A Review On Herbal Face Wash

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2023;10(4):220–228

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and

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Review Article
A review on herbal face wash

Shital A. Tiware1 *, Komal Khond Warghane2 , Priyanka Waghmare3 , Neha P. Rumale4

1 Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Priyadarshini J L Chaturvedi College of Pharmacy, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
2 Dept. of Prosthodontist, V.Y.W.S. Dental College & Hospital, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
3 Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Aabha Gaikwad Patil College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
4 Dept. of Pharmacology, Aabha Gaikwad Patil College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


Article history: Face wash is the products which is used to cleanse face without drying it out. It is also commonly known
Received 22-05-2023 as “cleanser”. This product is found to be equally good for all skin type. A face wash is a mild cleanser
Accepted 12-09-2023 that does the vital job of keeping skin clean, germ free, smooth and fresh and moisturizes the horny layer
Available online 21-12-2023 without any harshness to the skin. So that skin looks young and energetic. There are various types of herbal
ingredients which can be used for manufacturing of face wash. This article is a review about various types
ayurvedic or herbal ingredients which can be used for production of herbal face wash.
Face wash This is an Open Access (OA) journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Herbal Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon
Natural cosmetics the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under
the identical terms.
For reprints contact: reprint@ipinnovative.com

1. Introduction moisturiser can all be used as part of a skin care routine.

The items that are used to wash your face without drying
1.1. Skin care preparation for face: 7
it out are called face washes. The term "cleanser" is
another prevalent name for it. It has been discovered that 1. Face pack and masks
this product is suitable for all skin types. 1,2 A cleanser 2. Cleansing creams and lotion
removes dirt, makeup, and extra oil from your face. These 3. Rouges
contaminants are oil soluble. A facial wash can also be used 4. Face washes
to get rid of them, but its effectiveness might not be 100%. 5. Compact powder
Ordinary soaps might cause facial skin to dry out because it
is so fragile. A face wash is a gentle cleanser that effectively The skin being largest organ of the body, accounts about
moisturises the horny layer of the skin without causing any 15% of the total adult body weight. It performs many vital
harm to the skin and performs the essential task of keeping functions including protection against external physical,
skin clean, sterile, smooth, and fresh. So that the skin seems chemical and biologic assailants as well as prevention
vibrant and youthful. 3–6 of excess water loss from the body and a role in
thermoregulation. 6 Acne develops more in females than in
A face wash is a facial care solution used to clean the skin
males, which shows the earlier onset of puberty in females
on the face of makeup, dead skin cells, oil, grime, and other
and the severity of the diseases vary depending on the
forms of pollutants. This aids in pore cleaning and shields
various factors. It is a chronic inflammatory disorder of
the skin from conditions like acne. A cleanser, toner, and
the pilosebaceous units. Typical lesions of acne include
* Corresponding author. comedone, inflammatory papules and pastules. Nodules and
E-mail address: khondkomal@gmail.com (S. A. Tiware). cysts scarring & psychological distress. Comedonal acne is

2394-2789/© 2023 Author(s), Published by Innovative Publication. 220
Tiware et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2023;10(4):220–228 221

non inflammatory and divided into 2 types a) whiteheads 2. Types of Face Wash
and b) blackheads, white heads (closed comedo) present as
In general, a face wash is suitable for all skin types;
fresh or white colored, raised bumps whereas blackheads
however, there are now a variety of products on the market
(open comedo) present as open pores containing dark
that are formulated to suit various skin types. For instance,
colored skin roughage consisting of melanin, sebum and
an oily skin face wash is designed for people with oily skin
follicular cells. 4
conditions; it does not contain oils and instead leaves a thin
film of oil on the skin. There are numerous varieties of
1.2. Advantages of face wash 7 face washes on the market, including ones for oily, dry, and
regular skin. 14
1. It helps to remove dead skin cells that helps new skin
cells replace old one.
2. It helps to keep skin fresh and healthy.
3. It makes the skin to look radiant.
4. The mixture of dead skin cells and excessive oil clog
pores, which can lead to acne white heads, blackheads
and total weary appearance. Exfoliating the pores
regularly, avoids all the above skin problems.
5. Removing dead skin cells that means your skin will
develop wrinkles at a slower pace.

"Face washes may be used to impart cleansing, anti-wrinkle,

anti-acne, moisturising, and skin fairness properties. Skin
lightening substances are thought to work by preventing
the development of melanin in melanocytes, therefore
reducing the amount of melanin, on the metabolism and
production of melanin in the skin. Due to their low toxicity Figure 1: Facewash
to melanocytes, ingredients that suppress the development Source: https://himalayawellness.in/products/himalaya-purifying-
of melanin, such as propanediol, evodia rutaecarpa fruit neem-face-wash
extract, arbutin, kojic acid, and vitamin C and its derivatives,
are used in whitening cosmetics. 2
They are thought to function in at least four different 2.1. Features of face wash: 14
ways, including restoring normalcy, increasing sebum
production into pores to prevent obstruction, eliminating the 1. Removing the dead cells.
propionibacterium acnes bacteria, having anti-inflammatory 2. Rejuvenating the skin cells elevate stress.
properties, and affecting hormone levels. Because of 3. Removes oil, dirt and impurities.
the numerous negative impacts that using synthetic 4. Reduces microbial flora of skin.
medications has on one’s health, natural materials are 5. Leave skin fresh and breathing.
increasingly being used in product composition. Although
marigold, licorice, and orange peel are among the most 3. Herbs Used in Face Wash
potent antioxidants and free radical scavengers, they
An indigenous tree that is grown almost everywhere in
also have a very favourable effect on acne thanks to
India is called Azadirachta indica (family Meliaceae). Both
their anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant
locally and generally, it is referred to as "neem" or "vembu."
properties. Benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics (topically or
Saponin and flavonoids have been identified as chemical
orally), retinoids, antiseborrheic drugs, anti-androgen drugs,
components in this plant product. It includes Margosine, a
hormonal therapies, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxyl, azelaic,
bitter alkaloid. 10–31% of a yellow, bitter fixed oil is found
nicotinamide, and keratolytic soaps are some of the
in seeds. 15
remedies for acne. 4
Active Ingredients Considerable stearic and palmitic acid
has been isolated from the nimbidin portion of neem seed
1.3. Forms of face wash 14 oil. 16
1. Cream based face wash
2. Gel based face wash 3.1. Properties
3. Liquid based face wash Free and volatile fatty acids are present in the oil. The
4. Face wash in powder form volatile fatty acids likely include a combination of stearic
222 Tiware et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2023;10(4):220–228

Table 1: Literature review

Sr. No . Title Author Year Finding
1. General review on A. Fathima, Sujith 2011 The bioactive ingredients from botanicals include
herbal cosmetics. Varma, et al. vitamins, antioxidants, various oils, essential oils,
dyes, tannins, alkaloids, carbohydrates, proteins
and terpenoids etc which serve as cosmetics for
care of body and its parts. The herbal cosmetics
manufactured and used commonly for daily
purpose include herbal face wash. 3
2. Anti-acne Harsharan Pal Singh, et 2015 The Aim of this study was to formulate and
synergistic herbal al. evaluate the herbal face wash containing extracts
face wash- of Azadirachta indica (Neem), Curcuma longa
Formulation, (Haldi), Coriandrum sativum (Dhaniya), Aloe
evaluation and berbadandis (Aloe Vera), Citrus limon (Lemon)
stability studies. and Mentha (Pudina) distillate using Carbomer
Ultrez 20. 6
3. Preparation and Vaibhav Wagh, et al. 2015 The present work deals with preparation and
evaluation of evaluation of herbal anti acne face wash containing
marigold,liquorice hydro alcoholic extract of marigold (calendula
and corange peel officinalis, Asteraceae), liquorice (Glycerrhiza
extract containing glabra, leguminosae), Orange peel (Citrus X
herbal face wash. sinensis, Rutaceae). The plant has been reported in
the literature having good antimicrobial, anti-
inflammatory, and anti- hyperpigmentative
activity. 4
4. Formulation and Sachin Bhagwat Aglawe, 2018 The objective this work is to formulate and
evaluation of et al. evaluate an herbal face pack for cosmetic purpose
herbal face wash from herbal ingredients like multani mitti,
turmeric, aloe vera, sandalwood, lemon peel, rose
petal powder, manjistha, lodhra and gram flour. 6
5. Formulation, Vani Mamillapalli1,et al. 2020 The present study aims at formulation of
phytochemical, polyherbal vanishing cream and face wash,
physical, determination of total flavonoid content of herbs
biological used, evaluation of formulations for various
evalution of physical parameters followed by antibacterial and
polyherbal face antifungal activities. 8
6. Novel herbs used Arashmeet Kaur, et al. 2020 The Concept for the utilization of novel herbal
in cosmetics for plant ingredients in various formulations such as
face wash. hair tonic, face wash. 9
7. Clinical study to H Rajaiah Yogesh,et al. 2021 To evaluate the safety and efficacy of Purifying
assess efficacy Neem Face Wash (PNFW), an herbal skincare
and safety of product in the prevention and/or reduction of
purifying neem mild-to-moderate acne. 11
face wash in
prevention and
reduction of acne
in healthy
adults 10
8. A comprehensive Krishna Dev, et al. 2022 Skin care cosmeceuticals such as facewash,
review on moisturizers, mask, sunscreen, exfoliaters etc. are
skincare meant for modify, beatify and treat skin
cosmeceuticals 12 imperfactions. These preparations have both
therapeutic and cosmetic effects. Amongst, face
wash is frequently used preparation that eliminates
dirt and oil without drying out the face hence
known as cleanser. 13
Tiware et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2023;10(4):220–228 223

2. Aloevera has many skin benefits right forms making

your skin glowy to keeping it soft and supple. With
so many of others benefits, its time to include aloevera
face wash in your daily skincare regime. Here are some
of the aloevera face washes you might consider buying.
Aloevera is a magical plant that is used in such a large
number of skin and hair care items. Apart from having
medicinal properties, aloevera is stacked with a lot of
nourishing benefits as well. 19
3. Aloe have an antioxidant properties that prevents skin
cell damage. It has a moisturizing effect on dry skin
and help reduce irritation of skin.

Figure 2: Azadirachta Indica (Neem)

and oleic acids with a negligible quantity of lauric acid. 16

Neem is a natural healer, so it can soothe and calm
irritated skin. Neem-containing face washes can help reduce
redness and irritation while also leaving skin feeling
peaceful. 17 Neem-based face cleansers have a lot of
antimicrobial qualities. This not only clears up acne but also
shields skin from aggressors outside that could harm it. In
this approach, acne-causing bacteria are both treated and
kept from growing. 17 "

Figure 4: Lemon

Lemon, or Citrus limon, is an edible fruit that grows on a

tiny tree or spreading bush of the rue family (Rutaceae). A
common ingredient in many pastries and sweets, including
tarts and the classic American lemon meringue pie, is
lemon juice. The fruit’s peculiar astringent flavour is used to
Figure 3: Aloe vera improve several poultry, fish, and vegetable meals all around
the world. 6 "
Aloe vera belonging to the (family Liliaceae) is
commonly known as “aloe gel.” It is locally called “kattalai” 3.1.3. Active constituents
which is found all over India. 16 Citric acid, Ascorbic acid, minerals, flavonoids and essential
oils. 20
3.1.1. Active constituents
Barbalin, isobarbolin, and saponins are considered. 3.1.4. Properties
1. As a rich source of vitamin C and citric acid, lemon
3.1.2. Properties are known for their detoxifying effects, especially
1. The anti inflammatory properties of aloevera help to when you add a few freshly cut wedges to your
reduce redness in acne, burns and even wounds. It also drinking water. Because of the health benefits of eating
enhanced skin cell production and healing properties, lemons,there is a growing popularity for using lemons
speed up the wound and acne scar healing. In addition as a natural treatment for skin conditions, like age
to that, it reduces blistering and itchiness. 18 spotsand acne.
224 Tiware et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2023;10(4):220–228

2. Some proponents of using lemon on the skin say 3. Turmeric works wonderfully for skin brightening and
that the citrus fruit is a natural method of increasing lightening. Plus it contains an anti oxidant compound
collagenin facial skin. Collagen is a protein that known as curcumin, and curcumin comes with multiple
naturally breaks down with age, which can then result skin benefits. It fights off acne, acne scars, and also
in fine lines and wrinkles. reduce skin pigmentation.
3. As an antioxidant, vitamin C may help prevent free 4. C. longa possesses multiple pharmacological
radicals that can damage collagen, leaving you with activities, including antioxidant, antimicrobial,
smoother skin. anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anticoagulant,
4. Because of its acidic nature and anti-microbial antidiabetic and immunological.
properties, lemon is said to work wonders in fighting
skin breakouts like acne, pimples and blackheads by
cleaning dirt and oil from deep within. It further helps
in tightening the skin pores to give you a smooth skin.

Figure 6: Carica papaya

Figure 5: Curcuma longa (Turmeric) Papaya is the common name for a member of the
Caricaceae family, the papaya. Locally, it is known
Tropical and subtropical regions are home to Curcuma as "papali-pazham." It flourishes throughout the world’s
longa L. There are 70 species of the genius plant Curcuma subtropical and tropical climates. Papain, chymopapain,
(family Zingiberaceae), which has long been used in many pectin, carposide, carpaine, carotenoids, and antheraxanthin
parts of the world as a spice, food preservative, and colour. are some of the chemical components of this plant. 16 "
It serves as a common home cure in traditional medicine for
a number of illnesses. 21 " 3.1.7. Active constituents
Chymopapain and papain pectin, carposide, carpaine,
3.1.5. Active constituent carotenoids and antheraxanthin. 16
Curcuminoids; curcumin (diferuloylmethane, the primary
constituent responsible for yellow color of turmeric), 3.1.8. Properties
demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin. 1. Because papaya, also known as Carica papaya,
naturally includes the papain enzyme and beta
3.1.6. Properties carotene, it was chosen by AMG for its face
1. In addition, volatile oils (tumerone, atlantone, and cleanser. Both of these work well in removing
zingiberene) also have pharmacological activity. In dead skin cells from the skin by dissolving the
addition, sugars, proteins, and resins are also present protein. Papaya contains the enzymes papain and
in turmeric. chymopapain, which can reduce irritation and act as
2. Turmeric is an amazing ingredient for skin care. It can a great skin moisturiser and moisture retainer. Papain,
resolve a number of skin problems, including acne, a protein-dissolving ingredient, is present in many of
skin darkening, skin pigmentation, rashes etc. It has exfoliating goods.These products clear pores of dead
been used since ages to boost the health and glow of skin cells that might cause acne by reducing acne.
the skin. Additionally, damaged keratin that can accumulate on
Tiware et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2023;10(4):220–228 225

the skin and cause tiny lumps can be removed by by neutralizing free radicals, thus diminishing dark
papain." circles. Mint boosts the circulation of blood and
2. Papaya as an anti-ageing face mask as the alpha hydrates your skin, thus delaying the formation of
hydroxyl acids in it prevents signs of aging, such wrinkles.
as wrinkles and fine lines. The vitamin E and C
rejuvenates your skin. Mash half cup of over ripe
papaya, to this add one tablespoon and milk and honey.
Apply it on your face and neck.

Figure 8: Coriander

Coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum), (family:

Apiaceae) are sourced from Morocco and Russia, angelica
Figure 7: Mintha viridis (Mint) root (Archangelica officinalis) from Germany, and orange
and lemon peels from Mediterranean countries. 23
Menthaviridis Lamiaceae) aperennial, creeping aromatic
herb of 30 to 90cm high, widely cultivated throughout the 3.1.11. Active constituent
plains of India for culinary and medicinal purp. Inalool (72.7%) followed by λ-terpinene (8.8%), α-pinene
(5.5%), camphor (3.7%),
3.1.9. Active constituents limonene (2.3%), geranyl acetate (1.9%) and p-cymene
Menthol, Menthone and menthyl acetate. (1.5%). 24 The oil composition changes, depending on the
maturity of the seed. 25
3.1.10. Properties
1. This mint face wash helps in reducing the oiliness, 3.1.12. Properties
refreshes, tones and cools the skin. Just take lemon 1. Coriander is extremely rich in folate, antioxidants,
juice, rose water, and soak the mint leaves into it. vitamin C and beta-carotene. Your skin feel soft,
2. Store the liquid in the refrigerator and then wash your supple and glowing when your cells are protected from
face with it. You can also use honey instead of lemon oxidative stress. They can be armored against stressand
juice if your skin is dry. degeneration with the help of antioxidants.
3. Apart from health benefits, there are a lot of beauty 2. These antioxidants prevent the movement of free
benefits of this herb too, it is therefore also, widely radicals in the body, thus slowing down the ageing
used for beauty care. process. It allows the skin to retain its elasticity. It is
4. It has a stimulating effect on the skin and improve a powerhouse of iron which leads to an increase in the
blood circulation to the skin surface. Mint also hemoglobin levels in the body and prevents anemia that
has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, protective, and can cause dull skin.
soothing properties. 3. It is a well-known fact that your skinis a reflection of
5. It also contains salicylic acid which is also beneficial your internal health. Whether your skin is too oily or
for preventing and treating pimples. That is why it also too dry or even a combination of the two, chewing fresh
helps to control and prevent other skin eruption, like coriander leaves every morning on an empty stomach
acne, boils, and heat rash. is a great healthy practice. Be it acneor pigmentation,
6. Mint treats acne, strong antibacterial properties and oily or dry skin, pimples or blackheads,coriander juice
vitamin A present in mint eliminate acne. It cleanses works like magic.
pores and tightens them, preventing blackheads, 4. Coriander’s anti-fungal and anti-microbial elements
antioxidant in mint keeps the skin damage free are even known to treat eczema. It is a detoxifier,
226 Tiware et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2023;10(4):220–228

a disinfectant and even treats dark lips. Due to covering power, and handling test are the parameters
its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti- inflammatory examined in aesthetics. 3 Herbal cosmetics evaluation is
properties, coriander helps to control and cure acne crucial, but there is no strict standard of conduct that can
conditions. Coriander leaves and lemongrass may be be established for all goods or even all product categories.
used together to control acne. To ensure the effectiveness, storage, processing
operation, and stability criteria, cosmetics are evaluated.
3.2. Formulation The evaluation of herbal cosmetics is much the same as that
of other widely-available cosmetics products. To reduce
The desired concentration of EDTA was prepared in sensitivity and irritation, the ingredients in cosmetics should
various formulations of batches, which were accurately be of the highest quality. The colour, fragrance, form of
weighed and mixed with moderate stirring in hot purified physical state, pH, and net content are among the physical
water (not more than 60 C; 50% weight of batch size) evaluation criteria utilised for herbal cosmetics. Sensitivity,
containing the desired amount of glycerine. Next, the irritation, and grittiness tests are the other evaluations
desired amount of Aqua SF-1 was added and dissolved in carried out on herbal cosmetics. Both diagnostic testing
the remaining water (50% of batch size). After that, sodium and prophetic or predictive testing can be used to conduct
lauryl ether sulphate, a main surfactant, was applied. After the irritancy and sensitivity test. Different patch tests are
adding sodium metabisulfite and the secondary surfactant typically used in diagnostic procedures to identify the
Cocamidopropyl Betaine, neutralizer Triethanolamine, and aetiology of dermatitis brought on by cosmetics. Testing for
preservative Euxyl K120 were added. Finally, it was primary irritants, testing for eye irritation (e.g., rabbit eye
combined with the formulation. Each recipe contained a test), testing for animal skin irritation, and testing on people
sufficient amount of perfume. In an appropriate container, for irritancy are all included in prophetic or predictive
prepared formulas were packed and tagged as needed. 2 testing. 1 Only new cosmetic ingredients for compacts are
tested for their propensity to irritate and sensitise in order
Content Quantity to look for air spaces."
Steric acid 8.7gm The abrasiveness, level of lustre creation, consistency,
Cetyl alcohol 3.5gm pH, specific gravity, taste, odour, colour, moisture content,
Glycerin 5ml and scent test of the dentifrices are all analysed. 3 In addition
EDTA 0.1gm to the usual tests, cosmetics that take the form of semisolid
Citric acid 3.5gm
goods also undergo rheology and bleeding tests. For testing
Methyl paraban 0.05gm
the cosmetics items, the microbiological test, toxicity test,
Propyl paraban 0.06gm
Sodium lauyral sulphate 7.8gm and stability tests were also carried out. There are historical
Carbacol 2gm accounts of how herbs have been used in cosmetics, as well
Distelled water 20ml as some recent studies that have proven their usefulness in
Herbal extract(neem, aloevera, lemon, turmeric, 1.8gm the creation of cosmetics. 1
carica papaya, mint, coriander). Analytical evaluations are used to support the
commercial development and implementation of new
ingredients in order to confirm that specifications are
satisfied, to evaluate the quality of manufactured products,
3.3. Preparation and to guarantee that the process is running smoothly.
Propylene glycol and sodium lauryl sulphate, two Enforcement and regulatory authorities frequently use
preservatives, were added and mixed with a small analytical techniques to check that products adhere to legal
amount of water. Carbopol was gradually added to the requirements and are safe and accurately advertised. 1
aforementioned solution and well mixed to create a gel-like The analytical chemist still plays a significant part in
dispersion. The extract was gradually added to this to get a determining the best procedure, handling the data, and
gel-like consistency. Triethanolamine was then lastly added deciphering the outcomes. The two main categories of
to the mixture. 14 analytical techniques are the classical method and the
instrumental approach. The traditional approaches rely
3.4. Evaluation on observing and quantifying the chemical reactivity of
analytes in solution. The thorough assessment serves as the
Physical characteristics, aesthetic criteria, and pressure tests foundation for the instrumental procedures."
are the three categories under which facial cosmetics are
evaluated. Colour, adhesiveness, pH, net content, odour, 1. Colour - The colour of the face wash gel was visually
size and shape of the particle, and moisture content analyzed. 26
are among the physical properties. Shape control, colour 2. Odour- The formulation was evaluated for its odour by
dispersion, bloom testing, adhesiveness, spreadability, smelling it.
Tiware et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2023;10(4):220–228 227

3. Consistency- It was determined manually. Evaluation was done on the basis of four parameters:
4. Viscosity- Viscosity of the gel was determined using (1) Appearance; (2) Foaming; (3) Fragrance; (4) After
Brookfield viscometer. The values obtained for the Rinse-off feel. This test was carried out with consent
sample and for water were noted down. of all the participants.
5. Spreadability- By personally putting the gel to the
skin and gently rubbing it, the spreadability of the The composition of the prepared product and the container
gel was determined. 26 The area to which a gel easily in which the product is packed are both tested for
spreads after application to the skin or affected part stability during storage of cosmetic products. The physical
is referred to as spreadability. The Spreadability rating characteristics of the content, such as viscosity, texture,
affects the gel’s bioavailability effectiveness as well. colour, odour, pH, and loss of volatile constituents, uptake
Spreadability is measured in seconds and is determined of water, oxygen, or carbon dioxide, can be categorised into
by the amount of stress required for the upper slide categories. The chemical feature can be further broken down
to separate from the gel between the two slides. The into the loss of the constituent by sorption by the container,
spreadability is improved by the speed at which two interaction between the constituents, and degradation of the
slides are separated. Each slide had measurements active constituent.
of 6 cm 2 cm, and 500 mg of the formulation was The two categories of microbiological characteristics
sandwiched between them. A weight of 100 g was are microbial deterioration and antimicrobial preservative
placed upon the upper slide so that the formulation efficacy. Cosmetics packaging containers are examined for
between the two slides get pressured uniformly to form leakage, corrosion, and stress cracking. The measurement of
a thin layer. 5 skin friction to determine the degree of the skin’s greasiness
or smoothness is one of the mechanical properties of the
Spreadability = M × L/T skin. The point of indentation is used to quantify skin
When, softness, and skin elasticity is measured to assess how fair
m=Weight tied to upper slide, or supple the skin is. Antidandruff products are primarily
l=Length of the glass slide (6 cm), judged on their antibacterial activity, ability to dissolve
t=Time in seconds in sebum, ability to penetrate hair follicles, and cytostatic
After receiving consent, the skin irritancy test was carried impact. 3
out on 10 healthy human volunteers of either sex. A patch of The techniques will offer qualitative information about
gauze was placed over a 6 cm2 region of skin on the hand, the chemical makeup of compounds and the identification
and around 0.5 gramme of gel was administered there. A of particular compounds in cosmetic items. The evaluation
semi-occlusive dressing was used to keep the patch in place of the skin can be done either visually or by super facial
against the skin for one hour. After a one-hour exposure sampling of the skin and cell image analysis. The fluoroscan
period, the gauze was taken off, and any remaining test II technology can be used to assess the concentration of
substance was scraped off without changing the epidermis’s cutaneous peroxides and identify the free radical scavenger
reaction or integrity. The skin was checked for any obvious qualities in cosmetics that can counteract the effect of
response at 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, pollution and UV light on skin. 1
and 72 hours. 27 By using skin reflectance spectrophotometry to suppress
UVB-induced skin erythema, the free radical scavenging
1. Washability: The product was applied on hand and properties may also be assessed. By visual inspection or
was observed under running water scientifically using a Minolta Chromameter or Diastron
2. Foamability: Small amount of gel was taken in a Erythema/Melanin Metre, the skin tanning agents employed
beaker containing water. Initial volume was noted, to produce healthy skin without running the danger of the
beaker was shaken for 10 times and the final volume acute and chronic negative consequences of prolonged UV
was noted. Foamability was also analysed by applying exposure can be assessed. 1
onto skin with contact with water. 14
3. Grittiness: The product was checked for the presence
4. Conclusion
of any gritty particles by applying it on the skin. 24
4. Accelerated Stability Studies: The Face wash gel Herbal face washes are used to refresh the muscles, keep the
formulation was subjected to stability testing for 2 skin elastic, get rid of stuck-on grime, and enhance blood
months as per ICH Guidelines at a temperature of 40o C flow. Herbal-based cosmetics have the advantage of being
± 2o C and RH 75%. The Gel formulation was analysed nontoxic. It nourishes the skin on the face. The face wash
for the change in appearance, pH and phytochemical. 28 gives the skin the necessary nutrition. It aids in the removal
5. Consumer Acceptance test: The Product was of scars, marks, and pimples. Skin is exfoliated by face
evaluated for consumer acceptance by 30 targeted washes, which also have a cooling, soothing, and soothing
consumers who were between 15-30 years old. The impact on the skin. They do so in the quickest possible time
228 Tiware et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2023;10(4):220–228

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