Smart Grids - Chapter5 - v0.1
Smart Grids - Chapter5 - v0.1
Smart Grids - Chapter5 - v0.1
prepared by Dr. Adib Allahham , Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK, January 2020
Smart Grid and Grid-Connected Systems
Part1: The Basic of Smart Grid and Grid-Connected
prepared by Dr. Adib Allahham , Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK, January 2020
Adib Allahham (2019): Smart Grid and Grid-Connected Systems. Teaching materials as part of the EU-funded project “Advanced
Teaching and training on Smart grid & Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems (AT-SGIRES)”, Newcastle University, Newcastle,
"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the
authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Drivers for Active Network Management (ANM)
Impacts of distributed generation on distribution/transmission
Network protection
Planning of active network management
Network reconfiguration
Active control management
Protection system
Decentralized automatic control system
Centralized area control level
Automation Systems
The principle of Active network management (ANM) is to:
Address congestion and voltage issues via short-term decision-making policies
Operate the distribution network with increasing share of renewables in a
secure, reliable, and cost-effective way without relying on network
ANM refers to short term strategies that control the power injected by generators or
taken off the grid by loads in order to avoid congestion or voltage issues.
Application of Smart Grid concepts like ANM, Dynamic Line Rating (DLR),
and Real-time Thermal Rating (RTTR) become necessary [2].
Use of market mechanisms make the use of the existing network and energy resources
more efficient and postpone the network reinforcement, and the function of demand
side response functions become more achievable
Impact of DG on Distribution/Transmission Network
The integration of DGs to the grid can produce both positive and negative impacts.
Positive effects are:
Losses reduction
Voltage support and improved power quality
Impact of DG on Distribution/Transmission Network
Losses reduction
A power loss (estimated by Watts per phase) can be given by:
𝑅 𝑃2 + 𝑄2
𝑃𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 =
Voltage issues
1. Negative impacts of DGs
DGs causes voltage rise at the coupling points with the distribution/transmission
Methods for countering network voltage rise are:
• Reducing primary substation voltage;
• Generator voltage control (Operating the generator at leading power factor);
• Use of additional buck/boost transformer.
Negative impacts of the DGs include the islanding and the reverse power flow.
Impact of DG on Distribution/Transmission Network
2. Positive impacts of DGs
Positive impacts of DGs on the distribution and transmission networks are:
• Transmission and distribution capacity release;
• Improved utility system reliability;
• Deferment of new or upgraded transmission and distribution infrastructure;
• Lower costs by avoiding long-distance high voltage transmission lines;
• Carbon reduction in the energy mix by using environmentally friendly renewable
• Reducing power loss: DGs normally supply power close to the point of demand
hence help reduce power loss that is attributed to the long transmission and
distribution lines.
Network Protection
The inclusion of DGs in the network affects the sensitivity and selectivity of typical
network protection.
Protection systems designed for unidirectional power flow may be rendered
Due to the presence of DGs, some faults may be detected with significant delays or, in
worst cases, some faults not being detected altogether.
Unnecessary relay operation is possible at the feeder relay or the DG connection point.
Detecting unintended islanding condition is challenging.
DGs may also disturb the automatic re-closing.
The presence of DGs could render the existing method used in fault location
Network Protection
There is a need for a special protection planning in the networks with DGs.
Minimum protection settings usually appropriate to small generating plants are
recommended in ER G59 [3].
Network Protection
• To achieve the above objectives, generator protection must include the detection of:
• Over Voltage,
• Under Voltage,
• Over Frequency,
• Under Frequency,
• Loss of Mains
Network Reconfiguration
Distribution systems are divided into subsystems of radial feeders which
contain several normally closed switches and several normally-open switches
The logic of the active network may be formed by the coordinated management
of active devices [4].
The management is based on SCADA/DMS substation and feeder automation.
Distribution networks are controlled at the primary substation but the
monitoring and telemetry of MV network and the LV network is very limited.
The need for real-time information on the number of DG units and their status is
becoming more important when the penetration level of DG units id increasing
or when a DG has a strong local influence.
Active Control Management
Current entering the protected equipment is compared with current leaving the
protected equipment. If these are not equal, this indicates a fault on the
protected equipment (Kirchhoff’s first law).
Protection System
Unit protection represents an example of absolute selective protection as it
responds only to faults inside its protection zone.
Current differential protection is an example of unit protection.
Decentralised Automatic Control System
1. Frequency Control
Frequency control consists of primary and secondary control.
The power plants that participate in the primary control have to be equipped
with turbine governors with automatic frequency controllers. If a deviation in
the power balance of the system is to take place, the rotational masses of the
participating generators absorb or release kinetic energy which results in a
change in the system frequency.
Decentralised Automatic Control System
After the primary control has compensated for this power unbalance, there will
still be a small deviation in the system frequency. If this deviation is large
enough, secondary control reserves are activated, which will bring the
frequency back closer to its nominal value.
There will also have to be additional control reserve for contingencies where a
generation unit or an interconnection is suddenly lost.
Decentralised Automatic Control System
The size of the required control reserves for disturbances is determined by the
largest generation unit or the interconnection with the largest imported power
Coordinated control may regulate the network voltage solely by controlling the
on-load tap changer (OLTC) situated at the substation or by the combination of
all the resources capable of voltage control.
Communication channels between the network nodes are needed since this
sort of control requires information about the state of the whole system.
Decentralised Automatic Control System
3. Load Control
Load control can be utilized to maintain the frequency within acceptable limits.
Load control involves switching on or off of controllable loads to fill demand
deficits or surplus.
Voltage fluctuations originating from wind generation can also be compensated
by load switching. This needs better control and communications systems.
Direct load control based on local frequency measurement may also act as a
frequency reserve.
Centralised Area Control Level
The area control level is used to co-ordinate the functioning of individual
devices. This is done by sending new setting values through the Relay setting
tool or SCADA system.
The connection of DGs will affect network control in the following manner:
• Need to coordinate the protection relay settings;
• Need to coordinate the voltage control devices.
Information and automation are the main pillars of ANM. Communication
between the following systems is crucial:
• Control centre systems,
• RTU’s and customer automation which includes AMI’s,
• Energy measurement and load control.
SCADA system gathers numerous information from various points of the
network for monitoring at the control centre.
Centralised Area Control Level
Control Centre information system
It is the system that gathers and uses the information to evaluate performance.
The functional components of the information system are SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition), which enables
real-time acquisition of data on the network.
gathering information from the network and sends it to the network control center and
control devices at the network.
There is a communication link between the SCADA and the network components such as RTU’s,
substation automation systems, intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) etc.
SCADA provides controllability of various network components such as the remote-controlled
switches, capacitor banks and voltage regulators to the network operator.
In case of a fault, SCADA sends an alarm to the control engineer to perform system restore.
Centralised Area Control Level
RTU provides information to the substation components, the communication enables data from
the RTU to be transferred to and from the master station while the station provides an interface
platform to the human operator.
Centralised Area Control Level
Signals from various devices to be supervised and controlled are fed into the RTU, which codes
the signal and passes the information through the communication platform to the master station.
Centralised Area Control Level
Distribution Management System (DMS)
DMS is the real-time, high-level decision support system that is based on real-time SCADA
DMS is integrated with static network data from Network Information Sytem (NIS), Geographic
Information System (GIS), and Customer Information System (CIS).
SCADA data needed for DMS are:
• Switching status of disconnectors and circuit breakers.
• Electrical quantities (current, voltage, power etc.) and weather conditions (for example,
• Relay information.
• Status of fault detectors
Centralised Area Control Level
DMS can be used to:
configuration optimization,
planning maintenance outages and
calculating fault currents that can be used to check relay coordination, if relay coordination
violation comes out; the relay setting can be reconfigured remotely from the control centre.
In cases of fault, DMS provides tools like fault location algorithms and a proposition of optimal
switching sequence required for supply restoration [5].
In any DMS, resources which must be controlled are:
Demand-side voltage
Demand-side Power factor
Demand-side peak Demand
Consumer Demand
Network losses and reliability
Centralised Area Control Level
DMS can be used to:
configuration optimization,
planning maintenance outages and
calculating fault currents that can be used to check relay coordination, if relay coordination
violation comes out; the relay setting can be reconfigured remotely from the control centre.
Automation Systems
Automation in the distribution network consists of:
Substation automation,
Feeder automation, and
Customer automation systems.
[2] A. R. Ahmadi, T. Manandhar, J. Barros, M. Bernardo, and S. Georgiopoulos, ‘UK power networks ’ experience
of managing flexible distributed generation from planning to operation’, vol. 2017, no. June, pp. 2032–2036,
[3] ENA, ‘Engineering Recommendation G59 Issue 3 Amendment 2 September 2015 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR
[4] D. A. Roberts, ‘Network Management systems for active distribution networks - A feasibility study.’
[5] G. El Rahi, S. R. Etesami, W. Saad, S. Member, N. B. Mandayam, and H. V. Poor, ‘Managing Price Uncertainty in
Prosumer-Centric Energy Trading : A Prospect-Theoretic Stackelberg Game Approach’, IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol.
10, no. 1, pp. 702–713, 2019
Contribution by Newcastle University to the EU-funded project “Advanced Teaching and training on Smart
grid & Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems (AT-SGIRES)”
prepared by Dr. Adib Allahham , Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK, January 2020
Adib Allahham (2019): Smart Grid and Grid-Connected Systems. Teaching materials as part of the EU-funded project “Advanced
Teaching and training on Smart grid & Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems (AT-SGIRES)”, Newcastle University, Newcastle,
"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the
authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
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