Formulation and Evaluation of Anti-Bacterial Anti-Aging Herbal Face Serum

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Volume 12 Issue 3 @ 2024 IJIRMPS | ISSN: 2349-7300

Formulation And Evaluation of Anti-Bacterial

Anti-Aging Herbal Face Serum
Mr. Swapnil Sudhakar Hange, 2Mrs. Neha Garud,
Dr.Amol Navnath Khedkar
Student, 2Assistance Professor, 3Principle
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Saikrupa Institute Of Pharmacy
Ghargaon, Shrigonda, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India 413728.

Unwanted effects of UV exposure and photodamage include wrinkles on the face and aging skin.
Serum is a deep formula that may enter deep layers of the skin, has a non-greasy finish, quick
absorption, and a high concentration of active ingredients. The aim of the research was to create a
serum by utilizing a polyhedral extract, taking into account these features. Aloe vera gel, bael fruit
extract, and olive oil make up face serum, a highly concentrated cosmetic product. An extremely
potent beauty product is a face serum made with olive oil, betel fruit extract, and aloe vera. Aloe vera
serum's ability to absorb quickly and penetrate deeply results in both immediate cosmetic advantages
and psychological gratification. Many skin conditions, sunburns, minor cuts, insect bites, and wound
healing are commonly treated with aloe vera gel. It also has antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-
inflammatory properties.Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of fruit extract from bael.
Phase separation, homogeneity, pH, and physiochemical characteristics of the facial serum were
assessed. The stability research revealed that there was no change in the phase separation,
homogeneity, or physical appearance.

Keywords: Herbal, Cosmetic, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, face serum, formulation,


Published in IJIRMPS (E-ISSN: 2349-7300), Volume 12, Issue 3, May- June 2024

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

The examination of human skin is a crucial field for research and development in the fields of dermatology,
toxicology, pharmacology, and cosmetology. This is because it allows for the evaluation of exogenous
drugs' effects, interactions, absorption mechanisms, and/or toxicity towards various cutaneous structures.[1]
People have recognized the value of aesthetics from the dawn of time, and society has grown to value
appearance as well as health. The term cosmetic originates from Greek and meaning "to adorn," as in adding
something ornamental to a person or something. Studying and using aesthetic treatments is known as
cosmetology.In addition to studying cosmetics and how they are applied, it is an art or science to enhance
and beautify the skin, nails, and hair. To get the desired result, a skin care product has to be able to carry the
potent ingredient into the skin. In order to transfer the valuable active ingredient into the skin and avoid
using dangerous chemicals to get results right away, face serum is the solution.[2]
Serums are skin care products with a moisturizing composition that have the ability to penetrate deeper into
the skin and release active components. A good quality facial serum can give your skin a smoother, firmer
texture, reduce pore size and increase moisture levels.[3] All of these products - moisturizer, anti-wrinkle,
anti-aging or face serum - should contain antioxidants.. a cell-interacting chemical and a skin-like
component. These\ingredients are essential for all skin types to achieve the healthiest complexion possible.
Gel and liquid preparations are best for oily and combination skin; Serum and light cream are best for

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normal and dry skin; and emollient creams and moisturizers are best for very dry/very dry skin. The
components of healthy\great skin are the same for everyone, regardless of product, formula or personal
taste.[4] Texture depends on skin type. Although the largest and most protective organ of the body, the skin
can sometimes appear due to a number of reasons, including exposure to UV rays, pollutants and makeup
worn at night. you may have irritation oralergic reactions. Both aloe vera and bael fruit extract have
distinctive antioxidant and antiaging compounds that can maintain a healthy and youthful appearance of
skin. The leaf gel can be used topically to treat wounds, abrasions and burns, as well as itchy skin conditions
such as psoriasis and shingles.[5,6,7]
Aloe Vera polysaccharides have excellent moisturizing properties and together with essential oils create
products that are perfect for sun protection and skin smoothing. Ayurveda recommends Aloe Vera for
several skin problems due to its soothing and refreshing properties. The antibacterial and antifungal
properties of Aloe Vera extract can also be useful in the treatment of minor skin diseases.[8] The phenolic
acid, marmelosin, from Aegle marmelos fruits has an excellent antioxidant quality.[9,10]
The demand for cosmetic products has increased worldwide due to the cost of living. One of the most
important financial resources is the cosmetics business in Malaysia. Cosmetics have become increasingly
valuable as society's desire to look and feel young and attractive has grown. A skin care product known as a
serum includes a gel, light moisturizer or lotion and has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin and
deliver active ingredients. The right skin serum can provide your skin with elasticity, smooth texture,
smaller looking pores and more moisture. All skin care products, be they moisturizers, anti-aging, anti-
wrinkle or serums, should contain antioxidants, cell-derived compounds and skin-like components.
Damage to cellular DNA and proteins causes skin aging, which is a persistent process of degradation. The
aging process can be classified into two different categories: photo aging and sequential skin aging. Each
category possesses distinct clinical and historical attributes. A shift in the physiological functioning of the
skin is the hallmark of sequential skin aging, a universal and predictable process.[11]
In the field of cosmetics, serums are highly concentrated products. In professional cosmetology, the name
originates from itself. Like other creams, the cosmetic serum is equally rich in both water and oil. A serum
is a concentrated preparation with 10 times the amount of organic materials present in a cream. As a result,
promptly and successfully addresses the cosmetic issue.[12]


Topical drug delivery systems are a type of localized drug delivery system used to treat cutaneous disorders
by delivering therapeutic chemicals via the skin. Usually, localized skin infections are treated with these
methods. There are several forms of the formulas available, including solid, semisolid, and liquid. The skin
plays a key role in improving medication absorption when the medicinal ingredient in the solution has a
favorable lipid/water partition coefficient and is not an electrolyte. Although derma treatments come in a
variety of formulations and consistency ranges, semisolid dosage forms are the most widely used type.[13,16]

Advantages of topical drug delivery system:

1. avoiding the metabolism of main passes
2. Easy to apply and very convenient to use.
3. Simple way to stop taking the drugs.
4. medication sent at a certain location with preference.
5. There will be no gastrointestinal incompatibility.
6. offers a limited therapeutic window and a short biological half-life for medication use.
7. Enhanced adherence from patients.
8. Self-care with medicines.
9. It offers efficacy at low dosages and with continuous medication administration.
10. Reduces the chance of medication level and danger fluctuations.[14,15,16]


The origins of herbal facial serums may be traced back hundreds of years, to the eras of ancient Egypt,
Greece, and China. These cultures employed oils and extracts from plants as skincare products. For
example, oils like olive, almond, and sesame were widely used to moisturize and preserve skin in ancient

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Egypt. Herbal remedies with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, such as ginseng and green tea,
were popular in China. Herbal medicines developed over time and were included into beauty rituals of many
civilizations. As consumers look for natural alternatives to synthetic skincare products, the popularity of
herbal face serums has increased in the modern day. These formulas frequently contain substances like
rosehip oil, jojoba oil, and essential oils recognized for their nourishing and revitalizing benefits on the skin.

Ideal Qualities of Face Serum

1. Calms inflamed skin:Aloe vera is widely recognized for its antiviral and cell-regenerating properties.
Aloe vera benefits are similar to how sunburn relief feels when applied topically.
2. Deep hydration: able to specifically increase and lower skin hydration levels.
3. Fight acne and reduce blemishes: The main cause of acne and pimples is bacterial overgrowth,
which is stopped by bael fruit.
4. Eliminate puffiness and dark circles:
• It lessens the visibility of under-eye circles.
• Eliminating dead skin cells promotes the production of collagen.
5. Antioxidant properties included in it promote skin that seems healthy.[17]
Advantages of herbal face serum:
• enhances the suppleness
• hydration
• nutrition of the skin while minimizing pores
• improving texture. [17]


1. The Oil Serum:
Figure 1: The oil serum

Out of all the face serums, making the oil serum is the easiest. A base consisting solely of high-quality,
quickly absorbing carrier oils—also known as "dry" oils—is frequently used first. The premium oils
included in the serum contain polyphenols, essential fatty acids, and other ingredients that the skin may be
able to break down in addition to their moisturizing and barrier-repairing properties.

1. The Gel Serum:

Figure 2: The Gel Serum

Gel serums provide the skin a "tightening" feeling that makes your customer feel as though their skin has
been temporarily lifted or tightened in specific facial areas. Because this gel serum formulation is water-
based, it gives you the opportunity to incorporate some amazing water-based (hydrophilic) plant extracts.

2. The Water based Serum:

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Figure 3: The water Based Serum

While water-based serums may include very little or no gums and thickeners, they are similar to gel serums
in other aspects. You would apply a face serum with a water basis to deliver high-performance hydrophilic
plant extracts that are trapped against the skin beneath a cream or lotion. An anti-aging face mist applied
first under an emulsion and then under an oil is the best way to encourage water-based compounds to
penetrate the skin more deeply and deliver their high-performance components. In order to facilitate more
component penetration, the oils will create an occlusive barrier.

3. The Emulsion Serum:

Figure 4: The Emulsion Serum

A face serum with emulsion base is a moisturizing product that delivers high-performance ingredients to
the skin and fortifies the skin's barrier function. An emulsion consists of two "immiscible" phases—phases
such as water and oil—that do not want to mix. Oil and water are combined and kept in a stable form by the
application of an emulsifier. By using an emulsion, you have the highest opportunity of getting potent active
ingredients deeply into the skin's tissues. An oil and water mixture is the most appropriate for achieving this
amazing accomplishment, even though it is extremely difficult for any cosmetic component to penetrate the
dermis due to the skin's barrier function. The hydrating properties of the emulsion will reinforce the skin's
barrier function.

4. The Pressed balm Serum:

Figure 5: The Pressed balm Serum

In addition to the traditional balm base of oils, butters, and waxes, a balm serum contains active ingredients
that are lipophilic (oil-soluble) and may benefit the skin.The butters and waxes create an occlusive barrier
on the face, nourishing and moisturizing it as the active ingredients in the pressed serum are able to work.
Thousands of fine plant oils can be blended with hundreds of interesting, one-of-a-kind butters and waxes to
create a balm serum.
Drug and Excipients profile

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Figure 6: Aloe vera

• Kingdom: Plantae
• Order : Asparagales
• Family: Asphodelaceae
• Subfamily: Asphodeloideae
• Genus: Aloe
• Sprcies: Aloe vera
• Botanical name: Aloe barbadensis miller
Vernicular name
• English:India aloe.
• Hindi:Ghrit kumara, Gwarpatha[19]
Chemical Constituents:
Aloe vera's skincare benefits come from its polysaccharides for hydration, vitamins C and E for antioxidant
protection, enzymes for exfoliation, anthraquinones for anti-inflammatory properties, and amino acids for
collagen support.
Blisters and Scratching:
Aloe Vera also eases itching and promotes the healing of wounds. Aloe vera contains vitamins B1, B2, B6,
B12, and C, all of which contribute to the pleasant and relaxing sensation on the skin.[20,21]
Ageing Face
Aloe Vera stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Stopping the deterioration of the epidermis
requires these proteins.[22,23]
Acne Aloe Vera minimizes the severity of acne and has chemical components that can stop pimples from
appearing on the face. It also functions as an immunological stimulant and an anti-inflammatory to help get
rid of acne marks. [24]
Aloe Vera exudes a fresh vibe. It contributes to increased blood flow, which nourishes and simplifies the
exchange of oxygen throughout cells.[25]
Aloe Vera is incredibly effective in reducing sunburn discomfort. It is applied to the skin right away because
of this. Aloe Vera products made after sun exposure or the plant's fresh juice can be used to cure sunburns.

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Figure7: Aegle marmelos fruit

• Kingdom:Plantae.
• Order:Sapindales.
• Family:Rutaceae.
• Subfamily:Aurantioideae.
• Genus:Aegle Marmelos.
• Botanical name:Aegle Marmelos.

Vernicular names
• English:Beal fruit,Golden apple.
• Hindi:Bel,Bili.
• Sanskrit:Bilva,Adharautha.

Chemical Constituents:
Aegle marmelos, or Bael, contains essential oils with antimicrobial properties, flavonoids for antioxidant
benefits, alkaloids for anti-inflammatory effects, tannins for astringency, and vitamins/minerals for overall
skin health.
Treats Skin Rash:
The bael plant is a great treatment for skin abnormalities because it has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and
antiinflammatory qualities. Bael oil and bael leaf extracts eliminate dangerous fungi that can result in minor
to serious skin infections. The treatment of skin rashes and itchy skin bumps might also be advantageous.
Reduces Skin Inflammation:
Bael's natural and moderate astringent characteristics are found in its root, bark, leaves, and fruits, which
also include anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. With all of these powerful
qualities, this magnificent fruit balances an unbalanced pitta dosha and reduces skin swelling.
Increases the Production of Collagen:
Bael juice contains a lot of vitamin C and strong antioxidants that aid in the body's defence against free
radicals. This enhances collagen formation, which ages the skin as we get older by reducing the signs of
oxidative stress in the body [28,29]


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Figure 8: Turmeric
• Kingdom: Plantae
• Division: Magnoliophyta
• Class: Liliopsida
• Subclass: Zingiberidae
• Family: Zingiberaceae
• Genus: Curcuma
• Species: C. longa
• Botanical Name: Curcuma longa
Vernicular names:
• English:Indian saffron,
• Hindi:haldi,
• Sanskrit: haridra

Chemical Constituents:
Turmeric's skincare benefits come from its active compound curcumin, which has antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory properties. It helps brighten the skin, reduce acne, calm redness, and promote a more even
skin tone.
Biological Source: Turmeric consists of dried as well as, fresh rhizomes of the plant Curcuma longa
Geographical source-Native to southern India and Indonesia, turmeric is widely cultivated on the mainland
and in the islands of the Indian Ocean[30,31]


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Figure 9: Rose water

Rose water is said to be a natural skin toner due to this amazing pH- balancing properties.
The primary phytoconstituents of rose water include flavonoids, triterpenoids, tannins, and polyphenolic
chemicals. These constituents are primarily accountable for the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of
the water.[32]


Figure 10: Sandalwood oil

Chemical Constituents:
Sandalwood oil contains chemical constituents such as α-santalol and β-santalol, which have anti-
inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It also contains sesquiterpenes, which contribute to its soothing
and calming effects on the skin, making it beneficial for acne-prone or irritated skin.
Sandalwood oil is important in the perfume business because of its strong, sweet scent.The fragrant
heartwood of Santalum album, which is mostly composed of sesquiterpenes, is steam-distilled to produce
Indian sandalwood oil, an essential oil. The oil is well-known for its scent, which is woodsy, warm, and
delicate. Owing to its smell, the oil has been used in many different products, including incense, attars, and
perfumery. Throughout history, sandalwood oil has been used to culinary goods, cosmetics, and
pharmaceuticals for a variety of uses. Nowadays, its benefits for wrinkly skin are becoming more widely


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Figue 11: Honey

Chemical Constituents:
Honey contains natural sugars for hydration, antioxidants for protection, enzymes for exfoliation, amino
acids for skin repair, and antimicrobial properties, all beneficial for skincare.
• Brightens skin
• Promotes healing
• May aid in various skin conditions
• Excellent moisturizer
• Antibacterial
• Scalp clenser
Honey kills germs since it is an antibacterial substance.Honey may be very hydrating and helps prevent
bacterial infections.It reduces pores, combats germs, and maintains the youthful smoothness of your skin.[34]


Figure 12: Ashwagandha

• Kingdom: Plantae
• Order: Solanales
• Family:Solanaceae
• Genus: Withania
• Species: W. somnifera
Chemical Constituents:

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Ashwagandha contains chemical constituents such as withanolides, alkaloids, and steroidal lactones. its
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties indirectly support skin health.

Table 1: Ingredients and Category Ingredients Category

1 Aloe vera Anti-aging
2 Aegle Marmelos Fruit Anti-oxidant, Anti-bacterial
3 Turmeric anti-inflammatory
4 Rose water Moisterizer and Toner(skin hydrate)
5 Sandalwood oil Anti-microbial and for fregrence
6 Honey Emulsifying and Brightening agent
7 Ashwagandha Anti-oxidant


• To remove the contaminants, the mature fruits were gathered and given a complete water wash. The
fruits were broken down into tiny bits and dried for a week in the shadow. The dried material was then
ground into a coarse powder with a motorised blender.

Figure 13: Extraction of drugs

• Then aegle marmelos was extracted with ethanol by maceration process 10gm of above stated
powder was taken in closed tight container and extracted with 100 ml ethanol for 24 hours
• Then filterd it out[35]

Figure 14: Filteration

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Preparation of Face Serum

• The emulsion (o/w) was prepared according to formula.
• The oily component is mixed together for 10 minutes in mortar pestle to obtain uniform solution.
• At the same time the water phase was prepared by mixing uniformly.
• Drop by drop, while continuously titrating , the oil phase is introduced to the water phase.
• The oil phase is added to the liquid phase by drop wise under mechanical vibration at 2500 rpm to
obtain oil in water based on biphasic emulsion.

Figure 15: Water and Oil Phase

Figure 16: Final formulation

Table 2: Formulation table
Sr. Ingrident Formulation
1 Ashwagandha 3
2 Aegle marmelos 8
3 Turmeric 6
4 Aloe Vera 30
5 Honey 14
6 Rose water 10
7 Sandalwood oil 4

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Evaluation Of face serum

1. Physical Evaluation
A.Colour and Appearance
Visual observations were made of the face serum's hue and look, which was light brown.
By applying preparation to the hand, the scent of the formulation was tested to ensure that it had a
characteristic odor.
Visual inspection revealed that the consistency of face serum was smooth and semi-liquid.
D.Homogenecity and Texture
An uniform distribution of the extracted material was used in the formulation.The lack of any particle matter
and the product's tactile consistency served as visual cues that the preparation was homogeneous.
2. Washability
In order to determine if the formulation was easily washable, a tiny amount of the formulation was applied
to the hand and then washed with tap water.
3. Phase separation
The prepared product was stored out of direct sunlight in a closed container at room temperature, between
25 and 1000C.Following a 24-hour period, phase separation was examined. The phase separation did not
appear to change at all.
4. Irritancy

Figure 17: Irritancy Test

The region was treated with the serum, and the time was recorded. After that, it is observed for up to 24
hours to see whether there is any edema, erythema, or irritation before being reported. The formulation did
not exhibit any erythema, edema, or irritation, according to the results.
5. Cyclical Temperature Test
These test is not carrid out at any fixed temperature and humidity. In this test ,temperature was changed
cylically every day. At room temperature and frizzing temperature to stimulates the change in temperature
6. PH
pH of is evaluated by pH paper. The skin has an acidic range and the pH of the skin serum should be in the
range of 4.1-6.7.The pH of formulation was found to be 5
7. Antimicrobial activity and Antifungal study
Zone of Inhibition Method was used to determine the antibacterial activity of the test substance. Bacillus
subtilis NCIM 2063, Staphylococcus aureus NCIM 2079, Escherichia coli NCIM 2065, Proteus vulgaris
NCIM 2813, Aspergillus niger NCIM 501, and Candida albicans NCIM 3471 were each cultured
individually for 24 hours. We created sterile Nutrient agar plates for bacterial cultures and sterile

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Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar plates for fungus cultures. A 0.2 ml culture of each type of
microorganism was dispersed on various plates using sterile swabs. Four or five wells in the agar were
created using an 8.0 mm cork borer on each plate.As a stock solution, a 10 mg/ml suspension of the test
substance was produced in Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO). Each well received 50µg/ml of the stock solution.

Sample Coding:
R3-Herbal Face Serum

Table 3: Antibacterial activity in terms of Zone of inhibition in mm.

Sample ID Conc. Zone of inhibition in mm
Stocks Bacillus Staphylococc Escherichi Proteus Aspergil Candida
olutio subtilis us aureus a coli vulgaris lus albicans
2063 2065 2813 NCIM 3471
R3 10µg/ 13 21 12 5 26 7
Amoxicilli 0.5mg/ 19 33 14 11 N.D. N.D.
n ml
Fluconazol N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 34 29

Figure 18. Zone of Inhibition against Bacillus substilis

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Figure 19. Zone of Inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus

Figure 20. Zone of Inhibition against Escherichia coli

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Figure 21. Zone of Inhibition against Proteus vulgaris

Figure 22. Zone of Inhibition against Aspergillus niger

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Figure 23. Zone of Inhibition against Candida albicans

1. Sample R3 showing very moderate activity against Bacillus subtilis.
2. Sample R3 showing Good activity against Staphylococcus aureus.
3. Sample R3 showing moderate activity against Escherichia coli.
4. Sample R3 showing very less activity against Proteus vulgaris.
5. Sample R3 showing good activity against Aspergillus niger.
6. Sample R3 showing very less activity against Candida albicans.

The objective of the research was to develop a serum that would improve facial skin's radiance. The
essential elements of the serum include aloe vera, bael fruit extract, and oil. For acne, pimples, and other
skin conditions, as well as burns from heat and sun exposure and radiation dermatitis, aloe vera gel from the
inner center section of the leaf often works wonders. In order to preserve youthful, healthy skin, aloe vera is
an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that have significant moisturizing ability. Antioxidants are
another feature of bael fruit. The pH was found to be excellent. It removed easily and didn't leave any trace.
In addition to encouraging cell growth, the gel helps mend damaged skin on its own. Thus, this serum will
be utilized to treat skin-related conditions.

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