SECTION-A (1 Mark Each)
SECTION-A (1 Mark Each)
SECTION-A (1 Mark Each)
(a) Training & development, promotion & career planning, performance appraisal,
(b) Performance appraisal, training & development, promotion & career planning,
(c) Training & development, performance appraisal, promotion & career planning,
(d) Training & development, performance appraisal, compensation, promotion &
career planning.
3. “It is the career oriented process designed to help the employees in the progress
towards maturity & actualisation of their potential capabilities”. Identify the process.
(a)Staffing (b)Selection
(c)Development (d)Training
4. Which among the following is the suitable for filling casual vacancies?
(a)Direct recruitment (b)Labour contractors
(c)Web publishing (d)Placement agencies & management consultant.
7. The capital market is the market for medium & long term funds, while the money
market deals with short term financial instruments.
Consider the following features:
a. High liquidity & low risk
b. Instruments with the maturity period of up to one year
c. Facilitates long term debt & equity investments
d. Directs community savings into productive uses
e. No fixed geographical location.
15. Sharvan has been an outstanding actor throughout during his theatre days. He
applied for roles in TV but when the auditions started, he decided to withdraw his
name. After 6 months, he started his own production house which promoted new
talent & made films to create social awareness. He set a target of making at least 10
films in 5 years after which he thinks he will be successful.
i. Identify the Maslow’s need applicable here.
ii. Throw some light on the Maslow’s need identified above.