Tunnel Boq Solan
Tunnel Boq Solan
Tunnel Boq Solan
Excavation in all kind of soil/ rock forconstruction of main tunnels using NATM,including temporary provision at the portal
forthe start of tunnel excavation like canopystructure (false portal) etc., trolley refugeniches, maintenance niches, MVS niches
and the like and for the connection of remaining part ofaccess tunnel with the main tunnel including drilling, blasting, or other
means of excavation, including widening of top heading footings, breaking of Shotcrete lining in temporary invert, provision
ofsurface drainage, dewatering,construction ventilation, lighting arrangement during construction, temporary backfilling for
traffic in tunnel, profiling/reprofiling of tunnel as per approved cross sections, removal and stacking of serviceable material and
1.1 disposal of unserviceable material beyond the working area including removal of excavated material from voids created by the Cum
accepted geological overbreak including loading, hauling, dumping of material, dewatering, temporary back fill to dumping site
with all lifts and leads as per approved drawings & specifications or as directed by Engineer.
1.3 Disposal of excavated materials beyond 10 kms from Portals Cum * 20 0.00 0.00
2.1 Rock bolts 2000 0.00 0.00
2.1.2 Supply, drilling and installation and grouting of self drilling bolts of the specified length, Fy>=230KN (slopes) as per approved 0.00 0.00
drawings & specification or as directed by Engineer. The rate shall include costs of all materials , labour, equipment, etc.
required for the complete job
25 dia Fe415 / Fe500 Resin Anchored Grouted Bolts Rm 820 35,310.80 28,954,856.00
Drilling, installation and grouting of 76mm/ 89mm outer dia Umbrella Pipe Roofing of 12m length as per approved drawings & 8876 2,087.00 18,524,212.00
2.1.6 specifications and as directed by Engineer. The rate shall include costs of all Rm
materials, labour, equipments, etc required for the complete job.
2.3 Wire Mesh and Mesh Anchors 0.00 0.00
Providing and installing welded wire mesh 150mm x 150mm x 8mm dia including overlaps, all necessary accessories for fixing 72000 21.35 1,537,200.00
such as steel pins, mesh anchors, extra steel plates and nuts for fastening to rock bolts as per specifications and drawings or as
directed by the Engineer. The rate shall include all labour, materials, cost of pins, hooks, lead, lift, handling, wastage complete
2.3.1 with MT
contractor's own equipment for complete job.
Backfill Concrete behind Steel Ribs (M15) Cum 6876 603.54 4,149,965.11
5 Steel Reinforcement 0.00 0.00
Providing and fixing Fe415/Fe500 steel reinforcement for R.C.C. works including handling, storage, cutting, bending, binding, 64340 140.00 9,007,600.00
welding of joints, placing in position wire clips, separators and other fastening devices where ever required for all leads and lifts
etc. complete in all respects as per specifications and drawings or as directed by the Engineer. ( Nothing extra shall be paid
5.1 for wastage of reinforcement and binding wire) MT
Supply and fixing of RIBS of ISMB 250 including and all accessories including all lead, lift, wastage, storing, drilling holes, fixing in 78000 580.00 45,240,000.00
phases etc. and installation of accessories for joining the RIBS segments as per approved workshop drawings of contractor &
specifications or as directed by Engineer. The rate shall include costs of all materials, labour, equipment, welding, etc for the
6.2 complete job including additional cost for enlargement of top heading footing. MT
6.3 RCC Lagging (including cost of Reinforcement) Cum 12325 359.60 4,432,119.30
7 Water proofing 0.00 0.00
7.1 Providing, laying & fixing of Protective Felt (geotextile) with a minimum weight of 500 g/m2 for protection of the waterproofing Sqm 317.9 22,750.00 7,232,225.00
membrane & drainage on the finished outer lining surface, including the cost of all materials, labour, equipments, etc. required
for the complete job
8.2 Grouting with cement including providing all operations as per drawings and specifications or as MT 10710 259.00 2,773,890.00
directed by the Engineer
8.3 Standard mild steel pipes and fittings used for grouting and left, permanently in rock and concrete MT 54900 1.40 76,860.00
including supply, installation and protection against blockage of pipes and fittings
9 Pressure relief & drainage holes 0.00 0.00
Drilling of holes of minimum 38mm dia, vertical or inclined, in all formations of rock/concrete/ Shotcrete for grouting/ pressure 552.5 1,471.40 812,948.50
9.1 relief as per specifications and drawings or as directed by engineer Rm
Drilling of drainage holes, 60mm dia, inside concrete/ Shotcrete and rock to a depth upto 5m complete in all respects as per 833 235.80 196,423.07
9.2 drawings and specifications or as directed by the Engineer Rm
9.3 Providing and installing of perforated PVC pipes in the tunnel of following diameter as per approved 0.00 0.00
drawings & specification or as directed by Engineer
35 mm internal diameter PVC pipe Rm 127.5 1,471.40 187,603.50
50 mm internal diameter PVC pipe Rm 191.25 235.80 45,097.13
10 Exploratory drilling 0.00 0.00
10.1 (a) Exploratory drilling of 102mm dia up to 35 m length, 10m overlap as per approved drawings & Rm 1615 58.45 94,396.75
specification or as directed by Engineer (in tunnel & open excavation)
10.1 (b) Exploratory drilling inside tunnel 52 mm Rm 935 58.45 54,650.75
11 Portals 0.00 0.00
11.1 Open Excavation in all kinds of soil/rock including dressing the sides, transporting the excavated materials, stacking of 0.00 0.00
serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material beyond the working area as necessary with all lifts and leads as per
specifications and drawings or as directed by the
Soft rock/Loose excavation and ripping in open cuts Cum 191.25 44,655.59 8,540,382.26
Hard rock / Excavation in rock in open cuts Cum 289 9,520.00 2,751,280.00
Providing and laying cement concrete of grade M-25 placed in tunnel over the lining with 20 mm maximum size graded crushed 7896 910.00 7,185,360.00
aggregates including design, furnishing, maintenance, erection and removal of steel form work and placing of concrete,
vibrating, curing and finishing complete in all respects for all leads and lifts, contact grouting in the crown, sealing of cracks and
11.2 cold joints etc. Cum
11.3 Providing and fixing Fe415/ Fe500 steel reinforcement for R.C.C. works including handling, storage, cutting, bending, binding, MT 64340 136.50 8,782,410.00
welding of joints, placing in position wire clips, separators and other fastening devices where ever required for all leads and lifts
etc. complete in all respects as per
specifications and drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
400 mm dia PVC pipe (main tunnel drainage) Rm 2703 910.00 2,459,730.00
400 mm dia concrete pipe (Surface water drain pipe) Rm 2346 551.60 1,294,053.60
250mm dia longitudinal tunnel drainage with flat bottom profile Rm 1500.25 2,730.00 4,095,682.50
200mm dia longitudinal tunnel drainage with flat bottom profile (Cross Tunnel) Rm 1385.5 90.65 125,595.57
150mm dia longitudinal tunnel drainage with flat bottom profile (Escape Tunnel) Rm 1088 582.75 634,032.00
200mm dia PVC pipes (Sub-surface water drain) Rm 756.5 551.60 417,285.40
16.2 Providing and laying of pipe of following diameters as drainage pipe inside bottom Shotcrete as per 0.00 0.00
approved drawings & specification or as directed by Engineer
200 mm dia pipe (Longitudinal pipe in Shotcrete in class 'B','C', &'D') Rm 1385.5 551.60 764,241.80
16.3 Providing and laying of pipe of following diameters as drainage pipe as per approved drawings & 0.00 0.00
specification or as directed by Engineer
200 mm dia pipe (lateral drainage pipes) Rm 1385.5 25.90 35,884.45
16.4 Providing and laying of pipe of following diameters as fire fighting main pipe as per approved 0.00 0.00
drawings & specification or as directed by Engineer
150 mm dia pipe (lateral drainage pipes) Rm 892.5 551.60 492,303.00
17 Cable Channel concrete 0.00 0.00
17.1 Providing and installing of cable channel concrete in tunnel as per approved drawings & specification Cum 6290 530.95 3,339,675.50
or as directed by Engineer
Total 0.00 0.00
17.2 Providing and laying of CA (1:10) near longitudinal tunnel drainage Cum 3986.5 492.10 1,961,756.65
Total 0.00 0.00
17.3 Concrete Fill below Cable Channel (1:4:8) Nominal Mix Cum 3986.5 60.90 242,777.85
Total 0.00 0.00
17.4 Providing and Laying Asphalt Cover 30mm thk. over cable channel on both sides of the main tunnel Sqm 1262.25 1,424.85 1,798,516.91
19.2 Construction of Technical Building of size (20 x 11) m as per drawing. Sqm 14135.5 28.35 400,741.43
19.3 Construction of Pump room and water tank of size (12.05 x 11) as per drawing. Sqm 14135.5 34.30 484,847.65
20 Temporary Works (Road & Structures) LS 0.00 0.00
21 Providing and fixing Handrail complete as per approved drawing and technical specifications Rmt 2660.5 453.25 1,205,871.63
Total 474,523,524.68
Total Amount in Cr. 4