High Precision Ball Bearings Special Applications

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GMN Paul Müller Industrie GmbH & Co.

Äußere Bayreuther Str. 230 · D-90411 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0) 911-5691-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 911-5691-221 High precision ball bearings
Mail: info@gmn.de
www.gmn.de Special applications
Ball bearings:
Phone: +49 (0) 911-5691-249 · Fax: +49 (0) 911-5691-587
Mail: vertrieb.kula@gmn.de

Official GMN Representative:

4002 1214 ENG 4002 1214 ENG


Contents: About Us

Pages 4-5 The Company GMN

Pages 6-7 Process of Innovation

Special Applications

Pages 8-9 Touchdown Bearings

Pages 10-11 Vacuum Technology

Pages 12-13 Medical Technology/X-Ray

Pages 14-15 Bearing Systems

Pages 16-17 Measurement and Navigation Technology

Pages 18-19 Machine Tool Applications

High Precision Ball Bearings

Pages 20-21 Standard Program

Manufacturing Technologies

Pages 22-23 Sample Production and Precision Machining

Pages 24-25 From Measurement to Assembly

Pages 26-27 PVD Coating

The Company
Precision as tradition
Leonardo da Vinci himself invented the principle of the ball bea-
ring. Would he ever have imagined the maximum speeds, ball bea-
rings could reach in the 21st century and the loads they would have
to withstand?

From the beginning, GMN has specialized in products for high pre-
cision and high speed applications.

GMN was founded in 1908 as the mechanical workshop Georg

Müller Nürnberg and was one of the first companies to start seri-
al production of high precision bearings in 1928. Today, we export
world-wide and do continuously step up to our traditional reputa-
tion as a specialist in sophisticated bearing applications.

Precision as standard
Today, family owned and managed GMN is run by the fourth gene-
ration. The company’s following three product areas benefit from
almost a century of ongoing development work and production
know-how about ball bearings:

High precision ball bearings starting from precision class P4 (ABEC7)

as spindle bearings, deep groove bearings and hybrid bearings set
international standards in terms of reliability, precision and quality.

Machining spindles for precision and/or high speed machining un-

derline our concentration on challenging areas of technology.

Free-wheel clutches and seals extend our product range.


Innovation as driving force

Around 450 employees at GMN represent an invaluable source of
experience in successful solutions for machine tool applications,
vacuum technology, measurement technology, medical technolo-
gy and motion technology. In-house development work plus co-
operation with universities, as well as international research pro-
jects on spindle technology, material science and tribology ensure
our orientation to the future.

The ability to recognize synergies and to use them is an important

reason for our long-term and close customer relations. We are con-
tinuously working on economical new and further developments
and are developing optimized special solutions on the edge of
technical feasibility.

Quality as benchmark
To meet our customers’ requirements on our products is only one
part of our job. The real goal of efficient quality management at all
levels and throughout all processes is the consistence of maintai-
ning the highest standard across all product areas under cost-
efficient aspects:

• Careful selection of suppliers

• Developments in our own test facilities, simulation calculations
• Measuring device and precision measuring division as indepen-
dent in-house service provider
• High vertical range of manufacture using stateof- the-art tech-
nologies such as CBN grinding, hard turning and PVD sputtering
• Assembly under clean room conditions
• Constant research and development work
• Development assisted by 6-Sigma and continuous improvement
• Modern project management
• Excellent after-sales service
• Compliance with all environmental specifications

The Process of Innovation
Consultation comes first
As soon as standard bearings do not fulfill any longer the required
specification regarding geometry, precision, material as well as tri-
bological and application-specific requirements, special bearings
are requested. Especially for the application in our customers‘ in-
novative products, we often develop pre-finished bearing systems
up to the start of serial production.

The application engineers of our high precision ball bearings di-

vision provide support and advice regarding all questions and
problems right from the start, as even small changes often have a
major effect on the design and thus on the function of the bearing.
All environmental conditions must be taken into account; there-
fore our solutions are not only developed on the drawing board or
computer but first and foremost in discussion with our customers.

Consultation – no start to goal-oriented and cost- 6 effective pro-

ject development without it!

Ideas lead to system solutions

The next level proves your consultant’s engineering capacity.Stron-

ger, higher load, faster, more precise – GMN. Our special bearings
set technical benchmarks for a lot of applications. Hereby, we focus
on areas of technology where we can contribute our strengths and
expert knowledge.

Main fields of application:

• Touchdown bearings for magnetic bearing systems

• Vacuum applications (e. g. turbo molecular pumps)
• Medical technology (e. g. X-ray tube bearing units)
• Bearing systems
• Measurement and navigation bearings and units
• Machine tool applications

Our state-of-the-art design tools support the entire engineering

process; test facilities of our own as well as simulation calculations
guarantee products on the highest level.


Production makes the difference

GMN philosophy of producing prototypes under series conditions
is a key element. Up to the start of series production, GMN coor-
dinates the entire process of production by itself, as our vertical
range of manufacturing exceeds the requirements of the produc-
tion of special ball bearings by far. It is almost unique for a ball
bearing supplier of our size to have our own PVD coating system.
The precision measuring division, precision metal machining and
assembly are specifically geared to the production of sophisticated
high precision bearings and bearing systems.

• Production of samples under series conditions

• Measurement of all purchased precision parts and those pro-
cessed in-house
• Production with the aid of state-of-the-art technologies such as
CBN grinding, hard turning, PVD sputtering (Phyiscal Vapour De-

Single source units throughout the whole process – Your personal

consultant is available and monitors the continuous testing of
components and the production process.

Start of production. What’s next?

Once started, the process of innovation keeps running. Upon com-
pletion and delivery of the product, your GMN high precision ball
bearing team, especially your personal project consultant, will stay
in contact with you. In close cooperation with you we accomplish
the following tasks:

• Product improvements
• Further developments
• Weak-point analyses
• Bearing examinations

Join our process of innovation!

We accept the challenge!

Call us at:

+49 (0) 911 - 5691 - 225 / 229 / 217 / 326

Touchdown Bearings
The use of magnetic bearings gets more and more important for CO2 Optimized engineering
laser systems, liquid pumps as well as in the optical industry.
GMN has successfully been promoting the development and produc- The design of the touchdown bearing arrangement has a major
tion of touchdown bearings since the mid-nineties. influence on the dynamic behaviour of the shaft during emer-
gency operation. Triple bearing systems (one pair of spindle bea-
rings with a deep groove ball bearing) or quadruple bearing sys-
tems (two pairs of spindle bearings) can be implemented.

Important performance criteria:

• Arrangement of the bearings (rigid, radial and/or axial spring

• Bearing friction
• Acceleration of touch-down bearing masses
• Friction between shaft and bore
• Lubrication
• Low-cost and space-saving solution, e.g. 3-bearing system
• High operating safety due to high load capacity, e.g. 4-bearing

Accordance of cost and performance

An optimized bearing geometry, the use of HNS steels (High Ni-

Security of investments trogen Steel) and ceramic balls as well as an application-specific
tribology guarantee a high frequency of touchdowns.
In case of overload, or the failure of the magnetic bearings, touch-
down bearings prevent the bearing system from being damaged In low-cost systems, GMN PVD ball coating enables the use of steel
by the rotating parts. “Emergency” bearings must withstand the balls along with significant savings. The technical performance of
extreme loads during a collapse of the shaft and must be capable high-end applications, on the other hand, can be further improved
of working under a lot of different environmental conditions. by using PVD coating on ceramic balls.

Requirements on touchtown bearings:

• Extremely high acceleration from zero to nominal speed (n x dm

up to 3.5 x 106 mm/min)
• High-impulse radial and axial forces
• High frequency of touchdowns as well as “touch-and-goes”
• Limited dimensions
• Poor lubrication
• Low-cost systems
• Aggressive environment applications


Low-cost solutions
• Speed coefficient: 2.2 x 106 mm/min
• Mass of rotating parts: < 1.5 kg
• Atmosphere: Fore-vacuum
• Bearing design: Series 618 / full complement
• Ring material: 100Cr6
• Ball material: 100Cr6
• Lubrication: Ball coating and oil

High-end solutions
• Speed coefficient: 2.2 x 106 mm/min
• Mass of rotating parts: < 3.5 kg
• Atmosphere: Aggressive gases
• Bearing design: Series 618 / full complement
• Ring material: HNS (High Nitrogen Steel)
• Ball material: Silicon nitride (Si3N4)
• Lubrication: Oil

Vacuum Technology
In close cooperation with industrial partners, GMN develops overall Optimized engineering
concepts for complex bearing systems, especially for turbo molecular
pumps (TMP). For turbo molecular pumps GMN develops custom made high pre-
cision ball bearings with special dimensions, designs and cages.

Important performance criteria:

• Product-optimized bearing design

• Use of shielded bearings for protection from contamination and
to increase life
• Ceramic balls for higher speeds, minimum friction and optimized
bearing dynamics
• Total tribology concept (lubrication, preservation, surface quality,
• For grease lubrication, use of the GMN TXM cage for low-vibrati-
on, low-noise running

Long life guarantee

Vacuum technology is substantial for the research, development
and production of innovative products from semiconductor indus-
try to solar power industry. Depending on the application, the de-
sign of the vacuum pump differs in respect of final pressure, pum-
ping speed or resistance to various media. The bearing is the heart
of the vacuum pump – in a harsh vacuum environment and high
speeds, only robust bearings guarantee a long life.

Requirements on bearings for turbo molecular pumps:

• Long life
• Absolute reliability
• High speeds
• Low noise level
• Low vibration
• Cleanliness


Spindle bearings for TMP

• Open or shielded
• Silicon nitride balls (Si3N4)
• Vacuum up to 10-3 mbar
• Speed coefficient up to 1.1 x 106mm/min
• Service life > 30,000 h
• Cages: Oil-impregnated textile reinforced phenolic resin cage or
TXM cage
• Special design (dimensions, internal design, cage)
• Optimized grease reservoir

Deep groove bearings for TMP

• Open or shielded
• Silicon nitride balls (Si3N4)
• Vacuum up to 10-3 mbar
• Speed coefficient up to 0.8 x 106mm/min
• Oil lubrication
• Service life > 30,000 h
• Special design (dimensions, internal design, cage)

Medical Technology / X-Ray
Based on bearings and bearing units for more than 100,000 X-ray Optimized engineering
tube systems – amongst them one of the first tubes world-wide
which enabled X-rays of the heart – GMN has been an innovative GMN coats components such as bearing rings, sliding fits and balls
and reliable partner to medical technology for decades. on its own PVD sputter system.
Ball coatings in lead or silver with a thickness of nanometers
(10-9 m) have resulted from various research projects and are the
basis for the low-noise, low-vibration, particle-free GMN bearing
systems which perform impressively in their various applications.

Accordance of cost and performance

In addition, particle-free tribology enables a simplified design wi-

thout complex and cost-intensive shielding of the bearings. Cal-
culation tools, trials and design-tocost studies are reflected in the
design of the systems. Compared to a spring-preloaded system,
the use of temperature-compensated bearing units increasingly
proves to be the better solution from both a technical and econo-
mic point of view.

The sophisticated assembly concept enables an optimum design

and in addition reduces the number of critical components as well
as costs. A reliable chain of suppliers for precision vacuum compo-
nents, GMN measurement technology and production equipment
for plasma cleaning and vacuum packaging provide our customers
Extraordinary resilience with the required safety in this highly sensitive field of application.
The extreme operating conditions for the bearing unit of rotating In this respect, our close contact with leading partners in technolo-
anode X-ray tubes are a complex challenge and require experience gy from both industry and research is equally important.
in the area of materials, surface technology as well as the design
of the system as a whole.

Requirements on bearings for X-ray tube systems:

• Temperatures up to 550° C surrounding the bearing

• Ultra-high vacuum (10-7 bis 10-9 mbar)
• Electric conductivity, high voltage
• Dry lubrication
• Surface pressure inside the bearing of up to 3,200 N/mm2
• Low running noise
• Low vibrations
• No bearing-related particles or flitter


Bearing systems for mammography

and computed tomography
General features:

• Cartridge or integral housing design

• Temperature-compensated or spring-preloaded design
• Full complement bearings
• Speeds of up to 200 Hz
• Special heat dissipation system


• Temperatures of up to 400° C
• Pb-coated balls
• Running noise < 52 dB

Computed tomography

• Temperatures of up to 550° C
• Ag-coated balls
• Centrifugal forces of up to 16 g
• Running noise < 55 dB

Bearing Systems
GMN develops and produces ready-to-install, complex bearing sys- Optimized engineering and
tems apart from special bearings. The customer can concentrate on
production from one single source
his core competencies by procuring the entire bearing system.
The success of a product often depends on the interplay of many
details far beyond the ball bearing layout. Finally, everything has to
fit perfectly. Thus shaft and housing fits and internal preloads are
optimized for the respective application and negative side effects
must not arise from the lubricant used in connection with the exi-
sting work environment.

Important performance criteria:

• Functionality of the system

• Selection of materials suitable for the respective application
• Cleanliness of the components thus high purity of the bearing
system and prevention of contamination, e.g. in optical applica-
• Low-vibration and low-friction running
• Perfect adaptation of the system to attachment point

Solutions for precise bearing units

Where individual bearings no longer provide a solution, bearing
systems can be the key to success. Here it makes no difference
whether your devices are equipped with high-precision optics, for
instance, or operate under extreme ambient conditions. Bearing
systems provide your product with a unique characteristic and can
mature to an economic diversity of variants in the module princi-
ple. Here individual requirements regarding lubrication, materials
used, installation sizes required and necessary precision are taken
into account.

Requirements on bearing systems:

• All components must comply with the technical requirements

with regard to quality and characteristics
• Material selection, bearing design, machining as well as cleaning
and assembly need to be carefully harmonized
• Appropriate selection of lubricants for maximum durability of
the bearing system
• Cost optimization due to production grade adapted to custo-
mers’ requirements


Excimer laser fan roll bearing unit

• Use of stainless steels and high-quality aluminium alloys
• Magnetic coupling, special fan roll coupling
• Precision-balanced components/units
• High-precision components
• Lubricants adapted to various media and tribology
• Plasma cleaning as well as vacuum packaging
• Modular principle for the economic design of variants

Bearing systems for optical applications

• Shafts with bearings under rigid or spring preload
• Customer-specific designs and external geometries,
e.g. flange bearings, extra-wide bearings, etc.
• Bearing systems with raceways on the shaft
• Bearing units composed of housing, bearing and shaft

We provide:

• Experience in the design of bearing systems / spindles

• Realization of bearing concepts
• Development of tribology concepts
• Know how from the most varied fields of application

Production / purchase:

• Precision machining as in-house core competence

• High-precision components
• Precision-balanced components / units
Make use of our experience and you will benefit from: • Qualified suppliers for special requirements
• Suitable measuring equipment to ensure a high quality level
• Reduced development time and costs
• One single partner for engineering, production and after Assembly:
• Experience in handling sophisticated systems
• Simplified logistics due to delivery of complete
• Maximum cleanliness in the case of severe requirements on high
purity of the bearing system

Measurement and
Navigation Technology
More than 40 years ago GMN started with the production of special Optimized engineering
bearings for navigation systems thereby establishing the long-stan-
ding company tradition in measurement technology. The development and manufacture of products and services in
measurement technology make high demands on design, produc-
tion, measuring systems and component handling. 100% testing
of individual components and complete systems is an essential
prerequisite for constant quality at the highest levels of precision.

Important performance criteria:

• Very compact designs due to GMN production technologies for

thin-walled bearings
• Innovative weight-saving bonding techniques
• Assembly using laminar flow boxes

Precision guaranteed
GMN bearings and bearing units for measurement technology
feature extremely high precision and solid quality, combined with
limited dimensions and low weight. Products are e.g.:

• Shaft encoders
• Navigation systems (e.g. gyro compass)
• Probe heads of coordinate measuring systems

The challenge to measurement technology:

• System running accuracy of up to < 1 μm

• Low, non-repeatable run out (NRR)
• High system rigidity
• High matching accuracy
• Low starting and running friction torque
• Compact dimensions (thin-walled bearings)
• Low system weight (materials, construction)
• Absolute cleanliness during assembly


Flange bearings for positioning systems

• Special design (thin-walled, double-row)
• Special cage (Toroid)
• Very low specified starting torque
• Constant specified friction torque
• Very high running accuracy
• Very high matching accuracy
• Material: Stainless steel (AISI 440 C)

Bearings for shaft encoders

As individual bearing with special design (Dimension, cage, sealing)

• Thin-walled bearings (compact dimensions)

• Very high running accuracy
• Bearings paired and matched
• For life lubrication

or as completely assembled unit (Bushing and bearing)

• Very high running accuracy

• Material of bushing: steel

Bearing unit for probe head in coordinate measu-

ring machines
• Completely assembled unit (bushing and bearing)
• Thin-walled bearings (compact dimensions)
• Bearings paired and matched
• Very high running accuracy
• High rigidity
• For life lubrication
• Material of bushing: Aluminum

Machine Tool Applications
GMN is the leading manufacturer of machine tool spindles world- Optimized engineering
wide. This technical competence is, of course, used to continuously
improve our bearing technology. GMN develops special custom de- For GMN, flexibility is not just a slogan, but an indispensable part
signed solutions in close cooperation with customers for all fields of of the total concept.
modern machine tool applications. • Production of small batches under series conditions
• Determination of suitable lubricants with the support of experi-
enced lubricant manufacturers
• Special designs such as cages, matching, contact angle and bea-
ring clearances
• In-house test facilities help to determine reliable reallife data
• Optimized bearing configurations allow extremely high speed

Core competence with tradition

Market knowledge

GMN knows what is important for the customer in the intense

global competition. The bearing arrangement has considerable in-
fluence on the performance of machines and machining centers
and is the first and most precise part of a long, highly precise pro-
duction chain, e.g.:

• High-precision grinding machines for the machining of injection

• Multi spindle machines for the machining of engine and gear
• Machining lines for serial components with a very high number
of cycles
• Industrial paint shops

The challenge to mechanical engineering:

• Highest n x dm factor with oil and grease lubrication

• Bearing systems
• Materials (steel/ceramic/PEEK)
• Special designs (rings/cages) at highest precision levels


Rotary union for machining spindles

• Triple set of spindle bearings (TBT) based on series SN 619
• Extra-wide design
• Sealed on both sides
• Ceramic balls (Si3N4)
• n = 36,000 rpm
• TXM cage
• For life lubrication

Bearings for paint shop spindles (Atomizer)

• Spindle bearing set based on series SN 60
• Extra-wide design
• Shielded on both sides, for protection from turbine air
• Ceramic balls (Si3N4)
• n = 40,000 rpm
• TXM-Käfig
• For life lubrication
• Outside diameter DLC-coated for optimized floating bearing
function (friction, fretting corrosion)

Standard Program
GMN manufactures spindle bearings and deep groove bearings Spindle bearings
in precision classes P4/ABEC7 to P2/ABEC9 to the highest specifica-
tions. Our reliability, precision and quality set international stan- Spindle bearings of various types can be used universally:
dards. Bearing types S

• Standard spindle bearings

• Standard contact angles 15° and 25°
• Reference speed factor n x dm = 1.7 x 106 mm/min
• High load rating

Bearing types SM

• Geometry of inner ring modified for extremely high speeds

• Standard contact angle 15°
• Higher radial clearance for high speed applications
• Low operating temperature due to low friction
• Reference speed factor n x dm = 2.0 · 106 mm/min
Bearing types KH

• Bearing geometry modified for extremely high speeds

• Standard contact angles 15° and 25°
• High radial clearance
Bearing types • Sealed spindle bearing with life grease lubrication
The spindle bearing range covers bore diameters from 5 to 120 mm. • Open version for oil lubrication enables extremely high speeds
Deep groove bearings are manufactured with bore diameters from • Reference speed factor n x dm = 2.1 · 106 mm/min
5 to 40 mm. The sealed version of the KH bearing types for life grease lubrica-
A great variety of bearing designs and bearing series ensures that tion offers increased service life, easy and safe handling, and is in-
the customer is always provided with an optimal solution in re- sensitive towards contamination of the area of assembly.
spect of load capacity, rigidity, speed and lifetime.

62.. 60.. 619.. 618..

Bearing series


GMN ball bearings with rings and balls made of ball bearing steel
100Cr6 (SAE52100) are used for normal applications. For applica-
tions with high speeds and high loads, hybrid bearings with rings
made of 100Cr6 and balls made of ceramic (e.g. silicon nitride
Si3N4) are often a reasonable alternative.

All ball bearings are available as hybrid bearings.

Alternatively, high-temperature steels as well as HNS steel (High

Nitrogen Steel) are used.

KH bearing

GMN ball bearings are available with standard cages made of
textile reinforced phenolic resin which are guided on the outer or
inner ring. Other bearing designs and materials (such as TORLON,
Al-Bronze) can be used for customer-specific applications.

More than 20 years ago, GMN developed and launched the low-
wear TXM cage made of PEEK (polyetheretherketone). It has been
sold over a hundred thousand times and is still state of the art. It
was especially designed for grease lubrication and allows opera-
ting temperatures of up to 250 °C. The optimized ball pockets serve
as a grease reservoir and guarantee a long life. The TXM cage has
proven to be a reliable solution to cage vibrations.
TXM cage TA cage

Sample Production and
Precision Machining
GMN production technologies are optimally suited to the require- Precision machining of bearing rings
ments of high precision ball bearings and complex bearing systems.
For the precision machining of bearing rings GMN has machinery
at its disposal that is optimized for the serial production of high
precision ball bearings.

Surface quality and geometry are at constant focus of optimiza-

tion processes in order that both, standard series and special bea-
rings can be produced with extremely high precision.

Special designs

• Thin-walled bearings
• Flange bearings
• Special dimensions

• Chrome steel (100Cr6)
• Stainless steel
• HNS steel (High Nitrogen Steel)
• High-temperature steel
Prototype production under serial conditions
The production of prototypes under serial conditions is a basic
element of GMN‘s philosophy. Thus uniform quality is guaranteed
after product approval already at the start of series production.


Precision machining of shafts

Our spindle production machinery and know-how are used for the
precision machining of shafts.

Grinding of cylinder faces and ball raceways is part of our standard


Important quality features:

• Dimensional accuracy of the parts

• Form and position tolerances
• Surface quality

The balancing quality of the rotating components is substantial
for the functionality of the final product, especially when very high
speeds are required. For this reason, GMN carries out custom desi-
gned precision balancing for many components.

Precision machining of associated components

In addition to ball bearings we increasingly develop and offer com-
plex bearing systems for many fields of application such as medi-
cal technology, laser technology or measurement technology.

The precision of associated components such as bearing bushings

and housings is of fundamental importance for the function and
accuracy of the system down to μ-precision levels.

The tools and equipment required for production and assembly
are individually and promptly manufactured in our tool-making
division which is especially geared to our machinery and product

From Measurement
to Assembly
The credo of the precision measuring division is accuracy. Measurement technology
Working independently as a service provider, it carries out all
measurements of precision parts. This covers goods received, the
current production as well as examinations within the scope of be-
aring analyses.

The following standard tests and measurements are carried out:

• Hardness and structural tests

• Topographic analyses (surfaces)
• Form and position tolerances
• Measurements of coordinates (2- and 3-D measurements)

The reference standards are regularly compared to those of the

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB is the German natio-
nal metrology institute providing scientific and technical services).
The precision measuring area is, of course, fitted with air conditio-
ning and vibration-proofed.

Product-specific measuring equipment is developed, built and

tested in an in-house division for test and measuring equipment


The smooth interplay between human, material and system al-
lows us to assemble ready-to-install prefinished units from a sin-
gle source at a quality level that meets the highest standards.

You will benefit from:

• Experience in the design of sophisticated bearing units

• Experience in the handling of complex systems
• Optimized measurement and assembly technology
• A wide scope of bonding techniques for the assembly of units
• Final assembly of the systems under optimal environment condi-
• Continual process and component testing
• Experience in handling, storage and packaging of components
for high-vacuum applications
• Delivery of complete units which simplifies customer logistics

PVD Coating
Fields of application
GMN has been coating components for different fields of appli-
cation since 1996 on an in-house PVD sputtering system (Physical
Vapour Deposition) using a coating chamber which was optimized
for ball bearing applications:

• Medical technology (dry lubrication)

• Vacuum technology (dry lubrication)
• Laser technology (protection from aggressive gases)
• Aeronautics and aerospace
• Touchdown bearings (solid lubrication)

Coating examples:
• Bearing rings
• Shafts and axles
• Cages
• Balls

Depending on the field of application various ultra pure materials
(targets) are used as an undercoating or functional coating:

• Silver (Ag)
• Lead (Pb)
• Gold (Au)
• Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2)

To be able to efficiently coat three-dimensional surfaces the work
piece holders are individually adapted. Technological know-how
and our experience in PVD coating provide the basis for many de-
velopments and products.

• Uniform coating thicknesses of very high adhesive strength at

high accumulation rates
• Coating thicknesses from a few nanometers (10–9 m) to several
micrometers (10–6 m)
• Coating thickness variations in the region of nanometers (10–9 m)
• Technical equipment for the simultaneous sputtering of several
materials (co-sputtering)
• High process stability since fully automatic
• Application of coatings without exceeding a critical substrate

GMN Cleaning
GMN Paul Müller Industrie GmbH & Co. KG, the family enter- Before PVD coating or as final treatment for vacuum applications,
prise now run in the 4th generation, produces with the experience the components are cleaned in several processing steps:
of more than 90 years high precision ball bearings, machining
• Ultrasound cleaning
spindles, freewheel clutches and non-contact seals for a wide
range of applications. Most of our products are made for special • Degreasing
applications on customer requests. • Vacuum drying
• Plasma cleaning

For many applications additional purification annealing of the

components is required.

GMN Quality management – tested and certified

GMN guarantees utmost quality for its products and services
that is based on long-term reliability. Highly modern develop-
ment and production methods ensure products that always
represent state-of-the-art technology. Coating thickness measurement and material
All GMN corporate divisions are certified to DIN ISO 9001:2008.
analysis (XRF)
GMN applies the latest high technology to analyse coatings.
Coating thickness measurements at the nanoscale and analyses
of coating materials are measurements necessary and helpful for
high-end bearings in medical and ultra-high vacuum engineering.

GMN – Safeguarding the future • High-precision and programmable XY(Z) measuring table
• Analysis and coating thickness measurement of very thin films
For GMN, progress means the best possible customer support
and multi-coating systems
combined with performance-oriented optimization of its
technical products. This claim is realized at GMN under especially • Analysis of the basic material through a coating system
strict observance of national and international environmental • Autofocus or visual focus setting
standards with regard to efficient, responsible utilization of
ecological resources.

At our Internet site www.gmn.de we provide comprehensive
product information that can be downloaded.


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