Day11 Yam2
Day11 Yam2
Day11 Yam2
How we can propitiate by our worship, there are verse in Damodar Vrata, how They can be
satisfied. For that reason Satyavrata Muni has narrated glories of Radha Damodar. So
everywhere during the observance of Damodar Vrata we have to repeat what is stated by
Satyavrata Muni who is very dear to Radha Damodar. By uttering that we may not understand
the significance, He is already satisfied, yet it will be effective. Otherwise, if we do not do this,
observance of the Damodar Vrata will be incomplete.
Amongst all forms of devotion chanting of the Holy Name is the highest. For the eternal benefit of
the conditioned souls of this Kaliyuga Supreme Lord has appeared in various Names, Original
Names. And all powers have been given to the Names. And we can do it any time, any
circumstance and at any place, there is no restriction. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has taught in regard
to this in the second verse of Sikshastaka.
Second verse:
O Supreme Lord! Certainly, Your Holy Name can bestow all kinds of eternal welfare to the
conditioned souls. There should not be any doubt in this, what can a mere name of the Lord can
bestow? In that case there is no necessity of speaking glories of the Names. Therefore, You
have mercifully manifested in this world with Your Principal transcendental Names like Krishna,
Govinda, Gopinath, etc. which do not have any connection with the material world. You have
appeared in this world in different Names to rescue the fallen souls and You have given all
powers in Your Names. And no conditions have been imposed here. You can do Harinam
anywhere, at any age, in any circumstance, in any place. No restrictions have been imposed.
By lying down also you can do Harinam. God is so gracious, given this opportunity to the
conditioned souls to be rescued from the clutches of maya. Also God, Supreme Lord Caitanya
Mahaprabhu has ordered His Personal Associates and those who have gone through the
preceptorial channel, the sadhus, to teach this throughout the world. You should not be confined
only to India. They(the people of this world) should be informed without chanting the Holy Name
there is no other way for their rescue from the clutches of maya. Why they should be deprived?
For that reason that is the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Whether they accept or not, it is your
duty to say to the whole world. So God is so gracious and has made it so easy for the
conditioned souls of this black age but our misfortune is so much that due to the tenfold offences
to Harinam we have got no aptitude to do Harinam. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is expressing His
extreme regret for this.
Sikshastaka Song 2:
A true bonafide devotee who has got one-pointed devotion to Supreme Lord has got liking to do
only kirtan and smaran, only chanting of the Holy Name and remembering. He will engage only in
these two forms of devotion, kirtan and smaran. But without the association of bonafide sadhus
this sort of aptitude will not to be manifested. It is rare a devotee has got extreme separation grief
to the Object of worship. Out of separation grief when he will utter the Name it will be delightful,
otherwise charming words, he may cry, he may imitate the voice of human beings, not from the
core of the heart, only imitate. This sort of imitation or uttering will not reach Supreme Lord. So
association of sadhus is necessary who has got extreme separation grief for Krsna. By the
company of the sadhus extreme desire will come, will be manifested in your self and you will cry.
Utterance will come from the core of the heart. He cannot be a troubled soul of this world. If I get
association of boanfide sadhu, even if I get remembrance of a sadhu, you may submit to him, you
may serve him, then you will not be a devotee, you will remain a bonafide devotee. There should
be submission to him. Serving mood should be there. Then that mood will be transmitted.
What is the specialty of sadhu, one-pointed devotion. How you can understand? When there will
be spontaneous endeavoring and liking to serve Vishnu Vaishnav then you will understand that
you have become one, one-pointed exclusive devotion will be manifested in your heart, otherwise
not. They serve from the core of the heart delightfully. He will pray for and make efforts to get
the opportunity for seva. On the other-hand a so-called sevaka who is lazy and inactive (stabda)
is a type of unsatisfactory sevak (adhama sevak) of Sri Krishna who needs to persuaded through
scriptural rules and regulations.
We can give up everything, but to give up desire for Name and Fame is very difficult. If this
desire for Name and Fame is not given up, then devotion is simply not possible. With emphatic
words, with strong words our Srila Bhakti Siddhantha Saraswati has condemned this sort of
desire for Name and Fame.
There should be sincerity in your heart, practicing all these different forms from the heart. Then
God will come and His Personal Associates will come and help us. Then we will be rescued from
all these entanglement of the world and get the objective Krsna Prema.
When there will be proper kirtan then your mind will be sanctified, then you can meditate or think
about the transcendental pastimes.
Some few devotees have come only yesterday. So to please them I have to speak something in
In the morning Krishna sometimes sleeps and again rises. Why, to give satisfaction to all
devotees of delightful relations, to Yashoda mata, Nanda baba. Already Krishna woke up at the
close of the night, and again He is waking up to satisfy devotees His confidentes Sakhas, and
also to satisfy Nanda Baba, Yashoda mata, Krishna rises. Only to satisfy devotees several times
He is making the pastimes of sleeping and rising. After waking up Krishna goes to the cow-shed
to milk the cows. After milking the cows thenThey will take bath. All the cowherd boys
confidentes are crying Oh Kannaiah where are you, where are you. Come, let us take bath. All
take bath and sit together and Yashoda devi feeds all the cowherd boys including Krishna You
have to take shelter of such Krishna.
Lila kirtan 2: