Liac 009
Liac 009
Liac 009
Advance access publication date 30 September 2022
Railway bridges are a vital element of railway infrastructures, and their safety can directly affect the regional economy and commuter
transportation. However, railway bridges are often subjected to severe loading and working conditions, caused by rising traffic levels
and heavier vehicles, and increases in train running speeds makes the bridges extremely susceptible to degradation and failure. One
of the promising tools for evaluating the overall safety and reliability of railway bridges is the bridge structural health monitoring
(SHM) system, which not only monitors the structural conditions of bridges and maintains the safety of train operations, but also
helps to expand the lifespan of bridges by enhancing their durability and reliability. While a multitude of review papers on SHM and
vibration-based structural damage detection methods have been published in the past two decades, there is a paucity of literature that
provides a review or overview on the SHM of railway bridges. Some of the review papers have become obsolete and do not ref lect the
state-of-the-art research. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to summarize state-of-the-art SHM techniques and methods that
have been widely used and popular in recent years. First, two state-of-the-art SHM sensing technologies (i.e. fiber optic sensing (FOS)
technology and computer vision-based (CV) technology) are reviewed, including the working principles of various sensors and their
practical applications for railway bridge monitoring. Second, two state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms (i.e. convolutional neural
networks (CNN) and transfer learning (TL)) and their applications for railway bridge structural condition assessment are exemplified.
Third, the principle of digital twin (DT) and its applications for railway bridge monitoring are presented. Finally, issues related to the
future direction and challenges of the monitoring technologies and condition assessment methods of railway bridges are highlighted.
Keywords: railway bridges, structural health monitoring, fiber optic sensing technology, computer vision-based technology, convolu-
tional neural networks, transfer learning, digital twin
Received: July 18, 2022. Revised: September 9, 2022. Accepted: September 16, 2022
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press and Southwest Jiaotong University.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 | Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure, 2022, Vol. 1, No. 1
Seo et al. (2016) provided an extensive review of the application displacement sensing systems can simultaneously track multiple
of SHM systems to highway bridges, where damage detection, points from a long distance (Feng and Feng, 2018).
structural capacity evaluation, and remaining service life estima- Among the data interpretation methods for SHM signal pro-
tion of bridge structures were summarized. With a focus on struc- cessing, the emerging machine learning methods, such as con-
tural health monitoring and fault detection in railway bridges, volutional neural networks (CNNs) and transfer learning (TL)
Vagnoli et al. (Vagnoli et al., 2018) reviewed the most commonly will be highlighted in this paper. With recent advances in non-
adopted bridge fault detection methods, i.e. model-based finite contact sensing technology, such as cameras and unmanned
element updating strategies and non-model-based fault detec- aerial vehicles in the SHM field, there has been a significant trend
tion methods, and produced a comparative study using a short- towards using machine learning methods such as CNNs to con-
span railway bridge to evaluate and compare the performance of duct local damage assessment and anomaly detection in larger-
the reviewed methods, and finally highlighted the opportunities scale civil structures (Sony et al., 2021). As the most popular class
and future challenges of the fault detection methods for railway of machine learning methods, CNNs have been widely applied in
Figure 2. (a) Fabry-Perot sensor; (b) Mach-Zehnder sensor (Du et al., 2020)
remote displacement measurement was confirmed. Kim et al. for classifying an image. Pooling layers reduce the dimensions of
(2013) developed a vision-based monitoring system that utilizes the resulting features using a down-sampling operation, thereby
an image processing technique to estimate the tensile forces of reducing computational costs and the probability of overfitting.
stayed cables in a cable-stayed bridge during traffic operation, A fully connected layer has the shape of a f lattened vector and
which made it possible to estimate the forces on multiple cables is used to connect the two-dimensional convolutional layer with
using a single system. Ribeiro et al. (2014) developed an advanced the one-dimensional Softmax layer. The Softmax layer extracts fea-
video based system for non-contact measurement of the dynamic tures from the fully connected layer, calculates the probabilities
displacement of railway bridges, which can perform measure- of each class and outputs the class with highest probability as the
ment with acquisition frame rates rating from 64 fps to 500 fps classification result.
and be integrated with an SHM system. The measured displace- Both ordinary neural networks (NNs) and CNNs are feed-
ment of a railway bridge deck induced by the passage of trains forward neural networks and are generally trained using back-
demonstrated the precision of the proposed video based system. propagation. The main difference between them is the different
Definition of task
A task T consists of two components: A label space Y and an
objective predictive function f (·), that is,
T = Y , f (·) .
Figure 4. A schematic of state-of-the-art CNN-based SHM practice (Sony DT = xT1 , yT1 , . . . , xTn , yTn ,
et al., 2021)
where the input xTi is in XT and yTi ∈ YT is the corresponding
output. In most cases, 0 ≤ nT ns .
Learning settings Source and target domains Source and target Ttsks
performance. The parameter-transfer approach assumes the devices, and external excitations (Dang et al., 2021). The main
source tasks and target tasks share partial parameters or structural components play an essential role in assuring the
prior distributions of the hyperparameters of the models. The integrity and safety of the structure, which are designed according
Virtual structure
Digital twin The virtual part is expected to accurately replicate the behavior
Intelligent and digital management of railway bridges is an essen- of the physical structure in real-world scenarios, predicting events
tial part of future transportation infrastructure systems. With and bahavior in the future. Computed results of the digital model
the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), deep learning can be expressed as follows (Kennedy and O’Hagan, 2001):
algorithms, and cloud framework, a new data-driven paradigm,
termed Digital Twin (DT), has emerged and received much recent z(x) = y(x) + ε (7)
attention (Dang et al., 2021). The concept of DT includes both
the physical structure in physical space and a digital model where z(x) denotes the observational outputs; y(x) is the model
(virtual structure) in cyber space. The most important element discrepancy-corrected outputs;ε is the additional error, account-
is to establish a connection between the physical object and the ing for uncertainty in observations. The model output y(x) can be
digital object in an accurate and real-time manner. The digital obtained by ensemble methods, including the exact mathematical
replica of a physical model could have a number of sub-models: model, the fine finite element model (FEM), and the promising
mathematical models, machine learning models and numerical machine learning (ML) model (Fig. 6). By combining these models,
models, which work jointly to mimic the real physical object and it is able to create a digital mirror of the actual infrastructure, thus
predict future structural behavior (Dang et al., 2021). The DT allowing the prediction of the structural capacity, performing a
framework allows engineers to discover defects before disasters structural health evaluation and proposing maintenance strate-
happen, improve the control system, and be better prepared to gies.
prevent sudden damage. Dang et al. (2021) addressed a cloud based digital twin (DT)
framework for the real-time monitoring and proactive mainte-
Physical structure nance of bridges. The proposed method facilitates two-way map-
The physical structure includes four subcategories (Fig. 5): the ping between a physical structure and a virtual structure, paving
main structural elements, auxiliary elements, measurement the way towards a real-time intelligent monitoring system. The
8 | Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure, 2022, Vol. 1, No. 1
Figure 6. Digital mirror involving multiple computation models (Dang et al., 2021)
proposed DT framework was applied to a real railway bridge for Jiang et al. (2021b) presented a DT framework to predict the non-
verification. With field measurement data from the bridge and deterministic fatigue life of steel bridges. The uncertainties of
simulated data by FEM form the database, a 1D CNN based DT material microstructures were incorporated in modified Fine and
model is formulated for local pattern recognition and damage Bhat model, and the random macroscopic factors were considered
detection. Zhao et al. (2020) designed a deep learning regression via a Bayesian model. The implementation of the probability-
network of long short-term memory (LSTM) for modeling the based multiscale models enables the fatigue life of steel bridges
nonlinear mapping between the structural input–output (temper- under various sources of uncertainties to be accurately predicted.
ature, strain, and dynamic displacement) and structural global– Lin et al. (2021) proposed a DT based collapse fragility assess-
local response (strain), and applied it to assess an in-service ment approach for a long-span cable-stayed bridge under strong
bridge. Jiang et al. (2021a) conducted a comprehensive and in- earthquakes. Three FE models of the bridge were established to
depth review of the academic publications related to DT in civil demonstrate the necessity of the DT based assessment. Rageh
engineering from the perspective of concepts, and a research clus- et al. (2022) introduced guidelines for developing a precise dig-
ter of applications. The digital clusters were divided into design, ital twin of physical structures by using measured operational
construction, operation, and maintenance from the perspective of and ambient structural responses. The developed framework was
DT services. Dan et al. (2021) proposed a DT system for group of applied to an in-service, double-track railway bridge for accurate
bridges in the regional transportation infrastructure network. By response prediction.
establishing the digital model using the traffic loads measured by
weigh-in-motion (WIM) and muti-source heterogeneous machine
vision, the working condition perception and safety warnings for
Challenges and conclusions
all bridges in the group were achieved, forming significant sup- Monitoring the long-term performance of railway bridges is cru-
port for developing an intelligent transportation infrastructure. cial for the real-time assessment of potential risks, improving
Y. W. Wang et al. | 9
the structure’s safety and reliability through early-stage damage data obtained all the time. One way is to adopt a hybrid scheme
detection. This paper presents a concise review of the recent to augment the SHM database with synthetic data obtained
development in emerging sensing technologies (i.e. FOS tech- from reliable FEMs. Another way to increase data efficiency is
nology and CV technology), machine learning algorithms (i.e. to engineer a hierarchical strategy. First, some basic features are
CNN and TL) and DT, and their applications to the SHM of rail- extracted from data to detect the existence of damage and only
way bridges. The goal is to help broaden the applications of the basic features are stored if no damage occurs. Second, for
these emerging technologies and methods not only in scientific cases of damage, more advanced feature extractions are executed
research but also in engineering practice. Based on the reviews to establish DL models to perform complex tasks such as damage
given in this article, the following summaries and future chal- location and damage severity.
lenges are highlighted.
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