Brass-IndiaMyronWeiner-2002 Development
Brass-IndiaMyronWeiner-2002 Development
Brass-IndiaMyronWeiner-2002 Development
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again, the unenviable task that India's to show how Weiner's best work points conventional meanings of the term; that is
political elites may not, after all, be able to rule, control, direct, steer, regulate
a way out and how other kinds of questions
to bring off. may be asked that will lead us out of this determine, and/or restrain. Thus, Indian
Well, 55 years have passed. Have they dead end. However, I want first to consider use the term govern and governance t
brought it off or not? Whenever we India another set of terms that I have spotted refer to British rule in India, which did al
specialists are asked to give an answertrotting
to along beside us that have led of
us those things. However, like so many
this type of question of assessment ofstill the further astray. other things that were carried over from
results of India's 'experiment' in so-called British authoritarian rule, the idea of
simultaneous development, we have what IV governance was also carried over into the
I have called elsewhere52 a canned speech Governance and Governability new Indian democracy along with its
or a canned paper in which we recite the opposite, namely, the possibility that the
achievements of the Nehruvian planning Much of the writing about India by India country or its parts, that is, the former
process, mostly in aggregate or abstract specialists has been concerned with the provinces - now states - of the country
terms such as the creation of a broad and question of 'governance'. It is a curious might be misgoverned or mismanaged.
diversified industrial base, the maintenanceword to apply to a state deemed demo- This possibility was very much in the minds
of the 'Hindu rate of growth', the absencecratic. We do not use it much in the US of members of the constituent assembly,
of famines, the rise of a new urban middle where mostly the common term govern- among whom the fear of disorder was very
class, and most of all the maintenance of ment is used, which is sometimes calledprominent and who associated the notion
democratic practices. We then recite the'good' as in good government, though we of disorder with these terms, mismanage-
deficiencies: failure to cross the 50 per rarely use the opposite term, bad govern- ment and misgovernance. As I have shown
cent literacy line, absence of clean drink- ment. When we say good government, elsewhere,we that fear was used to justify the
ing water, absence of sanitation and usually mean a government that is freeinclusion
of in the Indian Constitution of the
hygiene in most of the country, absence the taint of corruption, 'governs' - that right
is, to make use of extensive emergency
of anything that can be called medicaladministers - the government efficiently powers, including the imposition of what
is called president's rule upon any state
treatment in most of the country and vir- and convinces a majority of the people that
tually none that can be called antiseptic,it does so in 'the public interest' whatever
whose government failed to maintain 'law
and order'.56
proliferation of urban slums the like ofits specific policy goals. The term 'govern'
which the world has never before seen, is more often used with reference to multi- Dua, among others, has noted that India's
increased communal violence, dowry political leaders in the constituent assem-
party systems, where the question is some-
present and future political, social, and of the saintly idiom and its role in Indian 'Culturalisrp and Contemporary Right: Indian
politics. For example, Wariavwalla, Bourgeoisie and Political Hindutva', Economic
economic life in India.88 The existing and commenting on the political crusade launched and Political Weekly [hereafter referred to as
possible forms of resistance - not 'partici- by V P Singh against corruption in the Rajiv EPW], Vol XXXIV, No 12, March 20, 1999,
pation' or turnout in elections - to the Gandhi government - the famous Bofors pp 695-712.
forms of power expressed in all the rela- 23 Ronald Inden, 'Embodying God: From Imperial
incident - that ultimately brought him to power
as prime minister, remarked: "The Singh Progresses to National Progress in India',
tions between persons and social forces episode illustrates one persistent reality of Economy and Society, Vol XXIV, No 2, May
involved in all the above. The appearance Indian politics: effective opposition to the ruling 1995, p 263.
in India from time to time of a very curious, party and the government at large comes not 24 This essay was written in 1999, before the
ugly, and disconcerting form of resistance, from established political parties but from publication of the comprehensive and invalu-
individuals who employ a saintly language of able review of the vast literature on
namely, suicide deaths, for example, of political discourse. JP did that in 1973-75, as developmentalism by Jan Nederveen Piet
upper caste students in 1998 in response did Gandhi during the independence struggle. Development Theory: Deconstructions/Re
to the decision of the V P Singh govern- Jan Jagran, or the moral awakening of people, structions, Sage, New Delhi, 2001). This es
was what Singh embarked upon in July-August, is not meant to offer an alternative theoretical
ment to reserve 27 percent ofjobs in public
and on Gandhi's birth anniversary October 2 construction nor any new deconstruction,
sectorenterprises controlled by the govern- [1987] he launched the Jan Morcha (people's but simply to emphasise the extent to which
ment of India for backward castes and, platform) movement and agitation. Cleaner the work of most political scientists of India
just recently, the suicide deaths of more politics and more participatory democracy are has been framed within what Nederveen-
than 300 cotton farmers in the state of its stated aims". Bharat Wariavwalla, 'India Pieterse would call an overwhelmingly
in 1987: Democracy on Trial', Asian Survey, 'non-reflexive', uncritical,, developmentalis
Andhra Pradesh.89 In each of these cases
XXVIII, No. 2 (February, 1988), 121. perspective.
and many others that might be conjured 10 M N Srinivas, 'A Note on Sanskritisation and 25 Myron Weiner, The Politics ofScarcity: Publ
up as worth investigation and that appear Westernisation', Far Eastern Quarterly, XV Pressure and Political Response in India,
(1956), 481-96 and numerous other Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1962, p 11
in one form or another in the pages of this
publications by the same author. 26 Myron Weiner and Joseph LaPalombara, 'Th
great Indian journal, the Ecoinomic 11 andD A Washbrook, 'Ethnicity and Racialism in
Impact of Parties on Political Development
Political Weekly, such as, for example, Colonial Indian Society' in R Ross (ed), Racismiin Joseph LaPalombara and Myron Weiner
"the stinking criminal justice system".9( and Colonialism, Martijnus Nijhoff, The (eds), Political Parties land Political
in such cases the method of choice is Hague, 1982, pp 164-65. Development, Princeton University Pres
12 B D Dua, Presidential Rule in India, 1950-
Princeton, NJ, 1966, pp 399-400.
that pioneered by Myron Weiner: detailed,
1984: A Study il Crisis Politics, rev ed,27 Weiner and LaPalombara, pp 430-31.
first-hand, empirical research through
S Chand, New Delhi, 1985, p 407. 28 Myron Weiner, 'Congress Restored: Contin
in-depth interviewing, asking - as Harold A Gould, 'A Sociological Perspective ities and Discontinuities in Indian Polities',
13 you
on the Eighth General Election in India', Asian Asian Survey, Vol XXII, No 4, April, 1982,
choose - either 'why' or 'how', but.from
Survey, XXVI, No 6, June, 1986, 637. pp 351-52.
a standpoint of critique rather than of 'A Sociological Perspective', p 651. 29 Rudolph and Rudolph, In Pursuit of Lakshmli,
14 Gould,
development. 3J 15 Lloyd I and Susanne H Rudolph, In Pursuit p 25.
oJ Lakshmi: The Political Economyv of the30 Rudolph and Rudolph, In Pursuit of Lakslhi,
Notes Indian State, University of Chicago Press, p 273.
Chicago, 1987, pp 252-53. 31 Paul R Brass, 'Political Scientists' Images
[The original version of this article was prepared, 16 Sudipta Kaviraj, 'On State, Society and of India', South Asia, XXI, No 1, 1998, pp 26,
Discourse in India' in James Manor (ed),
for the Festschrift conference, 'India and the Politics 29-30.
of Developing Countries: Essays in Honor of Rethinking Third World Politics, Longman, 32 Atul Kohli, Democracy and Discontent: India'
Myron Weiner', held at the Kellogg Institute for London, 1991, p 94. Growving Crisis of Governability, Cambridge
International Studies, University of Notre Dame, 17 Kaviraj, 'On State, Society and Discourse', University Press, Cambridge, 1990, p 16.