Village Backdrop - Ytaris

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A stone circle marks the confluence of ley lines in this bleak and broken place. Among the ancient runes and onyx pillars burn secret
powers hidden by gods and men alike. But to the people of Y’taris, the stone circle is just a tourist destination for the rich. Every year,
hundreds of spellcasters make the long pilgrimage to the stone circle high in the Broken Mountains. The citizens provide food, shelter,
baubles and entertainment, and all for exorbitant prices. Merchants bleed visitors of their gold, while pickpockets and scam artists take
the rest. Y’taris is a nest of thieves. Anyone is welcome, as long as they have the coin.

Designed for use with the 5th edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game.

Design: Jeff Gomez Y’taris At A Glance ........................................................................ 2
Development: Creighton Broadhurst Notable Locations ........................................................................ 4
Art: William McAusland. Some artwork copyright William Life in Y’taris ................................................................................. 6
McAusland, used with permission. Support Raging Swan Press .......................................................... 7
Cartography: Tommi Salama OGL V1.0A .................................................................................... 7

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A stone circle marks the confluence of ley lines in this bleak and Xthelis (location 3; NE female human lich) Xthelis is one of the
broken place. Across its storied past, Y’taris has hosted few individuals actually worthy of the arcane power
spellbinding wizards and apocalyptic cultists, angelic battles and available. She spends her time solely at the Pit, studying
runes and practicing her necromancy. She showers the
fey outcasts, abyssal legions and eldritch incursions. Among the
citizens with gold and they give her whatever she needs.
ancient runes and onyx pillars lie secret messages, spells and Yosrin Nimblefingers (location 1; CN male halfling spy) Yosrin is
powers hidden by gods and men alike. an expert pickpocket and something of a legend among his
But to the people of Y’taris, the stone circle is just a tourist peers. He covers his good looks with dirty brown clothes,
destination for the rich. Every year, hundreds of mages and and sometimes clashes with Girmark Flaskgut over the
necromancers make the long pilgrimage to the stone circle high appropriate distribution of stolen goods.
in the Broken Mountains. Between meditation and study, these
spellcasters need a place to eat, relax and play. Y’taris provides it
all for exorbitant prices. Those who are unwilling to pay may find Most of the village comprises peasant homes. A few locations,
their wallets missing all the same. And for the dark powers however, are of interest to adventurers:
gathered here, the people of Y’taris offer some unusual services.
Anyone is welcome, as long as they have the coin. 1. The Grey Market: Filled with vendors, beggars, panhandlers
and pickpockets, all magical goods can be found here (at
DEMOGRAPHICS exorbitant prices).
2. The Confluence: The reason mages flock to Y’taris, this stone
Rulers Ayred Guilespire, Girmark Flaskgut and Mulgin Kulon
circle intensifies magical ability and enhances arcane study.
Government Plutocracy
Population 189 (57 humans, 16 dwarves, 24 elves, 39 gnomes, 3. The Pit: A conduit of necromantic power, the Pit draws
14 half-elves, 7 half-orcs, 32 halflings) powerful liches and other unsavoury spellcasters from across
Alignments LE, NE the world.
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling 4. The Gibbering Stone Inn: This inn and tavern epitomizes
everything about a cheap tavern except for its prices.
NOTABLE FOLK 5. Raven’s Reach: Raven’s Reach inn provides wealthy visitors
Most of the population are nothing more than hardworking with opulence and a reason to spend far too much gold on
peasants. A few, however, are of interest to adventurers: frivolities.
6. Griffon’s Call: This gambling hall is the third best place to lose
Ayred Guilespire (location 1; LE male elf acolyte) Gaunt and money in Y’taris.
impossibly pale, Ayred owns nearly all the stalls in the Grey
7. Mage Society: Within the Mage Society, novices pay hefty
Market. He speaks for all shops and panhandlers, ensures
dues in hopes of arcane revelations that never come.
their prices and methods are in line, and represents their
interests in council meetings. 8. Trading Post: At the trading post, the merchants of Y’taris buy
Davyn Highhall (location 5; N male human wizard 1) Davyn is like alchemic ingredients from travelling salesmen.
a hundred other spellcasters who travel to Y’taris each year. 9. Onyx Hall: Onyx Hall, which sells necromantic goods, is
Born from a noble family, he seeks to enhance his pitiful perhaps the only store in Y’taris worth the price.
magical ability by studying the Confluence. Instead, he is
being cheated out of his entire inheritance.
Girmark Flaskgut (location 1; NE female dwarf spy) Girmark’s
years of thievery are mostly behind her. Now, she teaches
and organizes the pickpockets and burglars, and represents
their interests in council meetings.
Mulgin Kulon (location 5; LE male gnome commoner) Mulgin is a
disgusting, boil covered gnome who spits when he talks. He
oversees operations at all taverns, inns and gambling halls,
and represents their interests in council meetings.
Stockmaster (location 9; LE male gnome priest) Stockmaster
runs Onyx Hall, the premier provider of necromantic goods
and services in Y’taris. He is taciturn and precise and expects
his customers to be the same.

A PC may know something about Y’taris, its history and While in Y’taris, a PC may hear one or more rumours. A PC
surrounds. A PC making a DC 10 Intelligence check knows one or making a DC 10 Charisma check learns one rumour from the
more pieces of information from the list below. A successful table below. A PC exceeding this check learns an additional
check gains all the information revealed by a lesser check. rumour for each 5 points by which he exceeded DC 10.
DC 10: Y’taris is ruled by a council of three merchants: one
for the inns, one for the shops and one for the thieves. D6 RUMOUR
DC 15: Beneath the Confluence festers a pit of dark magic The Confluence has no true power, and is simply a means
and great power. Only the citizens of Y’taris know the way. to draw visitors to the village.
The Onyx Hall sells corpses and human sacrifices in
DC 20: The powerful lich Xthelis has taken up near 2
addition to other necromantic materials.
permanent residence at the Pit, and the villagers provide her
In ancient times, a powerful necromancer created the Pit
with a steady stream of corpses. 3
to summon forth an undead army.
When visitors outstay their welcome, they are
VILLAGERS sometimes delivered to the necromancers.
In the sky above the Confluence, an invisible celestial
Appearance The inhabitants of Y’taris are as stark as the 5*
structure bestows divine power.
surrounding mountains. They wax between cold annoyance and
Raven’s Reach has secret passages so the staff can more
obsequious flattery, depending on if they have something to sell. 6
easily rid the guests of their possessions.
Dress Y’tarians dress in blacks and greys, and often wear *False rumour
cloaks or hoods. Many do not wish to be identified when
performing their daily tasks, while others simply mimic the
muted landscape.
Nomenclature male Belzor, Garhace, Hortran, Jodak,
Kaswan, Panbul; female Arfin, Breni, Faybyn, Idalile, Yezlyn;
family Calziver, Greyhand, Magespire, Totix, Uriwor.


1: THE GREY MARKET into oppressive darkness. Here, the runes adorning the onyx
walls smoke black and red. Partially fossilized skulls of ancient
The Grey Market is unusually bleak for a bustling centre of
primordial beings litter the cyclopean spiralling steps. Whispers
commerce. Magi and sorcerers move between the shops and
of madness echo from the darkness, and the screams of trapped
stalls, comparing goods, prices and the integrity of the vendor.
spirits erode the listener’s sanity.
Everything can be found here, and everything is overpriced.
This place writhes with arcane evil, and it attracts a certain
Dragon blood, fairy wings, troll fingers and other ingredients all
unseemly breed of visitor; necromancers and liches, blood
sell for ten times their actual worth. Basic necessities like food,
sorcerers and death speakers, only the foulest make their way to
boots and weapons are equally expensive. Their increased cost is
study in the Pit. Unlike the tourists above, the denizens of the Pit
justified by woven runes, magic crystals or whatever else the
are often powerful and sometimes even equal to the darkness
merchants can say to scam gullible marks out of their money.
they seek. They mingle with the rest of the visitors during the
Anything can be purchased in the Grey Market, as long as a
day, then hire citizens to lead them, torch in hand, through the
customer knows where to look. In the back alleys, taciturn
underground labyrinth to the Pit. The villagers are all too-willing
halflings offer human eyeballs, elf ears and living pixies in jars.
to oblige these masters of evil for a handful of gold and a
Merchants hide less savoury stock below trapdoors or chained
blessing of arcane favour.
up in basements. Such dark items are rare, difficult to get and
Spells cast within the pit operate as if they were cast using a
perhaps the only thing worth the price in this foul place.
spell slot four levels higher than normal and have a 5% chance of
Pickpockets and panhandlers in addition to crooked vendors
not expending a spell slot.
infest the market. They roam the plaza, looking for easy prey.
Merchants often get in on the deal, expounding verbosely as a
dagger opens the customer’s purse. The vendors and thieves
work in tandem—distracting and filching—and split their profits The Gibbering Stone Inn is Y’taris’ cheapest inn, and it shows. A
at the end of the day. thick layer of grey dust coats every surface, black tar leaks from
the walls and the thin smell of sour beer permeates the rooms.
2: THE CONFLUENCE Yet the inn costs more than even the most luxurious inn in a
major city. After all, the guests are paying for proximity to the
Without the Confluence, Y’taris would not exist. Nobody knows
Confluence, not comfortable beds or clean living quarters.
who built this stone circle, or if it was built at all. The structure
In the taproom, a rough stone about the size of a hound
itself is impressive: thirteen jagged obsidian pillars, some up to
emits sounds not unlike the babble of a broken mind. This is the
20 feet tall, each covered in runes from a thousand different
eponymous gibbering stone, an ancient relic from an experiment
forgotten scripts. Glowing green symbols trace ley lines running
gone wrong. Angard (LE male half-orc spy), the inn’s proprietor,
from the columns to the sacrificial slab in the ring’s centre. At
endures its ceaseless babbling while taking orders and serving
certain sunsets throughout the year, including the solstice and
drinks. He’s a busy man, but still has the time to mark the
equinoxes, the runes burn and smoke with green flame.
wealthy, notice hidden purses and direct his staff to where
While the Confluence was once a meditative and awe-
guests hide their possessions.
inspiring place, it is now overrun with magical tourists seeking to
enhance their skill. They come from across the realm to study § Food & Drink meal (typically soup or stew with bread) 5 sp, ale
the powers at work here, often boorishly and with little respect. 1 sp, wine (pitcher) 5 sp.
At any given hour at least a dozen spellcasters loudly § Accommodation A room costs 2 gp a night and is sparsely
hypothesize, practice garish cantrips or carve their own arcane furnished, smells of sour beer and dust covers every surface.
signets into the ancient rock. Meditation or true magical insight
is impossible with these distractions. 5: RAVEN’S REACH
Spells cast within the stone circle operate as if they were
Raven’s Reach is an opulent inn designed for the wealthiest of
cast using a spell slot two levels higher than normal and have a
travellers. Black satin curtains cover walls and windows, and the
5% chance of not expending a spell slot.
building itself is made of rich mahogany. The effect would be far
more grand if the trappings were not stained and dusty.
Mulgin Kulon (LE male gnome commoner) owns the Reach,
The Confluence is a well-known arcane wonder, but fewer but leaves most of the day-to-day work to his employees. This
individuals are aware of the Pit. Situated deep within the caverns disgusting gnome spends his time at the bar, drinking fine
below the famous circle, the Pit plunges through the bleak stone

liqueurs and smoking cigars. The bar is the manifestation of time mingling with the higher ups at the Silver Staff bar. They are
luxury, complete with serving girls, magic lanterns and crystal allowed additional words of an arcane phrase that, when
cups. Through smiling women and well-dressed competition, completed (they are told), grants secret power. They are given
wealthy patrons are pressured into throwing their money away an ever widening view into the complexities of the order.
on frivolities. Once a guest runs out of money (always quicker It's all a ruse. There is no way to progress to any meaningful
than they expect), they are ejected from the inn. Whatever they level in the organization because there exists no meaningful
leave behind becomes property of Raven’s Reach. level. Most Mage Society members are not spellcasters at all—
merely practiced con artists who embrace this as the most
§ Food & Drink meal (typically meat pie and vegetables) 1 gp, effective method to separate marks from their gold.
ale 2 sp, wine (pitcher) 1 gp.
§ Accommodation A room costs 4 gp a night and comes with a 8: TRADING POST
large bed, dresser and table on which to perform experiments.
Nearly two miles from Y’taris proper, the small wooden
Alchemical equipment and arcane books are available for a
structure of the trading post overlooks the road. This is the only
price. Each room also comes complete with a secret
place in the village where trading is done fair and square. Large
passageway for the staff to sneak in and out, stealing away
wagons rumble in from across the land, bringing spider venom,
possessions one item at a time.
phoenix feathers and hundreds of alchemical goods. Corpses and
other unsavoury items are not uncommon. Here, the Y’tarins
pay honest rates for the high quality material, either trading in
After crooked merchants and clever thieves, Griffon’s call is the gold or magically crafted items. They triple these prices at the
third best place to bleed gold in Y’taris. Apprentices and hedge Grey Market.
mages toss dice to relieve stress after a wasted day at the Once the cargo is unloaded, it is covered in tarps or placed in
Confluence. Within these stone rooms, dealers and croupiers mundane wooden crates. Then vendors use horses or donkeys
distribute rigged cards and collect the winnings. Magic of any to cart the merchandise up to Y’taris. It is crucial to keep the
form is forbidden, a rule which is frequently broken and more traders and the tourists far apart, out of sight and out of mind. If
frequently punished. the spellcasters were allowed to purchase directly from the
Griffon’s Call stinks of sweat and beer. Weak torches traders, the economy of Y’taris would be irreparably damaged.
discharge oily smoke into the air. Those who work the tables
expertly harass their customers, provoking them into irrational 9: ONYX HALL
spending and frustration. Brawls are a nightly occurrence, an
Onyx Hall is situated far from the Grey Market, down a dismal
encouraged disobedience punishable by hefty fine.
alleyway and behind an unmarked door. Interested customers
§ Drink ale 1 sp, wine (pitcher) 3 sp. are met with gruff responses, but if they can show enough gold
§ Brawl Fine 2 gp they are invited in. The shop floor is small and almost completely
barren—all merchandise is kept in a locked room in the back. A
7: MAGE SOCIETY one-eyed gnome who goes by the name “Stockmaster” (LE male
gnome priest) stands behind the counter. He expects his patrons
The Mage Society is an immense waste of time. Peel away the
to have specific needs, order specific products, pay with precise
empty rituals, obtuse rulebook and eye-watering membership
coinage and leave before they cause trouble.
fee, and all that is left is an overpriced bar and social club. The
Onyx Hall provides goods and services for necromancers and
Society entices novices with promises of arcane secrets and
the undead. Its primary resource is onyx, but shadow-laden
hallowed halls. Instead of power, they find an entrance fee, the
ingredients and corpses are also popular items. Stockmaster asks
rank of "Initiate," and a secret handshake. Increase the
no questions as to the use of such items. Why bother? He knows
donation, perform an absurd pseudo-ritual, and the Initiate can
the answer, and as long as it doesn’t disrupt trade in Y’taris
increase his rank to "Probationer." Probationers are taught the
there’s no need for concern.
first word in a "fantastical" rite that will, they are promised,
If Onyx Hall values its secrecy, it is not for any fear of legal
grant incredible power. They then ascend to "Conjuror," where
retribution (the councilmember Ayred Guilespire owns Onyx
they are allowed a simple puzzle (and increased entrance fee) to
Hall, along with most of the shops in Y’taris). No, Onyx Hall does
proceed. Then "Scion." Then "Clairvoyant." Then "Runewatcher."
not advertise because it does not want to attract weak
Then "Arcanum."
spellcasters and mere dabblers in the dark arts. It seeks only the
There is no end to the intermediary ranks within the Mage
most powerful and wealthy necromancers—the types of
Society, though with each step and increase in price the member
individuals who would be annoyed to wait for service.
feels closer to greatness. They are allowed to spend additional

Y’taris is a stark, grey place. To call it corrupted would imply There are, however, a host of archaic laws which apply to
there is a still some good left. No, Y’taris is built on evil and outsider, almost all of which result in a hefty fine. Brawling is a
consumed by greed and violence. In the end, the village’s only fine. Mixing potions outdoors is a fine. Visiting the Confluence at
purpose is the exploitation of the rich and foolish, and the sunrise is a fine, though special permits are available for a price.
villagers work single-mindedly towards that goal. For the curious or sceptical, there is no rulebook available for
perusal, and no government building at all. Instead, citizens
TRADE & INDUSTRY impose these rules as they see fit to drain the tourists’ wallets.
There is only one industry in Y’taris—tourism. Luckily, the The powerful and generous are, of course, immune to such
Confluence draws wealthy tourists. They come in droves, pay tactics. Y’tarians know better than to provoke liches or suffer the
handsomely for every expense and extend their stays when wrath of true wizards.
arcane power does not fall upon them.
Often these magi run out of money and must resort to EVENTS
crafting arcane items as payment. As a result, Y’taris has an While the PCs are in Y’taris, one or more of the below events
unusually high number of magical items to keep the citizens may occur. Choose or determine randomly:
happy. A decanter of endless water provides drink and bathing.
Continual flame spells illuminate the streets. Potions of healing D6 EVENT
and scrolls of lesser restoration keep the inhabitants healthy. For a split second the Confluence erupts into searing
Some vendors even store their goods in bags of holding. 1 green flame. Any creatures within the ring suffer 2d6 fire
damage (DC 15 Dexterity saving throw halves).
Such a preponderance of magical tools might make a better
A low moan shudders from the earth beneath the
settlement into something of a utopia. But in Y’taris, these items 2
Confluence, rising in pitch and then dying away entirely.
only drive greed and a desire for more. A tourist goes to pay for a bottle of troll dust, but realizes
his wallet is missing.
LAW & ORDER A spellcaster goes missing from his room at night. No
4 official investigation takes place, and the market sees a
There is no organized law or guard within the village. Conflicts
slight influx of human body parts over the next few days.
between citizens are resolved through council meetings or
A man carrying a large bag of onyx emerges from an
simple violence. However, the villagers are united in pursuit of 5 alleyway. His vendor is nowhere to be seen (he has just
gold. They work together to rob visitors of their riches, then emerged from the clandestine Onyx Hall).
divide the rewards unevenly. The powerful, such as the council Griffon’s Call is closed to outsiders for a few hours in the
and other successful merchants, take the lion’s share. The weak 6 evening for the weekly council meeting between Kulon,
are intimidated into subservience. Flaskgut and Guilespire.

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System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Village Backdrop: Y’taris. ©Raging Swan Press 2016; Author: Jeff Gomez.

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