▶ Stairs leading up to Upper HOLE PUZZLE
Center Room (3B). If the heroes raise the
▶ Two pots. tower and drain the water
▶ Floor: A gated hole with to the floor of the first
a very deep pool of water. level, the gate opens.
Leads to Boss Room (1A). The heroes can jump
▶ North: Sealed stone door. down the hole and land
Leads to Shop Room. “safely” in the water
▶ South: Rotten door. Leads in Boss Room (1A).
to Water Room.

46 Lake Tower
2F 2G

2E 2A 2C



▶ Water stretching across
the room, 12 feet deep.
▶ Five platforms. Two of them
have stairs leading to the
bottom, underwater.
▶ Two pots.
▶ Three lurking octopuses.
They attack when a hero OCTOPUS
comes close. ▶ Eight-limbed mollusc.
▶ Northwest: Locked door. ▶ Hides underwater; jumps
Leads to Lower Walk- up and squirts ink
way Room. projectiles. At the end
▶ North: Rotten door. Leads of the ROUND
ROUND,, it hides
to Lower Center Room. again for the next
▶ Northeast: Rotten door. 1D/2 ROUNDS
Leads to Miniboss Room. ▶ HEARTS: 1

Lake Tower 47
▶ Water along the walls; a large MIGHTY LIZARDKIN
platform in the center. ▶ A particularly large lizardkin.
▶ North: Sealed stone door. ▶ Wields a trident.
Leads to Treasure Room. ▶ HEARTS: 4
▶ South: Rotten door; a gate
closes when heroes enter.
Leads to Water Room. 1D MINIBOSS ACTIONS
1 Swings the trident in
a big circle, attacking
MONSTER TRAP all heroes.
The Mighty Lizardkin 2 Stabs the trident toward
and two regular lizard- a random hero.
kin wielding spears are 3 Dives into the water and
hiding in the water. reappears in a different
When the heroes enter, spot the next ROUND.
the monsters attack
and the doors seal. 4 Spins the trident around
wildly, making it impossible
to get close.
When the heroes defeat
the last lizardkin, the
gate and the sealed
stone door open.

▶ Humanoid reptile.
▶ Wields weapons.

48 Lake Tower
▶ A big chest containing RUSTY SWITCH
the Big Hammer. Activating a rusty switch
▶ A rusty switch. Opens the requires a hit from the
sealed stone door between Big Hammer, a bomb
Lower Center Room (2A) explosion, or
and Shop Room (2G). something else
▶ South: Sealed stone door. with enough
Leads to Miniboss Room. force.

Can smash things (like rusty
switches). A successful
attack against a stone monster
depletes 2 HEARTS.


▶ T-shaped walkway. the current level. Also opens
▶ Pools of water, 12 feet deep. the bars blocking the hole in
▶ Ceiling: A hole. Leads to Lower Center Room (2A).
Secret Room (3F).
▶ South: Rotten door. Leads
to Water Room. CRACKED WALL
▶ A rusty switch. Raises the The northern wall has a
tower, which drains the water crack in it. Heroes can
to the floor of the first open a passage to Lower
level; all water drains from Hole Room.


▶ A rusty switch on the floor. ▶ Ceiling: A hole. Leads to
Lowers the tower one level, Upper Hole Room (G).
which raises the water. If ▶ South: Cracked wall.
acti­v ated again, it lowers the Leads to Lower Walk-
tower another level—but it can way Room.
never submerge the third level.

Lake Tower 49
▶ Platform with a walkway. ▶ Friendly lizardkin
▶ Pools of water, 12 feet deep. shopkeeper.
▶ South: Sealed stone „ Snack. 5 gems.
door. Leads to Lower „ Meal. 10 gems.
Center Room. „ Bomb. 5 gems.


▶ Water stretching across the
room, 20 feet deep.
▶ Four platforms in the center.
▶ Stairs leading down from two
of the platforms.
▶ Four smaller platforms, one in
each corner. A rusty switch
on each platform; activating
one of them raises the
tower for two ROUNDS, which
temporarily drains all water
from the current level.
▶ The Great Octopus lurks
below the surface.
▶ South: Underwater passage.
Leads outside after the boss
is defeated; otherwise, the
hero automatically drops down
in the center of the room. BOSS WEAKNESS
The Great Octopus
stays in the water, out
FLUSHED OUT of the heroes’ reach.
If heroes are in the water To damage it, the heroes
when it drains, they each must drain the water
make a BRAVERY roll to by activating one of
avoid getting swept away the rusty switches.
and losing 1 HEART
HEART.. At When the water is
the start of the next drained, the Great
ROUND,, they automatically
ROUND Octo­pus’
us’s action is
drop down in the center always a tentacle
of the room. slam (Action
( Action 2).

50 Lake Tower
▶ Huge octopus monster with one big, evil eye.
▶ Has countless tentacles.
▶ Hides its body in the water, out of reach.
▶ HEARTS: 6—damaging tentacles doesn’t deplete its HEARTS.

1 Creates a huge wave. All heroes must make an extra BRAVERY
(DEFEND) roll to avoid falling into the water.
2 Slams down a tentacle on a random hero.
3 Picks up a random hero and pulls them into the water.
The hero’s ACTION ROLL determines the outcome: 1–2 Miss
and get pulled into the water; 3 Attack successfully but
get pulled into the water; 4 Attack successfully and avoid
getting pulled into the water. If pulled into the water,
the hero must spend their next action to make a MIGHT
or BRAVERY roll to escape or they lose 1 HEART; unless
they escape or the water is drained, they must try
again the next ROUND.
4 Just lurks underwater, out of reach.

Lake Tower 51
The volcano of Mount Oblivion
has awoken! It’s spewing burning rocks,
molten magma, and black ash into the air.
Something must have disturbed
its slumber. Do the heroes dare to
venture into the fiery mountain
to find out what’s going on?

Place the Cavern of Flame somewhere
on Mount Oblivion (for example, B2).

▶ On the side of an imposing, ▶ Excavated tunnels;
active volcano. uneven cave walls and
▶ Ashes and flaming rocks wooden supports.
rain down from above. ▶ Hot air; sulfur smell.
▶ The entrance is an ▶ Constant rumbling
old mine shaft. and tremors.

Cavern of Flame 53

1B 1C


▶ Three statues with raised ▶ Northwest: Burnt door.
arms and empty hands. Leads to Hole Room.
▶ A pit stretching across the
north end of the room; stone
railing with an opening in the WINDMILL PUZZLE
middle. Leads to Lava Room. Using a gust of wind to
▶ A stone pillar with a windmill spin the windmill appa­
apparatus, standing in the pit. ratus lowers a bridge
▶ North: Large, sealed stone across the pit.
door. Leads to Boss Room.
▶ Northeast: Locked, burnt door.
Leads to Brazier Room.
▶ Southeast: Open
passage. Leads to Upper Placing one sphere in
Elevator Room. the hands of each statue
▶ South: Tunnel to the outside. opens the sealed stone
▶ Southwest: Open passage. door to the north.
Leads to Upper Stairs Room.

54 Cavern of Flame
▶ Staircase: Leads down to ▶ East: Open passage.
Lower Stairs Room (0G). Leads to Statue Room.


▶ A circular platform; on it, a statue with raised arms
and empty hands.
▶ West: Open passage. Leads to Statue Room.

Placing a sphere in the statue’s hands activates the platform,
which becomes an elevator. It moves down and up between
Upper Elevator Room and Lower Elevator Room (0H). (0H).


▶ Four goblins wielding spears GOBLIN
and a troll wielding a big ▶ Small humanoid with
club, resting. They attack long arms.
if disturbed. ▶ Wields weapons.
▶ Two pots. ▶ HEARTS: 2
▶ On the floor, a large mosaic
of a coiled serpent (depicting
the solution to the puzzle in
Brazier Room: start at the TROLL
head, follow the body, finish ▶ Large humanoid with
at the tail). long arms.
▶ Floor: Circular hole. Leads ▶ Wields weapons.
to Steam Room (0A). ▶ HEARTS: 4
▶ Southeast: Burnt door.
Leads to Statue Room.

When the heroes defeat the troll, it drops a key.
key .

Cavern of Flame 55
▶ Three dancing goblins ▶ North: Sealed stone
wielding clubs. They attack door. Leads to Upper
when a hero comes close. Sphere Room.
▶ Four unlit braziers. ▶ West: Locked, burnt door.
Leads to Statue Room.
Lighting all four braziers GOBLIN
in the correct order (top ▶ Small humanoid with
right, bottom left, bottom long arms.
right, top left) opens ▶ Wields weapons.
the sealed stone door ▶ HEARTS: 2
to the north.


▶ A platform with a sphere SPHERES
on a pedestal. Large, orange, glowing
▶ Two pots. orbs. Warm but not
▶ South: Sealed stone door. scalding. They fit in
Leads to Brazier Room. the statues’ hands.


▶ Hot rocks along the walls; BOSS WEAKNESS
a large octagonal platform Heroes can make BRAVERY
in the center. rolls to cool down the
▶ Large, volcanic rocks lie Fire Golem with gusts
scattered across the room. of wind or with water.
When the heroes enter, When it’s cooled down,
the rocks ignite and heroes can attack it
form the Fire Golem. with regular attacks.
▶ South: Large, sealed stone At the beginning of
door; it reseals when heroes each ROUND
ROUND,, the boss
enter. Leads to Statue Room. reignites itself.

56 Cavern of Flame
▶ Large humanoid
golem made of
burning volcanic
▶ Heroes can’t attack
it—it’s burning hot.

1 Slams the ground and makes stones fall from the ceiling—
can hit all heroes.
2 Smashes a random hero with its giant fist. Depletes 2 HEARTS.
3 Blows steam at a random hero, which might push them
onto the surrounding hot rocks. The hero’s ACTION ROLL
determines the outcome: 1–2 Miss and get pushed onto the
hot rocks; 3 Attack successfully but get pushed onto the
hot rocks; 4 Attack successfully and avoid the hot rocks.
4 Emits a blazing fire that negates wind and water attacks
during this ROUND.

Cavern of Flame 57
0A 0B OC


0G 0H


▶ A steam vent blocking ▶ To move through the
the east side. steam, heroes must make
▶ A large, heavy, metal crate. a BRAVERY roll:
▶ A hole in the ceiling. „ 1–2 = Get pushed back
Leads to Hole Room (1D). and lose 2 HEARTS.
▶ East: Open passage. Leads „ 3 = Push through
to Treasure Room. but lose 2 HEARTS.
„ 4 = Push through
but lose 1 HEART.
STEAM VENT „ Additional 4s =
▶ Heroes or monsters who step Push through without
into the hot steam lose 1 HEART. losing HEARTS.
▶ Can be blocked by large objects.

58 Cavern of Flame
▶ A walkway across a pool
of lava.
▶ Platform with a large chest
containing the Magic Fan.
▶ A stone pillar with a wind-
mill apparatus, standing
in the lava.
▶ East: Sealed stone door. Leads
to Smoldering Tunnel.
▶ West: Open passage. MAGIC FAN
Leads to Steam Room. Can create strong gusts of wind
that put out fires, spin windmill
apparatuses, and cool down
LAVA hot rocks.
▶ Heroes who FALL INTO LAVA
lose 2 HEARTS and i­mmediately
jump back to where they WINDMILL PUZZLE
fell from. Spinning the windmill
▶ Monsters who FALL INTO LAVA apparatus using a gust
are instantly defeated. of wind opens the sealed
▶ A sphere that FALLS INTO stone door to the east.
LAVA reappears at the pedestal
where it was found.


▶ An S-shaped tunnel. ▶ To cross the hot rocks,
▶ Hot rocks cover the ground. heroes make a BRAVERY roll:
▶ Three platforms. „ 1–2 = Return to the previous
▶ Southeast: Open passage. platform and lose 2 HEARTS.
Leads to Chest Room. „ 3 = Reach the next platform
▶ Northwest: Sealed stone door. but lose 2 HEARTS.
Leads to Treasure Room. „ 4 = Reach the next platform
but lose 1 HEART.
„ Additional 4s = Reach
HOT ROCKS the next platform without
▶ If a hero or monster steps on losing HEARTS.
hot rocks, they lose 1 HEART.
▶ Can be temporarily cooled down
by wind or water.

Cavern of Flame 59
▶ Three territorial goblins ▶ Northeast: Open passage.
wielding spears. They Leads to Smoldering Tunnel.
attack immediately. ▶ West: Open passage. Leads
▶ A small chest containing a key. to Lava Room.


▶ Small humanoid with The southern wall has
long arms. a crack in it. Heroes can
▶ Wields weapons. open a passage to Lower
▶ HEARTS: 2 Elevator Room.


▶ Lava stretching across ▶ Northwest: Burnt door. Leads
the room. to Lower Sphere Room.
▶ A stone pillar with a wind-
mill apparatus, standing
in the lava. WINDMILL PUZZLE
▶ A walkway and a platform with Using a gust of wind to
a sphere on a pedestal. spin the windmill appa-
▶ Northeast: Open passage. ratus lowers a bridge
Leads to Chest Room. across the lava.
▶ Southeast: Open passage.
Leads to Lower Elevator

60 Cavern of Flame
▶ A hungry troll wielding a
big club. Will hand over the
sphere in exchange for
a meal or two snacks. Attacks
if a hero tries to grab the
sphere; will chase after them
into other rooms.
▶ A platform with a sphere
on a pedestal.
▶ East: Burnt door. Leads
to Lava Room.
▶ South: Locked, burnt
door. Leads to Lower
Stairs Room.

▶ Large humanoid
with long arms.
▶ Wields weapons.


▶ Two tall pots containing two torches each.
▶ Staircase: Leads to Upper Stairs Room (1B).
▶ North: Locked, burnt door. Leads to Lower Sphere Room.


▶ A circular indentation— CRACKED WALL
a landing for the elevator in The northern wall has
Upper Elevator Room (1C). a crack in it. Heroes
▶ Two pots. can open a passage
▶ West: Open passage. to Chest Room.
Leads to Lava Room.

Cavern of Flame 61
The Shadow King has overtaken the
Cerulean royal castle. An impenetrable
barrier of dark energy shrouds
the citadel.
Only someone carrying all fragments
of the Trinity can dispel the barrier
and enter the castle. But who knows
what dangers await inside…

▶ Huge, imposing castle. ▶ Walls, floors, and high ceilings
▶ Surrounded by a moat of stone and marble.
with a drawbridge. ▶ Once majestic and luxurious,
▶ A barrier of dark energy but now in complete disarray—
around the entire castle, twisted by the Shadow King’s
impossible to pass through. dark presence.
Only the complete Trinity can
dispel it; doing so drains the
Trinity of power (but players HIDDEN ENTRANCE
can still use its rerolls). In a bush east of the
castle, a hidden trap door
leads down to Northern
The Cerulean Citadel
is located in D7.

Cerulean Citadel 63
1C 1G 1H 1J

1D 1B 1I

▶ Big, browning lawn with MONSTER PUZZLE
withered bushes. When the heroes defeat
▶ Stone-paved path. the Fierce Centaur,
▶ A large, murky fountain. the gate opens.
▶ The Fierce Centaur.
▶ North: Large, fine door;
a gate closes when heroes
enter. Leads to Entrance. FOUNTAIN PUZZLE
▶ South: Stone-paved path. The fountain’s center-
Leads outside of the castle. piece has a keyhole with
a crown symbol. Unlocking
it with the Fountain Key
KEY reveals a narrow staircase
When the heroes defeat leading down to Fountain
the Fierce Centaur,
Centaur, Room (0G).
it drops a key.
key .

64 Cerulean Citadel
▶ A mighty, six-limbed
beast with a humanoid
upper body and an
equine lower body.
▶ Shoots a bow
and swings
a halberd.

1 Spins around with the halberd, attacking all heroes.
2 Fires an arrow at a random hero.
3 Charges a random hero. The hero’s ACTION ROLL determines
the outcome: 1–2 Miss, get flung across the courtyard,
and lose 1 HEART; 3 Attack successfully, get flung across
the courtyard, and lose 1 HEART; 4 Attack successfully
and avoid the charge.
4 Quickly gallops away, avoiding all attacks.

▶ Wide room. ▶ South: Large, fine door.
▶ Four knight statues with Leads to Courtyard.
swords. (Moving them ▶ Northwest: Fine door.
does nothing.) Leads to Dining Hall.
▶ Two patrolling knights
wielding swords. They attack
when a hero comes close. KNIGHT
▶ East staircase: Leads to ▶ Undead warrior in
Eastern Stairs (2C). plate armor.
▶ West staircase: Leads to ▶ Wields weapons.
Western Stairs (2A). ▶ HEARTS: 5
▶ East: Fine door. Leads
to Barracks.

Cerulean Citadel 65
▶ Tables and chairs in dis­a rray;
some tipped over, some broken.
▶ Large, lit fireplace.
▶ Four goblins wielding knives
and two trolls wielding big
clubs, eating. They attack
if disturbed.
▶ Two pots.
▶ Northeast: Mossy door. ▶ Small humanoid with
Leads to Garden. long arms.
▶ Southeast: Fine door. ▶ Wields weapons.
Leads to Entrance. ▶ HEARTS: 2
▶ Southwest: Burnt door.
Leads to Kitchen.
KEY ▶ Large humanoid with
When the heroes defeat long arms.
the last monster, it drops ▶ Wields weapons.
a key.
key . ▶ HEARTS: 4

▶ The room is engulfed FIRE PUZZLE
in impassable flames. Gusts of wind, bottles
▶ Burning counters of water, or projectiles
and cupboards. of ice can extinguish
▶ North: Burnt door. the flames.
Leads to Dining Hall.
▶ South: Burnt door. Leads to
Upper Basement Stairs.


▶ Four pots. ▶ North: Burnt door.
▶ Staircase: Leads down to Leads to Kitchen.
Lower Basement Stairs (0A).

66 Cerulean Citadel
▶ Four shambling skeletons:
two with swords, two with
bows. They attack when
a hero comes close.
▶ Seven knight statues
with mirror shields, spread LIGHT PUZZLE
out in the garden. Heroes can rotate four of
▶ The southeastern wall the knight statues; the
is covered with vines. other three are traps
▶ Northeast: A large well. Leads (see below). If the heroes
to Well (0F). If heroes jump activate the telescope
down, they land safely in water. in Balcony
Balcony,, then turn
▶ Southeast: Climbing the vines the statues to point in a
leads to Balcony (2F). sequ­e nce that ends with
▶ South: Sealed stone door one pointing at the sun
with a sun symbol on it. symbol on the southern
Leads to Plant Room. door, the door opens.
▶ Southwest: Mossy door. Alternatively, the heroes
Leads to Dining Hall. can reflect the beam of
light using the Mirror
Shield,, or shoot the
SKELETON sun symbol with the
▶ Reanimated bones. Light Staff.
▶ When defeated, it turns
into a skull (1 HEART
unless destroyed, it
reanimates into a skele­ STATUE TRAP
ton after 2 ROUNDS
ROUNDS.. If a hero touches one of
▶ HEARTS: 2 the three westernmost
knight statues, it comes
to life as a sentinel
Attacks immediately.
Destroying the vines
on the southeastern
wall opens a path to SENTINEL
Secret Shop.
Shop. ▶ Animated armor.
▶ Appears to be a statue;
comes to life.

Cerulean Citadel 67
▶ When heroes enter, MASSIVE CHOMPER
the Massive Chomper ▶ A huge plant with a long,
sprouts from the ground; thick stem and a big,
the door seals. fanged maw.
▶ North: Sealed stone door. ▶ Numerous vine tentacles.
Leads to Garden. ▶ Rooted to the ground but can
reach everywhere in the room.
When the heroes defeat
the Massive Chomper,
the northern door opens 1 Breathes a poisonous gas,
permanently. attacking all heroes.
2 Slams down its head on
a random hero.
KEY 3 A vine picks up and
When the heroes defeat squeezes a random hero.
the Massive Chomper,
Chomper, The hero must spend their
it drops a key.
key . action to make a MIGHT or
BRAVERY roll to escape, or
they lose 1 HEART. Unless
they escape, they must try
again the next ROUND.
4 Hides its head and stem
underground for 1D/2
ROUNDS—only attacks
with tentacles.

68 Cerulean Citadel
▶ A mysterious, hooded, and „ Heart Potion. Restores
comp­l etely silent shopkeeper. all HEARTS. Must be consumed
„ Snack. Restores 1 HEART immediately or stored in
and 1 ENERGY when a bottle. 30 gems.
consumed. 5 gems. „ Vitality Potion. Restores
„ Meal. Restores all HEARTS and ENERGY. Must
3 HEARTS and be consumed immediately or
3 ENERGY when stored in a bottle. 50 gems.
consumed. 10 gems. ▶ North: Vine-covered wall with
„ Key. 110 GEMS. an opening. Leads to Garden.

▶ Bunk beds. KNIGHT
▶ Two vigilant knights ▶ Undead warrior in
wielding spears. They plate armor.
attack immediately. ▶ Wields weapons.
▶ Four pots. ▶ HEARTS: 5
▶ North: Locked, fine door.
Leads to Treasure Room.
▶ Northwest: Fine door.
Leads to Entrance.


▶ A big chest containing
the Mirror Shield.
▶ Two small chests.
▶ South: Locked, fine door.
Leads to Barracks.

+1D for DEFEND rolls. Can
reflect light and magic.

Cerulean Citadel 69
▶ Two lit braziers. ▶ North: Wooden door. Leads
▶ Staircase: Leads up to Upper to Jailor Room.
Basement Stairs (1E).


▶ The Jailor Knight.
▶ Four lit braziers.
▶ East: Wooden door; a gate
closes when heroes enter.
Leads to Cells.
▶ South: Wooden door.
Leads to Lower
Basement Stairs.

▶ A towering undead warrior
clad in plate armor.
▶ Swings a big, spiked
ball on a chain.

KEY When the heroes defeat
When the heroes defeat the Jailor Knight,
Knight ,
the Jailor Knight,
Knight , the eastern door opens
it drops a key.
key . permanently.

1 Swings the spiked ball in a big circle, attacking all heroes.
2 Slams the spiked ball down on a random hero.
3 Swings the spiked ball low in a big circle. All heroes must
make an extra BRAVERY (DEFEND) roll to avoid getting tripped.
Standing up again uses the hero’s action for the ROUND.
4 Spins the spiked ball overhead, preventing heroes
from attacking.

70 Cerulean Citadel
▶ A large, silver key with
a blue gemstone inset. 0F
▶ Can open the entrance to
a secret room beneath
the eastern fountain
in Courtyard. 0E

0B 0C 0D
▶ CELLS (0C)
▶ Three locked cells. ▶ A lit brazier.
„ The northern cell holds ▶ West: Wooden door. Leads
the king of Cerulea. to Jailor Room.
„ The southwestern cell holds
the queen of Cerulea.
„ The southeastern cell ROYAL ESCAPE
holds the young princess The prisoners are re-
of Cerulea. lieved to be saved, but
▶ Three wooden crates they refuse to leave
(standard loot). until all three of them
can escape.
After they all have been
SWITCH PUZZLE led outside of the castle,
Under one of the crates they give the heroes the
is a switch that opens a Fountain Key.
hidden door to the east,
to Southern Sewers..

Cerulean Citadel 71
▶ One large platform with OCTOPUS
two lit braziers. ▶ Eight-limbed mollusc.
▶ L-shaped pool of water. ▶ Hides underwater; jumps
▶ Three smaller platforms, up and squirts ink
a rusty switch on projectiles. At the end
two of them. of the round, it hides
▶ Four lurking octopuses. again for the next
They attack when a hero 1D/2 rounds.
comes close. ▶ HEARTS
▶ North: Rotten door. Leads
to Northern Sewers.
WATER Activating both rusty
Heroes can swim freely across switches using the Big
water. While swimming, they cannot Hammer,, a bomb explo-
attack or use items—they can sion, or something else
only DEFEND, and they fail on 1–3. with enough force raises
They can dive underneath the a bridge between the
surface for a short while, but if platforms and opens the
they stay too long, they start hidden door to the west,
losing HEARTS. to Cells..

72 Cerulean Citadel
▶ T-shaped platform. LIZARDKIN
▶ Pools of water on both sides. ▶ Humanoid reptile.
▶ Two lit braziers. ▶ Wields weapons.
▶ Four resting lizardkin ▶ HEARTS: 3
wielding spears. They
attack if disturbed.
▶ East: Stairs leading up
to a hidden trap door CRACKED WALL
in a bush east The northern wall has a
of the castle. crack in it. Heroes can
▶ South: Rotten door. Leads open a passage to Well
to Southern Sewers.

▶ WELL (0F)
▶ L-shaped walkway. CRACKED WALL
▶ Triangular pool of water. The southern wall has
▶ Circular area of light on a crack in it. Heroes
the floor, from above. can open a passage to
▶ Ceiling: Circular hole leading up Northern Sewers.
to Garden (1F). Can be climbed
using the Grappling Hook.


▶ Small room.
▶ A big chest containing
the Light Staff.
▶ South: Stairs leading up
to the eastern fountain
in Courtyard.

Spend 1 ENERGY to shoot a light
projectile. Successful attacks
STUN monsters (not bosses)
for the current ROUND.

Cerulean Citadel 73
2B 2G 2E 2D

2A 2C


▶ Stairs leading down ▶ Northeast: Fine door.
to Entrance. Leads to Library.
▶ Stairs leading up to ▶ East: Large, locked door with
Castle Roof (3A). a skull-shaped, golden lock.
▶ Northwest: Fine door. Leads to Throne Room.
Leads to Library.

▶ Disorganized bookshelves WARLOCK
and books. ▶ Undead wizard.
▶ Four skulking warlocks — ▶ Attacks with ranged
one regular, one fire, one ice, blasts of magic.
one electric. Invisible until ▶ Can teleport once
they ambush the heroes. per ROUND
▶ Southeast: Fine ▶ HEARTS: 2
door. Leads to
▶ Southwest:
Fine door. When the heroes defeat
Leads to the last warlock, it drops
Western a key.
key .

74 Cerulean Citadel
▶ Stairs leading down to Entrance.
▶ Northeast: Locked, fine door. Leads to Royal Bedroom.
▶ Northwest: Sealed, fine door. Leads to Princess’s Room.
▶ West: Large, locked door with a skull-shaped, golden lock.
Leads to Throne Room.


▶ Luxurious bedroom. IMPOSTER TRAP
▶ The king, the queen, and the The imposters want the
princess (three imposters). heroes to follow them; they
▶ South: Locked, fine door. try to lead the heroes into
Leads to Eastern Stairs. rooms with monsters.
At an oppor­tune moment—
or when ex­posed—they
IMPOSTER attack and will chase after
▶ Shapeshifting monster. heroes into other rooms.
▶ Transforms into a pale If the heroes get sus-
humanoid with long claws. picious, they make a co­
▶ HEARTS: 3 operative INSIGHT roll.


When the heroes defeat ▶ A large, golden key with
the last imposter
imposter,, it a red gemstone inset.
drops the Boss Key.
Key. ▶ Can open the big doors
to the Throne Room.


▶ Lavish child’s bedroom. ▶ North: Open passage.
▶ Small chest holding a Leads to Balcony.
Heart Container. ▶ South: Sealed, fine door.
▶ A floor switch. Opens Leads to Eastern Stairs.
the sealed stone door
to the south.

Cerulean Citadel 75
▶ Stone railing. TELESCOPE PUZZLE
▶ Open air, overlooking Garden. Activating the telescope
▶ A telescope on the makes it point down-
eastern railing. wards, focusing a beam of
▶ Southwest: Vine-covered sunlight onto the mir-
wall. Climbing down leads ror shield of the knight
to Garden (1F). statue in the southeast
▶ South: Open passage. Leads corner of Garden
to Princess’s Room.


▶ Two rows of pillars. BOSS PUZZLE
▶ Stained-glass windows. The Shadow King is
▶ A large throne on a susceptible to attacks
raised platform. only while STUNNED
▶ When the heroes enter,
the Shadow King rises ▶ The Mirror Shield can
from the throne; the deflect his bolts of
doors seal. dark energy ((Actions
Actions 2
▶ Southeast: Large, locked and 3) back at him, which
door with a skull-shaped, makes him kneel, STUNNED
golden lock. Leads to for the current ROUND
Eastern Stairs. ▶ If shot with the Light
▶ Southwest: Large, locked Staff,, he kneels STUNNED
door with a skull-shaped, for the current ROUND
golden lock. Leads to
Western Stairs.
SHADOW KING When the heroes defeat
▶ Tall and muscular man the Shadow King,
King, he
clad in armor. flies upward and bursts
▶ Flowing cape, dark hood, through the ceiling, onto
pointy crown. the Castle Roof (3A).
▶ Wields a hefty blade.
▶ Floats in the air and
evades all attacks.

76 Cerulean Citadel
“Foolish mortals,
you are no match
for the Shadow
King. Prepare
to die!”

1 Calls forth lightning from his hand, attacking all heroes.
2 Conjures a bolt of dark energy in his hand and shoots
it toward a random hero.
3 Conjures a bolt of dark energy in his hand and shoots
it toward the hero with the Mirror Shield.
4 Summons 1D illusions (1 HEART) of himself. They all act
identically to the original, they don’t deplete HEARTS,
and they disintegrate if hit by an attack. To identify
the original, a hero can spend their action to make
an INSIGHT roll.

Cerulean Citadel 77


▶ Wide, walled area. CANNONS
▶ Open air. ▶ Can be rotated.
▶ Four small towers with ▶ Loading a cannon takes
stairs leading up to the 1 ROUND. Unlimited cannon
tops (1 ROUND to climb). balls beside the cannons.
▶ A cannon on top of each tower. ▶ Heroes can shoot the cannon
▶ If the Shadow King is de­ by making an INSIGHT roll:
feated: The stairs seal 1–2 Miss and attract Boss
when heroes enter. There Action 3 the next ROUND;
is a big hole in the middle 3 Hit but attract Boss Action
of the floor. The Shadow 3 the next ROUND; 4 Hit without
King starts to trans­­­­form attracting attention.
into the Shadow Beast.
▶ Staircase: Leads down to
Western Stairs (2A). BOSS PUZZLE
The Shadow Beast is
susceptible to attacks
▶ An enormous minotaur.
▶ Huge, pointy horns. ▶ If shot with a cannon
▶ Glowing, red eyes. it falls down, STUNNED
▶ Too big to hit with regular for the current ROUND
attacks; swats away heroes ▶ If tripped with the
who try to jump onto it; Grappling Hook,Hook, it falls
deflects ranged and down, STUNNED for the
magical attacks. current ROUND.
▶ Depletes 2 HEARTS.
▶ HEARTS: 12

78 Cerulean Citadel
1 Swings its huge fist at a random hero.
Bullrushes a random hero. The hero’s ACTION ROLL
determines the outcome: 1–2 Miss, FALL INTO THE HOLE
2 and lose a total of 3 HEARTS; 3 Attack successfully
but FALL INTO THE HOLE and lose a total of 3 HEARTS;
4 Attack successfully and avoid the attack.
If a hero is using a cannon: Bullrushes the tower.
The hero’s ACTION ROLL determines the outcome: 1–2 Miss,
3 fall down the tower, and lose 1 HEART; 3 Hit successfully
but fall down the tower and lose 1 HEART; 4 Hit successfully
and avoid falling. Otherwise: Same as Action 2.
Roars furiously, sending out a wave of dark energy.
4 All heroes must make an extra BRAVERY (DEFEND) roll
to avoid getting STUNNED for the current ROUND.
The Shadow King has been
banished. Peace returns to
the kingdom once more.
You are the heroes of Cerulea!
Your brave deeds will become legend.
Should the shadow be reborn,
you will inspire new heroes
to face the darkness.
▶ You are the MASTER. ▶ Prepare dungeons full of
You control the game world, trials and monsters.
describe environments and ▶ Apply the rules when things

situations, portray inhabitants, are clear cut; make rulings

and determine what happens when they aren’t.
following the heroes’ actions ▶ Challenge the players

and dice rolls. and their heroes.

▶ The rest are players. ▶ Say “yes” to the players’

They each control and portray creative ideas and solutions.

a hero in the game world. ▶ Embrace the video game logic.
▶ Use the game mechanics

only when failure could be both

reasonable and interesting. STANDARD LOOT
▶ The rules are a tool box. ▶ Roll when heroes smash a pot.
Use them as a foundation, and ▶ Roll when heroes defeat
improvise rulings when the a monster.
need arises.
CHEST LOOT 11–14 Monster (Pots only;
Roll loot when heroes search otherwise, “Nothing”).
a regular chest or the like. Roll 1D: 1 Rat; 2 Skull;
3 Bat; 4 Slime.
DD CHEST LOOT 21–24 Nothing.
11–22 Gems. 1D×25 pieces. 31 Gems. 1D×2 pieces.
23–24 Bombs. 1D pieces. 32 Energy. Restores 1
31–32 Pixie. Restores all ENERGY when picked up.
HEARTS. If stored in 33–34 Heart. Restores 1 HEART
a bottle (roll BRAVERY when picked up.
to catch it), it acti-
vates automati­c ally 41 Snack. Restores 1
when the hero goes HEART and 1 ENERGY
unconscious. when consumed.
33–34 Bottle. Can store a 42 Meal. Restores 3
potion, wasp, or pixie. HEARTS and 3 ENERGY
41–42 Energy Container. when consumed.
Increases one hero’s 43 Bomb. Can blow
maximum ENERGY by things up; depletes
1 and restores all 2 monster HEARTS.
their ENERGY.
43–44 Heart Container. 44 Pixie. Restores all
Increases one hero’s HEARTS. If stored in
maximum HEARTS by a bottle, it activates
1 and restores all auto­m atically when the
their HEARTS. hero goes unconscious.
1 Pick an action and describe ▶ MIGHT (push, attack,
how your hero attempts it. heave, hurl, wreck)
2 Based on the action, pick the ▶ BRAVERY (jump, defend,
most appropriate ATTRIBUTE. climb, evade, resist)
3 Roll dice equal to your ATTRI­ ▶ INSIGHT (discover,
BUTE’S value. Only the high­est shoot, tinker, analyze,
individual result counts. persuade)

▶ ATTACK (strike a ▶ Only players make ACTION
monster, destroy ROLLS. A single ACTION ROLL
an object) determines the outcome for
▶ DEFEND (block an both the hero and the monster.
attack, avoid a trap) ▶ In melee combat, all actions

▶ USE ITEM (apply are dangerous—unless the

a special item, eat monster is STUNNED.
something) ▶ If you have 0D or fewer,

▶ INSPECT (take a closer roll 2D and use the lowest

look, try to find some­ individual result instead.
thing hidden) ▶ Favorable or disadvan-

▶ ESCAPE (run away from tageous circumstances can

combat, break free) add or remove a die before
▶ TALK (chat with a a roll. The MASTER has the
friendly inhabitant) final word.
▶ OTHER (any action that ▶ For extra-successful actions,

doesn’t fit into the the MASTER decides an appro­

above categories) priate outcome based on the
situation: depleting an extra
HEART from a monster, saving
a friend from a failed roll,
▶ 1–2 = Failed action, ▶ Cooperative rolls:

1 HEART lost if the „ If working together is advan­

action is dangerous. tageous, everyone makes

▶ 3 = Successful action, an individual ACTION ROLL.
1 HEART lost if the action The best roll counts for
is dangerous. If you just the whole group.
DEFEND,, you don’t lose
DEFEND „ If working together is not

HEARTS.. advan­t ageous, everyone
▶ 4 = Successful action. makes an individual ACTION
▶ Additional 4s = Extra- ROLL. Players can then gift
successful action. one or more of their dice
results to other players.
▶ During a ROUND, participants ▶ Each monster attacks a random,
can initiate one ACTION and nearby hero.
move a short distance. ▶ Each successful attack against
▶ If several monsters attack a a monster depletes 1 of its
single hero at the same time, HEARTS—when the monster has
the hero can pick any ACTION 0 HEARTS left, it’s defeated.
against one of them and is ▶ A defeated monster­ might

forced to DEFEND against the drop standard loot.

rest. Make one ACTION ROLL for ▶ Heroes can’t use monsters’ items.

each action with –1D for all ▶ Most monsters can’t chase after

the rolls. the heroes into other rooms.

1 The MASTER describes what
the monsters are doing. MISCELLANEOUS
2 The players take their turns ▶ Heroes cannot harm friendly
according to who speaks first. inhabitants.
The first player describes ▶ Regular keys can open any

their hero’s action. The player regular lock, but they dis­
makes their ACTION ROLL, appear when used. Heroes
and the MASTER interprets can’t pick locks.
the effects. ▶ Bombs can blow up cracked

3 Another player describes their walls and floors—not doors,

hero’s action, makes their regular walls, or regular floors.
ACTION ROLL, and so on. ▶ Regular walls can’t be scaled.

4 When all players have made ▶ Heroes normally can’t attack

their ACTION ROLLS, start while swimming.

a new ROUND. ▶ STUNNED monsters can’t attack;

attacking them isn’t dangerous.

▶ Monsters hit STUNNED heroes

HEARTS & ENERGY automatically.

▶ If you have 0 HEARTS left, ▶ If you FALL INTO A PIT, you

you go unconscious. You re­gain lose 1 HEART. After 1 ROUND,

1 HEART when someone wakes you automatically return to
you up or when the fight ends. where you fell from.
▶ If all heroes are unconscious, ▶ If you are SWALLOWED BY QUICK­

the game restarts. The heroes SAND, you lose 1 HEART. After 1
return to the dungeon’s ROUND, you automatically return
entrance; their progress to where you fell from.
is still saved, but all the ▶ If you FALL INTO LAVA,

monsters have respawned. you lose 2 HEARTS and

▶ Some items consume ENERGY immediately jump back to
when used. If you lack the where you fell from.
required ENERGY, you cannot ▶ When heroes enter a boss room,

use the item. the door seals behind them.

HEROES OF CERULEA is an adventure
tabletop role-playing game about
exploring dungeons, solving
puzzles, and fighting monsters.
Lo-fi art and rules;
high playability.

© 2024 Lucas Falk, Bläckfisk Publishing


ISBN 978-91-519-3749-6

9 789151 937496 >

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