Design a health monitoring application that uses machine learning to predict health risks based on user inputs. Implement data visualization for metrics like heart rate, calories, etc., using dummy or synthetic data
2. Sentiment Detection Analyzer
Develop an interactive tool that classifies user-entered text as positive, negative, or neutral by analyzing sentiment using TextBlob. The analyzer also provides polarity and subjectivity scores, making it ideal for understanding customer feedback, social media trends, and public sentiment.
3. Data Analysis With Pandas
Use the Pandas library to load a CSV file and perform basic data analysis tasks (e.g., finding the average of a column). 4. Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn Load a dataset (e.g., from Kaggle) and create various visualizations (e.g., bar charts, scatter plots, heatmaps) to analyze the data. Use Matplotlib and Seaborn for plotting and provide insights based on the visualizations.
5. Voice Activated Personal Assistant
Build a personal assistant that performs tasks like setting reminders, checking the weather, and reading the news. Integrate with speech recognition and text-to-speech libraries to create an interactive, voice- activated experience.
6. Automated Google Search Result Scraper
Build a tool that performs Google searches and extracts the top results. Selenium or BeautifulSoup can be used to gather titles, links, and short descriptions, useful for research or SEO analysis.
Machine Learning for Healthcare Analytics Projects: Build smart AI applications using neural network methodologies across the healthcare vertical market