Prayogo 2019
Prayogo 2019
Prayogo 2019
1st Sandy Suryo Prayogo 2nd Yulisdin Mukhlis 3rd Bayu Kumoro Yakti
dept. Electrical Engineering dept. Electrical Engineering dept. Electrical Engineering
Gunadarma University Gunadrma University Gunadrma University
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract— The number of high-performance IoT devices has 20922: 2016). MQTT provides asynchronous publication /
increased, resulting in much development of services both in subscription protocols that run on top of TCP / IP [2]. CoAP
terms of equipment and services for IoT. The major challenges was designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
in the realization of the services is the convenience of use of the using a subset of the HTTP method to target limited help
protocol and time spend data from sending to be accessed. devices that run on UDP and use synchronous request /
MQTT and CoAP are usually used for such services because response models. Both of these protocols are used as research
these protocols can support the publish-subscribe architecture. objects because CoAP and MQTT are the protocols most
So many applications that have been developed using those widely used for IoT today. The protocol can support nodes
application protocol. However, these protocols on simple devices
with connections to the internet using existing ones.
such as NodeMCU usually only use one broker or server, so it is
necessary to choose the right protocol for the type of The purpose of this research is to compare the use,
communication architecture based on several assessments. In accuracy, and performance of two types application protocol,
this paper, we propose a scheme to stream a lot of data from there is MQTT and CoAP using NodeMCU ESP8266 as a
publisher to subscriber using an IoT device that is sender and receiver of the data. NodeMCU is an IoT device
microcontroller NodeMCU 8266 using two different protocol, that can act as publisher and subscriber. The publisher, will
there are MQTT and CoAP. NodeMCU will act as publisher or stream data to server and subscriber will show the data then
responder and can act as subscriber or sending request to get compare it’s error and time needed of all the data. This paper
data from publisher. By the experimentation, we can see that the
is organized in Section II introduces the related works on the
differences time spend, accuracy and the convenience from
using MQTT and CoAP schemes. MQTT is more accurate than
MQTT and CoAP protocols for IoT environment. Section III
CoAP, but CoAP requires less time to complete the presents the implementation and performance comparison
transmission. The use of MQTT and CoAP also varies between MQTT and CoAP. Then, Section IV describes the
depending on the purpose and form of communication. conclusion of this paper [4] [5].
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MQTT is reliable for sending Application Messages based specification of which is out of this document's scope. CoAP
on 3 types of Service Quality (QoS). The Symmetrical of messages shown in figure 4 are encoded in a basic binary
delivery protocols, Client and Server can take the role of format. The message format is fixed size and starts with 4-
Sender or Receiver [7]. byte header followed by a variable-length Token value, which
can be between 0 and 8 bytes long [9].
• QoS 0: at Most one is delivered, the receiver does not
send and the sender isn't performing any retry. the receiver
gets the message from the broker completely or not at all.
• QoS 1: At least one is delivered. This services quality
will check whether the messages has reached the recipient at
least once. The PUBLISH QoS 1 packet has a Packet Identifier
in its variable header and is recognized by the PUBACK
Package which can ensure that at least one message is sent.
• QoS 2: Exactly one sent. This QoS is the highest quality
service and is used when loss or duplication of messages
cannot be received. There are four-way handshake
mechanisms that is used for exactly one message delivery [3].
Fig. 3 IoT Communication model using CoAP
MQTT Have two types of header, there was fix header and
variable header. Variable header is place between fix header CoAP protocol is based on Representational State Transfer
and payload. Figure 1 show the fix header of first byte [3]. (REST) architecture and can use request-response model like
HTTP. adding to request-response model, CoAP can also be
able to use publish-subscribe architecture using an extended
GET method. CoAP, the publish-subscribe model uses
Universal Resource Identifier (URI) instead of topics like
MQTT uses [9].
Fig. 1 MQTT Fix Header Message
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C. NodeMCU ESP8266
NodeMCU ESP8266 NodeMCU is an embedded
microcontroller system with Wi-Fi already intact. Which
means it no need to use additional Wi-Fi devices. The system
architecture on the chip (SoC) has a function as
communication between GPIO by connecting to the Internet
and transmitting data through the Internet. Figure 6 shows the
I / O pins of NodeMCU [11].
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without delay, all the data will receive after 4 seconds, and 10
seconds for 50 data, 20 second for 100 data.
In MQTT experiment, we tried using two different internet
service provider ISP and three different receiver applications.
The ISP used is (ISP1) with poor network, and (ISP2) with
strong network. We got a significant difference show in table
1 from the side of different ISP. The time needed for
subscriber to get all the data using ISP1 is almost twice times
longer than the ISP2. In terms of recipient applications there
is almost no time difference for receiving all the data sent, the
experiment, the experiment was carried out three times for
each case.
TABLE I. Time needed for sending data using MQTT protocol to different
receiver applications
Fig. 9 MQTT Arduino IDE publish random binary code
Dashboard Receiver
Amount of Receiver (PC-Chrome
(Arduino IDE)
Data (Android App) Extension)
(each 16-bits)
(s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s)
9.9 7.2 10 7 10 7
20 9.8 6.5 9 6 9 6
10.1 6.8 10 6 10 6
23.5 15.5 24 15 24 15
50 22.9 17.2 23 17 23 17
23.2 18.8 24 18 24 18
43.3 24.5 44 24 44 24
100 42.8 26.2 43 26 43 26
43.2 25.8 43 25 43 25
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To calculate the time spent for CoAP sending data from and MQTT for single node. It can also be combined like a lot
client to server. From the experiment, we tried using router. node connected using CoAP then server publish it to internet
All the data received in server is faster compare to MQTT and using MQTT.
nearly in perfect condition. Because CoAP uses UDP without
handshake and using a local server which also not using ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Internet so only one hop from client to server. Each packet of This research was fully supported by Gunadarma
data receives four times shown in table II. University, Jakarta, Indonesia. The authors gratefully
acknowledge Gunadarma University for providing research
funding and for permission in using the research facilities.
TABLE II. Time needed for sending data using CoAP
NodeMCU Time needed receive [1] O. Vermesan and F. Peter, "Internet of Things: Converging
(Arduino IDE) 16-Bits binary data
Technologies for Smart Environment and Integrated Ecosystems," in
Local Server 20 data (s) 50 data (s) 100 data (s) River Publisher. ISBN 978-87-92982-96-4, Denmark, 2013.
1st 4.22 10.93 20.88 [2] J.-H. Jung, D.-K. Choi and S.-J. Koh, "Distributed Pub/Sub Model in
2nd 4.57 11.05 20.46 CoAP-based Internet-of-Things Networks," in IEEE 978-1-5386-
3rd 4.32 10.37 20.96 2290-2/18/$31.00, 2018.
4th 4.61 10.77 20.72 [3] ISO, "Information technology -- Message Queuing Telemetry
Transport (MQTT) v3.1.1,," in ISO, 2016.
[4] I. E. T. Force, "Publish- Subscribe Broker for the Constrained
V. CONCLUTION Application Protocol," in IETF, 2017.
In this paper, we studied the application protocol which [5] J.-Y. Huang, P.-H. Tsai and I.-E. Liao, "Implementing
Publish/Subscribe Pattern for CoAP in Fog Computing
support IoT. To know the use and effectivity from two Environment.," in 978-1-5386-3371-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE , 2017.
different application protocol there is MQTT and CoAP, we
[6] X. M. A. Valera and H.-X. Tan, "Performance Evaluation of MQTT
tried to transfer data from one IoT device to another. The IoT and CoAP via a Common Middleware. IEEE Ninth International
device used for these experiments is NodeMCU ESP8266. Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information
Experimental results showed that the performance of different Processing (ISSNIP) Symposium on Sensor Networks," Singapore ,
protocols are depends on different network conditions. 2014.
[7] R. J Cohn and R. J Coppen, "MQTT Version 3.1.1 OASIS Standard.
MQTT and CoAP have different in implementation. In Standards Track Work Product.," in OASIS Open, 2014.
MQTT we tried using internet server, because there so many [8] P. Bellavista and A. Zanni, "Towards Better Scalability for IoT-Cloud
developments in MQTT that provide server, but in CoAP we Interactions via Combined Exploitation of MQTT and CoAP," in
can only use a local server. MQTT is more accurate and IEEE 2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for
reliable than CoAP because it uses TCP. In MQTT if one Society and Industry Leveraging a better tomorrow (RTSI) , 2016.
message sent from publisher, so only one message receives in [9] Z. S. and K. H. , "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
subscriber. In CoAP if one message sent from client, there can Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)," in IETF, 2014.
be more than one messages receive in server with same data. [10] C. Bormann, "The Constrained Application Protocol," 2014.
[11] L. Shkurti, "Development of Ambient Environmental Monitoring
MQTT need a network with internet and each IoT device System Through Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using NodeMCU
as node need to be connected to internet, but CoAP can do it and WSN Monitoring," in 6th Mediterranean Conference On
local with one server and a lot of IoT device as node. About Embedded Computing., 2017.
the performance, because MQTT is a TCP, it very dependents [12] N. O'Leary, "Arduino PubSubClient for MQTT," MIT License, 31
to internet network speed. CoAP messages experienced lower March 2018. [Online]. Available:
delays than MQTT for sending same data from one IoT device pubsubclient. [Accessed 18 May 2018].
to another device. In the experiments MQTT with an internet [13] P. Nagesh and L. Patel, "ESP-CoAP server/client library for Arduino,"
provider requires the fastest time of 25 seconds to send 100 thingTronics Innovations, 16 January 2018. [Online]. Available:
data in a row, while CoAP takes 20 seconds to send the same [Accessed 18 May 2018].
amount of data but only in the local network area.
The difference in use and performance can be exploited to
improve the increasing need for data transmission within IoT.
Like, CoAP implemented for a lot of IoT node in small area
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