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N.I.T. No.: 113/2022-23/R–Divn/Delhi

T.S. No. 66/EE/R–Divn/2022–23

NAME OF WORK : Provision of stage and its associated works in the rear
lawn at Akash Air Force Officer’s Mess, Dr. Zakir Hussain
Marg, New Delhi during 2022-23.

PUT TO TENDER: Rs. 23,71,738/-

EARNEST MONEY: Rs. 47,435/-

TIME ALLOWED: Three Months


R – Division, CPWD,
New Delhi.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

N. I. T.
NAME OF WORK : Provision of stage and its associated works in the rear lawn at Akash
Air Force Officer’s Mess, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg, New Delhi during
1. Index 1
2. (Notice inviting e-Tender) 2
4. CPWD-6 for e-tendering 4–6
5. Proforma for Earnest Money Deposite 7
Information And Instruction For Bidders For E-Tendering Forming
6. 8
Part Of Bid Document
7. Percentage rate tender for works (Form CPWD-7) 9 – 11
8. Schedule A to F 12 – 17
9. DG Memorandum no. 77 dated 04.05.2018 18
10. DG Memorandum no. 310 dated 17.07.2020 19
Form of Bank Guarnatee for Earnest Money Deposite/
11. Performance Guarantee/ Security Deposit/Mobilization Advance DG 20 – 21
Memorandum no. 311 dated 30.10.2020
12. DG Memorandum no. 313 dated 17.02.2021 22 – 24
13. DG Memorandum no. 314 dated 24.02.2021 25
DG Memorandum no. 323 dt. 30.03.2022 (Clause 6 Computerized
14. 26 – 32
Measurement Book)
15. DG Memorandum no. 417 dated 18.04.2022 33
16. DG Memorandum no. 37 dated 04.05.2022 34 – 38
17. DG Memorandum no. 324 dated 04.05.2022 39 – 42
18. DG Memorandum no. 418 dated 04.05.2022 43
19. DG Memorandum no. 325 dated 05.05.2022 44
26. Minimum Quality Assurance Plan 76 – 77
28. Field Testing Instruments 80
29. List of approved material 81 – 95
30. Form of Earnest Money (Bank guarantee) (Annx I) 96
31. Form of Performance Security Bank Guarantee (Annx.II) 97 – 98
32. Form-III of Certificate By Principal Employer 99
33. Guarantee to be Exeucted by Contractor for Removal of Defects
after Completion in Respect of Water Proofing works.
34. Schedule of Quantities 101 – 103

Certified that this N.I.T. contains page 1 to 103 pages

This N.I.T. is approved for Rs. 23,71,738/- (Twenty Three Lacs Seventy One Thousand
Seven Hundred Thirty Eight Only) Vide N.I.T No. :- 113/2022-23/R–Divn/Delhi

Executive Engineer,
R–Division, CPWD,
New Delhi.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


The Executive Engineer „R‟ Division, CPWD 3rd Floor, I.P. Bhawan, New Delhi on behalf of President of the
India invites online percentage rate tenders from approved and enlisted eligible contractor of appropriate class
of CPWD in Buildings & Roads Category for the following work:- Provision of stage and its
associated works in the rear lawn at Akash Air Force Officer’s Mess, Dr. Zakir Hussain
Marg, New Delhi during 2022-23.
NIT No. 113/2022-23/R–Divn/Delhi

Estimated Cost Rs. 23,71,738/-

EARNEST MONEY: Rs. 47,435/-

Period of Completion :- Three Months

Last time and date of submisstion of tender is 2:00 PM on 15.12.2022

The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the website or

R – Division, CPWD,
New Delhi.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


1 The bidder should read all the instructions, items & conditions, contract clauses, nomenclature of items,
specifications etc., contained in the bids document very carefully, before quoting the rates.
2 The bidder should also read the General Conditions of Contract - 2020 (Maintenance work) for CPWD
works, published by DG (W), CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi which will be a part of the
Agreement with up to date amendments upto the date of receipt of tenders.
3 The bidder shall quote his rates keeping in mind the specifications, terms & conditions, additional and
special conditions etc. and nothing extra shall be payable unless otherwise specified.
4 The bidder shall have to make his own arrangement for housing facilities for staff and labour away from
construction site and shall have to transport the labour to and fro between construction site and labour
camp at his own cost. No labour huts will be allowed to be constructed at the project site except a few
temporary sheds for chowkidars and storekeepers at project site. Any decision in this regard shall rest
with the Engineer-in-charge and the contractor shall have no claim on this account.

5 C.P.W.D Contractor’s Labour Regulations:

Payment of Wages (as per DG, CPWD OM no. DG/SE/CM/CON/283 dated 05.05.2015)
(i). Wages due to every worker shall be paid to him direct by contractor through Bank or ECS
or online transfer to his bank account.
(ii) All wages shall be paid through bank or ECS or online transfer.
(iii) It shall be the duty of the contractor to ensure the disbursement of wages through bank
account of labour
(iv) The contractor shall obtain from the junior Engineer or any other authorized representative
of the Engineer-in-Charge as the case may be, a certificate under his signature at the end of the
entries in the “Register of Wages” or the “Wage cum-Muster Roll” as the case may be in the
following form:-
“Certified that the amount shown in column No……………has been paid to the workman
concerned through bank account of labour on……………at…………….”
6 Modifications as per DG, CPWD OM no. DG/SE/CM/CON/285 dated 04/06/2015:-
a. As per introduced clause 7A, no running account bill shall be paid for the work till the
applicable labour license, registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW welfare board
whatever applicable are submitted by the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge.
b. The contractor shall also comply with provision of the interstate migrant workman
(regulation of employment) and condition of service Act 1979.
c. Record of manpower generation: The contractor is required to maintain a record of all
workmen employed by him for the work vide GCC annexure IV „„Register of workmen
employed by Contractor‟‟ It should invariably be checked by field officers and it should
cover all workmen including supervisory Highly Skilled, Skilled, Semi-Skilled and
Unskilled so that details of manpower generation is available with the Department.
(DG/CON/Misc./15 dated 28.05.2021)

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

CPWD-6 For e-Tendering

1. Online Percentage Rate bids are invited on behalf of the President of India from the approved, eligible
and enlisted contractor of appropriate class of CPWD in Buildings & Roads Category for the following
work :- Provision of stage and its associated works in the rear lawn at Akash Air Force Officer‟s Mess, Dr. Zakir
Hussain Marg, New Delhi during 2022-23.
The enlistment of the contractors should be valid on the last date of submission of tenders.
In case only the last date of submission of bid is extended, the enlistment of contractor should be valid on the original
date of submission of bid.
1. The work is estimated to cost Rs.23,71,738/- This estimate, however, is given merely as a rough guide.
2. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidders on prescribed Form No. CPWD 7 print edition 2020 with
upto date amendments, which is available as a Govt. of India Publication and also available on website Tenderer shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the said form which will
form part of the agreement.
3. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be Three Months from the date of start as defined in schedule „F‟
or from the first date of handing over of the site, which ever is later, in accordance with the phasing, if any,
indicated in the tender documents.
4. The site for the work is available. OR. The site for the work shall be made available in parts as per convenience of
Hon‟ble occupant subjected to minimum quantum of work in proportionatly with schedule times of this work.
After completion of this part in all respect and handed over to the occupant then next portion will be made
available for execution of work in same manner till completion of work.
5. The BID documents consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of the various types of items to
be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents
except Standard General Conditions of Contract Form can be seen and downloaded from website or free of cost.
6. After submission of the bid the contractor can re-submit revised bid any number of times but before last time and
date of submission of bid as notified.
7. While submitting the revised bid, contractor can revise the rate of one or more item(s) any number of times (he
need not re-enter rate of all the items) but before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
8. When bids are invited in three stage system and if it is desired to submit revised financial bid then it shall be
mandatory to submit revised financial bid. If not submitted then the tender submitted earlier shall become invalid.
9. Earnest money in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft / Pay order or Banker‟s Cheque or fixed deposit receipt (FDR) of
a Commerical bank/ Insuracne Surety Bonds (drawn in favour of Executive Engineer „R‟ Division) shall be scanned and
uploaded to the e-Tendering website within the period of bid submission. The original EMD should be deposited either in
the office of Executive Engineer inviting bids or division office of any Executive Engineer, CPWD within the period of
bid submission. The EMD receiving Executive Engineer(including NIT issuing EE/AE) shall issue a receipt of
deposition of earnest money deposit to the bidder in a prescribed format (enclosed Page-7) uploaded by tender inviting
EE in the NIT.
A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of bank guarantee also. In such case, minimum 50% of earnest money or
Rs. 20 lac, whichever is less, will have to be deposited in shape prescribed above, and balance can be accepted in form of
Bank Guarantee issued by a commercial bank The Bank Guarantee Submited as a part of Earnest Money is valid for a period
of 90 days for single bid works and 180 days for two bid system or more from the date of submission of the tender.
The earnest money given by all the tenderers except the lowest tenderer shall be refunded immediately after the expiry of
stipulated bid validity period or immediately after acceptance of the successful bidder, whichever is earlier. However, in case of
two/ three bid system, earnest money deposit of bidders unsuccessful during technical bid evaluation etc. should be returned
within 30 days of declaration of result of technical bid evaluation.
Copy of Enlistment Order and certificate of work experience and other documents as specified in the notice inviting e- tender
shall be scanned and uploaded on the e-Tendering website within the period of bid submission. However, certified copy of all
the scanned and uploaded documents as specified in e- tender notice shall have to be submitted by the lowest bidder within a
week physically in the office of tender opening authority. Online bid documents submitted by intending bidders shall be opened
only of those bidders, whose original EMD deposited with any division of CPWD and other documents scanned and uploaded
are found in order.
Online bid documents submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of those bidders, whose EMD
deposited with any division office of CPWD and other documents scanned and uploaded are found in order.
9A The contractors registered prior to 01.04.2015 on e-tendering portal of CPWD shall have to deposit tender
processing fee at existing rates, or they have option to switch over to the new registration system without tender
processing fee any time.
The bid submitted shall be opened at 2:30 PM on 15.12.2022

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

10. The bid submitted shall become invalid and e-tender processing fee shall not be refunded if:
(i) The bidders is found ineligible.
(ii) The bidder does not upload scanned copies of all the documents stipulated in the bid document.
(iii) If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of submission of bid and hard
copies as submitted physically by the lowest bidder in the office of bid opening authority.
(iv) If a tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote any percentage
above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section / sub head in percentage rate tender, the tender
shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered as lowest tenderer.
11. The contractor whose tender is accepted, will be required to furnish perofmacne guarantee at specified percentage of the
tendered amount as mentioned in schedule ‘E’ and within the period specified in schedule F. This guarantee shall be in
the form of Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposite Receipt of Bank Guarantee of
any Commercial Banks in accordance with the prescribed form.. In case the contractor fails to deposit the said
performance guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule 'F', including the extended period if any, the
Earnest Money deposited by the contractor shall be forfeited automatically without any notice to the contractor.
The earnest money deposited along with bid shall be returned after receiving the aforesaid performance guarantee.
The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be required to furnish either copy of applicable licenses/registrations or
proof of applying for obtaining labour licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board including
Provident Fund Code No. if applicable and also ensure the compliance of aforesaid provisions by the sub
contractors, if any engaged by the contractors for the said work and Programme chart (time and progress) within the
period specified in Schedule F.
The contractor whose tender is accepted will also be required to furnish by way of Security Deposit for the fulfilment of
his contract, an amount equal to 2.5% of the tendered amount of the work. The security deposit will be collected by
deductions from the running bills as well as final bill of the contractor at the rates mentioned above. The security amount
will also be accepted in the shape of Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt of
Bank Guarantee from any of the Commercial Banks will be accepeted for this purpose provided confirmatory advice is
12. The Description of work is as follows: - Provision of stage and its associated works in the rear lawn at Akash Air Force
Officer‟s Mess, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg, New Delhi during 2022-23.
Intending tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before
submitting their tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site
the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary
information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or effect their tender. A tenderer shall
be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent on any
misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderes shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his
own cost all materials, tools and plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required for
executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of tender by a
tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents has made himself aware of the scope and
specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plants etc., will be issued to
him by the Government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.
13. The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any
other tender and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without the assignment
of any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any condition including
that of conditional rebate is put forth by the tenderer shall be summarily rejected.
14. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders
submitted by the contractor who resort to canvassing will be liable for rejection.
15. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or
any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted.
16. The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in the CPWD Circle (Division in case of contractors
of Horticulture/Nursery category) responsible for award and execution of contracts in which his near relative is
posted as Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of Executive Engineer and
Junior Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any
capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any Gazette officer in the Central
Public Works Department or in the Ministry of Urban Development. Any breach of this condition by the
contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of this Department.
17. No. Engineer of gazetted rank or other Gazetted officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an
Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to work as a contractor for a period of one year
after his retirement from Government service, without the previous permission of the Government of India in
writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time
to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before
submission of the tender or engagement in the contractor‟s service.
Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

The bids for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of opening of bid. Further
(i) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modification in the term & Conditions of the tender which is not acceptable to the
department within 7 days after last date of submission of bids, then the government shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be
at liberty to forfeit 50% of the earnest money absolutely irrespective of letter of acceptance for the work is issued or not.
(ii) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modification in the terms & conditions of the tender which is not acceptable to the
department after expiry of 7 days after last date of submission of bid, then the government shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 100% of the earnest money absolutely irrespective of letter of acceptance for the work is issued or not.
(iii) In case of forfeiture of earnest money as prescribed in para (i) and (ii) above, the bidders shall not be allowed to participate in the
rebidding process of the same work.
19. This Notice inviting tender shall form a part of the contract document. The successful Tenderer/contractor, on acceptance of his bid by
the Accepting Authority, shall, within 15(Fifteen) Days from the stipulated date of start of the work, sign the contract.consisting of:-
(a) The notice inviting bid, all the documents including additional conditions, specifications and
drawings, if any forming part of the bid, as uploaded at the time of invitation of bid and rates
quoted online at the time of submission of bid and acceptance thereof together with any
correspondence leading thereto.
(b) Standard C.P.W.D Form 7 shall be applicable.
20. For Composite Bids
20.1.1 The Executive Engineer in charge of the major component will call bids for the composite work. The cost of bid
document and Earnest Money will be fixed with respect to the combined estimated cost put to tender for the composite bid.
20.1.2 The bid document will include following three components:
Part A:- CPWD-6, CPWD-7/8 including schedule A to F for the major component of the work, Standard General Conditions of
Contract for CPWD 2014 as amended/ modified up to .............
Part B:- General / specific conditions, specifications and schedule of quantities applicable to major component of the work.
Part C:- Schedule A to F for minor component of the work (competent authority under clause 2 and clause 5 shall be same
authority as mentioned in schedule A to F for major components), General/specific conditions, specifications and schedule of
quantities applicable to minor component(s) of the work.
20.1.3 The bidders must associate himself, with agencies as per NIT conditions
20.1.4 The eligible bidders shall quote rates for all items of major component as well as for all items of minor components of
20.1.5 After acceptance of the bid by competent authority, the EE in charge of major component of the work shall issue letter of
award on behalf of the President of India. After the work is awarded, the main contractor will have to enter into one agreement
with EE incharge of major component and has also to sign two or more copies of agreement depending upon number of
EE‟s/DDH incharge of minor components. One such signed set of agreement shall be handed over to EE/DDH incharge of minor
component(s). EE of major component will operate Part A and Part B of the agreement. EE/DDH incharge of minor
component(s) shall operate Part C alongwith Part A of the agreement.
20.1.6 Entire work under the scope of composite bid including major and all minor components shall be executed under one
20.1.7 Security Deposit will be worked out separately for each component corresponding to the estimated cost of the respective
component of works.
20.1.8 The main contractor has to associate agencies for specialized component(s) conforming to eligibility criteria as defined in
the bid document and has to submit detail of such agency(s) to Engineer-in-charge of relevant component(s).within prescribed
time. Name of the agency(s) to be associated shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge of relevant component(s).
20.1.9 In case the main contractor intends to change any of the above agency/agencies during the operation of the contract, he
shall obtain prior approval of Engineer-in-charge of relevant specialized component(s).
The new agency/agencies shall also have to satisfy the laid down eligibility criteria. In case Engineer-in-charge is not satisfied
with the performance of any agency, he can direct the contractor to change the agency executing such items of work and this
shall be binding on the contractor.
20.1.10 The main contractor has to enter into MoU with agency(s) associated by him. Copy of such MoU shall be submitted to
EE/ DDH in charge of each relevant component as well as to EE incharge of major component. In case of change of associate
contractor, the main agency(s) has to enter into MoU/agreement with the new contractor associated by him.
20.1.11 Running payment for the major component shall be made by EE of major discipline to the main contractor. Running
payment for minor components shall be made by the Engineer- in-charge of the discipline of minor component directly to the
main contractor. The CMB shall be maintained independently by Engineer-in-Charge of major and minor components.
20.1.12A. The composite work shall be treated as complete when all the components of the work are complete. The completion
certificate of the composite work shall be recorded by Engineer-in-charge of major component after record of completion
certificate of all other components.
20.1.12B. Final bill of whole work shall be finalized and paid by the EE of major component. Engineer(s) in charge of minor
component(s) will prepare and pass the final bill for their component of work and pass on the same to the EE of major
component for including in the final bill for composite contract.
21. The Intending bidders are required to update their profile in CPWD e-tender portal and to upload their bids well in advance of
last date of submission of tender. Any issue related to updating profile/uploading tender can be resolved through the concerned
Executive Engineer/ Assistant Engineer (Phone No. 011-23379087, E-mail Id:- or ERP help line no.
18001803286 or e-mail id The E - Tendering bidders are also advised not to wait to raise any
issues till the last date of submission of bid in their own interest.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

20A. 14 Information and Instruction for Executive Engineer for e-tendering

1. The Executive Engineer of all divisions of CPWD should receive the original EMD for tender of
other division.
2. The NIT approving authority/EE at the time of issue of NIT shall also fill and upload the following
prescribed format of receipt of deposition of original EMD along with NIT:-

Receipt of deposition of original EMD

(Receipt No……………………….../Date…………..…….)
1. NAME OF WORK: Provision of stage and its associated works in the rear
lawn at Akash Air Force Officer’s Mess, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg, New Delhi
during 2022-23.

2. N.I.T. No.: 113/2022-23/R–Divn/Delhi

3. Estimated Cost: Rs. 23,71,738/-

4. Amount of Earnest Money Deposit: Rs. 47,435/-

5. Last Date of submission of bid: 15.12.2022


1. Name of contractor……………………………………………………………………#
2. Form of EMD……..……………………..……………………………………………#
3. Amount of Earnest Money Deposit.……..…………………………………………… #
4. Date of Submission of EMD …………….…………………………………………...#

Signature, Name and Designation of EMD

receiving officer (AAO/AE(P)
alongwith Office stamp
(# to be filled by EMD Receiving EE)

3. The Executive Engineer receiving EMD in original form shall examine the EMD deposited by the
bidder and shall issue a receipt of deposition of earnest money to the agency in a given format
uploaded by tender inviting EE. The receipt may be issued by the AAO/ AE(P)
4. The Executive Engineer receiving original EMD shall also intimate tender inviting Executive
Engineer about deposition of EMD by the agency by email/fax/telephonically.
5. The original EMD receiving Executive Engineer shall release the EMD after verification from the
e-tendering portal website ( free view>Advance search>awarded
tenders) that the particular contractor is not L-1 tenderer and work is awarded.
6. The tender inviting Executive Engineer will call for original EMD of the L-1 tenderer from EMD
receiving Executive Engineer immediately.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


(Applicable for inviting open tenders)
The Executive Engineer „R‟ Division, CPWD 3 Floor, I.P. Bhawan, New Delhi on behalf of the President of India invites online
percentage rate tender from the approved and eligible and enlisted contractor of appropriate class of CPWD in Buildings &
Roads Category for the following work :-

S. NIT No Name of work & location Estimate cost Earnest Stipulated Last date of Date & Time of
No put to bid (Rs.) Money Period of online opening of bid
completio submission of
Bid, copy of
n of work
recipt of
(in deposition of
Months) original EMD
and other
documents as
specified in the
bid document.
1 113/2022- Provision of stage and its
associated works in the rear
23/R– lawn at Akash Air Force Three 15.12.2022 15.12.2022
Divn/Delhi Officer’s Mess, Dr. Zakir
23,71,738/- 47,435/-
Months 2.00 PM 2.30 PM
Hussain Marg, New Delhi
during 2022-23.

1. The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of CPWD–6 carefully. He should only submit his bid if he
consider himself eligible and he is in possession of all the documents required.
2. Information and Instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid document.
3. The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of various types of items to be executed and the set of
terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents can be seen and downloaded from website or free of cost.
4. But the bid can only be submitted after deposition of original EMD either in the office of Executive Engineer inviting bids or division office
of any Executive Engineer, CPWD within the period of bid submission and uploading the mandatory scanned documents such as
Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand darft or Bankers Cheque or Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDR) or / and Bank Guarantee
(for balance amount as prescribed) from any of the Commercial Bank towards EMD in favour of Executive Engineer as mentioned in NIT,
receipt for deposition of original EMD to division office of any Executive Engineer (including NIT issuing EE/ AE), CPWD and other
documents as specified.
5. Those contractors not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to get registered beforehand. If needed they can be
imparted training on online bidding process as per details available on the website.
6. The inteding bidder must have valid class–III digital signature to submit the bid.
7. The intending bidder must have valid Class-III digital signature certificate with encryption key (combo type) to perform any operations /
transactions on the e-tendering portal / website and the bidder should download and install the eMsigner on their system as per
instructions available on download section of
8. On opening date, the contractor can login and see the bid opening process. After opening of bids he will receive the competitior bid
9. Contractor can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF format.
10. Contractor must ensure to quote in the prescribed column (S) meant for quoting rate in figures appears in Yellow colour and the moment
rate is entered, it turns sky blue.
In addition to this, while selectging any of the cells a warning appears that if any cell is left blank the same shall be treated as “0”.
Therefore, if any cell is left blank and no rate is quoted by the bidder, rate of such item shall be treated as “0” (ZERO).
However, if a tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in time rate tender or does not quote any percentage above/below on the total
amount of the tender or any section./ sub head in percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered
as lowest tenderer.
11. SC/ST contractors enlisted under class V category are exempted from processing fee payable to ITI.
List of Documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of tender submission:
i) Account Payee Demand Draft/Pay order or Banker„s Cheque / FDR/ Bank Guarantee (for balance amount has prescribed) form a
Commercial Bank / Insuracne Surety Bonds in favour of Executive Engineer R-Division CPWD, against EMD.
ii) Enlistment Order of the Contractor.
iii) GST Registration Certificate of the State in which the work is to be taken up, if already obtained by the bidder
If the bidder has not obtained GST registration as applicable then he shall scan and upload following under taking along with other bid
“lf work is awarded to me, I/we shall obtain GST registration Certificate as applicable within one month from the date of receipt of award
letter or before release of any payment by CPWD, whichever is earlier, failing which I/We shall be responsible for any delay in payments which
will be due towards me/us on account of the work executed and/or for any action taken by CPWD or GST department in this regard.
iv) Copy of receipt for deposition of original EMD issued from division office of any Executive Engineer, CPWD. (The EMD
document shall be issued from the place in which the office of receiving division office is situated.

Note : No cutting/over writing shall be allowed in Demand, Draft/Pay order of Banker’s Cheque/ Deposit at Receipt /Bank Guarantee
(for balance amount has prescribed) form a Commercial Bank Insuracne Surety Bonds. If found so, their bid will be rejected.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

ds-yks-fu-fo- /C.P.W.D.- 7
jkT; STATE :- New Delhi. 'kk[kk BRANCH :- B & R
Circle – DC - 2 eaMy DIVISION: - R- Division
Sub Division: -3/R Region :- Delhi

flfoy dk;ksZ ds fy, izfr'kr nj fufonk ,oa lafonk

Percentage Rate Tender & Contract for Civil Works

(B) dk;Z ds fy, fufonk %Tender for the work of :- Provision of stage and its associated
works in the rear lawn at Akash Air Force Officer’s Mess, Dr. Zakir Hussain
Marg, New Delhi during 2022-23.

(i) Tenders to be uploaded online by 2.00 PM on 15.12.2022

(ii) To be opened online in presence of tenderers who may be present at 2.30

PM on 15.12.2022 in the office of Executive Engineer, R Division,
CPWD, IP Bhawan, New Delhi.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

fufonk T E N D E R
eSaus@geus dk;Z ds fy, fufonk vkea=.k lwpuk] vuqlwph d][k]x]?k] M-] vkSj p] ykxw fofunsZ'k] uD'ks ,oa
fMtkbu] lkekU; fu;e ,oa funsZ'k] Bsds ds mica/k] fof'k"V 'krsZ] nj vuqlwph ,oa vU; dkxtkr rFkk Bsds
dh 'krksZ esa fn, x, fu;e rFkk fufonk dkxtkr esa mfYyf[kr vU; ckrksa dks i<+ o tkap fy;k gSA
I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D, E & F.
Specifications applicable. Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions
of Contract, clause of contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents
and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender
documents for the work.
eS@ge] ,rr~}kjk Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr ds fy, vuqlwph ^p* esa fofufnZ"V le; ds Hkhrj fofufnZ"V dk;Z]
;Fkk&ek=kvksa dh vuqlwph rFkk lHkh lacaf/kr fofunsZ'kksa] fMtkbuks]a uD'kkas ds vuq:i rFkk lkekU; fu;ekoyh
ds fu;e&1 vkSj Bsds dh 'krksZ ds [kaM&11 esa mfYyf[kr fyf[kr vuqns'kksa ,oa ,slh lkefxz;ks]a tks iznku dh
tkrh gS vkSj mlds laca/k es]a ,slh 'krsZ tks ykxw gks] ds vuq:i fu"iknu gsrq fufonk nsrk gwa@nsrs gS A
I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India within the
time specified in Schedule ‟F‟, viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respects with
the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule-1 of General
Rules and Directions and in Clause 11 of the Conditions of contract and with such materials as
are provided for, by, and in respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.
ge fufonk dks] blds [kksys tkus dh vfUre rkjh[k ls 30 ¼rhl½ fnu ds fy, [kqyk j[kus rFkk bldh
'krksZ ,oa fuca/kuksa esa fdlh izdkj dk ifjorZu u djus ds fy, lger gSaA
We agree to keep the tender open for Thirty (30) days from the due date of its opening and not
to make any modifications in its terms and conditions.
I/we have deposited EMD for the prescribed amount in the office of concerened Executive
Engineer as per the bid document.
A Copy of earnest money deposite receipt of prescribed amount deposited in the form of
Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposite Receipt, Banker‟s
Cheque or Bank Guarantee (as prescribed) issued by a Commercial Bank, is scanned and
uploaded (strike out as the case may be). If I/we fail to furnish the prescribed performance
guarantee within prescribed period, the said President of India or his successor, in office shall
without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to suspend the bidder for One year
and bidder shall not be eligible to bid for CPWD tenders from date of issue of suspension order. if
the bidder fail to commence work as specified, then President of India or the successors in office
shall without prejudice to any other right to or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the
said performance guarantee absolutely. The said Performance Guarantee shall be a guarantee to
execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions
contained or referred to those in excess of that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance
with the provision contained in Clause 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form.
Further I/we agree that in case of forfeiture of Earnest money or Performance Guarantee as
aforesaid, I/we shall be debarred for participation in the re-tendering process of the work.
If any tenderer withdraws his tender or make any modification in the terms and conditions of the
tender, the bidder shall not be allowed to participate in the re-bidding process of the same work.
Lines/Matter crossed are deleted in compliance of DG(W) office Memo no. DG/CON/Misc/13
dated 23/11/2020.
eSa opu nsrk gwa rFkk iqf’V djrs gwa@ge opu nsrs gSa rFkk iqf’V djrs gSa fd ik=rk ds fy, leku fuekZ.k
dk;Z dks cSd Vw cSd vk/kkj ij ,d vU; Bsdsnkj }kjk ugha djok;k x;k gSA blds vykok ;fn bl izdkj
dk mYya?ku foHkkx dh tkudkjh esa vkrk gS rks eq>s@gesa Hkfo’; esa dsyksfufo esa fufonk nsus ds ges‛kk ds
fy, oafpr dj fn;k tk,xkA lkFk gh] ;fn dk;Z ds izkjaHk gksus dh rkjh[k ls igys bl izdkj dk
mYya?ku foHkkx dh tkudkjh esa vkrk gS rks Hkkjlk/kd bathfu;j dks c;kuk jkf‛k tek ls vkSj dk;Z
fu’iknu xkjaVh dh lexz jkf‛k tCr dju dh Lora=rk gksxhA

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

I/we undertake and comfirm the eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed through
another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department, then I/We shall be debarred for tendering in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such a
violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge
shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.

eSa@ge ,rr~}kjk ?kks’k.kk djrs gSa fd eSa@ge fufonk dkxtkrksa] uD‛kksa vkSj dk;Z ls lacfa /kr vU; vfHkys[kksa
dks xqIr@xksiuh; dkxtkr ds #i esa j[ksaxs vkSj muls izkIr@yh xbZ tkudkjh fdlh vU; dks] ftUgsa
eSa@ge lwfpr djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r gks]a ls fHkUu fdlh dks] ugha crk,axs ;k tkudkjh dks fdlh ,sls #i
esa iz;ksx ugha djsx
a s tks jkT; dh lqj{kk vkSj v[akMrk ds fy, izfrdwy gksA
I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents drawings and other records
connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate
information/derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are
authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the
safety of the state.

rkjh[k Dated .................... Bsdsnkj ds gLrk{kj Signature of Contractor

Mkd irk Postal Address
lk{kh Witness :
irk Address:
mithfodk Occupation :
eS Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr dh vksj ls rFkk muds fy, #0 :- -------------------------- ¼:i, ---------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------½ dh
jkf'k ds fy, mi;qZDr fufonk ¼v/kksfyf[kr i=ksa ds vuqlkj ifjofrZr½ Lohdkj djrk gwAa
The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by me
for and on behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs. ____________

uhps fn, x, i= bl Bsdk djkj dk fgLlk gksx

a sA
The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract Agreement:-
c) Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr dh vksj ls rFkk muds fy,
For & on behalf of the President of India.
gLrk{kj Signature ....................................
rkjh[k Dated ...................... inuke Designation .........................

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

flfoy dk;®Z^ dh vuqlfw p;ka SCHEDULES FOR CIVIL WORKS

vuqlwph ^d* SCHEDULE ‘A’
ek=kvksa dh vuqlwph ¼layXu½
Schedule of quantities (Enclosed) 101 – 103

vuqlpw h *?k*SCHEDULE ‘D’

dk;Z ds fy, fo’ks"k vis{kk,a@nLrkost] ;fn dksbZ gks]a dh vfrfjDr vuqlp
w h
Extra schedule for specific requirements/documents for the work, if any.

1. As per particular specification, additional specification, General conditions, additional

conditions and special condition etc attached and work shall be executed according to General
Condition of Contract 2020 (Maintenance works) for CPWD.

vuqlwph ^M*SCHEDULE ‘E’

Bsds dh lkekU; ‚krksZ dk lanHkZ
1. Refrence to General Conditions of contract: General Conditions of Contract 2020
(Maintenance works) for CPWD with
amendments issued upto last date of online
receipt of tender.

dk;Z dk uke
Name of work : Provision of stage and its associated works in the rear
lawn at Akash Air Force Officer’s Mess, Dr. Zakir Hussain
Marg, New Delhi during 2022-23.

dk;Z dh vuqqekfur ykxr Estimated cost of work: : Rs 23,71,738/-

(i) /kjksgj jkf'k Earnest money: : Rs. 47,435/- (to be returned after
Receiving performance guarantee)

(ii) fu"iknu xkjaVh Performance guarantee : 3% of tendered amount.

(iii) izfrHkwfr fu{ksi% Security Deposit: 2.5% of tendered value.

vuqlwph ^p* SCHEDULE ‘F’

lkekU; fu;e ,oa fn'kkfunsZ'k%
General Rules & Directions: General Conditions of Cotract for CPWD
Works 2020 (Maintenance) with upto date amendments shall be read with NIT.

fufonk vkea=.k djus okyk izkf/kdkjh

Officer inviting tender - Executive Engineer/R-Division/CPWD/ New Delhi
dk;Z dh enksZ dh ek=k ds fy, vf/kdre izfr'kr ftlls vf/kd fu"ikfnr
enksa ds fy, njksa dk fu/kkZj.k [k.M 12-2 vkSj 12-3 ds vuqlkj gksxk- fuEukuqlkj
Maximum percentage for quantity of items of work to
be executed beyond which rates are to be determined
in accordance with Clauses 12.2 & 12.3. As per Clause 12

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

ifjHkk"kk;s%a & Definitions:

2(v) Hkkjlk/kd bathfu;j
Engineer-in-Charge Executive Engineer/R-Division/CPWD/ New Delhi
2(viii) Lohdkj drkZ izkf/kdkjh
Accepting Authority Executive Engineer/R-Division/CPWD/ New Delhi

2(x) vfrfjDr vkSj ykHkksa dks iwjk djus ds

fy, lkefxz;ksa dh ykxr ij izfr'krrk
Percentage on cost of materials and
labour to cover all overheads and profits. 15%
2(xi) njksa dh ekud vuqlwph
Standard schedule of Rates: Delhi Schedules of rate 2021 (7% +) cost index with
Correction slips issued upto date.
2(xii) foHkkx
Department Central Public Works Department

9(ii) ekud ds-yks-fu-fo- Bsdk QkeZ---------- General Conditions of Contract 2020

Standard CPWD contract form (Maintenance works) CPWD 7 as modified and
corrected upto last date of online receipt of

(i) Lohd`fr Ik= tkjh gksus dh rkjh[k ls fu’iknu xkjaVh ds izLrqrhdj.k
Ds fy, vuqer le;] fnuksa esAa
i) Time allowed for submission of Performance Guarantee, programme chart
(Time and progress) and applicable labour licenses, registration with EPFO,
ESIC and BOCW wellfare board or proff of applying there of from the date of
issued of letter of accepetance. 7 Days

,DlVa's ku] fnuksa esa

ii) Maximum allowable extension with late fee @ 0.1% per
day performance guarantee amount beyond the period
as provided in i) above in days 3 Days

[k.M Clause 2 [k.M 2 ds rgr izfrdj fuf'pr djus okyk izkf/kdkjh

Authority for fixing Superintending Engineer, DC–2,
compensation under clause 2 CPWD, New Delhi.
[k.M d- D;k [k.M 2 d ykxw gksxkA
Clause 2A Applicable Clause 2/2A Clause 2A Applicable

[k.M Clause 5 dk;Z vkjEHk djus dh rkjh[k dh x.kuk ds fy, Lohd`fr

Ik= tkjh gksus dh rkjh[k ls fnuksa dh la[;k------------------------------------------------fnu
Number of days from the date of issue
of letter of acceptance for reckoning date of start. 10 Days

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

y{; ehy&iRFkjA y{; uhps nh xbZ vuqlkj

Table of Milestones : -- As per Table given below
S. No. Milestone Programme Time Allotted (From date Amount to be withheld in case of
of start) non-achievement of milestone
1. Gross work 1/8 of total work 1/4 of the total period 1% of Tendered Amount
2. Gross work 3/8 of total work 1/2 of the total period 1% of Tendered Amount
3. Gross work 3/4 of total work 3/4 of the total period 1% of Tendered Amount

4. Completion of work i/c testing Full period 1% of Tendered Amount

etc. complete.
dk;Z fu"ikfnr djus ds fy, vuqeR; le;
Time allowed for execution of work Three Months

fu.kkZ;d izkf/kdkjh
Authority to Decide:-

1- le; foLrkj
Extension of time – EE/R-Division/CPWD

2- miyfC/k;ksa dk iqu% vuqlwfpdj.k

Rescheduling of Mile Stones – SE/DC-II/CPWD

3- lkbV ds lkSaius eas nsjh ds ekeys esa

'kq: gksus dh rkjh[k ds LFkkukarj.k
Shifting of date of start in case of – SE/DC-II/CPWD
Delay in handing over of site

[k.MClause 5:- Applicable Clause 5/5A – Clause 5A applicable

[k.MClause 7
varfje Hkqxrku ds fy, ik= gksus ds fy, vafre ,sls
Hkqxrku ds ckn dqy Hkqxrku ,df=r lkefxz;ksa ds
vfxzeksa ds lek;kstu lfgr fd;k tkus okyk dqy dk;Z
Gross work to be done together with net
payment/adjustment of advances for material ……………………………………
collected, if any, since the last such payment 6.32 lac
for being eligible to interim payment

[k.MClause 7A
Whether clause 7A shall be applicable Yes
[k.MClause 7B
Whether clause 7B shall be applicable Yes

Clause 10 A
dk;ZLFky iz;ksx'kkyk esa Bsdsnkj }kjk myC/k djk;s tkus ijh{k.k midj.k dh lwph
List of testing equipment to be provided by the contractor at site lab. (As per applicable & required item
of work)
Clause 10 B(i)- Whether Clause 10 B(i) shall be applicable: No
[k.M Clause 10C
Component of Labour expressed as percent of total value of work 25%

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

[k.M-10xx [k.M 10xx mu lafonkvksa ij ykxw gksxk ftlesa dk;Z

lekiu dh vof/k] vxys dkye esa n’kkZ;h xbZ vof/k
ls vf/kd vuqcaf/kr gSA 12 eghus
Clause 10CC- Clasue 10CC to be applicable in contracts
with stipulated period of completion exceeding 12 Months
the period shown in the next column.
Clause 10CC Applicable/Not-applicable Not applicable

ewY; o`f) ds fy, vU; lkexzh] Je] ih-vks-,y vkfn ds ?kVdksa dh vuqlwphA
Schedule of component of other Materials, Labour, POL etc. for price escalation.

fuekZ.k dk;Z lkexzh ds fy, flfoy ?kVd ¼[kaM 10 x ds vUrxZr 'kkfey lkefxz;ksa dks
NksM+dj½@oS/kqr dk;Z esa dqy ewY; ds izfr’kr ds :i esa iznf’kZr
Component of Civil - NIL
(Except material covered under clause 10CA)
Electrical construction materials expressed
as percent of total value of work
Je ds ?kVd ds dqy ewY; dh izfr’kr ds :i esa iznf’kZr
Component of Labour expressed as percent
of total value of work NIL

[k.M Clause 11 dk;Z fu"iknu ds fy, vuqikyu

fd, tkus okys fofunsZ’k
Specifications to be followed for execution of work
CPWD specification 2019, Volume-I and Volume-II with upto date
Correction slips issued upto date of receipt of tender
[k.M& Clause 12
Type of work: Maintenance work.
Authority to decide deviation.
(i) Upto 1.25 times of contract amount with (Recorded reasons). Engineer-in-Charge.
Beyond 1.25 times upto 1.50 times of contract amout with (Recorded
(ii) SE/DC-II
In exceptional case, beyond 1.50 times upto 2.0 times of contract
(iii) ADG (RD)
amount with (Recorded reasons) and takes suitable corrective action.
(Corrected as per DG/CON/313 dated 17.02.2021)
12-2 rFkk 12-3 fopyu lhek] ftlds ijs [k.M 12-2
rFkk 12-3 Hkou fuekZ.k dk;Z ds fy,
ykxw gksaxs lHkh fopfyr ek=kvksa dk Hkqxrku vuqca/k njksa ij fd;k tk,xkA

12.2 & 12.3 Deviation limit beyond which clause 12.2 & 12.3
shall apply for building work. All the Deviated Quantities shall be paid at agreement rates.

1-2-5 fopyu lhek] ftlds ijs [kaM 12-2 rFkk

12-3 uhao dk;Z ds fy, ykxw gksxsa ¼[kqnkbZ ds dk;Z dks NksM+dj½ dksbZ lhek ugha
12.5 (i) Deviation limit beyond which clause 12.2 & 12.3
shall apply for foundation work (except earth work). No limit
(ii) Deviation limit for items in earth work subhead of
DSR or related items No limit

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

[k.MClause 16
?kVh gqbZ njs fu/kkZfjr djus dh
fy, l{ke izkf/kdkjh
Competent Authority for SE/DC-II/CPWD New Delhi; upto 5% of
deciding reduced rates . the contract value beyond that with the approval
of ADG(Region Delhi)
[kaM &Clause 18
dk;ZLFky ij Bsdsnkj }kjk yxk;s tksus okyh vfuok;Z e’khujh] vkStkj ,oa l;a=ksa dh lwph%
List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the contractor at site: (As per actually required at site).

[kaM & Clause 19 C Authority to decide penalty for each default – Executive Engineer R-Division
Clause 19 D Authority to decide penalty for each default – Executive Engineer R-Division
Clause 19 G Authority to decide penalty for each default – Executive Engineer R-Division
Clause 19 K Authority to decide penalty for each default – Executive Engineer R-Division

[k.M Clause 25

(i) Conciliator – ADG (RD)

(ii) Arbitrator Appointing Authority – SE, DC-II
(iii) Place of Arbitrator – New Delhi

[k.M&CLAUSE 32
Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and Recovery Rate
S.No. Minimum Discipline Designation Technical Minimum Numbe Rate at which recovery shall be
Qualification of representative) expericenc r made from the contractor in the
Technical e event of not fulfilling provision
Representative of clause 32
Figures Words.
1. Graduate Engineer Project Manager cum 2 years
Rs. 15000/- (Rs. Fifteen
2. OR Civil planning/quality/Site/ Or One
Thousands per Month)
Diploma Engineer billing Engineer 5 years
Assistant Engineer retired from Govt. services that are holding Diploma will be treated at par with Graduate
Diploma holder with minimum 10 year relevant experience with a reputed construction co. can be treated at par
with Graduate Engineers for the purpose of such deployment subject to the condition that such diploma
holdersshould not exceed 50% of requirement of degree engineers.

[k.M Clause 38
I) d½ dsyksfufo }kjk eqfnzr fnYyh nj vuqlwph –2021
ds vk/kkj ij lhesUV vkSj fcVqeu dh vuqekuewy
ek=k fu/kkZfjr djus ds fy, vuqlwph@fooj.k
I) (a) Schedule/statement for determining theoretical
quantity of cement & bitumen on the basis of
Delhi Schedule of Rates 2021 printed by
C.P.W.D. with up to date correction slips.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

II) vuqekuewyd ek=kvksa esa vuqeR; fopyu

Variations Permissible On Theoretical Quantities

d½ lhesUV ftu dk;ksZ ds fy, fufonk eaas vuqekfur

ewY; :- 25 yk[k ls vf/kd u gks 3 izfr’kr tek@?kVk
a) Cement for works with estimated cost put 3% plus/minus.
To tender not more than Rs. 25 lakhs

ftu dk;ksZ ds fy, fufonk esa vuqekfur

ewY; :- 25 yk[k ls vf/kd gks 2 izfr’kr tek@?kVk
for works with estimated cost put to 2 % plus/minus.
Tender more than Rs. 25 lakhs

[-k½ fcVqeu lHkh dk;ksZ ds fy, 2.5 izfr’kr dsoy tek vkSj
?kVk ds i{k esa ‘kwU;
b) Bitumen for all works 2.5% plus only &
nil on minus side.
Xk½ bLikr izR;sd O;kl] dksV vkSj ds fy,
iwuoZyu vkSj lajpukRed bLikr dkV 2 izfr’kr tek@?kVk
15. Steel Reinforcement and structural steel
sections for each diameter, section and 2% plus/minus

?k½ lHkh vU; lkefxz;ka 'kwU;

d) All other materials Nil.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

DG O.M. No. DG/CON/311 dated 20.10.2020

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


1. The contractor should write their correct postal address on the application for tender
papers. In case it is found that the address given in their application is not correct and as
a consequence of the same if any registered letter sent through postal authorities is
received back by the department undelivered to the contractor, the contractor shall be
fully responsible for all the consequence and by such letter sent through registered post
shall be deemed to have been delivered to him.
2. Samples of Material:-
All materials and fittings brought by the contractor to the site for use shall confirm to the
samples approved by the Engineer-in-charge, which shall be preserved till the completion
of the work. If a particular brand of material is specified in the item of work in Schedule of
Quantity, the same shall be used after getting the same approved from Engineer-In-
Charge. Wherever brand / quality of material are not specified in the item of work, the
contractor shall submit the samples as per suggestive list of brand names given in the
tender document / particular specifications for approval of Engineer-In-Charge. For all
other items, materials and fittings carrying ISI Mark shall be used with the approval of
Engineer-In-Charge. Wherever ISI Marked material / fittings are not available, the
contractor shall submit samples of materials / fittings manufactured by firms of repute
confirming to relevant specifications or IS codes and use the same only after getting the
approval of Engineer-In-Charge. To avoid delay, contractor should submit samples as
stated above well in advance so as to give timely orders for procurement. If any material,
even though approved by Engineer-In-Charge is found defective or not conforming to
specifications shall be replaced / removed by the contractor at his own risk & cost.
The contractor shall ensure quality construction in a planned and time bound manner. Any
sub-standard material / work beyond set-out tolerance limit shall be summarily rejected
by the Engineer-in-charge & contractor shall be bound to replace / remove such sub-
standard / defective work immediately.
BIS marked materials except otherwise specified shall be subjected to quality test besides
testing of other materials as per the specifications described for the item/material.
Wherever BIS marked materials are brought to the site of work, the contractor shall
furnish manufacturer’s test certificate or test certificate from approved testing laboratory
to establish that the material produced by the contractor for incorporation in the work
satisfies the provisions of BIS codes relevant to the material and / or the work done.
BIS marked items (except cement & steel) required on the work shall be
got tested. Only important tests, which govern the quality of the
product, shall be carried out. The frequency of such tests shall be 25%
of the frequency specified in the CPWD Specifications 2019 Vol. I &
Vol. II with upto date correction slip issue upto last date of submission.
For certain items, if frequency of tests is not mentioned in the CPWD Specifications then
relevant IS code shall be followed and tests shall be carried out @ 25% of the frequency
specified therein.
3. All the materials will be arranged by the contractor himself.

4. Water will be supplied by the department and 1% (One percent) water charges shall be
recovered from the gross amount of the work done. No borewell will be permitted in the
campus. GST shall be deducted from the gross amount of the work as
per prevailing rules.
Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

5. Samples of Testing: - As per Circular DG/MAN/410 dated 22.10.2021.

All expenditure to be incurred for testing of samples e.g. packaging, sealing,

transportation, loading, unloading etc. including testing charges shall be borne by the
contractor. As per list of approved laboriatories for testing as approved by ADG/SDG. As
(i) Any govt. engineering collage, govt. testing lab and any private lab duly approved
by the competent authority of CPWD.

5.1 In case there is any discrepancy in frequency of testing as given in list of

mandatory tests provided in CPWD Specifications and that in individual sub-heads of
work as per CPWD Specifications higher of the two frequencies of testing shall be followed
and nothing shall be payable.
5.2 The contractor has to establish field laboratory at site including all necessary
equipment for field tests at his own cost.
6. All material shall only be brought at site as per programme finalised with the Engineer-
in-Charge. Any pre-delivery of the material, not required for immediate consumption shall
not be accepted and thus not paid for.

7. Except for the items, for which particular specifications are given or where it is specifically
mentioned otherwise in the description of the items in the schedule of quantities, the work
shall generally be carried out in accordance with the “CPWD Specifications 2019 VoI.I to II
with correction slips issued upto last date of submission of tender and instructions
of Engineer-In-Charge. Wherever CPWD Specifications are silent, the latest IS Codes /
Specifications shall be followed.

8. A reference made to any Indian Standard Specifications in these documents, shall imply to
the latest version of that standard, including such revisions / amendments as issued by
the Bureau of Indian Standards upto last date of receipt of tenders. The Contractor
shall keep at his own cost all such publications of relevant Indian Standard
applicable to the work at site.
9. Site is located in sensitive & high security & VVIP area, where movement and
routes are restricted. The contractor shall have to apply online for police
verification before applying for passes well in advance (minimum 10 days
before labour deployement) for carrying out the works. No claim whatsoever
shall be entertained for any loss on this account. Some restrictions may be
imposed by the security staff / Delhi Police on the working and for movement
of labour, materials etc.
10. Samples including brand / quality of materials and fittings to be used in the work shall be
got approved from the Engineer-In-Charge, well in advance of actual execution and shall
be preserved till the completion of the work.

11. Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities, the rates tendered by the
contractor shall be all inclusive and shall apply to all lifts & all heights, floors including
terrace, leads and depths and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.

12. The rates for all items of work shall, unless clearly specified otherwise, include cost of all
labour, material, tools and plants and other inputs involved in the execution of the item.

13. The contractor(s) shall quote all-inclusive rates against the items in the schedule of
quantities and nothing extra shall be payable for any of the conditions and specifications
mentioned in the tender documents unless specifically specified otherwise.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

14. The contractor shall ensure quality construction in a planned and time bound manner. Any
sub standered material / work beyond set-out tolerance limit shall be summarily rejected
by the Engineer-in-charge & contractor shall be bound to replace / remove such sub
standererd / defective work immediately.
15. Deviation in quantities shall be done only with prior written written permission of the
Competant Authority.
16. Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities the rates for all items except for
sub soil water, shall be considered as inclusive of pumping / bailing out water, if
necessary for which no extra payment shall be made.
17. To avoid disputes later on, contractor is advised to get the measurement recorded within a week’s
time and shall submit his bills as per relevant clause (7) of the contract. Any dispute regarding
measurement including work done shall be judged within a week’s time failing which measurement,
certified and recorded shall be entertained.
18. The work covered under this contract shall be carried out in piece meal / in parts, and the
contractor shall execute the work in the area made available to him and the contractor
shall not claim anything extra over agreement rates, due to execution of works in piece
meal manner.
19. The rate for all items, in which the use of cement is involved, is inclusive of charges for
20. The work shall be executed and measured as per metric dimensions given in the schedule
of quantities, drawings etc. (FPS units wherever indicated are for guidelines only)
21. Any legal or financial implications resulting out of disposal of earth shall be sole
responsibility of the contractor. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

22. All the hidden items such as water supply lines, drainage pipes, conduits, sewers etc. are
to be properly tested as per the design conditions before covering.

23. The contractor shall indemnify the Govt. against any claims or obligations
arising out of any damage to adjacent property, structure or to building work
done by him.

24. Licences
24.1 The contractor shall pay to the municipal, police or other authorities all
the fees etc. that may be required by law, obtain requisite licences for
temporary constructions, enclosures and pay all fees taxes and charges which
shall be leviable on account of his obligations in executions of the contract. No
extra claim will be entertained on this account.

24.2 All licencing fees, royalty charges for property rights etc. shall be
paid by the contractor direct to the authorities concerned. No extra
claim will be entertained on this account. Unless specifically specified.

25. In case services are encountered during excavation / earthwork and such services are
required to be shifted, the contractor is bound to carryout the shifting operation as per
guidance / instructions and with the approval of the Engineer-In-Charge. However,
necessary payments shall be made in this regard as per provision of the agreement.
26. Existing cables, pipe cables, overhead wires, sewer lines, water lines and similar services
encountered in the course of execution of work shall be protected against the damages by
the contractor at his own cost.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

27. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for electricity required for the execution
of the work and nothing extra shall be paid for the same. However, for electrical
connection, Engineer-In-Charge shall recommend the application to concerned local
authorities. Necessary payment shall be made by the contractor directly to the
department concerned. In case the authorities fail to sanction the electric connection or
delay the sanction of electric connection, the contractor shall make his own arrangements
by providing diesel generators of adequate capacity at his own cost.
28. (a) The Contractor(s) shall inspect the site of work before tendering and acquaint himself with
the site conditions and no claim on this account shall be entertained by the department.
(b) The contractor(s) shall get himself acquainted with nature and extent of the work and
satisfy himself about the availability of materials from kiln or approved quarries for
collection and conveyance of materials required for construction.
29. The tenderer shall see the approaches to the site. In case any approach from main road is
required at site or existing approach is to be improved and maintained for cartage of
materials by the contractor, the same shall be provided, improved and maintained by the
contractor at his own cost. No payment shall be made on this account.
30. Contractor shall take all precautionary measures to avoid any damage to adjoining
property. All necessary arrangement shall be made at his own cost.
31. The contractor shall take all precautions to avoid accidents by exhibiting necessary caution
boards day and night, speed limit boards, red flags, red lights and providing barriers. He
shall be responsible for all damages and accidents caused to existing / new work due to
negligence on his part. No hindrances shall be caused to traffic, running of hospital
services during the execution of the work.
32. Royalty at the prevailing rates wherever payable shall have to be paid by the contractor
on the boulders, metal, shingle, sand and bajri etc. Or any other material collected by him
for the work direct to revenue authorities and the department shall pay nothing extra for
the same.
33. The contractor shall take instructions from the Engineer-In-Charge regarding collection
and stacking of materials at any place. No excavated earth or building rubbish shall be
stacked on areas where other buildings, roads, services and compound walls are to be
34. Contractor shall provide permanent benchmarks, flag tops and other reference points for
the proper execution of work and these shall be preserved till the end of work. All such
reference points shall be in relation to the levels and locations, given in the Architectural
and plumbing drawings.
35. Water tanks, taps, sanitary, water supply and drainage pipes, fittings and accessories
should conform to bylaws and municipal body / corporation where CPWD Specifications
are not available. The contractor should engage licensed plumbers for the work and get
the materials (fixtures/fittings) tested by the Municipal Body / Corporation authorities
wherever required at his own cost.
36. The contractor shall give performance test of the entire installation(s) as per the standing
specifications before the work is finally accepted and nothing extra whatsoever shall be
payable to the contractor for the test,
37. Any cement slurry added over base surface (or) for continuation of concreting for better
bond is deemed to have been included in the items and nothing extra shall be payable
(or) extra cement considered in consumption on this account. For RCC work, only factory
made round type cover block shall be used. For Brickwork unless otherwise specified FPS
bricks shall be used in all items of work. The classification of bricks brought by the
contractor shall conform to the CPWD Specifications.
Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

38. The contractor shall bear all incidental charges for cartage storage and safe custody of
materials brought to site.
The work shall be carried out in accordance with the Architectural drawings and structural
drawings, to be issued from time to time, by the Engineer-in-Charge. Before
commencement of any item of work, the contractor shall correlate all the relevant
architectural and structural drawings issued for the work and satisfy himself that the
information available therefrom is complete and unambiguous. The discrepancy, if any,
shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-In-Charge before execution of the work.
The contractor alone shall be responsible for any loss or damage occurring by the
commencement of work on the basis of any erroneous and or incomplete information.
39. Other agencies will also simultaneously execute and install the works of internal electrical
installations, sub-station / generating sets, air-conditioning, lifts, etc. for the work and the
contractor shall afford necessary facilities for the same. The contractor shall leave such
recesses, holes, openings trenches etc. as may be required for such related works (for
which inserts, sleeves, brackets, conduits, base plates, clamps etc. shall be supplied free
of cost by the department unless otherwise specifically mentioned) and the contractor
shall fix the same at the time of casting of concrete, stone work and brick work, if
required, and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
40(i) All materials obtained from Govt. Stores or otherwise shall be got checked by the
Engineer-In-Charge or his any representative on receipt of the same at site before
ii) All material shall only be brought at site as per programme finalised with the Engineer-In-
Charge. Any predelivery of the material not required for immediate consumption shall not
be accepted and thus not paid for.
41. The contractor shall conduct his work, so as not to interfere with or hinder the progress or
completion of the work being performed by other contractor(s) or by the Engineer-In-
Charge and shall as far as possible arrange his work and shall place and dispose off the
materials being used or removed so as not to interfere with the operations of other
contractor or he shall arrange his work with that of the others in an acceptable and in a
Proper co-ordination manner and shall perform it in proper sequence to the complete
satisfaction of others.
42. The Architectural drawings given in the tender other than those indicated in nomenclature
of items are only indicative of the nature of the work and materials/fixings involved unless
otherwise specifically mentioned. However, the work shall be executed in accordance with
the drawings duly approved by the Engineer-In-Charge.

43. Normally contractors shall not be allowed to work at night. Work at night shall, however,
be allowed if the site conditions / circumstances so demand. However, if the work is
carried out in more than one shift or at night, no claim on this account shall be
entertained. In such situations the contractor shall make available to the department
proper means of transport such as vehicle at his own cost.
44. Existing drains, pipes, cables, over-head wires, sewer lines, water lines and similar
services encountered in the course of the execution of work shall be protected against the
damage by the contractor’s own expense. The contractor shall not store materials or
otherwise occupy any part of the site in a manner likely to hinder the operation of such
services. In no case such services should be stopped to the existing buildings.
45. The contractor(s) shall at his/their own cost provide his/their labour with a
sufficient number of huts on land being arranged by contractor, for which
Client Deptt/Engineer-in-charge is not liable to provide land for huts.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

46. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward / guard of the buildings, safety
of all fittings and fixtures including sanitary and water supply fittings and fixtures provided
by him against pilferage and breakage during the period of installations and thereafter till
the building is physically handed over to the department. No extra payment shall be made
on this account.
47. The day to day receipt and issue accounts of different grade/brand of cement shall be
maintained separately in the standard Performa by the contractor and which shall be duly
Site Incharge.
48. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the safe custody of materials brought by him
issued to him even though the materials are under double lock key system.
49. The contractor shall procure the required materials in advance so that there is sufficient
time for testing of the materials and clearance of the same before use in the work. Any
predelivery of the materials not required for immediate consumption shall not be resorted
to. The contractor shall provide at his own cost suitable weighing and measuring
arrangements at site for checking the weight / dimensions as may be necessary for
execution of work.
50. No payment shall be made to the contractor for any damage caused by rain, floods,
earthquake or any other natural causes whatsoever during execution of work. The
contractor at his own cost will make the damages to the work good and no claim on this
account shall be entertained.
51. For construction works which are likely to generate malba / rubbish to the tune of more
than a truck load, contractor shall dispose of malba, rubbish & other unserviceable
materials and wastes at his own cost to the notified specified dumping ground and under
no circumstances these shall be stacked / dumped even temporarily, outside the
construction premises.
52. Contractor must see the site before quoting their rates.

53. COVID-19 appropriate behavior: It must be ensured that social distancing, hand
washing and masking are being followed to prevent spread of infection. Arrangements
may be also be made for testing and vaccination of the workforce.

54. Shop Drawings: - The Contractor shall submit the shop drawings of doors, windows,
louver, cladding and other aluminium work, to the Engineer-in-Charge. for his approval.
The shop drawing shall show full size and sections of doors, windows etc., thickness of
matal (i.e wall thickness) details of constructions, sub frame/rough ground profile,
anchoring details hardware as well as connection of windows, doors and other metal work
to adjacent work. Samples of all joints and methods of fastening and joining shall be
submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval well in advance of commencing the

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


regarding preventive measures for Air Pollution from demolition & construction
activities issued by Delhi Pollution Control Committee vide no. DPCC/EIA/Res-001
to 172 /NGT-21/2015/225-408 dated 17.04.2015 in compliance of Hon‟ble National
Green Tribunal directions enclosed herewith are applicable to the contractor. All
appropriate protection measures as per NGT & DPCC guidelines shall be taken by
the contactor at his own cost. Nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor on
this account.
Hon’ble National Green Tribunal in its order dated 04.12.2014 in respect of air pollution
from dust resulting from demolition and construction activity inter-alia has directed as follows:

I. No government, authority, contractor, builders or any person would be permitted to

store/dump construction material or debris on metalled road.
II. Beyond the metalled road the area where such the construction material or debris can be
stored shall be physically demarcated by officers of all the concerned
Authorities/Corporation ensuring that it would not cause any obstruction to the free flow
of traffic/inconvenience to the pedestrians. It should be ensured that no accidents occur
on account of such permissible storage.
III. Every builder, contractor or person shall ensure that the construction material is covered
by tarpaulin and all other precaution should be taken to ensure that no dust particles are
permitted to pollute air quality as a result of such storage.
It shall also be ensured that appropriate protection measures are taken by raising wind
breakers of appropriate height on all sides of the plot/area using plastic and/or other
similar material to ensure that no construction material dust fly outside the plot are and it
will be the builder/contractor responsibility to ensure that their activity does not cause
any air pollution during course of construction and/ or storage of material or construction
activity. This condition shall be strictly adhered to by every builder, contractor, person or
authority. In the event of default they shall be liable to be prosecuted under the law in
force, as well as for causing environmental pollution and will be liable to pay
compensation which would be determined by Tribunal in accordance with law.
IV. All the trucks or vehicles of any kind which are used for construction purposes/ are
carrying construction material like cement, sand and other allied material should be fully
covered. The vehicles should be properly cleaned should be dust free and every necessary
precautions is to be taken to ensure that enroute their destination, the dust, sand or any
other particles are not permitted to be released in air/contaminate air. Any truck not
complying with the above directions would not be permitted to enter NCR, Delhi.
Hon’ble National Green Tribunal in order Dated 10.04.2015 interiliachas directed as
1. Every builder or owner shall put tarpaulin on scaffolding around the area of construction
and the building. No person including builder, owner can be permitted to store any
construction material particularly sand on any part of the street, roads in any colony.
2. The construction material of any kind that is stored in the site will be fully covered in all
respects so that it does not disperse in the Air in any form.

3. All the construction material and debris shall be carried in the trucks or other vehicles
which are fully covered and protected so as to ensure that the construction debris or the
construction material does not get dispersed into the air or atmosphere, in any form

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

4. The dust emissions from the constructions site should be completely controlled and all
precautions taken in that behalf.
5. The vehicles carrying construction material and construction debris of any kind should be
cleaned before it is permitted to ply on the road after unloading of such material.
6. Every worker working on the construction site and involved in loading, unloading and
carriage of construction material and construction debris shall be provided with mask to
prevent inhalation of dust particles.
7. Every owner and or builder shall be under obligation to provide all medical help,
investigation and treatment to the workers involved in the construction of building and
carry of construction material and debris relatable to dust emissions.
8. It shall be the responsibility of every builder to transport constructions material and debris
waste to construction site, dumping site or any other place in accordance with rules and
terms of this order.
9. All to take appropriate measures and to ensure that the terms and conditions of the earlier
order and these orders should strictly comply with by fixing sprinklers, creations of green
air barriers.
10. Compulsory use of wet jet in grinding and stone cutting.
11. Wind breaking wall around construction site.
12. All the builders who are building commercial, residential complexes which are covered
under the EIA Notification 2006 shall provide green belt around the building that they
construct. All authorities shall ensure that such green belts are in existence prior to issuance
of occupancy certificate.
13. All builders shall ensure that C&D waste is transported in terms of this order to the C&D
waste site only and due record in that behalf shall be maintained by the builders,
transporters and NCR of Delhi.
14. Even if constructions have been started after seeking environmental clearance under EIA
notification 2006 and after taking other travel but is being carried out without taking the
preventive and protective environmental steps as stated in this order and MoEF guidelines
2010, the State Government, SPCB and any officer of any department as afforested shall be
entitled to direct stoppage of work.
Environmental Impact Assessment Guidance Manual for Building, Construction,
Township and area development Projects of February, 2010 is available on the website of
MoEF & CC invisaging the following guidelines for mitigation measures in respect of dust
control from Building, Construction Projects:
“Adopting techniques like, air extraction equipment, and covering scaffolding, hosing down
road surfaces and cleaning of vehicles can reduce dust and vapour emissions. Measures include
appropriate containment around bulk storage tanks and materials stores to prevent spillages
entering water courses.

The others measures to reduce the air pollution on site are:-

 Sprinkling of water and fine spray from nozzles to suppress the dust.
 On-Road-Inspection should be done for black smoke generating machinery.
 Promotion of use of cleaner fuel should be done.
 All DG sets should comply emission norms notified by MoEF.
 Vehicles having pollution under control certificate may be allowed to ply.
 use of covering sheet to prevent dust dispersion at buildings and infrastructure sites,
which are being constructed.
 Use of covering sheets should be done for trucks to prevent dust dispersion from the
trucks, implemented by district offices.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

 Paving is a more permanent solution to dust control, suitable for longer duration
projects. High cost is the major drawback to paving.
 Reducing the speed of a vehicle to 20kmph can reduce emissions by a large extent.
Speed bumps are commonly used to ensure speed reduction. In cases where speed reduction
cannot effectively reduce fugitive dust, it may be necessary to divert traffic to nearby paved
Material storages/ warehouses- Care should be taken to keep all material storages adequately
covered and contained so that they are not exposed to situations where winds on site could lead
to dust/particulate emissions. Fabrics and plastics for covering piles of soils and debris is an
effective means to reduce fugitive dust.”
By way of these orders/notice you are hereby notified for mandatory strictly adherence to and
compliance of the directions contained in the order of Hon‟ble Tribunal as well as MoEF
guidelines, 2010 in relation to precautions required to be taken while carrying on construction
Copy of NGT orders dated 04.12.2014, 10.04.2015 copy of MoEF guidelines 2010 and copy of
notice issued are available at the DPCC website also i.e. “http//”
Please note that the non-compliance of Hon‟ble NGT order will make you liable for action as per
law including the directions for stoppage of work.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


1. Substandard work shall be rejected out rightly and nothing shall be paid on this account.
2. Day to day program shall be taken from the Junior Engineer-in-Charge of the work and
contractor shall have to execute the work accordingly and no claim whatsoever shall be
entertained due to any unforeseen change of programme.
3. The doors, windows floors and Civil if any shall be protected by suitable covering etc at the
time of execution of work.
4. All precautions will have to be taken to prevent damage to the structure during the execution.
Any such damage if occurs shall be made good free of cost.
5. The rates include all leads and lifts i.e. on all the floors. No claim on this account will be
6. Before the start of work the sample of the items to be executed shall be got approved from the
Engineer-in-Charge and the same shall be strictly followed everywhere.
7. For any change of shade if strainer is required to be used the contractor shall make his own
arrangement for strainer of approved manufacture at his own cost.
8. Wherever two or more coats of work on old work is mentioned it will mean doing the work
wherever scrapping has been done.
9. No. T&P shall be issued by the Department.
10. Contractor should see the site and conditions of existing splashes, paint works etc and quote
rates accordingly.
11. Measurements for work done shall only be recorded after full removal of splashes of the white
wash / distemper / paint / water proofing cement paints etc. In case of non-removal of the
splashes the cost of their removal shall be recovered from the contractor at the direction of
12. The contractor shall have to produce original voucher to check the genuineness of material,
such as paint, distemper, water proofing cement paint and primer etc.
13. The contractor and/ or his authorized representative should inspect the site order book every
day and got the compliance noted by the JE/ AE Engineer-in-charge.
14. All the materials shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge before, it is put to use.
15. The contractor shall be issued materials for day to day work, according to the numbers of men
deployed by him. The unused materials should be returned by him at the end of the days work
along with the empty containers etc. The empty containers shall be preserved till the
completion of the work and the clearance to remove them in given by the Engineer-in-charge
in writing.
16. All nails holes etc shall be repaired with lime plaster or with glazer putty as required without
any extra payments.
17. All doors, windows, floors, civil, electrical fittings and other articles shall be cleaned free from
dust, splashes and damages; sufficient covering for the days work shall be shown to the
representative of the Engineer-in-charge before the contractor is allowed to proceed with the
work. Splashes and dropping of white wash from, glass panes down take pipes, civil, shall be
removed by the contractor at his own cost and the surface cleaned simultaneously after the
completion of the days work in individual room or bungalow or premises where the work is
done without waiting for the actual completion of all the other items of work in contract.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

18. Full quantity of material purchased from authorized dealers with their cash memos like
paint/ distemper/ cement paint/ OBD/ plastic emulsion of the firm indicated in the items or
elsewhere shall be deposited with the JE concerned before starting execution.
19. The Substandard work shall be rejected outright and shall not be measured and nothing
extra shall be paid for it. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding
in this regard.
20. In case material consumed is less then the permissible variation then the work beyond
theoretical consumption including variation shall be treated as substandard and quality for
payment purpose will be restricted to as per material actually consumed.
21. Scrapping shall be shown to the AE and got approved prior written permission of Engineer-in-
22. The contractor shall have to remove all splashes after completing the day work. In case the splashes
are not removed by the contractor the same shall be got removed by the Engineer-in-charge and
necessary recovery for the cost of removal of splashes shall be made from the contractor.
23. The co-efficient for working out theoretical consumption are as below: -
a Acrylic washable distemper.
(i) One or more coats on old work 1 kg per 10 sqm.
(ii) Two or more coats on new work 1.50 kg per sqm.
b Cement primer 0.70 ltr per 10 sqm.
c Water proofing cement paint.
(i) One or more coats on old work 2.2 kg per 10 sqm.
(ii) Two or more coats on new work & 3.84 kg per 10 sqm.
d Plastic emulsion paint.
(i) One or more coats on old work & 0.73 ltr per 10 sqm.
(ii) Two or more coats on new work & 1.21 ltr per 10 sqm.
e Synthetic enamel paint
(i) One or more coats on old work 0.70 ltr per 10 sqm
(ii) Two or more coats on new work & 1.16 ltr per 10 sqm
f White washing with lime.
(i) One or more coats on old work 0.01 qtl per 10 sqm
(ii) Two or more coats on new work & 0.02 qtl per 10 sqm
(iii) Three or more coats on old work 0.01 qtl per 10 sqm.

24. The operation of cleaning of sewerline / desilting of chamber, manhole / drain should be
videography at each location of supersucker for a period of 10 minutes per day basis and
providing them three sets of CD’s as direction by engineer-in-charge.

Executive Engineer,
R-Division, CPWD,
New Delhi - 110 002

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


1. The contractor shall, at his own expense procure and provide all materials including
cement and steel required for the work.
2. The contractor shall procure all the materials in advance so that there is sufficient time to
testing and approving of the materials and clearance of the same before use in work.
3. All materials brought by the contractor for use in the work shall be got checked from the
Engineer-In-Charge or his authorized representative of the work on receipt of the same at
site before use.
4. The contractor shall also employ necessary watch and ward establishment for the safe
custody of materials at his own cost. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the safe
custody of materials brought by him/ issued to him even though the materials may be
under double lock and key system.

5 Special conditions for steel

Modified guidelines for use of reinforcement bars in structures.
5.1 For reinforced cement concrete or pre-stressed concrete work, the reinforcement bars
shall consist of the following grades conforming to IS 1786 : 2008 (Indian Standard
specification for high strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement) : Fe
415, Fe 415D, Fe 415S, Fe 500D, Fe 500S and Fe 550D.
5.2 The contractor shall obtain manufacturer‟ certificate stating the process of manufacture,
chemical composition and test sheet giving result of each mechanical test applicable to the
material purchased and submit it to the Engineer-in-Charge. Each test certificate shall indicate
the number of the cast to which it applies, corresponding to the number or identification mark
to be found on the material.
5.3 The engineer-in-Charge shall get each consignment tested for both chemical composition
and physical properties (including bend and re-bend test) as specified in IS : 1786 from NABL
accredited laboratory or any Government laboratory.
5.4 Reinforcement bar is one of the most important building materials. Its quality directly
affects the life spam, resistance to earthquake and durability of the structure. In order to
ensure consistent quality of rebars, the NIT approving authority may prescribe reputed brand
like SAIL, RINL, Tata, JSW, JSPL in the list of preferred makes Only corrosion resistant steel
rebars shall be used.

In case of non-availability of steel from primary producers the NIT approving authority
may permit use of TMT reinforcement bars procured from secondary producers having
Integrated Steel Plants (ISPs) using iron ore as the basic raw material for production of crude
steel which is further rolled into finished shapes in-house having crude steel capacity of 0.5
Million tonne per annum and more.

In case of non-availability of steel from primary producers as well as ISPs then the NIT
approving authority may also permit use of TMT reinforcement bars procured from secondary
producers in such cases following conditions are applicable .

(a) The grade of the steel such as Fe500 D grade to be procured is to be specified as per BIS

(b) The secondary producers must have valid BIS license to produce HSD bars conforming to
IS 1786 : 2008. In addition to BIS license, the secondary producer must have valid license
from either of the firms Tempcore, Thermex, Evcon Turbo & Turbo Quench to produce
TMT Bars.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

(c) The TMT bars procured from primary producers & ISP shall conform to manufacture‟s

(d) The TMT bars procured from secondary producers shall conform to the specifications as
laid by Tempcore, Thermex, Evcon Turbo & Turbo Quench as the case may be.

(e) TMT bars procured either from primary producers ISP or secondary producers, the
specifications shall meet the provisions of IS 1786: 2008 pertaining to Fe 500D grade of
steel as specified in the tender.

5.2 The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificates to the Engineer-in-charge in
respect of all supplies of steel brought by him to the site of work.

5.3 Samples shall also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in-Charge as per the provisions in
this regard in relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate that the steel arranged by
the contractor does not conform to the specifications as defined under para (1)(d) & (1)(e)
above, the same shall stand rejected, and it shall be removed from the site of work by the
contractor at his cost within a week time or written orders from the Engineer-in-Charge to do

5.4 The steel reinforcement bars shall be brought to the site in bulk supply of 10 tonnes or more,
or as decided by the Engineer-in-charge.

5.5 The steel reinforcement bars shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in such a way as
to prevent their distortion and corrosion, and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Bars
of different sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting and

5.6 For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test, re-bend test etc. specimens of
sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random, and at frequency not less
than that specified below:

Size of bar For consignment below 100 tonnes For consignment above 100 tonnes
Under 10 mm dia bars One sample for each 25 tonnes or part thereof One sample for each 40 tonnes or part there of
10 mm to 16 mm dia bars One sample for each 35 tonnes or part there of One sample for each 45 tonnes or part there of
Over 16 mm dia bars One sample for each 45 tonnes or part there of One sample for each 50 tonnes or part there of

5.7 The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing including its
transportation to testing laboratories. The cost of testing charges shall be borne by the

5.8 The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in clause 10 of the contract. The theoretical consumption of steel shall
be worked out as per procedure prescribed in clause 42 of the contract and shall be governed
by conditions laid therein. In case the consumption is less than theoretical consumption
including permissible variations recovery at the rate so prescribed shall be made. In case of
excess consumption no adjustment need to be made.

5.9 The steel brought to site and the steel remaining unused shall not be removed from site
without the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

5.10 Contractor shall be permitted to use TMT reinforcement bars procured from ISP or
secondary producers subject to rate of providing & laying TMT reinforcement bars as quoted
by the contractor in the tender shall also be reduced by Rs.7.60/- per kg. (Which includes
Contractor‟s Profit and Over Heads as applicable).

5.11 In case the contractor bring surplus quantity of steel the same after completion of the work
will be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost after approval of the
Engineer-in- Charge

5.12 The mild steel and medium tensile steel bars to be used shall conform to latest version of IS:
432 and cold twisted bars and TMT bars shall conform to the latest version of IS: 1786.

5.13 i) Reinforcement including authorized spacer bars and lappages shall be measured in length
of different diameters as actually (not more than as specified in the drawings) used in the
work nearest to a centimeter. Wastage and un-authorized overlaps shall not be measured.

ii) The standard sectional weights referred to as in Table 5.4 in para 5.3.4 in CPWD
Specifications (Vol-I) 2019 for Cement Mortar, Cement Concrete and RCC Works will be
considered for conversion of length of various sizes of M.S. Bars and T.M.T. bars into
Standard Weight.

iii) Records of actual Sectional weights shall also be kept dia-wise and lot-wise. The
average sectional weight for each diameter shall be arrived at from samples from
each lot of steel received at site. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be
final for the procedure to be followed for determining the average sectional weight of
each lot. Quantity of each diameter of steel received at site of work each day will
constitute one single lot for the purpose. The weight of steel by conversion of length
of various sizes of bars based on the actual weighted average sectional weight shall
be termed as Derived Actual Weight.

iv) a) If the Derived Weight as in sub-para (iii) above is lesser than the Standard Weight as in
Sub-para (ii) above then the Derived Actual Weight shall be taken for payment.

If the Derived Actual Weight is found more than the Standard Weight, the Standard Weight
as worked out in sub-para (ii) above shall be taken for payment. In such case nothing extra
shall be paid for the difference between the Derived Actual Weight and the standard

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


The work shall be done in accordance with CPWD Specifications using mechanical
equipments and machinery as per site condition and without any damage to near by

The concrete work shall be done in accordance with CPWD Specifications and MORTH

3. R.C.C. Work (Design mix concrete):-

The RCC work shall be done with Design Mix Concrete unless otherwise specified. In the
nomenclature of Items wherever letter M has been indicated, the same shall imply for the
Design Mix Concrete. For the nominal mix in RCC, CPWD Specifications shall be
followed. The Design Mix Concrete will be designated based on the principles given in IS:
456, 2000. The Contractor shall design mixes for each class of concrete indicating that the
concrete ingredients and proportions will result in concrete mix meeting requirements
specified. In case of use of admixture and or white cement, the mix shall be designed with
these ingredients as well. The specifications mentioned here-in-below shall be followed for
Design Mix Concrete.
3.1 The design mix shall be carried out as per provision of the relevant IS code.

3.2 The first concrete mix design / laboratory tests, with admixture (if to be used by contractor
at his own cost) and without admixture will be carried out by the contractor through one of
the following laboratories / Test houses and charges for same shall be borne by contractor
with a condition that material should be procured from the same quarry/source.
1) I.I.T. Delhi.
2) National Council for Cement & Building material, Ballabhgarh.
3) C.R.R.I. Delhi.
4) JMI University, Delhi.
5) IIT, Roorkee.
6) Any other Government College/Institution
7) Any other lab approved by the competent authority/ Engineer-in-Charge.
The various ingredients for mix design / laboratory tests shall be sent to the lab / test
houses through the Engineer-in-charge and the samples of such aggregates sent shall be
preserved at site by the department.
3.3 In the event if all the three laboratories are unable to carry out the requisite design /
testing, the contractor may have it done from any other laboratory with prior approval of
the Engineer-in-charge.
3.4 The contractor shall submit the report on design mix from any of above approved
laboratories for approval of Engineer–in–Charge within 30 days from the date of issue of
letter of acceptance of the tender. No concreting shall be done until the design mix is
approved. In case of white Portland cement and the likely use of admixtures where CC /
RCC is done with concrete pumps in concrete with Pozzolona Portland / White Portland
cement, the contractor shall design and test the concrete mix by using trial mixes with
white cement and / or admixtures also, for which nothing extra shall be payable.
3.5 In case of change of source or characteristic properties of the ingredients used in the
concrete mix during the work, a revised laboratory mix design report conducted at
laboratory established at site shall be submitted by the contractor as per the direction of
the Engineer-in-charge.

3.6 Approval of design mix:-

It shall be in accordance with CPWD specification 2019 Vol. 1 to II shall be followed with
upto date correction clips.
Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

3.7 All cost of mix designing and testing connected therewith including charges payable to the
laboratory shall be borne by the Contractor. In case, the job mix already got designed
recently (not older than Six Month) from any of above Institution is made available by the
approved RMC plant it can be allowed by the Engineer-in-Charge with a condition that
material should be procured form the same quarry/source.

3.8 All other operations in concreting work like Mixing, Slump transportation, laying / placing of
concrete, compaction, curing etc. not mentioned in this particular specification for Design
Mix of Concrete shall be as per IS: 456-2000

TEST SPECIMEN:- Work strength test shall be conducted in accordance with IS : 516 on
random sampling. Each test shall be conducted on six specimens three of which shall be
tested a 7 days and remaining three at 28 days. Three specimens shall be made for each
sample for resting at 28 days. Additional samples may be required for various purposes
such as to determine the strength of concrete at 7 days or at the time of striking the
formwork, or to determine the duration of curing, or to check the detesting error. Additional
samples may also be required for testing samples cure by accelerate methods as
described is IS 9013.
TEST RESULTS OF SAMPLE:- The test results of the sample shall be the average of the
strength of three specimens. The individual variation shall be not more than ± 15 percent
of the average.
SAMPLING PROCEDURE:- A random sampling procedure shall be adopted to ensure
that each concrete batch shall have a reasonable chance of being tested, that is, the
sampling should be spread over the entire period of concerting and cover all mixing units.

3.10.1 The preparation, mixing, transportation, placing, compaction, testing of ingredients and
admixtures etc. shall be as per the specifications.

3.10.2 Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) from RMC producer

3.10.3 The contractor shall be allowed to arrange Ready MIX concrete (RMC) from the RMC
producing plants supplying concrete in Delhi / New Delhi / NCR

3.10.4 The contractor shall, within a 15 days of award of the work, submit list of at least three
RMC producers of repute along with details of such plants including details and number of
transit mixers & pumps etc. to be deployed indicating name of owner/company, its
location, capacity, technical establishment, past experience and text of MOU proposed to
be entered between purchaser (the contractor) and supplier (RMC producer) to the
Engineer-in-charge. Engineer-in-charge shall give approval in writing (subject to drawl of
MOU) failing which the contractor shall give list of other RMC producers of repute along
with required details for approval of Engineer. The contractor shall draw the MOU with
approved RMC producer and submit to Engineer-in-charge within a week of such
approval. The contractor will not be allowed to use ready mixed-concrete without
completion of above stated formalities.

3.10.5 Notwithstanding the approval granted by Engineer-in-charge in aforesaid manner or

provisions in CPWD specification 2019 Vol-I to II with up to date correction slips, the
contractor shall be fully responsible for quality of concrete including input control,
transportation and placement etc.

3.10.6 For all purposes the contractor shall carry out fully the responsibilities of the “placement
contractor” and the “manufacturer of concrete”.
3.10.7 The Engineer-in-charge will reserve right to inspect at any stage and reject the concrete if
he is not satisfied about quality of product at the user‟s end.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

3.10.8 The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to exercise control over the:-

I. Ingredients water and admixtures purchased, stored and to be used in the concrete
including conducting of tests for checking quality of materials, recording of test results and
declaring the materials fit or unfit for use in production of mix.
II. Calibration check of the RMC plant.
III. Weight and quantity check on the ingredients, water and admixture added for batch
IV. Time of mixing of concrete.
V. Testing of fresh concrete, recordings of results and declaring the mix fit or unfit for use.
This will include continuous control on the workability during production and taking
corrective action, if required.
VI. For exercising such control, the Engineer-in-charge shall periodically depute his
authorized representative at the RMC plant. It shall be responsibility of the contractor to
ensure that all necessary equipment, manpower & facilities are made available to E-in-C
and/or his authorized representative at RMC plant.
The contractor should therefore draw MOU/agreement with RMC producer very carefully
keeping in view all terms and conditions/specifications forming part of this tender

3.10.9 All required relevant records of RMC shall be made available to the Engineer-in-charge or
his authorized representative. Engineer-in-charge shall, as required, specify guidelines &
additional procedures for quality control & other parameters in respect of materials,
production 7 transportation of concrete mix which shall be binding on the contractor 7 the
RMC plant. Only concrete as approved in design mix by Engineer-in-charge shall be
produced in RMC plant and transported to the site.

3.10.10 PPC (Conforming to IS-8112) of approved brand/make as approved by Engineer-in-

charge shall only be used for production of concrete.

3.10.11 Quality control of Ready-mixed concrete

It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that RMC producer provides all
necessary testing equipments and takes all necessary measures to ensure Quality Control
of ready mixed concrete. In general the required measures shall be:-

(I) Control of purchased material quality

RMC producer shall ensure that all the materials purchased and used in the production of
concrete conform to the stipulation of the relevant agreed standard and the requirements
of the concrete mix design and quality control procedures. This shall be accomplished by
visual checks, sampling and testing, certification from material supplier and
information/data from materials supplier. Necessary equipment for the testing of all
material shall be provided and maintained in calibrated condition at the plant by the RMC

(II) Control of material storage

Adequate and effective storage arrangement shall be provided by RMC producer at RMC
plant for reliable transfer and feed systems, drainage of aggregates, prevention of freezing
or excessive solar heating of aggregate, prevention of contamination etc.

(III) Record of mix design and mix design modification

RMC producer shall ensure that record of mix design and mix design modification is
readily available in his computer at RMC plant for inspection of Engineer-in-charge or his
authorized representative at any time. Any modification in mix design shall be done only
after the approval of Engineer-in-charge.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

(IV) Transfer and weighing equipment

RMC producer shall ensure that a documented calibration procedure is in place. Proper
calibration records shall be made available indicating date of next calibration due &
corrective action taken. RMC producer shall ensure additional calibration checks
whenever required by E-in-C in writing to contractor. RMC producer shall also maintain a
daily production record including details of customers to whom RMC was supplied
including details of mixes supplied. He shall also maintain the record of material being
used for each day‟s production including water and admixtures.
The accuracy of measuring equipment shall be within ± 2% of quantity of cement & ± 3%
of quantity of aggregate, admixture and water being measured.

(V) Maintenance of Plant, Truck Mixers and Pumps;-

Plant, Truck Mixer and Pumps should be well maintained so as to not hamper any
operation of production transportation and placement of concrete.

(VI) Production of concrete at RMC producing plant

i) Weighing (correct reading of batch data and accurate weighing):- for each load, written,
printed or graphical records shall be made for the materials batched, the estimated
slumps, the total amount of water added to the load, the delivery tickets number for that
load and the time of loading the concrete into the truck.
ii) Visual observation of concrete during production and delivery during sampling and testing
of fresh concrete (assessment of uniformity, cohesion, workability, adjustment to water
content):- the workability of the concrete shall be controlled continuously during
production. The batch mix found unfit shall not be loaded into the truck for transportation.
Necessary corrective action shall be taken in the production of mix as required for further
iii) Adequate testing equipment at the plant including equipment for measuring surface
moisture content of aggregates shall be provided by the RMC producer.
iv) Making corresponding adjustments at the plant automatically or manually to batched
quantities to allow for observed, measured or reported changes in materials or concrete
v) Sampling of concrete, testing, monitoring of results.
vi) Diagnosis and correction of faults identified from observations/complaints
vii) Control of designed and the prescribed mixes: a quality control system shall be operated
to control the strength of designed mixes to the required levels. The system shall include
continuous analysis of results from cube tests.

3.10.12 Use of design mix concrete

i) Design mix concrete produced in Ready mix concrete plant shall be arranged by the
contractor from the RMC producers to be used for RMC works.

ii) Ready mix concrete shall be arranged in quantity as required at site of work. The ready mix
concrete shall be supplied as per the pre-agreed schedule approved by Engineer-in-
charge. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.

iii) The Item of design mix cement concrete shall be inclusive of all the ingredients including
admixtures if required, labour, machinery, T&P transportation etc. (expect shuttering which
will be measured & paid for separately) required for a design mix concrete of required
strength and workability. The rate quoted by the agency shall be net & nothing extra shall
be payable on account of changes in quantities of concrete ingredients like cement and
aggregates and admixtures etc. as per approved mix design.

iv) The Project Manger reserves the right to approve RMC producing plants not mentioned in
the Item of RCC if they fulfil all the condition stipulated as above.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


I. The acceptance criteria shall be as per CPWD specification.

II. Concrete of each grade shall be assessed separately.
III. Concrete is liable to be rejected, if it is porous or honeycombed, its placing has been
interrupted without providing a proper construction joint, the reinforcement has been
displaced beyond the tolerances specified, or construction tolerances have not been met.
However, the hardened concrete may be accepted after carrying out suitable remedial
measures to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge for which nothing extra shall be
payable to the contractor.

IV Only M.S. centring/shuttering and scaffolding material unless & otherwise specified shall be
used for all RCC work to give an even finish of concrete surface. However, marine-ply
shuttering in exceptional cases as per site requirement may be used on specific request
from contractor as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

V Nothing extra shall be paid for the centring and shuttering, circular in shape whenever the
form work is having a mean radius exceeding 6 m in plan.
VI In order to keep the floor finish as per architectural drawings and to provide required
thickness of the flooring as per specifications, the level of top surface of RCC shall be
accordingly adjusted at the time of its centring, shuttering and casting for which nothing
extra shall be paid to the contractor.

VII Measurement – As per CPWD specifications.

VIII Tolerances – As per CPWD specifications.

3.10.14 Rates:-

i) The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in the operations described
above except for the cost of centring, Shuttering & reinforcement which will be paid

ii) In case of actual average compressive strength being less than specified strength which
shall be governed by Para “Standard of Acceptance” as above, the rate payable shall
worked out accordingly on pro-rata basis.

iii) In case of rejection of concrete on account of unacceptable compressive strength,

governed by Para “Standard of Acceptance” as above, the work for which samples have
failed shall be redone at the cost of contractors. However, the Engineer-in-charge may
order for additional tests (like cutting cores, ultrasonic structure etc.) to be carried out at the
cost at the of contractor to ascertain, if the portion of structure wherein concrete
represented by the sample has been used, can be retained on the basis of results of
individual or combination of these tests. The contractor shall take remedial measures
necessary to retain the structure as approved by the Engineer-in-charge without any extra
cost. However, for payment, the basis of rate payable to contractor shall be regulated in
accordance with CPWD Specification.
3.10.15 Use of Proper Cover Blocks:
The contractor shall provide approved type of supports for maintaining the bars in position
and ensuring require spacing and correct cover of concrete to reinforcement as called for in
the drawing. Spacer block of required shape and size, M.S. chairs and spacer bars shall be
use in order 5 to ensure accurate positioning of reinforcement. Spacer block shall be cast
well in advance with approved proprietary pre-packed free flowing mortars (Conbextra as
manufactured by M/s. Fosroc Chemicals India Ltd. Or approved equivalent) of high early
strength. Blocks of polymer shall not be used as spacer block unless specially approved by
the Engineer-in-charge. Rate of Item of steel reinforcement is inclusive of cost of such
cover block.
Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


Water:- Cement ratio for Ordinary RCC work shall not be more than 0.5. The Contractor
shall use concrete mixture of proper design having arrangement for measuring water for
mixing of concrete.


Pre-cast reinforced concrete units shall be of grade or mix and cement content as
specified in the schedule of quantities. Provision shall be made in the mould to
accommodate fixing devices such as hook, flats etc and forming of notches and holes.
Each unit shall be cast in one operation. A sample of the unit shall be got approved from
Engineer-in-charge before taking up the work.
Pre-cast units shall be clearly marked to indicate the top of member and its location.
Pre-cast units shall be stored, transported and placed in position in such a manner that
these are not damaged.

The compaction of the concrete shall be done by vibrating table or external vibrator, as
approved by Engineer-in-charge. The rate quoted for the Item shall include the element for
framework and mechanical vibration.

Rate for Item includes cost of all materials, labour and all operations involved. Cost of
M.S. frames, lugs including their welding, lifting hooks is also included.

6. Shuttering:-
The contractor shall use steel shuttering as approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Minimum
size of shuttering plates shall be 600mm x 900mm except for the case when closing pieces
required completing the shuttering panels. Dented, broken, cracked, twisted or rusted
shuttering plates shall not be allowed for use on the work.

The shuttering plates shall be cleaned properly with electrically driven sanders to remove
any cement slurry or cement mortar or rust. Proper shuttering oil or de-bonding compound
shall be applied on the surface of the shutter plates in the requisite quantity before
assembly of steel reinforcement.

7. Reinforcement:-

a) The rate of Item of reinforcement in RCC work includes all operations including
straightening, cutting, bending, binding with annealed steel and placing in position at all
the floors with all leads and lift complete.

b) To avoid displacement of bars in any direction & to ensure proper cover, suitable locks
made of cement concrete of same mix as that of RCC shall be used by the contractor.
Only factory made round type cover blocks shall be used. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.

c) For small quantity of RCC works such as columns, Chajjas fins etc., design mix concrete
prepared at site by batching plant of not less than 15 m3 capacity installed at site of work
by contractor at his own cost shall be allowed.

8. Brick work:-

8.1 The brick work shall be carried out with good quality well burnt FPS Bricks of class
designation of.

8.2 The rate shall also include for leaving chases / notches for dowels / cramps for all kinds of
cladding to come over brick work.
Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

8.3 Brick masonry shall be with FPS. Contractor shall intimate the source of supply of bricks
& samples of the bricks shall be got approved from the Engineer-In-Charge in advance.


9.1 The precast concrete paving blocks shall be as per the specifications mentioned in IS
code 15688-2006 i.e. Specification for precast concrete blocks for paving”.

10. Plain quality concrete (PQC) shall be executed as per MORTH specification.

11. Conditions for Cement:

11.1 The Contractor shall procure Portland Pozzolana Cement 43 Grade conforming to
25:1489 (Part-1) as required in the work, from reputed Manufacturers of Cement, as
Specified in the list of Approved Makes.
Supply of cement shall be made in 50kg. bags bearing manufacture‟s name and ISI
marking. Sample of cement arranged by the contractor shall be taken by the Engineer-in-
charge and got tested in accordance with provisions of the relevant BIS codes. In case the
test results indicate that the cement arranged by the contractor does not confirm to the
relevant BIS code the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site by the
contractor at his own cost within a week‟s time of written order from the Enginee-in-
Charge to do so.

11.2 The cement shall be brought at site in bulk supply of 5 tonnes or as decided by the

11.3 The cement godown of the capacity to sotre a minimum of 200 bags of cement shall be
constructed by the contractor at site of work for which no extra payment shall be made.
Double lock provision shall be made to the door of the cement godown. The key of one
lock shall remain with the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative and the key
of the other lock shall remain with the contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for
the watch and ward and safety of the cement godwon. The contractor shall facilitate the
inspection of the cement godown by the Engineer-in-Charge at any time.

11.4 The cement shall be got tested by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall be used on the work
only after satisfactory test results have been received. The contractor shall supply free of
charge the cement required for testing including its transportation cost to test laboratories.
The cost of tests shall be born by the contractor.

11.5 The day to day actual issue/receipt and consumption of cemet on work shall be regulated
and proper accouts maintained as provided in clause 10 of the contract. The theoretical
consumption of cement shall be worked out as per the procedure prescribed in clause 42
of the contract and shall be governed by conditions laid therein.
11.6 Cement brought to site and cement remaining unused after completion of work shall not
be removed form site without written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


1.1 The work, in general shall be executed as per the description of item, drawings, particular
specifications & special conditions attached, MORT&H specifications for road and bridge
works (Fifth revision) 2013, CPWD specifications 2019 vol. I & II, relevant IRC codes and IS
specifications with correction slips issued upto the date of receipt of tender. Where the
aforesaid provisions and conditions are silent, relevant specialized literature and
manufacturers‟ specifications shall be followed for the execution of work
1.2 In case of discrepancy between the schedule of quantities, the specifications and/or the
drawings; the following order of precedence will be followed: -
(i) Description of item in Schedule of Quantities
(ii) Particular specifications and special conditions.
(iii) Drawings.
(iv) MORT&H specifications for road and bridge works (Fifth revision) 2013 with correction slips
issued upto the date of receipt of tender.
(v) IRC/ASTM Specifications.
(vi) CPWD specifications 2019 vol. I & II with correction slips issued up to the date of issue of
(vii) Indian Standard Specifications of B.I.S.

1.3 The contractor shall, at his own cost, construct, equip and establish a testing laboratory at
site with necessary apparatus, instruments and equipments such as weighing scale,
graduated cylinder, standard sieves, cube moulds, etc. and engage the experienced
technical staff for conducting day to day tests and to ensure that material conforming to
prescribed standard only are used in the work. The Engineer-in-Charge reserves right to
conduct field tests to ensure that the quality is consistent with the prescribed specifications.
If any material of end product is found defective or substandard, the same will have to be
replaced/redone at the cost of contractor.
1.4 The necessary tests shall be conducted in the laboratory of CPWD, CRRI or IIT Delhi or any
other laboratory approved by the Engineer-in- charge.
1.5 The contractor or his authorised representative shall associate in collection, preparation,
forwarding and testing of such samples. In case he or his authorised representative is not
present or does not associate himself, the result of such tests and consequences there
upon shall be binding on the contractor.
1.6 The work shall be executed mechanically unless otherwise directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
All dismantled unserviceable material unless otherwise stated shall be the property and
liability of the contractor who will take it away from the site of work and the rates quoted in
tender document shall deemed to have included credit of rates for the same. The decision
regarding unserviceability of material will rest, however, with Engineer-in-Charge.
1.7 The job mix of any item required shall be got designed by the contractor from CRRI / IIT,
Roorkee / IIT, Delhi / DTU, Delhi any other Govt Engg. College and approved any lab by the
competent authority of CPWD/Engineer-in-Charge. Its cost shall be borne by the contractor.
The mix shall be designed in such a proportion that minimum laboratory density of 2.2
gm/cm³ for Bituminous Macadam, 2.3 gm/ cm³ for Dense Bituminous Macadam and 2.36
gm/ cm³ for Dense Bituminous concrete is achieved. The contractor shall follow the
instructions contained in Clause 507.3.3 and 507.3.4 for D.B.M. and Clause 509.3.3 and
509.3.4 for D.B.C. of MORTH Specifications strictly and provide all necessary details as
specified there in. In case, the job mix already got designed recently (not older than
One Month) from any of above Institution is available, it can be allowed by the
Engineer-in-Charge with a condition that material should be procured form the same

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


The work shall consist of application of single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous
material to an existing Roads surface preparatory to another bituminous construction over
it. The binder used for tack coat shall be bitumen emulsion (medium setting) as specified in
nomenclature of item. The work shall be done strictly in accordance with clause 503 and
sub clause thereto of MORTH specifications for Roads & Bridge work.
The work shall consist of constructing a single layer of specified compacted thickness of
bituminous concrete consisting of crushed stone aggregate mixed with bituminous binder to
serve as wearing course laid immediately after mixing on a previously prepared base in
accordance with the requirements of specifications as laid down in clause 504 and sub-
clauses thereto of MORT & H Specifications For Road & Bridge works (Fifth revision) 2013
and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Bitumen shall conform to grade and quantity as specified in nomenclature of item. AGGREGATE
Aggregates shall consist of crushed stone aggregate conforming to grading &
specifications as laid down in paras 504.2.2. To 504.2.5 of Latest MORTH specifications
No natural aggregate or sand shall be allowed.
The work shall consist of constructing one or more layers of specified compacted thickness
of dense bituminous macadam consisting of crushed stone aggregate mixed with
bituminous binder to serve as base course laid immediately after mixing, on a previously
prepared base in accordance with the requirements of specifications as laid down in clause
507 and sub-clauses thereto of MORT&H specifications for Road & Bridge works (Fifth
revision) 2013 and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Bitumen shall conform to grade VG-30 and quantity as specified in nomenclature of item. AGGREGATE
Aggregates shall consist of crushed stone aggregate conforming to grading &
specifications as laid down in sub-clause 507.2.2 to 507.2.5 of MORT&H specifications for
Road & Bridge work (5th Revision) 2013. No natural aggregate or sand shall be allowed. FILLER
Filler shall consist of hydrated lime of grade & specification conforming to clause 507.2.4 of
MORT&H specifications.
The work shall consist of constructing a single layer of specified compacted thickness of
bituminous concrete consisting of crushed stone aggregate mixed with bituminous binder
to serve as wearing course laid immediately after mixing on a previously prepared base in
accordance with the requirements of specifications as laid down in clause 512 and sub-
clauses thereto of MORT & H Specifications For Road & Bridge works (Fifth revision) 2013
and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Bitumen shall conform to grade and quantity as specified in nomenclature of item. AGGREGATE
Aggregates shall consist of crushed stone aggregate conforming to grading &
specifications as laid down in sub-clause 512.2.2 to 512.2.5 of MORT & H Specifications
For Road & Bridge works (Fifth revision) 2013. No natural aggregate or sand shall be

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE
Filler shall consist of hydrated lime of grade & specification conforming to clause 512.2.4 of
MORT & H Specification.
The work shall consist of constructing a single layer of specified compacted thickness of
dense bituminous concrete consisting of crushed stone aggregate mixed with bituminous
binder, to serve as wearing course, laid immediately after mixing on a previously prepared
base in accordance with the requirement of specification as laid down in clause 512 and
sub-clause thereto of MORTH specifications for Roads & Bridges works (5th Revision),
2013 and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Bitumen shall conform to grade and quantity as specified in nomenclature of the item.
Aggregate shall consist of crushed stone aggregate conforming to grading & specification
as laid down in sub clause 509.2.2 to 509.2.5 of MORTH specification for Roads &
Bridges works (5th Revision), 2013. No natural aggregate or sand shall be allowed.
Filler shall consist of hydrated lime confirming to specification & grade as specified in clause
507.2.4 of MORTH specifications 2013.
The work shall consist of constructing in a single layer of 25mm/40mm thick Bitumen
Mastic wearing course for road and bridge deck. The Bitumen Mastic shall be laid over a
Dense Bituminous Macadam base/existing base, as directed, in case of road pavement
and over a Cement Concrete base in case of bridge deck. The work is to be done as per IS
5317-1987 and clause 515 of MORTH specifications for Roads & Bridges (5th Revision),
2013. The contractor shall have to use Spot Mix Plant (mastic cooker) installed, within
workable reach, at site of work.
2.7 Specification for Bitumen Grade – CRMB – 60

IS 15462 : 2004
Characteristics Grade and Requirements Method of Test, Ref. to
CRMB – 50 CRMC – 55 CRMB – 60 IS No. Annex.
Penetration at25 Deg. C, 0.1 <70 <60 <50 1203 -
mm 100 g, 5s
Softening Point, (R&B), Deg. 50 55 60 1205 -
C Min.
Flash Point, COC, Deg. C 220 220 220 1209 -
Elastic recovery of half thread 50 50 50 - A
in ductilometer at 15 Deg. C,
percent Min.
Separation, difference in 4 4 4 B
softening point (R&B) Deg. C

Viscosity at 150 Deg. C Poise 1-3 2-6 3-9 1206 (Part-I) -

Thin film oven test and test on 1.0 1.0 1.0 9382 -
a. Loss in mass, percent Max.
b. Increase in softening point, 7 6 5 1205 -
Deg. C Max.
c. Reduction in penetration of 40 40 40 1203 -
residue, at 25 Deg. C, percent
d. Elastic recovery of half thread 35 35 35 - A
in ductilometer at 25 Deg. C,
percent Min. or.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Scope: The separation of modifier and bitumen during hot storage is evaluated by comparing the
ring and ball softening point of the top and bottom samples taken from conditioned, sealed tube of
polymer-modified bitumen. The conditioning consists of placing a sealed tube of modified bitumen
in a vertical position at 163  50C in an oven for a period of 48 hours.
Modified bitumen's relative stability to separation under storage in static conditions is determined
in heated oven storage without agitation.
Aluminum Tubes – 25.4 mm (1 in.) diameter and 136.7 mm (5.5 in.) length blind aluminum tubes,
used to hold the test sample during the conditioning.
Oven, capable of maintaining 163  50C.
Freezer, capable of maintaining –6.7  50C.
Rack, capable of supporting the aluminum tubes in a vertical position in the oven and freezer.
Spatula and Hammer: - The spatula must be rigid and sharp to allow cutting of the tube
containing the sample when at a low temperature.
Procedure: Place the empty tube, with sealed end down in the rack. Heat the sample carefully
until sufficiently fluid to pour. Care should be taken to prevent localized over-heating. Pass the
molten sample through IS 600 micron sieve. After thorough stirring, pour 50.0g into the vertically
held tube. Fold the excess tube over two times, and crimp and seal.

Place the rack containing the sealed tubes in a 163  50C oven. Allow the tubes to stand
undisturbed in the oven for a period of 48  4 hour. At the end of the period, remove the rack from
the oven, and place immediately in the freezer at –6.7  50C, taking care to keep the tubes in a
vertical position at all times. Leave the tubes in the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours to solidify the
sample completely.

Upon removing the tube from the freezer, place it on a flat surface. Cut the tube into three equal
length portions with the spatula and hammer. Discard the center section, and place the top and
bottom portions of the tube into separate beakers. Place the beakers into a 163  50C oven until
the bitumen is sufficiently fluid to remove the pieces of aluminum tube.

After thoroughly stirring, pour the top and bottom samples into appropriately marked rings for the
ring-and-ball softening point test. Prepare the rings and apparatus according to Test Method IS
1205. The top and bottom samples from the same tube should be tested at the same time.
Report – Report the difference, in 0C, between the softening points of the respective top and
bottom samples as average of three specimens.


Scope: The elastic recovery of modified bitumen is evaluated by comparing recovery of thread
after conditioning for 1 hour at 150C and the specimen is elongated upto 10 cm deformation in a
ductility machine. This is intended to assess degree of bitumen modification.
Significance & Use: This test is intended to optimise dose of polymeric additive in bitumen and
help in assessing quality of CRMB.
Ductility Machine – AS per IS 1208:1978.
Thermometer – An ASTM 630C thermometer or any other standard thermometer of equivalent
range shall be used.
Scissors – Any type of conventional scissors capable of cutting modified bitumen at the test
Scale – Any transparent scale capable of measuring up to 25 cm with  1 mm accuracy.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Prepare the test specimens and condition as prescribed in Test Method IS 1208. Elongate the test
specimen at the specified rate to a deformation 10 cm at a rate of 5  0.25 cm/minute. Immediately
cut the test specimen into two halves at the midpoint using the scissors. Keep the test specimen in
the water bath in an undisturbed condition for 1 hour at specified temperature.

After the 1hour time period, move the test specimen back into position near the fixed half of the test
specimen so the two pieces of modified bitumen just touch. Record the length of the recombined
specimen as X.
Report – Calculate the percent/elastic recovery by the following procedure.
Elastic Recovery (%) = 10-X X 10 0

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


1. The contractor shall procure bitumen of required grade as specified confirming to IS: 73-
1992 with upto date amendments and other relevant codes from the manufactures of repute
like Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Hindustan Petroleum, Govt. of India and holding license to
use ISI certificate mark for their products.
2.1 Bitumen/Bitumen emulsion for tack coat shall be brought at site in sealed drums only
bearing following marking (legible)
(i) Name of Manufacturers.
(ii) Gross Wt.,Net Wt. And Tare Weight.
(iiI) Month and year of Manufacture.
(iv) Use before___________________________________(date)
(v) Type and Grade.
(vi) Batch Number.
(vii) “ISI” Certification and Standard Mark.
(viii) Name of Contractor/Supplier.
(ix) Serial No. & Total Nos. of drums in each batch.
2.1 For providing bituminous surface like BM, DBM, etc., the bitumen shall be procured either in
sealed drums or in bulk and stored at the hot mix plant site. The drums/container shall bear
the marking as mentioned in para-2.1 above.
2.3 The contractor will produce original challan/voucher for purchase of bitumen and emulsion
from IOCL/HPCL/BP/HINCOL as a proof of having purchased the material form
manufacturer. The voucher/challan shall be returned to the contractor after verification and
making necessary endorsement.
2.4 Bitumen of specified grade shall be brought to plant site in one lot for theoretical requirement
upto 100 tonnes and in lots of 100 tonnes or more for theoretical requirement of more than
100 tonnes. The day to day receipt and issue accounts of bitumen shall be maintained by the
junior Engineer in charge and signed daily by the contractor or his authorised agent on the
following proforma:-


Date of Qty. Progressive Date Qty. Total Cont.‟s JE‟s
Receipt Received. Total. of Issued. Issued Balance initial initial
Issue in hand
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Item of Work for Appx. Qty. of Theoretical Remarks Initial of

Which issued work done on each 71fulfillment of AE/AEE/EE
day bitumen for work Ex. Eng.
done on each day?
10 11 12 13 14

2.5 When bitumen is issued /brought in drums, the same shall be stacked in fenced enclosures to
be provided by the contractor at his own cost, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge on one
side of the roadway. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch & ward and safety of
bitumen. The contractor shall facilitate the inspection of bitumen stockyard by the Engineer-in-
Charge or his representative at any time.
2.6 Material shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor and the representative of the
Engineer-in-charge. The empty containers shall not be removed from the site of work till the
relevant item of work has been completed and permission obtained from the Engineer-in-
Charge. No heating of bitumen in drums for any purpose whatsoever shall be allowed.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


3 The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificate issued by manufacturer to the
Engineer-un-Charge in respect of bitumen procured by him. The samples shall be collected at
discretion of Engineer-in-Charge and got tested as per provisions of IS:73/MORTH/CPWD
specification from the laboratories approved by him.
4. The contractor shall supply free of charge, the bitumen required for testing. The cost of
specimen sample shall be borne by contractor.

In case the test result indicate that the bitumen procured by the contractor does not
Conform to the relevant BIS codes/specification, the same lot shall rejected and shall be
removed from the site of work by the contractor at his own cost within a week‟s time of written
order from Engineer-in-Charge to do so.
The bitumen content in bituminous mix shall be checked by conducting the bitumen extraction

Conforming to IRCII at regular interval on the completion of work, the actual consumption of
bitumen shall be worked out based on such test results. The theoretical consumption shall be
worked out based on the design mix formula and the actual consumption (based on extraction
test as well as MAS account) if found less than theoretical one, the recovery shall be made
from contractor for less use of bitumen. However, nothing extra shall be paid if actual
consumption so worked out is higher than theoretical consumption. This is without prejudice to
action under relevant clause of the agreement.

Bitumen brought to site/Hot Mix Plant and bitumen remaining unused after completion of work
shall not be removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.

NOTE:- Nothing extra shall be paid for cartage of bitumen to the site of work.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE



Test Frequency Ref. Codes
1. Particle size and 1. At the beginning for approval IS::383-1970
Shape of each source and change IS: 2386
of source (part – I) - 1963
a) Sieve Analysis 2. Once in week
b) Flakiness Index and
Elongation Index
2. Deleterious 1. At the beginning for approval IS : 383-1970
Materials of each source and change IS : 2386 (part –
of source II) – 1963
2. One in 3 months
3. Specific Gravity and 1. At the beginning for approval IS : 383-1970
Density of each source and change IS : 2386 (part –
of source III) – 1963
2. Once in a Fortnight
4. Mechanical IS : 383-1970
Properties IS : 2386 (part –
IV) – 1963
a) Aggregate Crushing 1. At the beginning for approval
Value of each source and change
of source
b) Impact Value 2. Once in a week
c) 10 percent fines 1. At the beginning for approval
of each source and change
of source
d) Abrasion Value 2. Once in 3 months
5. 1. At the beginning for approval IS : 383-1970
I. Soundness of each source and change IS : 2386 (part –
of source V) – 1963
2. Once in 3 months
6. Surface moisture 1. At the beginning for approval IS : 383-1970
content of each source and change IS : 2386 (part –
of source III) – 1963
2. At every change of mix
3. Every time making the
7. 1. At the beginning for approval IS : 383-1970
II. Alkali Reactivity of each source and change IS : 2386 (part –
of source VII) – 1963
2. Once in 3 months
8. Petrographic 1. At the beginning for approval IS : 383-1970
Examination of each source and change IS : 2386 (part –
of source. VIII) – 1963
a) Trade Group 2. Once in 3 months
b) Petrological name
and Description
c) Description of Bulk
d) Particle shape
e) Surface texture

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Test Frequency Ref. Codes
1. Particle size 1. At the beginning for approval IS::383-1970
of each source and change IS: 2386
of source (part – I) – 1963
2. Once in a month
2. Deleterious 1. At the beginning for approval IS::383-1970
Materials of each source and change IS: 2386
of source (part – II) –
2. Once in a month
3. Silt Content 1. At the beginning for approval
of each source and change
of source
2. Once Daily
4. Specific Gravity and 1. At the beginning for approval IS::383-1970
Density of each source and change IS: 2386
of source (part – III) –
2. Once in 3 months
5. 1. At the beginning for approval IS::383-1970
III. Water of each source and change IS: 2386
absorption of source (part – III) –
2. Daily
6. Soundness 1. At the beginning for approval IS::383-1970
of each source and change IS: 2386
of source (part – U) –
2. Once in 3 months

Test Frequency Ref. Codes
1. 1. Once at beginning for IS : 456:2000
IV. Chemical Analysis approval of each source and
change of source
a) pH value 2. Once in a months
b) Chlorides (as Cl) 3. Chemical Tests daily in the IS:3025 (Part
site Laboratory with testing 24)
c) Sulphates (as SO3) IS:3025 (Part
d) Neuterlisation with IS:3025 (Part
NaOH (with 22)
phenolphathalein as
e) Neuterlisation with IS:3025 (Part
H2SO4 23)

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

2. Physical Analysis
a) Suspended matter 1. Once at beginning for IS:3025 (Part
approval of each source and 17)
change of source
b) Organic matter 2. Once in 3 months IS:3025 (Part
c) Inorganic matter IS:3025 (Part

(a) Bituminous Macadam (BM)
(b) Dense graded Bituminous Macadam (DBM)
(c) Bituminous Concrete (BC)

Test Frequency Ref. Codes
1. CaCo3 Content 1. At the beginning for IS:1195-1978
approval of each source and
change of source

2. Sieve Analysis 2. One test for every 5MT of

lime consumption


Hot applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Paint.

A. Thermoplastic Paint Material.

a. The paint material shall confirm to section 803.4 of MORTH specification (5th
Revision), 2013 including the amendments made till the date of issue of the tender.
b. The Paint material shall be obtained only form the reputed manufacturers of
thermoplastic road marking paint such as, CBM, S.N. Industries or any other
Manufacturer approved by Engineer-in-Charge having monthly production
capacity of 1000 MT and registered with Directorate of Industries of India with In
House Quality Assurance facility.
B. Application
The road marking shall be done as per the conditions laid down in section
803.6 of MORTH specifications (5th Revision), 2013 including the amendments made till
the date of issue of the tender.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Minimum Quality Assurance Plan (for the work costing more than 10 lac)

1. Tests as per Annexure-A of NIT which are mandatory as per CPWD specification 2019
Vol I & II are to be carried out by the contractor. While deciding these criteria CPWD
Specifications & Provisions of BIS Code and Standard Practices may be referred if not
mentioned in the annexure mentioned above.

2. Machinery and other Tool & Plants required to be deployed at site by the contractor as per
Annexure requirement of Entire Machinery and T&P may not be required at the start of
work, therefore, a proper time schedule by which each Machinery & T&P is to be brought
at site should be submitted by the contractor to the site staff before start of the work.

3. Field laboratory is required if necessary for this work then testing equipments to be
arranged by the contractor are mentioned Annexure B of NIT If field lab is to be setup by
the Department then contractor may be allowed for conducting the test there.

4. Maintenance of Register of Tests -

(i) All the registers of tests carried out at Construction Site or in outside laboratories shall be
maintained by the contractor which shall be issued to the contractor by Engineer-in-charge
at the time of issue of award letter.

(ii) All Samples of materials including Cement Concrete Cubes shall be taken by Contractor
jointly with JE in charge of work and out of this at least 50% samples shall be taken in
presence of AE in charge. If there is no JE, all Samples of materials including Cement
Concrete Cubes shall be taken by contractor in presence of AE in charge of work. All the
necessary assistance shall be provided by the contractor. Cost of sample materials is to be
borne by the contractor and he shall be responsible for safe custody of samples to be tested
at site. The material used in the work shall be as per the list of approved material
mentioned in Annexure-C.

(iii) All the test in field lab setup at Construction Site shall be carried out by the Engineering
Staff deployed by the contractor in presence of JE-in-charge and at least 50% of tests in
presence AE-in-charge. At least 10% of tests shall be carried out in presence of Executive

(iv) All the entries in the registers will be made by the designated Engineering Staff of the
contractor and same should be presented before JE/AE/Divisional Engineer for their

(v) Contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of all the test registers.

5. It is mandatory to the contractor to submit copy of all test registers, Material at Site
Register and hindrance register along with each alternate Running Account Bill and Final
Bill. These registers shall further be checked by AE in Division Office and receipts of
registers should also be acknowledged by Accounts Officer by signing the copies and
register to confirm receipt in Division office.

If all the test registers and hindrance register is not submitted by contractor along with each
alternate R/A Bill & Final Bill, no payment shall be released to the contractor.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

6. Maintenance of Material at Site (MAS) Register -

(i) All the MAS Registers including Cement and Steel Registers shall be maintained by
Contractor which shall be issued to the contractor by Engineer-in-charge along with
the award letter.

(ii) The contractor shall get 100% test checked by JE or by AE if there is no JE after
each entry of receipt of material at site in MAS register.

(iii) The contractor shall get MAS Register test checked by JE at least twice a week and
at least once a week by AE. If JE is not available then MAS register must be
checked by AE at least twice a week.

(iv) Cement register shall be got reviewed by Divisional Engineer at least once in a

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


Material Clause Test Field/ Test Min. Frequency of testing

Laboratory procedure quantity
test of
out the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Water 3.1.1 (i) PH Value Lab IS 3025 - Water from each source
(ii) Limits of Acidity Lab shall be got tested before
(iii) Limits of Alkality Lab the commencement of
(iv) Percentage of solids work and thereafter once
a) Chlorides Lab in every One Month till
b) Suspended Lab the completion of the
matter Lab work. Water from
c) Sulphates Lab municipal source need be
d) Inorganic Lab tested only once in One
solids Month. Number of tests
e) Organic solids for each source shall be 3.
Cement 3.1.2 (a) Physical requirement
(i) Fineness Lab IS 4031 (Part II) Each lot Every 50 tonnes or part
(ii) Soundness Lab IS 4031 (Part III) thereof. Each brand of
(iii) Setting time (initial & Lab IS 4031 (Part V) cement brought to site
Final) shall be tested as per this
(iv) Compressive strength Lab IS 4031 (Part VI) frequency.
(v) Consistency of standard
cement paste Lab IS 4031 (Part VI)
Sand Organic impurities Field Appendix „A‟ 20 cum Every 20 cum or part
thereof or more frequently
as decided by Engineer-in-
charge. Silt Content Field Appendix C 20 cum Every 20 cum or part
thereof or more frequently
as decided by Engineer-in-
charge. Particle size distribution a, b, c, d, Field or Appendix B 40 cum 40 cum or part thereof.
&e Labour as
decided by
the Engineer
in charge Bulking of sand Field Appendix D 20 cum Every 20 cum or part
thereof or more frequently
as decided by Engineer in
Steel tubular 10.13 (a) Tensile Test Laboratory IS 1608 Every 8 Every 8 tonne or part
pipes (b) Bend Test IS 2329 tonne or thereof.
(c) Flattening Test IS 2328 part thereof.
Steel if 10.1.1 (a) Tensile strength Laboratory IS 1599 20 tonne Every 20 tonne or part
arranged by (b) Bend Test thereof.
the contractor
Bricks/Brick 6.1.3 Testing of bricks/brick tiles for Laboratory Appendix A,B,C As per the Every 50000 or part
tiles 6.1.4 dimensions, Comprehensive &D of Chapter 6 Table 6.3 thereof or more frequently
6.1.5 strength, Water absorption and and 6.4 as decided by Engineer in
efflorescence charge.
Stone (a) Percentage of soft or delirious Field or IS 2386-Part-II As required For all quantities
aggregate material laboratory by
Test as Engineer-
required in-charge Particle size Field/Lab Appendix-„A‟ 45 Cum For every 45 cum or part
thereof for RCC work
only. For test of items as
decided by Engineer-in-
Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

charge (a) Estimation of organic Field/Lab IS 2386-Part-II 10 Cum For every 40 cum or part
impurities thereof
(b) Surface moisture Field/Lab IS 2386 10 Cum -do-
(c) Determination of 10% fine Field/Lab IS 2386 10 Cum -do-
(d) Specific gravity Field/Lab IS 2386 10 Cum -do-
(e) Bulk density Field/Lab IS 2386 10 Cum -do-
(f) Aggregate crusing strength Field/Lab IS 2386 10 Cum -do-
(g) Aggregate impact value Field/Lab IS 2386 10 Cum -do-
Concrete 4.2.2 Slump Test Field Appendix –„D‟ 10 Cum 15 cum of part thereof
Timber 9.1.6 Moisture Content Field (by Appendix-„C‟ 1 Cum Every one cum or part
moisture thereof.
test as
required by
APP 22.12 Physical & Chemical, density, -- -- -- Important Physical and
Membrane viscosity and thickness of APP Chemical parameter of the
APP membrane shall be as
per item of the agreement.
Frequency of testing as
required and decisided by
the Engineer-in-Charge for
all quantity.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Field Testing Instruments

1. Steel tapes – 3m
2. Vernier calipers
3. Micrometer screw 25mm gauge
4. A good quality plumb bob
5. Spirit level, minimum 30cms long with 3 bubbles for horizontal vertical
6. Wire gauge (circular type) disc
7. Foot rule
8. Long nylon thread
9. Magnifying glass
10. Screw driver 30cms long
11. Ball pin hammer, 100 gms
12. Plastic bags for taking samples
13. Balances
(i) 7 kg. to 10 kg. capacity, semi self-indicating type –accuracy 10gm.
(ii) 500 gm. Capacity, semi-self-indicating type – accuracy 1 gm.
(iii) Pan balance – 5 Kg. capacity – accuracy 10 gms.
14. Ovens (if required)-electrically operated, thermostatically controlled upto
110oC – Sensitivity 1oC.
15. Sieves: as per IS 460-1962 (if required)-.
(i) I.S. sieves – 450mm internal dia, of sizes 100mm, 80mm, 63mm, 50mm,
40mm, 25mm, 20mm, 12.5mm, 10mm, 6.3mm, 4.75mm, complete with lid and
(ii) I.S.. sieves – 200 internal dia (brass frame) consisting of 2.36mm, 1.18mm,
600 microns, 425 microns, 300 microns, 212 microns, 150 microns, 90
microns, 75 microns, with lid and pan.
16. Sieve shaker capable of 200mm and 300mm dia sieves, manually operated with
timing switch assembly.
17. Equipment for slump test (if required)-slup cone, steel plate, tamping rod, steel
scale, scoop.
18. Dial gauges (if required)-, 25mm travel – 0.01 mm/division least count – 2nis.
19. Graduate measuring cylinders 200ml capacity – 3 nos.
20. Enamel trays (for efflorescence test for bricks).
(i) 300mm x 250mm x 40mm - 2 nos.
(ii) Circular plates of 250mm dia – 4 nos.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE


Specification/brands names of materials (Refer materials, whichever are applicable for the scope of
work) and finishes approved by the Architect/Engineer-in-Charge are listed below. However
approved equivalent materials and finishes of any other specialized firms may be used, in case it is
established that the brands specified below are not available in the market and subject to approval of
the alternate brand by the Architect/Engineer-in-Charge, (See also conditions of contract).

S.No. Material Description
Brand Make
1 Chloropyriphos PIRAMID AMVAC AGRI RASAYAN Pvt. Ltd.
NOBAN Chemtts Wets & Flows Pvt. Ltd.
Premise Agenda Bayer Ltd.
HILBAN Hindustan Insecticides Ltd.
Sarups Pest Control Sarups Pest Control Ltd.
2. Ordinary Portland ACC ACC cements Ltd.
Cement (43 grade)/Portland Ultra Tech Ultra Tech Cement Ltd.
Pozzolana Cement Vikram
Shree Cement Shree Cement
Ambuja Cement Ambuja Cements Ltd.
Jaypee Cement Jaypee Cement Ltd.
Century Cement Birla Gold Cement
J. K. Cement J.K. Cement Pvt. Ltd.
3. Damp Proof Material MAPEI MAPEI Construction Products India P Ltd.
Ferrous crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Impermo Snowcem Paints
Duraseal Apurva India Pvt. Ltd.
ACCO Proof ACC Cement Ltd.
Dr. Fixit Pidilite Industries
Fosroc Fosroc Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd.
CICO CICO Industries
SIKA Sika India Pvt. Ltd
PIDILITE Pidilite Industries
BASF BASF India Ltd.
4. TMT Bars Fe-500D SAIL Steel Authority of India Ltd.
JSW JSW Steel Ltd.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Plasticiser &Super Plasticiser Contrament, Power flow MC Bauchemie (India) Pvt. Ltd.
5. Sunanda Chemicals Sunanda Chemicals Ltd.
MYK Schomburg MYK Arments Range of products
Plastiment Sikament Sika India Pvt. Ltd.
Conplast SP430 FOSROC India
Chryso-HP/Delta/Optima Chryso India Pvt. Ltd.
BASF BASF India Ltd.
CICO CICO Industries
6. Expansion Joint Bitumen Dura board HD 100 Supreme Industries
Board STP Shalimar Tar Products
DURAFILL Supreme Industries
7. Post tensioning System CRUX Crux Processing systems Pvt Ltd.
VSL VSL India Pvt Ltd.
Ultracon Ultracon Structural Systems Pvt. Ltd
BBR BBR (India) Pvt. Ltd.
8. PT Strands DP wires D.P. Wires Ltd.
TATA wiron TATA Steel Ltd.
Usha Martin Usha Martin Ltd.
9. Dunlop India Tyre & Rubber Co (India) Ltd.
Adhesive Vamorganic Vamorganic Ltd.
Sika Sika India Pvt. Ltd
Fevicol Pidilite Industries
CICO CICo Industries
Proofex of adhesive FOSROC India Ltd.
10. Grout Ardex Ardex Endura Adhesive India Pvt. Ltd
Ferrous crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
BASF BASF India Ltd.
FosrocGP2 Fosroc India Ltd
MYK Schomburg MYK Arments range of products
Fugabella, Porcelana Kerakoll India Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. Fixit Pidilite Industries
Weber Saint-Gobin India Pvt. Ltd.
11. Ready Mix Concreate Ultra Tech Ultra Tech Concrete
RMC (India) RMC (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Lafarge Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd.
V.K. Ready Mix Concrete V.K. Ready Mix Concrete Pvt. Ltd.
12. AAC Blocks Xtralite Ultra tech Cement Ltd.
Areocon HIL
Nucon Green way building materials India Pvt. Ltd.
Renacon Renaatus Procon Pvt. Ltd.
13. Wooden Flush door shutters Jayna Flush Doors Jain Wood Industries
Raavella door Raavella Industries (P) Ltd.
Kailash Kailash Hi tech Timber Industries India Pvt. Ltd.
Indian Timber Products Indian Timber Product
Shakthi Shree Shakthi Modern Flush doors
Greenlam Greenlam Ply Industries Ltd.
Mayur Mayur Ply Industries Ltd.
MP Ply wood product MP Wood products
Kitply Kitply Industries Ltd.
Duro Flushdoors Duro Ply Industries Ltd.
Kenwood Kenwood Ply & Board
Century Century Flush Doors
BHUTAN TUFF M/s Amit Decorative Plywood Pvt. Ltd.
Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

14. Water Proof Plywood, Jayna Ply Jain Wood Industries

Commercial ply, Fire retardant Green Ply Green ply Industries Ltd.
ply and Block boards Kitply Kitply Industries Ltd.
Duroply Duro ply Industries Ltd.
Archidply Archid ply Industries Ltd.
Century ply Century Flush Doors
BHUTAN TUFF M/s Amit Decorative Plywood Pvt. Ltd.
15. Laminate Green Lam Green lam Industries Ltd.
Centuray Centuray laminates
Merino Merino laminates
Archidply Archid ply industries Ltd.
Sonear Sonear Laminates
Royal touche Royal touche laminates
Kitmica Kitply Industries Ltd.
Sunmica Sunmica Industries
Vidya Ply
Formica Formica Laminates (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Decolam Decolam India Pvt. Ltd.
VIRGO Virgo Laminates Ltd.
16. Prelaminated particle board Novapan GVK Novapan Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Exterior Grade Merino Marino laminates
TESA Action Co. TESA Action Co.
Ecoboard Ecoboard Industries Ltd.
Associate Associate Décor Limited
Archid ply Achid ply industries Ltd.
Centuary Centuary MDF
Green Lam Green Lam Industries Ltd.
17. High Density (HDF) Pergo Red Floor India
Prelaminated board TESA Action Co. Action TESA Board.
Green ply Green Ply Industries Ltd.
18. Gypsum board Gyproc Saint Goblin Saint Goblin Gyprock India Ltd.
Lafarge Lafarge Gypsum India Pvt. Ltd.
USG Boral Board USG Board India (P) Ltd.
Armstrong Armstrong wold Industries
19. Glass door hardware Dorma Dorma India Pvt Ltd.
Kich Kich Architectural Products Ltd.
Classic Classic hardware
Squash Squash glass doors
Hafele Hafele India Pvt. Ltd.
Ozone Ozone Hardware
Geze Geze GMBH
Dorset Dorset Industries Pvt. Ltd.
20. Hydraulic door closers/Floor Godrej Godrej locking solutions & systems
springs Hardwyn Hardwyn hardware
Magnum Kit Mukund Overseas
Dorma Dorma India Pvt. Ltd.
Everite Everite agencies
Dorset Dorset Industries Pvt Ltd.
21. Locks & Latches Dorset Dorset Industries Pvt Ltd.
Godrej Godrej locking solutions & systems
Hitech Globe Locks India
Hafele Hafele India Pvt. Ltd.
Harrison Harrison Locks
Plaza Bharat Lock House
Yale ASSA ABLOY India (P) Ltd.
Link Link locks

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

22. Metalic / Steel Fire Door Shakthi Hormann Shakthi Hormann pvt. Ltd.
Promot Promot fire & Insulation (P) Ltd.
MPP Schodders MPP Technology Pvt. Ltd.
NAVAIR NAVAIR International Pvt. Ltd.
Signumfire Protection Signumfire Protection Pvt. Ltd
Sukri Sukri Fire Doors Pvt. Ltd.
Kenwood Kenwood Ply & Board
Godrej Godrej Security solutions
PACIFIC M/s Pacific Fire Control Pvt. Ltd.
23. Fire Smoke Seal Hilti Hilti India Pvt. Ltd.
Promat Promat fire & Insulation (P) Ltd.
Atroflame Atroflame Ltd.
Raven Raven Global
24. Fire rated hardware Dorma Dorma India Pvt. Ltd
Ingersolrand Ingersolrand (India) Ltd.
Dorset Dorset Industries Pvt Ltd
Backers FS Backers FS
Geze Geze GMbH
25. Non Metalic Fire door NAVAIR NAVAIR International Pvt. Ltd.
Promat Promat fire & Insulation (P) Ltd.
Godrej Godre Security solutions
Kenwood Kenwood Ply & Board
PACIFIC M/s Pacific Fire Control Pvt. Ltd.
26. Stainless steel screws Kundan Kundan Industries Ltd.
Alloy Alloy ltd.
GKW GKW Limited
Nettlefold Nettleold screws
Pooja Pooja Steel Corportion
Atul Atul fasteners ltd.
27. Butt Hinges openable window Hafela Hafele India Pvt. Ltd.
shutters Earlt Bihari Earlt Bihari India Pvt. Ltd
Dorma Dorma India Pvt. Ltd.
Dorset Dorset Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Alu Alpha Alu Alpha India
28. Mild Steel Butt Hinges / Piano Jolly Jolly Engineering works
Supreme Supreme
Saswat Saswat
Deepak Deepak
Swift Swift screws
Garg D.P. Garg & Company
Amit Lovely metal industries Pvt. Ltd.
Jyoti Jyoti Architectural Pvt. Ltd.
29. Stainless steel Butt Hinges Prayag Prayag Polymers (P) Ltd.
Ozone Ozone Hardware.
Dorma Dorma India Pvt. Ltd.
30. Concealed tower bolt Dorma Dorma India Pvt. Ltd.
Ingersolrand Ingersolrand (India ) ltd.
DORSET Dorset Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Alu Alpha Alu Alpha India
31. UPVC doors, door frames and Fenesta Fenasta DCM Shriman
windows Encraft Encraft India Pvt. Ltd.
LG LG India Pvt. Ltd.
Rehau Rehau Unlimited Polymer Solutions
Aluplast Alu Alpha India
Komarling Profile India Window Technology Pvt Ltd.
Duroplast Duro Plast Extursion Pvt. Ltd.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

32. PVC Doors and Frames, Sheet Accucel Accura polytech pvt. Ltd.
& Board Sintex Sintex plastic technology Ltd.
Duroplast Duroplast Extrusion Pvt ltd
Polyline Polyline Extrusion Pvt Ltd.
JAYNA Jain Wood Indurstries
Rajshri Rajshri Plastiwood
33. Stainless friction hinges Hetich Hitch India Pvt. Ltd
Haffle Haffle India Pvt. Ltd.
Securistyle Securistyle India Pvt. Ltd
Earl Bihari Earl Bihari India Pvt. Ltd.
ROTO ROTO Frank Asia
34. Float Glass Saint Gobain Saint Gobain India Pvt. Ltd.
Asahi Asahi India glass Ltd.
Pilkinton Pilkinton India Pvt. Ltd.
Modiguard Gujarat Guardian Ltd.
Gold Plus Gold Plus Glass Industry Limited.
35. Reflective glass Saint Gobain Saint Gobain India Pvt. Ltd.
Asahi Asahi India glass Ltd.
Pilkinton Pilkinton India
Modifloat Gujarat Guardian Ltd.
36. Tempered reflective/ clear Saint Gobain Saint Gobain India Pvt. Ltd
glass FUSO FUSO Glass India Pvt. Ltd
Gurind Gurind India
Asahi Asahi India glass Ltd.
Modiguard Gujarat Guardian Ltd.
Impact safety Impact safety glass works Pvt. Ltd
37. Fire rated glass Contra flam/ Pyroswiss of Saint Gobain India Pvt. Ltd.
Saint Gobain
Promat Prmat fire & Insulation (P)Ltd.
Pyran of Schott Schott glass India Pvt. Ltd.
Pilkinton Pilkinton India
38. Anchor/ SS Stone Cladding Hilti Hilti India Pvt. Ltd.
Clamps/Dash Fasteners Fischer Fischer India
Anchor Anchor ltd.
Canon Cannon
Wurth Wuerth India Pvt. Ltd
Trixel Axel India Pvt. Ltd.
Helfen Helfen Gmbh
39. Structural Steel SAIL SAIL
40. Stainless steel Salem SAIL
Connect Connect Ltd.
Ark Product Pvt. Ltd. Ark Product Pvt. Ltd.
Jindal JSW
41. Stainless steel Bolts, washers, Kundan Kundan Industries Ltd.
nuts Pooja Pooja Steel Corrporation
Atul Atul fasterners Ltd.
Hilti Hilti India Pvt. Ltd.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

42. Stainless steel pressure plate Kundan Kundan Industries Ltd.

screws Pooj Pooja Steel Corrporation
Atul Atul fasterners Ltd.
43. Welding rods Advani Advani oerlikon Ltd.
ESAB ESAB India Pvt. Ltd.
44. Metal Deck Sheet TATA TATA STEEL
45. Shear Stud/Connector KOCO KOSTER & Co.
46. Vitrified tiles AGL Asian Granite India Ltd
Marbito Marbito tiles
RAK RAK Ceramic India Pvt. Ltd.
Restile Restile Ceramic Ltd.
Kajaria Kajaria Ceramic Ltd.
Somany Somany Ceramic Ltd
Jhonson Prism Jhonson Ltd.
Vamora Granito Varmora Granito Granite Pvt. Ltd.
Naveen Murudeshwar Ceramics Ltd.
Viero Aprna tiles.
47. Glazwd Ceramic tiles (Also AGL Asian Granite India Ltd.
wall tiles NITCO NITCO Ltd.
RAK RAK Ceramic India Pvt. Ltd
Kajaria Kajaria Ceramic Ltd.
Somany Somany Ceramic Ltd.
Jhonson Prism Jhonson Ltd.
Varmora Granito Varmora Granito Granite Pvt. Ltd.
Naveen Murudeshwar Ceramics Ltd.
48. Synthetic Sports flooring Armstrong Armstrong flooring
LG LG Hausys India
Wondorfloor RMG Polyvinyl India Ltd.
49. Linoleum sports flooring Armstrong Armstrong flooring India Pvt Ltd.
Forbo Forbo flooring India Pvt. Ltd.
LG Hausys India LG Hausys Flooring
50. False Floor Hewetson Hewetson India
Access floor system Access floor system
Unifloor Unifloor India Ltd
Unitile Unitile Office systems Pvt. Ltd.
Kebao Inner Space (Distributors)
51. Engineered wood floor Armstrong Armstrong flooring
Mikasa Real wood floors Green Lam industries
New wood New wood India Ltd.
Werner Durafloor Werner GmbH
Pergo Redfloor India
52. Floor spring (For non DSR Dorma Dorma India Pvt Ltd.
items ) Ingersolrand Ingersolrand India Pvt Ltd.
OZONE Ozone Hardware.
53. Cement concrete parking tiles NITCO NITCO Ltd.
Poddar Poddar Udyog
Dalal Dalal Tiles Private Limited.
Eurocon Eurocon tiles India
Dazzle Dazzle Designer tiles Pvt. Ltd.
NTC NTC Parking tiles
Hindustan tiles Hindustan tiles, Ranchi Pune
Ultra Ultra tile private Ltd.
54. Synthetic Carpet tiles TOLI TOLI corporation
Hollitex Hollitex carper tiles
Standard Carpelts Standard Carpets
Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

55. Vitrified paving tiles PAVIT PAVIT ceramics Pvt. Ltd.

56. Glass mosaic tiles Italia Tile Italia mosaics Pvt. Ltd.
Coral Coral tiles
Mridul Mridul tiles
Palladio Palladio Mosaics
Bisazza Bisazza Italy
Birla White Birla Corportion Ltd.
JK White JK Cement Ltd.
PAVIT (Eco Tile) PAVIT Ceramics Pvt. Ltd.
57. Thermal Insulation treatment Pidilite Pidilite industries
Elastospray BASF
Rock India Pvt. Ltd. Rock India Pvt. Ltd.
58. Acoustic Insulation/ Twingerinsul U. P. Twiga fiber glass Ltd.
Acoustical Wall Panelling Lloyd Insulation Lloyd Insulation (India)Ltd.
Saint Gobain Gyproc Saint Gobaing Gyproc India
Himalyan Acoustics Himalyan Acoustics
Knauf Knauf Gypsum India Pvt. Ltd.
Anutone Anutone Acoustics Ltd.
GYPTECH Gyptech Systems Pvt. Ltd.
59. UPVC Pivpes and fittings Supreme Supreme Industries Ltd.
(Rain water Pipes) Prince Prince pipes and fittings Ltd.
Finolex Finoles Industries Ltd.
Prepoly Premier PVC Industry
Astral Astral polytechnic Ltd.
Ashirwad Ashirwad PVC Pipes
Flow Guard Flow Guard
60. Sandwich PUF paneled Lloyd Insulation Lloyd Insulation (India) Ltd.
roofing sheets JINDAL Mectec Pvt. Ltd.
Danpalon Danapal Light architecture
GE Plastic GE Silicones
61. Polycorbanate Sheet GE Lexon GE Silicones
Danpalon Danapal Light architecture
Polygal Polygal India Pvt. Ltd.
62. Tile False Ceilings Aerolite Andhra Polymers Pvt. Ltd./Aerolite Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Anutone Anutone Accoustics Ltd.
Armstrong Armstrong World Industries
Gridsquare Gridsquare Ceilings
Knauf Knauf Gypsum India Pvt. Ltd.
USG Boral USG Boral
Hunter Dougals Hunter Dougals
Saint Gobain Gyproc Saint Gobaing Gyproc India
GYPTECH Gyptech Systems Pvt. Ltd.
63. False Ceiling Members Armstrong Armstrong World Industries
(Perimeter, Ceiling section, Aerolite Andhra Polymers Pvt. Ltd. /Aerolite Industries Pvt. Ltd
intermediates, angles etc,) Gridsquare Gridsquare Ceilings
Gypframe steel British Gypsum
Knauf Knauf Gypsum India Pvt. Ltd.
Lloyd Lloyd Insulation (India ) Ltd.
Saint Gobain Saint Gobain Gyproc
GYPTECH Gyptech Systems Pvt. Ltd.
64. Synthetic enamel Paint Premium gloss enamel Asian Paint Ltd
Dulex ICI dulex Ltd.
Nerolac Nerolac Paints Ltd
Berger Berger Paints
Nippon Nippon Paint India Ltd.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

65. Pink primer Wood primer Asiant Paint

Dulex ICI dulex
Nerolac Nerolac Kansia Nerolac Paints Ltd.
Berger Berger Paints
Nippon Nippon
66. Red Oxide Zinc Chromate High performance yellow Asian paint
primer metal primer
Dulex ICI dulex
Nerolac Nerolac
Berger Berger Paints
Nippon Nippon
67. Oil Bound Distemper Tractor Aqalock Asian paint
Dulux (Maxilite) Dulux
MG Polyplast Nerolac
Berger (Bisom) Berger Paints
68. Acrylic emulsion Premium emulsion Asian Paint
Dulux (Super Cover) ICI Dulux
Nerolac (Beauty Gold) Nerolac
Berger(BISM) Berger Paints
69. Water Proof Cement paint Asian exterial wall primer Asian Panit
Berger Berger Paints
Surfa Surfacoats (India ) Pvt. Ltd
Cem Colour Snowcem Paints
70. Acrylic smooth exterior paint Dulux ICI dulux
Apex Asian Paints
Nerolac Nerolac
Berger Berger
Nippon Nippon
71. Premium Acrylic smooth ULTIMA Asian paint
exterior paint with silicon Dulux ICI dulux
additives Nerolac Nerolac
Berger Berger
72. Cement based wall putty J.K. wall putty J.K. Cement Ltd.
Birla wall care Birla Cememts Ltd.
Asian Paints Asian paints ltd.
Altek NCL Alltek &seccold Ltd.
Berger Berger
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura India Pvt. Ltd
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India ) Pvt. Ltd.
73. Acrylic texured plaster Apex Duracast Asian Paints
Spectrum paints Spectrum paints Ltd.
Heritage Heritage Rajkamal Group
Asian Paints Asian Paints
Neroloc Neroloc
74. Ready mix cement plaster Readi Plast Ultratech cements Ltd.
Gyproc Plasters Saint Gobain Gyproc India
Ultra tech Ultra tech Cement Ltd.
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
75. Melamine Polish Asian Paints Asian paints
Melamine Gold wudfin Pidilite industries
Polycure Polycure Malaysia

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

76. Fire retardant paint Jotun Jotun Paints

Hilti Hilti India
Akzonobel Dulex Akzonobel Paints
Asian Paints Asian Paints
77. Anticorrosive bitumastic paint Berger Berger Paints India Ltd.
Shalimar Shalimar paints India ltd.
IS 158 bituminous black Asian Paints
78. Cement primer Asian Paints Asian paints
JK Primaxx JK Cement Ltd
Berger Berger Paints India Ltd.
79. Epoxy paint Asian epoxy Asian paints
Berger Berger Paints India ltd.
Shalimar Shalimar paints
STP Ltd. Shalimar Tal Products
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura India Pvt. Ltd.
Nerolac Nerolac
80. Epoxy coating BASF BASF India Ltd.
Fosroc Fosroc India
Laticrete MYK Laticrete India
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura India Pvt. Ltd
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
81. Silicon Coating Dow corning Dow corning India
GE GE Silicones
Wacker Wacker silicones
82. Interlocking Concrete Paver Dazzle Dazzle designer tiles (P) Ltd.
Blocks Dalal Dalal Tiles Private Limited.
Ultra Ultra tiles Pvt. Ltd
Shree Shree Bharat Paver blocks
Hindustan tiles Hindustan tiles Ranchi Pune
Vyara tiles VYARA TILES Pvt. Ltd./ Surat
K.K. KK Concrete Products Pvt. Ltd
Terrafirma Terrafirma GRC Industries
83. Solar studs/ Median markers 3M 3M Science
Avery Dennison Avery Dennison India Pvt Ltd.
Nikkalite Nippon carbide Industries (USA)
84. Polycorbonate Convex Unique safety solutions Unique safety solutions
mirrors, Rubberised road hump
85. Mirror Modi Guard Gujarat Guardian Ltd.
Saint Gobain Saint Gobain Glass India Ltd.
AIS mirror Asahi India glass Ltd.
Atul Atul glass Industries Ltd.
Gold Plus Gold Plus Glass Industry Limited.
86. Vitreous Commodes/ Hindware HSIL Ltd.
Washbasin KEROVIT Kajaria Bathware
Roca ROCA Bath room Product
Parryware ROCA Bath Pvt. Ltd.
Kohler Kohler world wide
CERA CERA Sanitaryware Ltd,
Jaquar Jaquar Group
87. Flushing Cistern Parryware ROCA Bath Pvt. Ltd.
Hindware HSIL Ltd.
CERA CERA Sanitaryware Ltd.
Jaquar Jaquar Group
Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

88. SWR PVC Pipes & fittings Supreme Supreme Industries Ltd.
Astral Astral polytechnic ltd.
Finolex Finolex Industries Ltd.
Flowgard Ashirwad PVC Pipes
Prince Prince Pipes and fittings
89. Stainless Steel Kitchen sink Jhonson Prision Jhonson Ltd.
Diamond Pheonix Appliances Pvt. Ltd.
Jindal Centuary polytech
Nilkanth Nilkant
Nirali Jyoti (India)matel Industries Pvt. Ltd
Hindware HSIL Ltd
Silver shine Blue stone sanitary Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Joyna Joyna
Navakar Shri Navakar Metals Ltd.
Franke Franke India Ltd.
Future Futura Kitchen Sinks India Pvt. Ltd.
Kingston/Cobra Plastocraft Sanitary (India Pvt Ltd.)
90. Centrufugally Cast (Spun) Iron NECO Jayaswal Neco Ltd.
Soil Pipes SKF brand SKF Industries
Bengal Iron Corporation Bengal Iron Corporation
RPMF Raj Pattern Makers and Founders Pvt. Ltd
91. PE-AL-PE Composite pipes Kitec Kitec Industries (India) Pvt. Ltd.
92. G I Pipes TATA TATA Steel Ltd.
Zenith Zenith Birla (India) Ltd.
Jindal hissar Jindal Pipes Ltd./ Hissar
93. G I Pipe fittings Zoloto Zoloto industries
Unik Unik malleable
HB HB Industries
ICS Sgree Samarth Engineers
94. Water supply Valves Zoloto Zoloto Industries
Leader Leader valves Ltd.
ARCO Arco valves Pvt. Ltd.
Nanda Nanda Miller company
Kingston Plastocraft Sanitary (India Pvt Ltd.)
95. CPVC pipes and fitting s Supreme Supreme Industries Ltd.
Finolex Finolex Industries Ltd.
Astral Astral Polytechnik Ltd.
Prince Prince Pipes and fittings Ltd.
Truflo HIS Ltd.
Birla Aerocon HIL Ltd.
Ashirwad Ashirwad PVC Pipes
Flowgard Flowgaurd
96. PVC /HDPE water storage Sintex Sintex plastic technology Ltd.
tanks Vectus Vectus Industries Ltd.
Supreme Supreme Industries Ltd.
SPL Srodeep Polymets Ltd.
97. DI Pipes Electrosteel Electrosteel
Jindal Jindal
Tata Ductura Tata Ductura
Kapilansh Kapilansh
Keshoram Keshoram
98. DI Fittings Electrosteel Electrosteel
Jindal Jindal
Tata Ductura Tata Ductura
Kapilansh Kapilansh
Keshoram Keshoram

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

99. Water supply fixtures like Jaquar Jaquar Group

bibcock, shower panels Delite Delite Kom Ltd.
KEROVIT Kajaria Bathware
Roca ROCA Bath room Product
Kohler Kohler world wide
Parryware Roca bath room products Pvt. Ltd.
Metro Metro sanitations Pvt. Ltd.
Waterman Kewal Brothers
Seiko Seiko Sanitations
Prayag Prayag polymers Pvt. Ltd.
Kingston Kingston brass India
Johanson Prism Jhonson Ltd.
HIND ware HSIL Ltd.
Kingston Plastocraft Sanitary (India Pvt Ltd.)
100. Air release valve Kirloskar Kirloskar brothers Ltd.
Kartar Kartar Valves Private Ltd
101. Centrifugally (Spun) Cast Iron Lanco/ Sripipes Electrosteel castings Ltd.
Jindal Jindal saw Ltd.
Kesoram Kesoram Industries Ltd.
Electrsoteel Electrosteel castings Ltd.
RPMF Raj Pattern Makers & Founders Pvt. Ltd.
102. Spun cast iron fittings Neco Jayaswal Neco Ltd.
Kartar Kartar Valves Private Ltd.
Electrosteel Electrosteel castings Ltd.
Kapilansh Centrifugal Kapilansh Dhatu Udyog (P) Ltd.
SKF brand SINGHALIRON Foundary Pvt. Ltd.
RPMF Raj Pattern Makers & Founders Pvt. Ltd.
103. CI double flange sluice valve Kirloskar Kirloskar brothers Ltd.
Kartar Kartar valves private ltd.
IVS Indian valves private Ltd.
Zoloto Zolota Industries
Leader Leader valves Ltd.
104. CI doube flanged no return Kirloskar Kirloskar Brothers Ltd.
valve Fluidtech Fluidtech
Zolto Zolota Industries
105. Gun metal Valves Zolto Zolota Industries
Leader Leader valves Ltd.
Sant Sant valves Pvt. Ltd.
Audco L & T Valves
106. PTMT/ PVC Water supply PEARL Precision Products
sanitary fittings, bibcocks, Pryag Prayad Polymers (P) Ltd
pillar cock, Angle valve, Supreme Supreme Industries
Kingston Plastocraft Sanitary (India Pvt Ltd.)
107. RCC Pipes Indian Hume Pipe Indian Hume Pipe Ltd.
Lakshmi Sood &Sood Lakshmi Sood & Sood pipe co.
Jain & Co. Jain spun pipe co.
108. CI Manhole cover NECO Jayaswal Neco Ltd.
BIC Bengal iron corporation
109. SFRC Cover and grating KK KK Manhole and gratings Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Advent Advent Concrete vision
Kutty Kutty Industries
Nu- TEC Nu-Tech concrete products (P) Ltd.
110. Plastic Encapsulated Foot Rest KK India KK Manhole and gratings Co. Pvt. Ltd.
KGM KGM Exports
Accurate Buildcon Accurate Buildcon company
111. Spun cast iron covers & gratings Neco Jayaswal Neco Ltd.
Jagannath Sri Jagannath Iron Foundry Pvt. Ltd.
Kapilansh Centrifugal Kapilansh Dhatu Udyog (P) Ltd.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

112. Aluminum doors/ windows Hindalco Hindalco Industries Ltd.

sections Jindal Jindal Aluminum Ltd.
Padmavathi Extrusion Padmawathi Extrusion Private Ltd.
Hyd Hydro Extrusion
Omalco Extrusion Omalco Extrusion Pvt. Ltd.
Bhoruka Bhoruka Aluminum Ltd.
Indal Indian Aluminium Ltd.
113. Aluminum systems/ Anodised Define Define Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
aluminium fittings for doors/ Schueco Schueco India Pvt. Ltd.
windows Bhruka Bhoruka Aluminum Ltd.
Kawneer Kawneer India
Hardima Hardima sales corporation
Everite Everite Agencies
Jyothi Jyothi Industries
Sigma Sigma Corporation
114. Friction stay hinges Earl Bihari Earl Bihari Pvt. Ltd.
KINLONG Kinlong Industries
115. EPDM Gaskets Anand Anand NVH products (P) Ltd.
Roop Roop Polymers Ltd.
Bohra Bohra rubber Pvt. Ltd.
Hanu Hanu Industries
Amee Rubber Amee Rubber Industries Pvt. Ltd.
116. Silicon Gaskets Sree Gaurav Sree Gaurav Rubber products
117. Masking Tapes 3M 3M
Sun Sun
Wonder polymer Wonder Tape Idustries
Roop Roop Polymers Ltd
118. Water proofing compound Fosroc Fosroc India
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Sika Sika India
MYK Schomburg MYK Arments range of products
Penetron Penetron India Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. Fixit Pidilite Industries
Accoproof ACC cements Ltd.
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura (India) Ltd.
Alchemica Alchemica Ltd.
119. Membarane Water proofing BASF BASF India Ltd.
system Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
STP Ltd Shalimar Tar Products
MYK Schomburg MYK Arments range of products
Asian paints Smart care water proofing products
Dr. Fixit Pdidilite Industries
Alchemica Alchemica Ltd.
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura Ltd.
Hydro tech Hydro tech Ltd.
120. Chemical water proofing BASF BASF India Ltd.
system Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
MC-Bauchemie MS-Bauchemie India Ltd.
Sika Sika India
Sunanda speciality Sunanda speciality cosating pvt. Ltd.
Perma construction Aid Perma construction Aid Pvt. Ltd.
Fosroc Fosroc India
Dr. Fixit Pidilite Industries

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

121. Water stops Hydrotite Sika India

BASF BASF India Ltd.
Dr. Fixit Pidilite Industries
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura ltd.
Ferroust Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Hydroswell Sika India
122. Aluminium composite panels Alucobond 3A Composities India Pvt. Ltd
Eurobond M/S Euro panel products Pvt. Ltd.
Aludecor M/S Aludecor Lamination Pvt. Ltd.
Reynobond Reynobond.
Alpolic Alpolic.
Alstrong Alstrong.
ALUTECH Alutech Industries.
VIRGO Virgo Laminates Ltd.
123. PVC Perforated Pipes Rex Polyextrusion Rex Polyextrusion Ltd.
Akash Enterprises Akash Enterprises
Zenplas Pipes Zenplas Pipes Pvt. Ltd.
Supreme Supreme Industries
124. Play Equipements Koochie Play Koochie Play Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Playworld Systems Playworld Systems India
125. Structural Sealant Dow Dow corning India
Wacker Wacker Silicones.
GE GE Silicones
STP Ltd. Shalimar Tar Products
Asian paints Smart Care Sealant
Fosroc Fosroc India
BASF BASF India Ltd.
126. Poly-sulphide sealant Dr. Fixit Pidilite Industries Ltd.
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
MYK Schomburg MYK Arments range of products
Pidilite Pidilite Industeries
STP Ltd. Shalimar Tar Products
Fosroc Fosroc India
Techseal Choksey Chemical Pvt. Ltd.
Tuff seal Bondit construction Chemical
127. Bitumen Impregnated Board Shaitex Shalimar Tar Products
128. Polyethylene backer rod Supreme Supreme Industries
129. Epoxy Fosroc Fosroc India
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Shalibons Shalimar Tar Products
Asian paints Asian Paints
Ardex Ardex Endura (India) Pvt. Ltd.
130. Weather Silicon make and Dow corning Dow corning India
grade Momentive(GE) GE Silicones
131. GRC Jali Terrafirma Terrafirma GRC Industries
Ecovision Ecovision Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Mahesh GRC Mahesh Prefab Pvt. Ltd.
132. Air transfer grills Cool grills Cool Grills , pune
Systemail India Systemair India Pvt. Ltd.
133. Ready made/ Gysum plaster Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Gyproc Cute 100 Gyproc India
Ultratech Ultratech cements Ltd.
Dudhi Dudhi Industries Pvt Ltd
134. Steel Windows/Pressed steel Madhu Industries, Madhu Industries, San Harvic NCL
Frames San Harvic San Harvic
NCL NCL Industries
135. WPC Sheets & Boards, Doors Alstone Alstone Industries
& Frames Rajshri Rajshri Plastiwood
Amulya Amulya Mica

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

136. PVC Flooring LG Hausys LG Hausys

Ger flor Gerflor flooring
Armstrong Armstrong World Industries
137. Grass Paver Unistone Unistone
Dalal Dalal Grass paver
Ultra Ultra Ltd.
138. FRP Door Frames & Shutter Meena Fibre Glass Meena Fibre Glass
Jayna Jain Wood Indurstries
139. Non Metalic Floor surface Ironite Ironite
Hardners Hardonite Hardonite
FOSROC Fosroc India
Sika Sika India
BASF BASF India Ltd.
CICO CICO Technologies Ltd.
Pidilite Pidilite Industries Ltd.
140. PU Enamel Metalic Paints On SKK SKK Ltd.
MS Structure & Epoxy Paints Akzonobel Akzonobel
(Premium Quality) Asian Asian Paints
Berger, Berger Paints India Ltd.
MRF MRF Paints
141. Rockwool/ Glasswool Twigafiber Twigaifiber glass ltd.
Insulation Llyod Insulation Llyod Insulation Ltd.
Supereme Supereme Industries Ltd.
142. Actactic Polypropylene (APP) STP Shalimar Tar Products
Modified Water proof Torchtar Membrance Torchtar Membrance & Bitumen Products Pvt. Ltd.
Membrane Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Bitumat Co. Ltd. Bitumat co. ltd.
Pidilite Pidilite Industries Ltd.
Ardex Endura Ardex Endura
Asian Paint Asian Paint
Hydrotech Ltd. Hydro tech Ltd
143. Structural Glazing Modi Modi guard
Saint Gobain Saint Gobain Glass India Ltd
Asahi Asahi India glass Ltd
Glaverbel Glaverbel India
144. Sensor Based Auto flush AOS Systems AOS Systems
system TOTO TOTO Ltd.
Parryware Parryware Sanitaryware
Hindware HSIL Ltd
Grohe Grohe
Jaquar Jaquar Group
Kochier Kochier
145. Float Valve (Ball Valve) Prayag, Prayag Polymers (P) Ltd.
Leader Leader valves Ltd
Zoloto Zolota Industries
IBP IBP Industries
Arco Arco valves Pvt Ltd.
146. Spider Patch Fittings for Dorma Dormakaba
Structural Glazzing Sevax Saint Gobain Glass India Ltd.
Kich Kich India
Ozone Ozone Ltd.
Hafele Hafele Ltd.
147. Adhesive for AAC Block Ultratech Ultratech cements Ltd.
/Tiles Ardex Endura/Gold Star Ardex Endura
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

148. Aluminum Framework MFE (MIVAN) MIVAN

S-Form S-Form
149. EPDM Water Proofing Smart Care Asian Paints
Membrane Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Pidilite Pidilite Industries
STP Shalimar Tar Products
Fosroc Fosroc Idia
150. PU Coating (UV Resistant Smart Care Asian Paint
Liquid Applied Coating Pidilite Pidilite Industries
Fosroc Fosroc India
151. Polyurea Ultroh Smart Care / Ferrous Crete Asian Paints
Ferrous Crete Ferrous Crete (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Pidilite Pidilite Industries
152. Modular Kitchen Sleek Asian Paints
/Wardrobes/Hardware and Godrej Godrej & Boyce co.
Accesseries Spacewood Spacewood
Evoke Evoke
153. High end Exterior Textures Allura/ Graniza Range Asian Paints
SKK Brand SKK Ltd.
Berger Berger paints India Ltd.
154. Acrylic Exterior Textures Asian paints Asian paints
Berger Berger paints India Ltd
Akzonobel Akzonobel
Ebco Ebco
Neroloc Nerolac Paints Ltd
155. Puff Insulations Smart Care Asian Paints
Llyod Insulation Llyod Insulation (India) Ltd.
Fosroc Fosroc India
Pidilite Pidilite Industries Ltd.
Supreme Supreme Ltd.
156. Galvolume sheet for roofing, Llyod Metal Craft Llyod Insulations
cladding Sandwitch panel Tata Blue Scope Tata Bluescope
Bhushan Bhushan steel
157. Mechanical coupler for Dextra Dextra India Pvt. Ltd.
Reinforcement Sanfield Sanfield India Ltd.
158. Profile Sheet/ Colour Coated JSW
Sheet TATA
TATA Bhushan
159. Paver Blocks K.K. Dalal, NITCO
160. Glass Fiber Reinforced Diamond Ceiling Diamond Ceiling Pvt. Ltd.
Gypsum (GRG) ceiling USG boarl USG Boral Building Products India Pvt. Ltd.
GYPROC Saint-Gobain Gyproc India.
161. SMC Panel Tank Sovisy Sovisy Solutions
Sintex Sintex plastic technology Ltd.

1. All items shall be of ISI Mark as per approved sample kept at site of work.
2. The contractor shall provide the materials as per the make or brand indicated above.
When two or more alternative/brands has been mentioned, the brand selected by the
Engineer in charge shall be final & binding. The manufacturer certificate is also to be
provided if required by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE



WHEREAS, contractor.................. (Name of contractor) (hereinafter called "the contractor") has
submitted his tender dated ............. (date) for the construction of ..............................................
(name of work) (hereinafter called "the Tender")

KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that we ......................................... (name of bank) having
our registered office at ................................... (hereinafter called "the Bank") are bound unto
................................................... (Name and division of Executive Engineer) (hereinafter called
"the Engineer-in-Charge") in the sum of Rs. ........................ (Rs. in words
.................................................) for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Engineer-
in-Charge the Bank binds itself, his successors and assigns by these presents.

SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this ......... day of .................20.......

THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:

(1) If after tender opening the Contractor withdraws, his tender during the period of validity of
tender (including extended validity of tender) specified in the Form of Tender;

(2) If the contractor having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the Engineer-in-

(a) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the
Instructions to contractor, if required; OR
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Guarantee, in accordance with the
provisions of tender document and Instructions to contractor, OR
(c) fails or refuses to start the work, in accordance with the provisions of the contract
and Instructions to contractor, OR
(d) fails or refuses to submit fresh Bank Guarantee (for balance amount has
prescribed) of an equal amount of this Bank Guarantee, against Security Deposit
after award of contract.

We undertake to pay to the Engineer-in-Charge up to the above amount upon receipt of his first
written demand, without the Engineer-in-Charge having to substantiates his demand, provided
that in his demand the Engineer-in-Charge will note that the amount claimed by his is due to him
owing to the occurrence of one or any of the above conditions, specifying the occurred condition
or conditions.

This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date* ............. after the deadline for
submission of tender as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to contractor or as it may be
extended by the Engineer-in-Charge, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived.
Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.


WITNESS .................. SEAL

*The bids for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 30 (thirty) days
from the date of opening of bids in case of single bid system and 75 (seventy five) days
from the date of opening of technical bids in case bids are invited in 2 or 3 bid system.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE




In consideration of the President of India (hereinafter called " The Government")

having offered to accept the terms and conditions of the proposed agreement
between………………………………..and …………………………………… (hereinafter
called “the said Contractor(s)”) for the
………………(hereafter called “the said agreement”) having agreed to production of a
irrevocable Bank Guarantee for
Rs………………………………(Rupees………………………………………..………only) as
a security/guarantee from the contractor(s) for compliance of lhis obligations in
accordance with the terms and conditions in the said agreement.

We…………………………………………….(hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”)

(indicate the name of the Bank)
undertake to pay to the Government in amount not exceeding
Rs……………(Rupees………………………….Only) on demand by the Government.

2) We ……………………………………. do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due

and payable
(indicate the name of the Bank)
under this Guarantee without any demure, merely on a demand from the
Government stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries
due or likely to be due from the said contractor(s). Any such demand made on the
Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the bank
under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be
restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.

3) We, the said bank further undertake to pay to the Government any money so
demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor(s) in
any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribual relating thereto, our
liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal.
The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our
liability for payment thereunder and the contractor(s) shall have no claim against
us for making such payment.

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

4). We …………………………………………………….… further agree that the

guarantee herein contained(indicate the name of the Bank)
shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the
performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till
all the dues of the Government under or by virtue of the said agreement have been
fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till Engineer-in-Charge on behalf
of the government certified that the terms and conditions of the said agreement
have been fully and properly carried out by the said contractor(s) and accordingly
discharges this guarantee.

5) We …………………………………………………………………. further agree with

the Government that
(indicate the name of the Bank)
the Government shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without
effecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and
conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said
contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any
of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said contractor (s) and to
for bear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement
and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or
extension being granted to the said contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act of
omission on the part of the Government or any indulgence by the Government to
the said contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the
law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.

6) This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the
Bank or the contractor(s).

7) We ………………………………………….……………………………… lastly
undertake not to revoke this
(indicate the name of the Bank)
guarantee except with the previous consent of the Government in writing.

8) This guarantee shall be valid upto _______________ . Unless extended on

demand by Government. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability
against this guarantee is restricted to Rs. _______________ (Rs.
________________________only) and unless a claim in writing is lodged with us
within One Month of the date of expiry or the extended date of expiry of this
guarantee all our liabilities under this guarantee shall stand discharged.
Dated the ___________________________ day of
__________________________________________ (indicate the name of bank)

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Hkkjr ljdkj
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
vkj eaMy]dejk ua0 ch&322] bUnz izLFk Hkou
ubZ fnYyh & 110 002
nwjHkk"k % 23379087] QSDl % 23379085

No: Dt

See Rule 21(2)


1. Certificate that I have engaged the applicant ___________________________ as a

contractor in my establishment for the work :– Provision of stage and its associated
works in the rear lawn at Akash Air Force Officer’s Mess, Dr. Zakir Hussain
Marg, New Delhi during 2022-23. Agreement No. ___________________to be
carried out from _________________
2. I undertake to be bound by all the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act, 1970 (37 of 1970) and the Contractor Labour (Regulation and Abolition)
Central Rules, 1971* / the Inter–State Migrant Workmen (Regular of Employment and
conditions of Service) Act, 1979 (30 of 1979) and the Inter–State Migrant Workmen
(Regular of Employment and conditional of Service Central Rules, 1980* in so far as the
provisions are applicable to me in respect of the employment of contract labour / inter–state
migrant workmen* by the applicant in my establishment.

3. The engagement of contract labour in the said work is not prohibited under sub section (1)
of section 10 of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (37 of 1970) or
on award or a settlement.*

Place:- New Delhi


Signature of Principal Employer

Executive Engineer,
R-Division, CPWD,
New Delhi – 110002

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE



The Agreement made this _________ day of _________ 2022 and _________ between _________
son of _________ of _________ (hereinafter called the Guarantor of the one part) and the
PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter called the Government of the other part).

Whereas this agreement is supplementary to a contractor (hereinafter called the contract),

dated _________ and made between the GUARANTOR OF THE ONE part and the Government of
the other part, whereby the Contractor, inter alia, undertook to render the buildings and structures in
the said contract recited completely wate and leak–proof.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the effect that the said
structures will remain water and leak-proof for five years from the date of giving of water proofing
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees that water proofing treatment given by him will
render the structures completely leak-proof and the minimum life of such water proofing treatment
shall be five years to be reckoned from the date after the maintenance period prescribed in the
Provided that the Guarantor will not be responsible for leakage caused by earthquake or
structural defects or misuse of roof or alteration and for such purpose.

a) Misuse of roof shall mean any operation which will damage proofing treatment, like chopping of
firewood and things of the same nature which might cause damage to the roof.
b) Alteration shall mean construction of an additional storey or a part of the roof or construction
adjoining to existing roof whereby proofing treatment is removed in parts.
c) The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge. With regard to cause of leakage shall be final.

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of any
defect being found render the building water proof to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge at his
cost and shall commence the work for such rectification within seven days from the date of issue of the
notice from the Engineer-in-charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall
be got done by the Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor shall be final and binding.
That if the Guarantor fails to execute the water proofing or commits breach thereunder, then
the Guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successors against all loss, damage, cost, expense
or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default the part of the GUARANTOR in
performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and/ or
damage and/ or cost incurred by the Government the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final
and binding on the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the Obligor _________ and
by _________ and for and on behalf of the PRESIDENT OF INDIA on the day, month and year first
above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered by Obligor in the presence of –


Signed for and on behalf of the president of India by _____________

In the presence of –

1. ______________________________ 2._________________________________

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Central Public Works Department

Nit No. 113/2022-23/R–Divn/Delhi
NAME OF WORK : Provision of stage and its associated works in the rear lawn at Akash
Air Force Officer’s Mess, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg, New Delhi during 2022-23.
Sl. No. Details of Item Qty. Unit Rate Rate in Words Amount
Excavating holes more than 0.10 cum
& upto 0.5 cum including getting out
the excavated soil, then returning the
soil as required in layers not exceeding
1 20 cm in depth, including consolidating
each deposited layer by ramming,
watering etc, disposing of surplus
excavated soil, as directed within a Rupees Eighty Nine
lead of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. and Ninety Paise
1.1 All kinds of soil 89.00 each 89.90 Only 8,001.00
Providing and laying in position cement
concrete of specified grade excluding
the cost of centering and shuttering -
All work up to plinth level :
1:2:4 (1 Cement: 2 coarse sand (zone-
III) including manufactured sand
derived from Recycled concrete Rupees Seven
2.1 aggregate (RCA) upto 25% : 4 graded Thousand One
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size Hundred Twenty
including Recycled concrete aggregate Four and Fifty Paise
(RCA) upto 25% ). 8.00 cum 7124.50 Only 56,996.00
1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 manufactured Rupees Four
sand derived from RecycledConcrete Thousand Four
2.2 Aggregate (RCA) : 10 graded stone Hundred Forty and
aggregate 40mm nominal size Twenty Five Paise
Recycled Aggregate (RA) ) 14.00 cum 4440.25 Only 62,164.00
Providing and fixing stainless steel (
Grade 304) railing made of Hollow
tubes, channels, plates etc., including
welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and
making curvature (wherever required)
and fitting the same with necessary
stainless steel nuts and bolts complete,
i/c fixing the railing with necessary
accessories & stainless steel dash
fasteners , stainless steel bolts etc., of
required size, on the top of the floor or
the side of waist slab with suitable
arrangement as per approval of
Engineer-in-charge, ( for payment
purpose only weight of stainless steel
members shall be considered excluding Rupees Six Hundred
fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, Twelve and Twenty
fasteners etc.). 1800.00 kg 612.25 Five Paise Only 11,02,050.00

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Providing and fixing Glass mossaic tiles

at finished plain wall surface of size 20
mm x 20 mm x 4 mm in all colour,
design , fixing in customize design as
per direction of Engineer-in- Charge.
The glass mosaic tiles to be fixed on
4 the wall surface with the help of
approved adhesive applied at the rate
of 2.5 kg per sqm and grouting of the Rupees Three
same. The rate is inclusive of all Thousand Two
operation, material and required Hundred Eighty Two
pattern approved by Engineer-in- and Fifty Paise
Charge: 25.00 sqm 3282.50 Only 82,063.00
Providing and laying flamed finish
Granite stone flooring in required
design and patterns, in linear as well
as curvilinear portions of the building all
complete as per the architectural
drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab
over 20 mm (average) thick base of
5 cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4coarse
sand) laid and jointed with cement
slurry and pointing with white cement
slurry admixed with pigment of
matching shade including rubbing,
curing and polishing etc. all complete
as specified and as directed by the Rupees Two
Engineer-in-Charge : Thousand Five
Flamed finish granite stone slab Jet Hundred Eighty Nine
5.1 Black, Cherry Red,Elite Brown, Cat Eye and Ninety Paise
or equivalent. 270.00 sqm 2589.90 Only 6,99,273.00
Demolishing cement concrete
manually/ by mechanical means
6 including disposal of material within 50
metres lead as per direction of
Engineer - in - charge. Rupees Two
Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or richer mix Thousand Seven
(i/c equivalent design mix) 14.00 cum 2007.10 and Ten Paise Only 28,099.00
Nominal concrete 1:4:8 or leaner mix Rupees One
(i/c equivalent design mix) Thousand Two
6.2 Hundred Thirty Nine
and Sixty Paise
14.00 cum 1239.60 Only 17,354.00

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

Disposal of building rubbish/ malba/

similar unserviceable, dismantled or
waste materials from work site by
mechanical means including loading,
transporting, unloading to C&D waste
management site near jahangir puri
safai karamchari quarters at Burari
plant or Shastri Park or Mundaka, New
Delhi beyond 50m initial lead, for all
leads including all lifts involved
(Processing fees at prescribed rate of
C&D management will be deposited by
the agency & shall be reimbursed by
the department on production of cash
receipt. To ensure disposal of malba at
approved C&D waste site, without
submission of processing fee from Rupees Three
approved C&D waste site, no payment Hundred Sixty Seven
will be made to agency for disposal of and Seventy Two
malba). 100.00 cum 367.72 Paise Only 36,772.00

Total 20,92,772.00
Add GST 18% multiplying factor (1.0633) on 20,92,772/- 22,25,244.00
Add Cost Index @7% on S.I. No. 1 to 7 Which Amount is 20,92,772/- 1,46,494.00
Total 23,71,738.00

Note :-
1. Stipulated time 3 Months
(i) 15 Days for security of passes & supply of material.
(ii) 75 Day for execution of work.
2. Site will be made available in phases as per requirement of client.

Senior Draughtsman Assistante Engineer (P) Executive Engineer,

R-Division, CPWD R-Division, CPWD R-Division, CPWD
I.P. Bhawan, New Delhi I.P. Bhawan, New Delhi I.P. Bhawan, New Delhi

Correction = Nil, Insertion = Nil, Overwriting = Nil, Deletion = Nil, Sr. D/Man AE(P) EE

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