Dry Cell Battery
Dry Cell Battery
Dry Cell Battery
A turning point for mankind, the discovery and subsequent use of cheaply available fossil
feedstock for the production of many beneficial products is mitigated by the realization that
the supply of the fossil feedstock is limited, and that the use of derived products is neither
environmentally, ecologically, nor economically sustainable. This has led to the recent global
quest for renewable sources of energy (Li et al., 2012a). The discovery of biofuels has helped
a great deal in alleviating some of the problems identified with fossil fuels such as global
warming, as well as provide income and employment opportunities in rural areas. However,
as identified by many concerned stakeholders, this alone is not sufficient to solve the
looming energy crisis. Plans have been mostly devised to combine many alternative energy
sources so as to cover for the looming crisis; however, most of these methods are not totally
carbon neutral in their generation of fuel. More often than not, the criteria for a clean
energy device, especially in developing countries, involves the lowest and barest energy
input requirement, low set-up and maintenance costs, as well as low carbon emissions.
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are one of the emerging technologies that currently fit these
criteria. Not entirely new, this technology has risen into the development mainstream in the
last couple of decades, and although not fully commercialized due to the necessity for
improvements in the delivery and manufacture of the fuel cells, it represents a viable option
observed by Potter (2011), minimal advancements in harnessing this source occurred over
the next six decades. However, in the last three decades, great strides have been taken
towards the advancement of this technology (Bennetto et al., 2018). The core of this work
has been channeled towards improving and modeling power outputs, and characterizing
Since developing countries where energy crises are particularly acute also tend to rely
heavily on agricultural production, they have access to a potentially large source of organic
waste matter that can serve as an microbial fuel cells substrate for the generation of
electricity, thereby alleviating current energy issues. A good example of such an agricultural
Crantz). Typically, the waste from cassava processing includes the effluent discharge
(whyme), root peelings, and the fibrous root tissue removed during sieving — all waste
materials presumably high in organic load. Use of the effluent in an microbial fuel cells has
before its discharge into the environment. The possibility for a successful breakthrough in
the usage of the cassava wastes is highlighted by the fact that the countries like Nigeria with
the highest production are also the countries with one of the most acute energy shortages.
cassava. There are two major species of cassava viz: sweet cassava and bitter cassava. The
sweet cassava has lower level of hydrocyanic acid, while the bitter cassava has a high level
of the acid, about 490mgkg-1. The tuber stores a lot of water, but this could be eliminated
by dehydrating the liquid juice which is the store of the acid. Hydrocyanic acid is poisonous;
hence cassava tubers are carefully and elaborately detoxified before being consumed. By its
chemical nature, hydrocyanic acid has both cation⁺ )( Hand anion (CN¯). When it undergoes
dissociation the products are: HCN →← H⁺ + CN¯ . With these dipolar characteristics, it
could undergo electrolytic process involving the exchange of ions and flow of electrons; this
can constitute an electric current. The materials utilised include crushed cassava paste/juice
(electrolyte), carbon black, manganese (IV) oxide powder, zinc can, carbon rod, cassava
grater, absorbent material. The apparatus needed are voltmeter, ammeter and
Developing countries like Nigeria are faced with two major problems which include acute
shortage of electricity and solid waste management which posed a pressing environmental
challenge faced by urban and rural areas in the country, with a population exceeding 170
million people. Among several wastes generated by this huge population is agricultural
waste. Improper handling of agricultural waste has raised a significant challenge in the past
decades. In 2016, agriculture contributed 19.17% to the gross domestic product (GDP) of
Nigeria and it also generated large amount of waste materials. Nigeria is involved in growing
and producing many food crops. One of such crops is cassava, a starchy staple food crop
which has the ability to resist drought and diseases. Three main types of residues are
generated during the industrial processing of cassava: peels, solids, and wastewater. These
wastes are poor in protein content, but their residues are very rich in carbohydrate and are
generated in large amounts during the production of ‘garri’ and cassava flour from the
tubers. The cost associated with the handling and disposal of these wastes constitutes a
huge financial burden to the cassava-processing industries in most rural regions of the
country. As a result of this challenge, most rural cassava processors choose to dispose the
cassava-processing wastes generated into the environment. These wastes have been
identified to be toxic to the environment. In a bid to find a use for this abundant waste, the
becomes very necessary, as the examination of the microbes present on cassava identified
The general objective of this study is to construct primary dry cells battery using cassava.
There is great deal of ongoing research which seeks to optimize and predict Microbial fuel
cells outputs, enhance associated microbes through genetic manipulation and improve fuel
cell designs; however, research with respect to the use of some naturally
usability of such organic materials in microbial fuel cells would not only reduce the initial set
up costs and improve microbial fuel cells viability, but also generate and heighten their
attractiveness as a means to reduce greenhouse gases as well as overall environmental