Boi Nominee Form
Boi Nominee Form
Boi Nominee Form
+-trtr,irltw €Eql
Z\ Bank of, lndia
( 1 Nomination (Nomination Form DA.1
+d qqnrfudi ch H""qq q' +s$rfr fqRqqq sTflrhqq te4e * oqdq a5z \ o*{ ETfrTI q',r{ (qqi+{) f{qq 1985 d frqq 2( otilrff, flqlqn
Nomination under Sec. 45ZA of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and
rule 2(1) of the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1 985 rn respect of Bank
in the event of my/ our/ minor's death the amount of the deposit in
the account, particulars where
Bank of lndia, Branch.
qqr rRr*' q-i yqiri *uhq* ;rq{ , qR Et$ rTftr-fr s'T qrT e*r q-or
Nature of No Additional details, if any Name & Address of Nominee
TeIm/ Place
{ ult(e * ft{fl? I i d d eTslkltl' ERT vprifr'fi qr-qT ql6q i rnumo impression (s) shal be attested by rwo witness.