Browman Online Appendix
Browman Online Appendix
Browman Online Appendix
Welcome to our lab! Today, you will be asked to complete 2 short studies, rather than just 1
larger one.
The first study is being conducted in conjunction with the [School name] Office of
Undergraduate Admissions, who are seeking student opinions on some new, potential
promotional materials directed at prospective undergraduate students.
As such, on the following pages, you will be asked to review some promotional statements about
[school name] that have been proposed for use on the school's website and in promotional
materials for the 2013-2014 admissions period.
The pool of materials being used were provided by 3 sources—the Admissions Office, the
Student Life Office, and the Financial Aid Office—in order to present a range of varying
information about the school. From our pool of statements, you will randomly be presented with
We would like you to please do the following: First, we would like you to simply read each
statement, and to respond to a few simple questions concerning each. Then, you will be asked to
order those 4 statements as you feel they should be presented to the public (more instructions on
this will be given later on).
[School name] is recognized both nationally and internationally for the
quality of its educational programs at all levels. U.S. News & World Report
consistently ranks the University's undergraduate programs among the best in
the country.
How useful do you find the information in this statement?
[School name] has worked hard to maintain acceptable fees. The cost of
attendance for the 2011-12 academic year was $58,429, which over half of
[school name] families manage without any financial aid.
How useful do you find the information in this statement?
In 2011, parents of [school name] students and alumni gave more than $1.8
million to bolster the school's endowment through the Parents’ Fund, with
gifts ranging up to $250,000. With their help, [school name] has maintained
the 9th largest endowment in the nation, surpassing $7 billion in 2010-2011.
How useful do you find the information in this statement?
Were you already aware of this information?
Now that you have read all 4 statements, we would like you to imagine that they were to appear
in a promotional pamphlet, and thus to place them in the order you feel best belong if they were
to be presented to the public.
To do so, drag the statements from the "Items" column on the left into the statement boxes
marked on the right. You must place one statement (and only 1 statement) in each of the 4 boxes.
The [school name] Office of Undergraduate Admissions would like to thank you for completing
this study.
Experiment 1 dependent measures:
Academic expectations:
What do you predict your GPA will be at YOUR EXPECTED GRADUATION TIME?
Academic efficacy:
Iʼm certain I can figure out how to do the most difficult class work.
Iʼm certain I can master the skills taught at [school name] this upcoming year.
When I experience challenges at [school name], I will have no problem asking for help.
Experiment 2 dependent measure:
Experiment 3 Materials
Perceptions of institutional commitment to SES diversity (same response scale as for the
academic efficacy in Experiment 1):
I feel that [school name] is committed to promoting socioeconomic diversity within its student
I feel that [school name] cares about all its students and applicants equally, regardless of their
social class background.
Sensitivity to SES-based Identity Discrepancies (SSID; same response scale as for the
academic efficacy in Experiment 1):
Most students at [school name] have had more opportunities (for success) than I have.
Compared to most students at [school name], I have had to work hard to overcome obstacles to
get to a school like [school name].
Most students at [school name] come from a more privileged background than I do.
I come from a very different socioeconomic background than most [school name] students.
Belonging (same response scale as for the academic efficacy in Experiment 1):
I feel that I belong at [school name].
Belonging uncertainty (same response scale as for the academic efficacy in Experiment 1):
Sometimes I feel that I belong at [school name], and sometimes I feel that I don’t belong.
When something bad happens, I feel that maybe I don’t belong at [school name].