10.1007@s10570 019 02429 6
10.1007@s10570 019 02429 6
10.1007@s10570 019 02429 6
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-019-02429-6 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Abstract Crop stalk is a valuable source of cellu- characterized. The surface treatments improved the
losic biomass and has attracted increasing attention as chemical and mechanical properties of the corn stem
one kind of renewable resource. Cellulose fibers have fibers. The fibers had rougher surfaces after the surface
potential as a reinforcement material to replace treatments. EDX and FTIR analysis confirmed that the
synthetic fibers used in biopolymer composites. This surface treatments removed a certain amount of
study addresses the modification and characterization hemicelluloses, lignin and pectin from the natural
of corn stem fibers extracted from corn stalk waste. fiber surface. XRD analysis results showed that the
The corn stem fibers were treated with alkali, silane surface treatments had a positive impact on the
and NaOH-silane solutions, and then, the chemical crystallinity index of the natural fibers. The mechan-
properties, surface morphology, mechanical behaviors ical properties and thermal stability of the treated corn
and thermal stability of the corn stem fibers were stem fibers were also found to be improved.
Y. Liu Introduction
Editorial Department of Journal of Bionic Engineering,
Jilin University, Nanling Campus, Changchun 130022, Environmental pollution, global warning, energy
People’s Republic of China crisis and environment-friendly material needs have
J. Xie encouraged researchers to develop biocomposite
Air Combat Service Academy, Air Force Aviation materials for the aviation, automobile and marine
University, Changchun 130021, People’s Republic of industries (Rashid et al. 2016; Liu et al. 2019a, b;
Singh et al. 2019). Natural fiber-reinforced composite
N. Wu materials have attractive properties in comparison to
Collage of Automotive Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong synthetic ones, such as light weight, abundance,
University, Jinan 250023, People’s Republic of China biodegradability, nontoxicity, and low cost (Väisänen
et al. 2017; Barari et al. 2016a, b). In recent years,
C. Menon
School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, natural fibers have attracted increasing attention as an
Burnaby V5A 1S6, BC, Canada eco-friendly and inexpensive substitute for synthetic
fibers in the reinforcement of composite materials have reported that alkali and silane treatments are two
(Barari et al. 2016a, b; Sepe et al. 2018). Natural fibers of the most effective and most popular methods. These
have many advantages and attractive features, such as two surface treatments could improve the interfacial
abundance, light weight, biodegradability, renewabil- compatibility of the natural fiber and matrix, and
ity, low cost and high specific stiffness (Liu and change the microstructure of the natural fiber. San-
Tisserat 2018; Indran et al. 2018; Sanjay et al. 2018). gappa et al. (2014) evaluated the influence of NaOH
Natural fibers used to reinforce composite materials solution treatment on the physical, chemical, and
mainly include plant, animal and mineral fibers (Mittal surface properties of Indian hemp fibers. The
et al. 2016). In recent years, plant fibers, such as stalk, microstructural parameters of hemp fiber decreased
base, leaf, seed, wood and grass, have become an with increasing treatment time. The surface of the
important part of reinforcing materials and they are the natural fiber became rough and the fiber was suit-
most significant source of cellulosic fibers (Ramesh able for reinforcement. Sang et al. (2017) investigated
et al. 2017). Stalk fibers are mainly sourced from the surface modification of basalt fiber treated with a
straws of different kinds of crops, including corn, silane agent (KH-550). This work revealed that silane
barley, bagasse, wheat, sorghum, and rice (Ramesh treatment could increase the tensile strength and
et al. 2017). modulus of basalt fiber, and improve the interface
Corn is an important worldwide agricultural crop, bonding strength between the poly(butylene succi-
especially in northeast and northern China, such as in nate) matrix and the fiber in biocomposites. Moreover,
Jilin province. It is predicted that there are approxi- the silane treatment of the natural fiber provided an
mately 0.25 billion tons of corn stalks in China each effective way to prepare high-performance and
year (Ma et al. 2018). However, less than half of the biodegradable composite materials.
corn stalks are utilized, and most are thrown away or Although a large number of studies have been
burned by local farmers, which is a waste of renewable devoted to the application of corn stalk wastes and
biomass or biomass-derived resources and pollutes the chemical surface treatment of natural fibers, the
water and air, such as haze (Wang et al. 2011). The effects of different surface treatments on the chemical
pollution caused by corn stalks has become a global properties, surface morphology, mechanical behaviors
issue that needs to be addressed. In fact, numerous and thermal stability of corn stem fibers have seldom
research studies in recent years have investigated the been reported. In fact, different chemical treatment
benefits of using annual corn stalk wastes in fiber methods have a different impact on the natural fiber
reinforced biocomposite materials, low-cost housing, properties. Hence, an attempt is made in this paper to
paper-making and packaging (Ma et al. 2018; Li et al. improve the chemical, morphological and mechanical
2016). Research on the use of corn stalk waste could properties and thermal stability of the raw corn stem
solve energy issues and environmental problems, and fibers by various surface treatments. The present study
boost the agricultural economy (Bi et al. 2009). demonstrated the influence of an alkali treatment, a
It is well documented that a weakness of natural silane treatment and a combined NaOH-silane treat-
fiber is their poor compatibility with composite matrix ment on the chemical properties, surface morphology,
due to their hydrophilic lignocellulosic molecules and mechanical behaviors and thermal stability of such
low thermal stability (Zhou et al. 2016). Surface chemically treated corn stem fibers, and determined an
modification is a necessary step to prepare the effective treatment method to improve the natural fiber
reinforcing fibers used in biocomposite materials, properties. The surface morphology of raw and treated
and it is becoming a major area of research due to their corn stem fibers was observed using scanning electron
large potential in industrial applications. In fact, alkali microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray
treatment or mercerization, silane treatment, use of spectroscopy (EDX). The surfaces of untreated and
maleated coupling agents, acetylation treatment, radi- treated corn stem fibers were evaluated using X-ray
ation and discharge treatments, benzoylation treat- diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared
ment and peroxide treatment have been widely (FTIR) spectroscopy to investigate the structural and
reported so far (Venkata Krishna and Kanny 2016; chemical changes in the fibers, respectively. The
Kumar et al. 2014; Liu et al. 2019a, b). Several studies mechanical properties and thermal stability of the corn
(Yu et al. 2010; Asim et al. 2016; Orue et al. 2016) stem fiber were evaluated using a universal testing
machine and TGA analysis, respectively. The were dried in a heat-treatment tank at 90 °C for 24 h.
obtained morphology, chemical and structural infor- The temperature of silane treatment was chosen
mation, as well as mechanical properties and thermal considering references in the literature (Sepe et al.
stability of the corn stem fibers, can help guide the 2018; Zhou et al. 2014). In the combined NaOH-silane
surface treatment of natural fibers and the extraction of treatment, part of the corn stem fibers were treated
cellulose fibers applied in biopolymer composite with NaOH solution as described in the NaOH-
applications. treatment step, and then they were treated with a
silane solution as described in the silane-treatment
Experimental materials and methods
Morphology characterization
The lateral and transversal surfaces of untreated and
Corn stalk has received extra attention due to its treated corn stem fibers were evaluated by SEM
abundance and easy availability (Cai et al. 2016a, b). (SU3500, Hitachi, Japan) at an operating voltage of
The corn stem has a compact layer of cell walls and a 15 kV. All specimen surfaces were sputter coated with
higher cellulose content in comparison to other parts gold by using a SBC-12 sputter coater to improve the
of corn stalk, which can improve its mechanical conductivity of the natural fibers prior to SEM
strength (Luo et al. 2017). In this study, corn stalks observation.
were harvested on a farm in Jilin province, China.
After air drying, the stems of the corn stalk were EDX measurements
cleaned and dried, and the skins of the corn stems were
obtained using a skin separator. Then, the corn stem Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) is a
fiber samples were prepared for the experiments. The commonly used method to determine the quantity of
silane coupling agent KH-550, c-Aminopropyltri- elements (such as carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen) on a
ethoxysilane (APS, molecular mass of natural fiber surface. The elemental distributions on
221.37 gmol-1), used in this work was purchased the raw and alkali-, silane- and NaOH-silane-treated
from Jinan Jinhui Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. of corn stem fibers were determined by EDX (Oxford
China. In addition, all other chemical agents, such as INCAx-sight, Oxford Instruments, UK), which was
NaOH and alcohol, were of analytical grade. installed on the SEM. The data is expressed in atomic
and weight percentages.
Fiber surface treatments
FTIR measurements
Corn stem fibers were treated with three types of
chemical treatment methods, namely, an alkali treat- The untreated and treated corn stem fibers were
ment, a silane treatment and a combined NaOH-silane evaluated using a FTIR spectroscopy (6800-50/
treatment. For the alkali treatment, corn stem fibers NEXUS, ThermoNicolet, USA) to analyze the com-
were soaked in 5 wt% sodium hydroxide solution for ponent changes of the natural fibers. FTIR spectra
30 min at room temperature and then rinsed with were recorded using an infrared spectrometer in the
distilled water until the pH was equal to 7. After range of 675–4000 cm-1 with a resolution of 2 cm-1
washing, the corn stem fibers were kept in a heat- at room temperature and in the dry environment. The
treatment tank for 24 h at 90 °C. In the silane corn stem fiber samples were dried using a special
treatment, corn stem fibers were treated using a drying box.
solution containing 5 wt% of silane coupling agent
in a mixture of ethanol and water (80 vol%/20 vol% XRD measurements
solution of ethanol/water) for 60 min under normal
atmospheric pressure at room temperature, and then XRD patterns were obtained at an ambient tempera-
the fibers were rinsed with distilled water until the pH ture of 22 °C from radiation recorded by a 18 KW D/
was equal to 7. Subsequently, the corn stem fibers Max-2500PC diffractometer (Rigaku, Japan). The
Fig. 1 SEM images of transversal surfaces of corn stem fibers. a Untreated fiber; b alkali-treated fiber; c NaOH-silane-treated fiber;
d silane-treated fiber
Fig. 2 SEM images of lateral surfaces of corn stem fibers. a Untreated fiber; b alkali-treated fiber; c NaOH-silane-treated fiber;
d silane-treated fiber
experimental results concluded that the treated fibers fibers. This difference is vital for the following
had outstanding mechanical properties in comparison reasons: (1) the ethanol/water mixture in the solution
to the untreated fibers. The surface morphology of the could remove part of pectin and hemicelluloses
silane-treated corn stem fiber in Fig. 2c and d (Rachini et al. 2009) and (2) a siloxane layer formed
presented a slightly regular and unadulterated surface on the surface of the fiber as the condensation of the
free of residues in comparison to that of the other silane groups [see Fig. 3 Liu et al. (2019a, b)]. The
Fig. 3 Mechanism of interaction between the APS (KH-550) and cellulosic fibers
presence of APS could change the chemical compo- analysis (Hassaini et al. 2017). A corn stem fiber is
sition of the surface of the corn stem fiber and, in turn, mainly composed of cellulose, lignin, hemicelluloses
the surface morphology of the natural fibers. and waxes, and the chemical composition of the corn
stem has been reported by Luo et al. (2017). The basic
EDX analysis chemical elements in the corn stem fibers are carbon
and oxygen. Inorganic elements, such as Al, Mg, Cl, K
The data from the quantitative elemental corn stem and Ca, can also be presented on the fiber surface, but
fiber analysis before and after chemical modification in trace amounts (see Table 1). Table 1 shows that a
in terms of weight and atomic weight are presented in certain amount of Na was presented in the outer layer
Table 1. EDX analysis is one of the most popular of the natural fiber after NaOH treatment. This could
techniques for quantitative and qualitative elemental be attributed to the type of bond formation and
Table 1 Weight and Elements Untreated (%) NaOH (%) NaOH-silane (%) Silane (%)
atomic percentage of
untreated and treated corn Weight Atomic Weight Atomic Weight Atomic Weight Atomic
stem fibers using EDX
C 55.95 63.06 35.87 44.17 48.47 56.48 44.03 52.35
O 43.11 36.47 53.11 49.10 47.01 41.12 52.08 45.34
Si 0.88 0.44 0.37 0.19 2.19 1.09 2.43 1.24
Na – – 9.01 5.80 1.82 1.11 – –
Al 0.06 0.03 – – – – – –
Mg – – 0.49 0.30 0.12 0.07 0.20 0.12
Cl – – 0.27 0.11 – – 0.48 0.24
K – – 0.44 0.17 – – 0.46 0.19
Ca – – 0.44 0.16 0.39 0.14 0.36 0.13
changes that take place on the surface of the corn stem cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin are visible,
fiber during the NaOH treatment. The reaction of as mentioned in a previous publication (Sepe et al.
NaOH and the corn stem fiber is as follows: 2018).
After alkali treatment, the peak at approximately
Fiber OH þ NaOH ! Fiber O Naþ þ H2 O:
1723 cm-1 can be ascribed to the C=O bonds stretch-
ð3Þ ing from the hemicelluloses and pectin in the raw corn
The corn stem fiber treated with a silane solution led to stem fibers, which was no longer visible in the treated
incorporation of silicon. The results obtained are a corn stem fiber (Sepe et al. 2018). Meanwhile, a weak
good indication of Si in the silane-corn stem fiber peak, at approximately 1513 cm-1, could be ascribed
structure, which could be explained by the fact that the to C=C group stretching vibration in the carbonyl of
silanization of cellulosic constituents of the corn stem hemicellulose (Maache et al. 2017), and its absorbance
fiber led to the formation of silanol functional groups was lower than that of the untreated fiber. A weak peak
(see Fig. 3). Table 1 also reveals a decrease in the and lower absorbance in treated fibers were due to
percentage of carbon content and an increase in partial removal of lignin from the natural fiber surface.
oxygen content after chemical treatments because the Moreover, the peak observed at approximately
surface treatments may have removed part of the 1243 cm-1 (C–O bond stretching) was no longer
pectin and hemicelluloses from the surface of the observed in the corn stem fibers treated with alkali
treated fibers (Senthamaraikannan & Kathiresan, solution and NaOH-silane solution. This indicated that
2018). This result is consistent with the FTIR analysis parts of lignin and hemicellulose in the treated fibers
results in ‘‘FTIR analysis’’ section. were removed (Shanmugasundaram et al. 2018).
It is well known that there should be Si–O–Si and
FTIR analysis Si–C stretching vibrations in the spectral curve of the
silane-treated corn stem fibers (viridis and blue curves
Figure 4 shows the FTIR spectra of the corn stem in Fig. 4). This agrees with the EDX analysis result,
fibers treated with different chemical solutions com- which confirmed the existence of silicon on the fiber
pared with that of the untreated fiber. The character- surface after the silane treatments. However, the peak
istic peaks at approximately 3349 cm-1, 2917 cm-1, is not visible, as the concentration of the silane
1723 cm-1, 1513 cm-1, 1243 cm-1, and 898 cm-1 solution is relatively low and the signals are over-
correspond to the O–H, C–H, C=O, C=C, C–O, C1–H lapped by organic component signals of the corn stem
bonds, respectively. fibers (Sepe et al. 2018). Moreover, the peak at
In the FTIR spectrum of the untreated corn stem approximately 1243 cm-1 was lower than that of the
fiber (black curve in Fig. 4), the characteristic peaks of untreated fiber, which indicated that part of the
hemicellulose was removed during the silane treat-
ment due to the effect of the ethanol/water mixture
(Rachini et al. 2009).
XRD analysis
Table 2 Crystallinity characteristics and mechanical properties of untreated and treated corn stem fibers
CrI (%) Tensile strength (MPa) Young’s modulus (GPa) Elongation at break (%)
Fig. 8 TGA/DTG curves of a raw corn stem fiber and b silane treated corn stem fiber
et al. (2016) also concluded that a large removal of phase of mass loss occurred in the temperature range
non-cellulosic composition induce the degradation of of 300–450 °C for the raw and silane-treated corn
the natural fiber and then seriously impact the stem fibers. At this stage, a dramatic mass reduction of
transverse tensile behaviors of the natural fiber approximately 70% was observed at 323 °C for the
reinforced composites. Moreover, it is need to develop raw corn stem fiber and 327 °C for the silane-treated
the selective and non-degrading treatments which are corn stem fiber, which could be attributed to the
better able to control the final performances of the bio- thermal decomposition of a-cellulose (Belouadah
composite materials. et al. 2015). After saline solution treatment, the
thermal stability and degradation temperature
TGA analysis increased from 130 to 152 °C and from 323 to
327 °C, respectively. Similar degradation behavior
Through the above analysis, silane-treated corn stem could be found in previously published papers
fiber showed excellent chemical and mechanical (Belouadah et al. 2015; Senthamaraikannan and
properties. In this section, we emphasize on the Kathiresan 2018). From the DTG curves of the raw
comparison and analysis of the thermal stability of and treated natural fibers, it is indicated that both the
the raw and silane-treated corn stem fibers. Thermal thermal stability and degradation temperature of the
stability was investigated by TGA, and the TGA/DTG treated fiber were increased, which could be attributed
curves are presented in Fig. 8. The TGA/DTG curves to the formation of a siloxane layer on the surface of
clearly show that degradation of the raw and silane- the corn stem fiber (Seki et al. 2018). At 650 °C, the
treated corn stem fibers occurs in three different residual mass or char residue also increased from 16 to
phases (Senthamaraikannan and Kathiresan 2018). In 22% after silane treatment. These residuals of cellu-
the first phase, 12.3% and 7.4% mass loss was lose degradation mainly included carbon residues and
presented for the raw and silane-treated corn stem nondegraded fillers (Maache et al. 2017).
fibers, respectively, at temperatures of 40–130 °C.
The changes were attributed to the vaporization of
moisture in the natural fibers (Mayandi et al. 2018; Conclusion
Rajan et al. 2018). In the second phase, thermal
degradation occurred at approximately 180–300 °C The influence of different surface chemical treatments
with a mass-loss of 42.4% for the raw corn stem fiber on the chemical properties, surface morphology,
and 36.3% for the silane-treated corn stem fiber due to mechanical behavior and thermal stability of the corn
the degradation of hemicellulose and the glycosidic stem fibers were investigated, and the obtained results
linkages of cellulose (Indran et al. 2014). The final were discussed and reported in the present paper. SEM
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