Computer Networks (End Sem)
Computer Networks (End Sem)
Computer Networks (End Sem)
A transmission media is a physical path between the transmitter and the receiver i.e. it is the channel
through which data is sent from one place to another.
1) Guided Media:
The guided media is further classified into three types-
1. Twisted-pair cable
The twisted-pair cable is divided into two types which are-
Unshielded Twisted pair
Shielded Twisted pair
2. Coaxial cable
3. Fiber optics/cable
2) Unguided Media
o Least expensive
o Easy to install
o High-speed capacity
o The shielded twisted pair type of cable is most frequently used in extremely cold climates,
where the additional layer of outer covering makes it perfect for withstanding such
temperatures or for shielding the interior components.
Coaxial Cable –
o It has an outer plastic covering containing an insulation layer made of PVC or Teflon and 2
parallel conductors each having a separate insulated protection cover.
o The coaxial cable transmits information in two modes: Baseband mode (dedicated cable
bandwidth) and Broadband mode(cable bandwidth is split into separate ranges).
o Cable TVs and analog television networks widely use Coaxial cables.
o High Bandwidth
o Better noise Immunity
o Easy to install and expand
o Inexpensive
It can be used for cable television signal distribution, digital audio (S/PDIF), computer network
connections (like Ethernet), and feed-lines that connect radio transmitters and receivers to their
X.25 Protocol:
Advantages of Ethernet
Disadvantages of Ethernet
o It needs deterministic service; therefore, it is not considered the best for real-time
o The wired Ethernet network restricts you in terms of distances, and it is best for using in
short distances.
What is IPV6?
IPv6 is the next generation Internet Protocol (IP) address standard intended to supplement
and eventually replace IPv4, the protocol many Internet services still use today.
Every computer, mobile phone, home automation component, IoT sensor and any other
device connected to the Internet needs a numerical IP address to communicate between
other devices.
The original IP address scheme, called IPv4, is running out of addresses due to its widespread
usage from the proliferation of so many connected devices
Advantages of using IPv6
IPv6 provides a solution to address the global issue of depleting address spaces due to
increased demand for IP addresses due to technological advancements.
It offers reliability and faster speeds.
IPv6 supports multicast addresses, meaning bandwidth intensive packet flows like media
streams can reach many destinations simultaneously.
Types of IPv6:
Anycast address:
Multicast address:
An address used to define multicast Multicasts are used to send a single packet to multiple
destinations at one time.
This is the other type of internal address that is not routed on the internet.
A client that wants to access the document in an internet needs an address and to facilitate
the access of documents, the HTTP uses the concept of Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a standard way of specifying any kind of information
on the internet.
The URL defines four parts: method, host computer, port, and path.
o The method is the protocol used to retrieve the document from a server.
o For example, HTTP.
o The host is the computer where the information is stored, and the computer is given an alias
o Web pages are mainly stored in the computers and the computers are given an alias name
that begins with the characters "www".
o This field is not mandatory.
o The URL can also contain the port number of the server, but it's an optional field.
o If the port number is included, then it must come between the host and path and it should
be separated from the host by a colon.