Engg Management
Engg Management
Engg Management
Assist professional engineering managers to help reassert competitiveness in the global marketplace. Teach the skills and mechanisms necessary to deal with changes associated with managing new and breakthrough technologies. Train engineers to plan, design, manage, and control complex technological projects. Program Requirements Students are required to complete 42 credit hours for gra duating with a Maste r of Engineering Deg ree. Thi s includes 24 hours of core co urses, 9 hou rs of designated e lectives from grad uate courses of System Engin eering, Indu strial Management or Con struction Engine ering & Manag ement, 6 cre dit hours of free electives fro m approved gradu ate course s and 3 cre dit hou rs of Ma ster of Engineering Report and a Research Seminar. Admission requirements for the Program Admission to the program requires fulfilli ng all KFUPM and Deanship of graduate Studies requirements. In addition, the applicant should meet the following program requirements: Bachelors Degree in a n Engineering discipline eq uivalent to KFUPM Ba chelors with cumulative GPA per College of Graduate Studies requirements. Master of Engineering Management Program Requirements Course MGT 501 OM 502 EM 510 EM 520 MGT 511 CEM 515 EM 530 EM 550 EM 599 XXX 5xx XXX 5xx XXX 5xx XXX 5xx XXX 5xx EM 600 Course Title Principles of Management Statistical Analysis for Business1 3 Engineering Economy Quantitative Methods in EM Organizational Theory and Design Project Quality Management Decision Analysis Project Management Research Seminar Designated Electives I Designated Electives II Designated Electives III Free Electives I Free Electives II M.E Report Total Credit Hours Credit 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 42
Elective Courses Designated Electives: 9 cre dit hours of elective courses should be selected from Systems En gineering, College of Indu strial Ma nagement o r Con struction Engineering & Management courses. Free Electives : 6 credit hou rs of fre e ele ctives from g raduate courses with the approval of the department. Systems Engineering Department Courses: SE 511 SE 513 SE 523 SE 531 SE 536 SE 539 SE 548 SE 567 SE 569 SE 570 Computer Aided Design Modeling and System Identification I Forecasting Systems Systems Reliability/Maintainability Human Factors Engineering Systems Safety Engineering Sequencing and Scheduling Work Physiology Human Factors in Computing Systems Optimization Methods for Engineering Designs
Courses from College of Industrial Management CIM ACCT 501 Financial Accounting FIN 501 MIS 502 Corporate Finance Management Information Systems ECON 501 Principles of Economics ACCT 510 Managerial Accounting ECON 510 Managerial Economics OM 512 MKT 512 FIN 510 MIS 510 MGT 524 MGT 525 MGT 526 MGT 527 MGT 528 MGT 513 MGT 521 MGT 522 MGT 523 Production and Operations Management Applied Marketing Research Management Finance Information Resources Management International Comparative Management Human Resources Management Management of Organizational Change and Development Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Strategic Management Managerial Communication International Business Organizational Behavior and Leadership Leadership Motivation and Power
Construction Engineering and Management Courses: CEM 510 CEM 511 CEM 512 CEM 513 CEM 517 CEM 518 CEM 520 CEM 522 CEM 525 CEM 527 CEM 542 CEM 549 Project Planning and Scheduling Cost Estimating Value Engineering Construction Productivity Project Safety Management Project Cost Management Construction Contracting and Administration Globalization and Construction Industry Project Delivery Systems Construction Claims and Dispute Resolution Tech. Innovation in Construction & Project Management. Construction Management Information
Suggested Free Electives ICS 585 CRP 533 CRP 535 ARE 520 ARE 528 Knowledge-Based Systems Public Works Management Urban Infrastructure Planning Principles of Facilities Management Real Estate Management
Courses Description
MGT 501 Principles of Management (3-0-3) Fundamentals of man aging work a nd o rganization, ma naging p eople and managing p roduction op erations. Topi cs i nclude b asic man agement functio ns o f planning, organizing, leading, and controlling and related organizational processes of communication, decision-making and socialization. Other related issues such as globalization, soci al re sponsibility, ethi cs a nd ap plication to the Saudi bu siness environment are also covered. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing OM 502 Statistical Analysis for Business (3-0-3) The course will empl oy the a pplication of ba sic stati stical tech niques fo r Management Basic concepts of probability and probability distributions, estimation theory and te st of hypothe sis, regression analysis, and analysis of variance. T his Course is Equivalent to CRP 505 Prerequisite: Graduate Standing EM 510 Engineering Economy (3-0-3) Covers th e t heory and application of a dvanced e ngineering economy prin ciples and meth ods. Studies the effects of in flation, depre ciation a nd taxes, co st estimation, sensitivity ana lysis, risk and uncertainty , capital bud geting, multiattribute d ecision ma king, advanced a sset repla cement an alysis and real opti on analysis. Includes case studies and a term project related to the topic. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing EM 520 Quantitative Methods in Engineering Management (3-0-3) Linear Prog ramming: Co ncepts and Solution Techniqu es, Tra nsportation and Assignment Model s, Inventory Man agement Mo dels, Que uing Theory, & Monte Carlo Simulation, Computer Applications. This course is eq uivalent to ARE 511 & CEM 514 Prerequisite: Graduate Standing MGT 511 Organization Theory and Design (3-0-3) Analysis of organizations as op en systems, with emp hasis on m aximizing congruency among organizational structure, strategies, and environments; and the understanding of the impact of alternati ve design configurations and strategies on the individual, group, a nd inter-group behavior and performance. A primary focus is the influences on organizational performance and effectiveness. Prerequisite: MGT 501 or waiver of this prerequisite according to the waiver guidelines.
CEM 515 Quality Management (3-0-3) Introduction to quality man agement principles including its histo ry, the role of total quality, and the philosophical perspectives supporting total quality. In-depth look at the man agement sy stem and it s rel ationship to total quality. Investigatio n of technical i ssues a nd the role of tools and techniqu es in the q uality managem ent process i ncluding m ethods, quality i mprovement and a ssociated man agement models, and reliability in design an d production. Exploration of methods of buildi ng and sustaining quality organizations. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing EM 530 Decision Analysis (3-0-3) Covers the theory and p ractice of de cision analysis and risk assessment. Covers decision theory, game theory, utility and risk attitude, probability assessment, multi criterion d ecision m aking models. De scribes practical appli cations thro ugh realworld e ngineering /proj ect mana gement deci sion an alysis applications. Computer applications. Prerequisite: OM 502 , CRP 505 or Equivalent EM 550 Engineering Project Management (3-0-3) Covers the elements of project management critical to the success of engineering projects: p roject man agement frame work, st rategic man agement and p roject selection, pro ject org anization, human aspects of project man agement, confli cts and negotiations, scope management, time management, cost management, risk management, cont racts and p rocurement, proj ect termination , the proj ect management office, and m odern developments in project management. Integrates and cl arifies the princi ples an d tools through case stu dies from a variety of disciplines. Prerequisite: Advanced EM Standing EM 599 Research Seminar (1-0-0) .This co urse is desig ned to give the student an overview of research in the engineering management sp ecialty a nd in the department, familiarity with the research me thodology, journal s an d profe ssional societies in the disciplin e. Graded on a Pass or Fail basis. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing EM 600 M.E. Report (0-0-3) Research study that deal s with a nalysis and/or de sign of significant problem or case stu dty related to the field of Engineeri ng Ma nagement pre pared un der the supervision of an E ngineering M anagement faculty. The proje ct repo rt sho uld follow fo rmal rep ort fo rmat incl uding introd uction, litera rure review, resea rch methodology, collection and analysis of data, conclusions and recommendations, list of references and appendices of important information. Prerequisite: EM 599
Third Semester MGT 511 CEM 515 Fourth Semester EM 530 xxx 5xx Fifth Semester xxx 5xx xxx 5xx Sixth Semester EM 550 xxx 5xx EM 599
Organizational Theory and Design Quality Management Semester Total Decision Analysis Designated Elective I Semester Total Designated Elective II Designated Elective III Semester Total
3 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 1 7 3 3 6 0 0 0
0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42
3 3 3 3 3 3
Second Semester EM 510 Engineering Economy OM 502 Statistical Analysis for Business xxx 5xx Designated Elective II Semester Total Third Semester MGT 511 Organizational Theory and Design CEM 515 Quality Management xxx 5xx Designated Elective III Semester Total Fourth Semester EM530 Decision analysis EM 550 Engineering Project Management xxx 5xx Free Elective 1 EM 599 Research Seminar Semester Total Fifth Semester xxx 5xx Free Elective - II EM 600 M.E. REPORT Semester Total Total Credit Hours:
Engineering Project Management Free Elective I Research Seminar Semester Total Seventh Semester xxx 5xx Free Elective II EM 600 M.E. REPORT Semester Total Total Credit Hours:
3 3 0 6 3 3 6
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For queries and further information, please contact: C.E.M. Department Chairman King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Building 19, Room 443 Phone +966 (3) 860 3590 Fax: + 966 (3) 860 4019 E-Mail : c-cem@kfupm.edu.sa http://www.kfupm.edu.sa/cem/
DEGREE PLAN FOR PART TIME STUDENTS (M.E. in Engineering Management) Course Code First Semester MGT 501 EM 520 Course Title Principles of Management Quantitative Methods in EM Semester Total LT LB CR 3 3 6 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 3 3 6
Second Semester EM 510 Engineering Economy OM 502 Statistical Analysis for Business Semester Total