Quasar Project Kit # 3089: - Stereo Vu Meter
Quasar Project Kit # 3089: - Stereo Vu Meter
Quasar Project Kit # 3089: - Stereo Vu Meter
This VU (volume-unit) meter is capable of monitoring and comparator is connected to an accurate ten-step voltage
displaying power levels present at the speaker terminals of divider network. Each comparator will therefore trigger on
an stereo audio power amplifier. The levels are displayed a different comparison level. The inverting (-) inputs of
in ten discrete steps. This meter is not designed to give an each comparator are commoned together and connected to
accurate display of the power levels produced by the an incoming DC signal via a high impedance input buffer.
connected equipment. It is designed to give an approximate The resistance values of the voltage divider network are
visual indication of the audio power output of each such that the comparators progressively turn on their LEDs
channel. For many situations - disco, parties - this is all for each 3dB increase of input signal level. There are ten
which is required: the flashing LED's add atmosphere to LEDs so the total range indicated is 30dB.
the situation. No calibration is required.
The output of each comparator drives an LED via a
The kit is constructed on single-sided printed circuit board. current-limited npn transistor. Outputs may be run in
It contains two identical circuits, one for each channel of saturation so that logicinputs on other IC's may be direct
the amplifier. It is based on the LM3915 IC. Protel driven.
Autotrax & Schematic were used to design it.
Current. LED This is given by the equation:
LM3915. This is a monolithic Dot/Bar Display Driver IC
made by National Semiconductor. It takes an analog ILED = 12.5V/R1 + Vref/2K2.
voltage input on pin 5 then drives 10 LED's providing a
logarithmic 3dB/step analog display. When measuring This works out to about 9.4mA.
power, a 3dB increase means that the power input has
doubled. As the power doubles, an additional LED will be The signal to be measured is fed to the input of IC1 (pin 5)
lit until the maximum is reached. The display can be bar or via a voltage doubling network consisting of C1, C2, D1
moving dot depending on the connection of pin 9 to the and D2. This gives the circuit more sensitivity to low level
positive supply. The LED drive current is regulated which input signals.
eliminates the need for current limiting resistors. The
supply voltage can be between 3V to 25V. You can Capacitor C2 is charged towards twice the peak-to-peak
download the data sheet from the National Semiconductor value of the input signal (less 1.2V for the drop across D1
website at: & D2). However, resistor R1 tends to discharge C2
between the signal peaks. Hence the DC voltage at pin 5 is
http://www.national.com/ equal to approximately twice the RMS value of the input
The IC is suited to signals with a wide dynamic range such
as audio, power, light intensity. In many applications a bar- The actual value of the power level displayed depends not
graph meter is faster, more rugged and has higher visibility only on the voltage across the speakers but also the
than an analog (moving coil) or LCD meter. resistance of the speakers themselves. The equation for
calculating power is P = E2 / R. The following gives the
Vref. The IC contains an adjustable voltage reference. A range of power levels displayed for common speaker
nominal 1.25V is developed across pins 7 and 8. Two resistances:
external resistors (R2 & R3 below) programs the full scale
from between 1.2V and 12V applied to pin 5. We have 8 ohm speakers 5.6 milliwatts to 2.87 watts
chosen 10.5V to turn on all 10 LED's. The voltage required 4 ohm speakers 11.2 milliwatts to 5.75 watts
to turn on all the LEDs is set by R2 and R3. The IC 2 ohm speakers 22.4 milliwatts to 11.48 watts
develops a nominal 1.25V reference voltage (Vref) across
pins 7 and 8. Since this voltage is constant then the current Note that the combination of R1 and C2 makes the circuit
through R3 is also constant. This current also flows non-linear. The power values given above are for a
through R2. The total voltage across R2 and R3 is given by frequency of 1 Khz. Frequencies below 1 Khz tend to be
displayed lower than their actual level while frequencies
V = Vref. ( 1 + R2/R3) + Iadj.R2 above 1 Khz tend to be displayed higher.
1. The full data sheets on the LM3915 can be found in the
SpecialPurpose Linear Devices, data book from National
Semiconductor,page 5-240. Better still download it from
their website as given above.