Chapter-14 Semiconductor Old Notes
Chapter-14 Semiconductor Old Notes
Chapter-14 Semiconductor Old Notes
Extninsic Semicmdocton
Fig. 14.2 Generation of a hole at site 1 and liberation of a free
electron due to thermal energy at moderate temperature.
Extrinsic semiconductors. A semiconductor doped
with some suitable impurity atoms so as to increase its number
As each free electron creates one hole, so in an
of charge carriers is called an extrinsic semiconductor.
intrinsic semiconductor, the number density of free
electrons (n,) is equal to the number density of holes Extrinsic semiconductors are of tuo types:
(n,) and each is equal to the intrinsic charge carrier 1. n-type semiconductors.
concentration (n,). 2.p-type semiconductors.
This semiconductor is
1. n-type semiconductor.
The total current is obtained by doping the tetravalent semiconductor Si
(or Ge) with pentavalent impurities such as As, P or Sb
1=Electron current+holecurrent-Z+ of group V of the periodic table.
when a pentavalent impurity atom substitutes the
dinita Hons Stinsíc Semiconduton tetravalent Si atom, it uses four of its five valence
Limitations of intrinsic semiconductors. When
intrinsic semiconductors are used for developing
semiconductor devices, they have many limitations as
discussed below: Unbonded 'free
1. Intrinsic semiconductors have low intrinsic dharge *
donated by
carrier concentration (of hole and electrons) pentavalent
10 m.So they have low electrical aconductivity. (+5 valency)
2. As intrinsic charge carriers are always ther- atom
conduction band
Filled valeno ! E, <3eV Filled
(i) band
equal number of holes in the valence band. These 4. The electrons are majo- The holes are majority
thermally excited electrons occupy the lowest possible rity charge carrierss charge carriers while
Characteristics of holes
1. A hole is just a vacancy created by the removal
of an electron from a covalent bond of Fig. 14.12 Drifting of electrons and holes in a
semiconductor on application of voltage V.
and hole density n. Supposc a potential difference V is
2. It has the same mass as the (removed) electron.
applied across its ends. The electric field set up inside
3. It is associated with a positive charge of
it will be
magnitude e.
Electrons begin to drift with velocity ve in the
opposite direction of E while the holes drift in the
direction of E with velocity v
. Total current = Electron current + Hole current
Mobility or ..(2)
Electrical mobility. The drift velocity acquired by a As electrons in the conduction band and holes in
the valence band move randomly like free electrons in
charge carrier in a unit electric field is called its electrical
mobility and is denoted by u. In a semiconductor, metals, therefore we can write
Drift velocity of Applied eA" and =e A
a charge carrier electric field . I=en A + e A V
=eMnt (3)
or 7xE or 7=uE
IfR is the resistance of the semiconductor block and
Hence, the electrical mobility u is the drift velocity per p its resistivity, then
unit electric field.
The mobility of an electron in the conduction band R-A .(4)
of a semiconductor is greater than the mobility of a If the applied electric field E is low, the semicon
hole in the valence band. The electrons in ductors obey Ohm's law so that
conduction band are almost free. They get
I=_El [By using (1) and (4)]
accelerated by an electric field. But the electrons in the
R pl/A
valence band are bound between the atoms of a
semiconductor. They are less accelerated by an electric or IEA 5)
field and so acquire drift velocity smaller than that of
electrons in the conduction band. The mobility of From equations (3) and (5), we get
electrons in the valence band is less than the mobility
of electrons in the conduction band. As the motion of 6)
an electron in the valence band is equivalent to the
motion of a hole in the opposite direction, hence the
As mobility p is defined as drift velocity per unit and
electric field, therefore Unbiased p-n junction
potential barrier in a p-n junction.
Depletion region
Two important
Electron mobility, processes involved during the formation of p-n
or NE junction are diffusion and drift. When a p-n junction is
formed, the pside of the junction has a higher
Hole mobility, concentration of holes while the i-side has a higher
concentration of electrons. Due to the concentration
E gradient at the junction, holes begin to diffuse from
Hence pside to rside (p-> n) and electrons begin to diffuse
from n-side to p-side (n > p). As holes diffuse from
P r n side, they leave behind -ve acceptor ions which
or - etne+) set up a layer of negative charge or negativee
P space-charge region on the p-side of the junction.
The conductivity, which is reciprocal of resistivity. Similarly, as the electrons diffuse from n> pside, they
is given by leave behind +ve donor ions which set up a layer of
positive charge or positive space-charge region on th
side of the junction. This sets up an electric field ne
Also, the resistivity of the semiconductor is given by
thejunction from n-> pside.
The small region in the vicinityofthe junction
.(8) which is depleted of free charge carriers and has only
elaMe+ immobile ions is called depletion region.
P-N TOnchion
Pjunction. It is a single crystal of Ge or Si doped in
such a manner that one half portion of it acts as ptype semi-
conductor and the other half as n-type semiconductor.
p-type n-type
Depletion layer
Electron diffusion Ciasing in Semicondueton
Electron drift
1. Forward biasing. If the positive terminal of a battery
is connected to the p-side and the negative terminal to the
n-side, then the p-n junction is said to be forward biased.
As shown in Fig. the applied voltage
Depletion region V opposes the barrier voltage Vg. As a result of this
Hole diffusion t h e effective barrier potential decreases to
Hole drift (V-V)and hence the energy barrier across the
(b) junction decreases
(i) the majority charge carries ie., holes from pside
and electrons from +side begin to flow towards
the junction,
(ii) the diffusion of electrons and holes into the
depletion layer decreases its width, and
(iv) the effective resistance across the p-n junction
X decreases.
In the depletion region, electron-hole pairs are
continuously produced due to thermal or electric field
conditions. The electric field
E immediately pushes
the electrons towards the -side and holes towards the
pside. This current set up by the barrier fielá from n >p (V-V)
side is called drift current.
Anode Cathode
Fig. 14.14 Symbol for a
p-n junction diode. Fig. 14.15 (a) Reduced depletion layer, (b) Reduced energy
barrier, (c) Symbolic representation. for a forward biased
p-n junction.
When V exceeds Vg the majority charge carriers
start flowing easily across the junction and set up a large
current( mA) called forward current, in the circuit. The
current increases with the increase in
applied voltage.
Reversebiasing. If the positive terminal of a battery
is connected to the n-side and
negative terminal to the p-side
then the p-n junction is said to be reverse biased.
As shown in Fig. 14.16(a), the applied voltage V
and the barrier potential V are in the same direction.
Biasing a P-
V Va)
Foxwand iasina-
(a) (b) AV
p-n 0
(c) Cut-in Volts
voltage Vv(Forward bias)
Fig. 14.16 (a) Increased depletion layer, (b) Increased energy
barrier, (c) Symbolic representation for a reverse biased
p-n junction.
.14.18 Forward characteristic of ajunction diode.
Important features of the graph. () The V-I graph is
As a result of this not a straight line i.e., a junction diode does not obey
() the barrier potential increass to (Vg + V) and Ohm's law.
hence the energy barrier across the junction (ii) Initially, the current increases very slowly
increases, almost negligibly, till the voltage across the diode
(ii) the majority charge carriers move away from the crosses a certain value, called the threshold-voltage or
junction, increasing the width of the depletion cut-in voltage. The value of the cut-in voltage is about
layer, 0.2 V for a Ge diode and 0.7 V for a Si diode.
(ii) the resistance of the p-n junction becomes very
large, and
(iv) no current flows across the junction due to
majority charge carriers. (ii) After the cut-in voltage, the diode current
However, at room temperature there are always increases rapidly (exponentially), even for a very small
present some minority charge carriers like holes in increase in the diode bias voltage. Here the majority
n-region and electrons in p-region. The reverse biasing charge carriers feel negligible resistance at the junction
pushes them towards junction, setting a current, called ie., the resistance across the junction is quite low.
reverse or leakage current, in the external circuit in the
opposite direction. As the minority charge carriers are
much less in number than the majority charge carriers,
Aevense Biasica
hence the reverse current is small (=uA)
V (Reverse bias)
|V-T ChoNateaishs P-N Diocte
- 0.5
Reverse 1.0
V-I characteristics of a p-n junction diode. A graph conduction
showing the variation of current flowing through a p-n - 15
junction with the voltage applied across it (both when it is Breakdown
forward and reverse biased) is called the voltage- region
Current or V-I characteristic of a p-n junction
Fig.14.20 Reverse characteristic of a junction diode.
V (Reverse bias)
0.5 Volts
V(Forward bias) Fig. 14.22
Half-wave rectifier circuit.
Cut-in voltage
Working. When a.c. is supplied to the primary, the
secondary of the transformer supplies desired alter-
nating voltage across A and R During the positive half
cycle of a.c., the endA is positive and the end B is
ig. 14.21 Complete I characteristic of a junction diode. negative. The diode Dis forward biased and a current I
flows through R
and a current flows through it. During the negative Fig. 14.23 Waveforms of input a.c. and output voltage
half cycle, the diode is reverse biased and it does not obtained from a half-wave rectifier.
conduct. Thus the signal is rectified. half cycle, the end A becomes negative and Bpositive.
The p-n junctions can be used as The diode is reverse biased and no current flows. No
voltage appears across R. In the next positive half
() a half-wawe rectifier, and
cycle, again we get output voltage.
(in) a full-wave rectifier.
Since the voltage across the load appears only during
the positive half cycle of the input a.c., this process is
called half-wave rectification and the arrangement
used is called a half-wave rectifier.
Fott wave lechifien
Junction diode as a full waye rectifier. A full wave voltage across R, as shown in Fig. 14.25. Since output
rectifier consists of a transformer, two junction diodes voltage across the load resistance R, is obtained or
D, and D and a load resistance Rz. The input a.c. both half cycles of input a.c., this process is called full
signal is fed to the primary coilP of the transformer. wave rectification and the arrangement used is calledd
The two ends A and Bof the secondary S are connected
full-wave rectifier.
to the p-ends of diodes D, and D.
Fiten Citots
transformer Fiter circuits The output obtained from junction
diode rectifier is unidirectional but pulsating.
R Output
:A.C. Input at B