MSC Banking and Finance Reading List
MSC Banking and Finance Reading List
MSC Banking and Finance Reading List
Core Texts
Please note a further detailed reading list will be provided by the module leader at the start of
each module.
Semester 1
2) 7SSMM701 – Investments
Brealey R. and S. Meyers (2014), Principles of Corporate Finance, Last Edition, McGraw
Bodie Z., Kane A. and A. J. Marcus (2015), Investments, Last Edition, McGraw Hill. CFA
Institute (2014), Standards or Practice Handbook, Eleventh Edition,
CFA Institute. Copeland T.E. and J.F. Weston (2000), Financial Theory and Corporate
Policy, Addison-Wesley.
DeFusco, R., McLeavey, D., Pinto, J., Runkle, D., Anson, M. (2016),
Quantitative Investment Analysis, Third Edition, Wiley
Casu, B., Girardone, C., Molyneux, P., (2015). Introduction to Banking, second edition.
Pearson Higher Education.
Heffernan, S., (2005). Modern Banking. John Wiley and Sons.
Hull, J., (2015). Risk Management and Financial Institutions, fourth edition. John Wiley
and Sons.
Boyle, P & McDougall, J. (2015). Trading and Pricing Financial Derivatives: A Guide to
Futures, Options, and Swaps. CreateSpace, Charleston USA.
Hull, J. (2014). Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (9th Edition). Prentice Hall, USA.
Hull, J. (2011), “Options, futures and other derivatives”, 8th edition, Pearson Education.
Bodie Z., A. Kane and A.J. Marcus (2011), Investments and Portfolio Management, 9th
edition, McGraw‐Hill Irwin.
Ang, A. (2014), Asset Management: A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing, Oxford
University Press.
Mikosch, Thomas (1998), Elementary Stochastic Calculus with Finance in View, World
Casu, B., Girardone, C., Molyneux, P., (2015). Introduction to Banking, second edition.
Pearson Higher Education.
Danielsson, J., (2013). Global Financial Systems. Stability and Risk, first edition. Pearson
Higher Education.
Hull, J., (2015). Risk Management and Financial Institutions, fourth edition. John Wiley
and Sons.
Mishkin, F., Eakins, S., (2015). Financial Markets and Institutions, eighth edition. Pearson
Higher Education.
C. Goodhart et al., Financial Regulation: Why, How and Where Now? (Routledge, 1998).
Rosa M Lastra (ed), Cross-Border Bank Insolvency (Oxford: OUP, 2011).
Rosa M Lastra, International Financial and Monetary Law (2nd ed., Oxford: OUP, 2015).
Mario Giovanoli and Diego Devos (eds), International Monetary and Financial Law:
The Global Crisis (Oxford: OUP, 2010).
S. Valdez and P. Molyneux, An Introduction to Global Financial Markets (Macmillan,
R. Cranston, Principles of Banking Law (OUP 2002).
H. Scott and A. Gelpern, International Finance: Transactions, Policy and Regulation
(Foundation Press 2011).
C. Goodhart, The Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis (Edward Elgar
Publishing Ltd, 2010).
T. F. Huertas, Crisis: Cause, Containment and Cure (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011).
To be confirmed
Allen, F., Gale, D., 2001. Bubbles and crises. Economic Journal, 110, 236-55.
Bean, C.R., 2005. Asset prices, financial instability and monetary policy. American Economic
Review 94, 14-18.
Bernanke, B. S., 2000. Monetary policy and asset price volatility. NBER Working Paper Series
Bernanke, B.S., Gertler, M., 1999. Monetary policy and asset market volatility. Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Kansas City Economic Review 84, 17-52.
Bernanke, B. S., Gertler, M., 2001. Should Central Banks Respond to Movements in Asset
Prices? American Economic Review 91, 253-257.
Bernanke, B.S., Mihov, I., 1998. Measuring monetary policy. Quarterly Journal of Economics
113, 869-902.
Bordo, M.D., Jeanne, O., 2002. Boom-busts in asset pricesm economic instability and monetary
policy. NBER Working Paper Series 8966.
Cecchetti, S.G., Genberg, H., Wadwhani, S., 2002. Asset prices in flexible inflation targeting
framework. NBER Working Paper Series 8970.
Cecchetti, S.G., Genberg, H., Lipsky, J., Wadwhani, S., 2000. Asset Prices and Central Bank
Policy. The Geneva Report on the World Economy.
Fuhrer, J., Tootell, G., 2008. Eyes on the prize: How did the fed respond to the stock market?
Journal of Monetary Economics 55, 796-805.
Filardo, A., 2000. Monetary policy and assert prices. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Economic Review 85, 11-37.
Frait, J., Komarek, L., 2006. Monetary Policy and Asset Prices: What Role for Central Banks in
New EU Member States? Department of Economics, University of Warwick, Working paper
series 738.
Gilchrist, S., Leahy, J.V., 2002. Monetary policy and asset price. Journal of Monetary
Economics 49, 75-97.
Godhart, C., Hofmann, B., 2002. Do asset prices help to predict consumer price index? The
Manchester School 68, 122-40.
Goodfriend M., 2005. Interest rate policy should not react directly to asset prices, in Hunter,
W.C., Kaufman, G.G., Pomerlano, M. (eds), Asset price bubbles: the implication for monetary,
regulatory and international policies, MIT press.
Mishkin, F.S., 2001. The transmission mechanism and the role of asset prices in monetary
policy. NBER Working Paper Series 8617.
Baronyan S., Boduroglu, I., Sener, E., 2010. Investigation of stochastic pairs trading strategies
under different volatility regimes. The Manchester School 78, 114-143.
Chng, M., 2009. There is something about pairs trading. Corporate Finance Review 13, 27-35.
Eliott, R. J., Van Der Hoek, J., 2005. Pairs trading. Quantitative Finance 3, 271-276
Gatev, E., Goetzman, W. N., Rouwenhorst, K. G., 2006. Pairs trading: performance of a
Relative-Value Arbitrage Rule. Review of Financial Studies 19, 797-827.
Lin Y.X., McCrae, M., Gulati, C., 2006. Loss protection in pairs trading through minimum
profit bounds: a cointegration approach. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Science,
Perlin, M. S., 2009. Evaluation of pairs-trading strategy at the Brazilian financial market.
Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds 15, 122-136.
Schmidt, A. D., 2008. Pairs trading: A cointegration approach. University of Sidney.
Vidyamurthy, G., 2004. Pairs trading: Quantitative methods and analysis. Wiley.
Allen F., H.Gersbach, J.P. Kranhlen, A.M. Santomero, 2001. Competition among banks:
introduction and conference overview. European Finance Review 5, 1-11.
Bikker, J.A. and Haaf, K, 2002. Competition, concentration and their relationship: an empirical
analysis of the banking industry. Journal of Banking and Finance 26, 2191-2214.
Bikker J.A., L.Spierdijk, Finnie P, 2007. Missespecification in the Panzar - Rosse model:
assessing competition in the banking industry, Working Paper, De Nederlandsche Bank.
Goddard, J., Wilson, J., 2009. Competition in banking: A disequilibrium approach, Journal of
Banking and Finance 33, 2282-2292.
Leonida L., Silipo D., 2011. Competition and the Adjustment Processes, Mimeo.
Hempell H.S., 2002. Testing for competition among German banks, Economic Research
Centre, Deutsche Bundesbank.
Kiviet J.F., 1995. On bias, inconsistency, and efficiency of various estimator in dynamic panel
data models. Journal of Econometrics 68, 53-78.
Molyneux P., D.M. Lloyd, Thornton W.J., 1994. Competitive conditions in European banking.
Journal of Banking and Finance 18, 445-459.
Panzar, J.C., Rosse, J.N., 1987. Testing for monopoly equilibrium, Journal of Industrial
Economics 35, 443-456.
Shaffer S., 1989. Competition in the US banking industry Economics Letters 29, 321–323.
Shaffer S, 2004. Patterns of competition in banking. Journal of Economics and Business 54, 287-
Trivieri F., 2007. Does cross-ownership affect competition? Evidence from the Italian banking
industry. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 17, 79-101.
Vesala J., 1995. Testing for competition in banking: behavioural evidence from Finland. Bank of
Finland studies.
Allayannis, G., Mozumdar, A., 2004. The impact of negative cash flow and influential
observations on investment cash flow sensitivity estimates. Journal of Banking and Finance 28,
Almeida, H., Campello, M., 2001. Financial constraints and investment-cash flow sensitivities:
new research directions. Mimeo, New York University.
Almeida, H., Campello, M., Weisbach, M., 2004. The cash flow sensitivity of cash. Journal of
Finance 59, 177-1804
Bond, S., Meghir, C., 1994. Dynamic investment models and the firm's financial policy. Review
of Economic Studies 61, 197-222.
Cleary, S., 1999. The relationship between firm investment and financial status. The Journal of
Finance 54, 673-692.
Cleary, S., Povel, P., Raith M., 2007. The U-Shaped Investment Curve: Theory and Evidence.
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 42, 1-39.
Fazzari, S.M., Hubbard, R.G., Petersen, B.C., 1988. Financing constraints and corporate
investment. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1, 141-195.
Fazzari, S.M., Hubbard, R.G., Petersen, B.C., 2000. Investment-cash flow sensitivities are
useful: A comment on Kaplan and Zingales. Quarterly Journal of Economics 115, 695-705.
Hubbard, G., 1998. Capital market imperfections and investment. The Journal of Economic
Literature 36, 193-225.
Kaplan, S.N., Zingales, L., 1997. Do investment-cash flow sensitivities provide useful measures
of financing constraints. Quarterly Journal of Economics 112, 169-215.
Kaplan, S.N., Zingales, L., 2000. The investment-cash flow sensitivities are not valid masures of
financing constraints. Quarterly Journal of Economics 112, 705-710.
Iona, A., Leonida, L., Ozkan, A., 2006. On the relationship between the cash flow sensitivity
and the degree of financing constraints. Evidence from the UK firms, Discussion Papers, SOBE,
University of Exeter.
Povel, P., Raith, M., 2002. Optimal investment under financial constraints: the roles of internal
funds and asymmetric information. Working Paper, University of Rochester and CEPR.
Altman, E.I., 1968. Financial Ratios, discriminant analysis and the prediction of corporate
bankruptcy. The Journal of Finance 23, 589-609.
Altman, E.I., Haldeman, R.G., Narayanan, P., 1977. Zeta analysis: a new model to identify
bankruptcy risk of corporations. Journal of Banking and Finance 1, 29-54.
Bhagat, S., Moyen, N., Suh, I., 2005. Investment and internal funds of distressed firms. Journal
of Corporate Finance 11, 449-472.
Iona, A., Leonida, L., Ozkan, A., 2004. Determinants of financial conservatism: Evidence from
low-leverage and cash-rich UK firms, Discussion Papers 04/01, University of York.
Iona, A., Leonida, L., 2012. Policy of cash in excess and ownership structure, Mimeo.
Hubbard, G., Kashiap, A.K., Whited, T., 1995. Internal finance and firm investment. Journal of
Money, Credit and Banking 27, 683-701.
Modigliani, F., Miller, M.H., 1958. The cost of capital, corporation finance, and the theory of
investment. American Economic Review 48, 261-297.
Myers, S.C., 1977. Determinants of corporate borrowing. Journal of Financial Economics 5,
Myers, S.C., 1984. The capital structure puzzle. Journal of Finance 39, 575-592.
Whited, T.M., 1992. Debt, liquidity constraints and corporate investment: evidence from panel
data. The Journal of Finance 47, 1425-1460.
Whited, T.M., Wu, G., 2006. Financial constraints risk. Review of Financial Studies 19, 531-
Baillie, R.T., Bollerslev T., 2000. The Forward Premium Anomaly Is Not As Bad As You
Think. Journal of International Money and Finance 19, 471-488.
Baldwin, R., 1990. Re-interpreting the failure of foreign exchange market efficiency test: small
transaction costs, big hysteresis bands. NBER Working Paper Series 3319.
Ball, R., 2009. The global financial crisis and the efficient market hypothesis: what have we
learned? Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 21, 8-16.
Beechey, M., Gruen, D., Vickery, J., 2000. The efficient market hypothesis: a survey. Reserve
Bank of Australia Research Discussion Paper 1.
Chen, S.H., Yeh, C.H., 2002. On the emergence of properties of artificial stock markets: the
efficient market hypothesis and the rational expectations hypothesis. Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization 49, 217-239.
Chinn, M.D. Frankel, J.A., 1994. Patterns in Exchange Rate Forecasts for 25 Currencies.
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 26, 759-770.
Clarida R.H., Taylor, M.P., 1997. The term structure of forward exchange premiums and the
forecastability of spot exchange rates: correcting the errors. Review of Economics and Statistics
79, 353-361.
Engel C., 1996. The forward discount anomaly and the risk premium: A survey of recent
evidence, Journal of Empirical Finance 3, 123-192.
Frankel, J.A., Engel, C.M., 1984. Do Asset Demands Optimize over the Mean and Variance of
Returns? A Six Currency Test. Journal of International Economics 17, 309-323.
Frankel, J.A., Froot, K.A., 1987. Using Survey Data to Test Standard Propositions Regarding
Exchange Rate Expectations. American Economic Review 77, 133-153.
Moore, M.J., 1994. Testing for Unbiasedness in Forward Markets. The Manchester School 62,
Jagric, T., Podobnik, B., Kolanovic, M., 2005. Does the efficient market hypothesis hold?
Evidence from six transition countries. Eastern European Economics 43, 79-103.
Lewis, K.K., 1995. Puzzles in International Financial Markets, in Grossman, G. M. and Rogoff,
K. (eds), The Handbook of International Economics, vol. 3.
Malkiel, B.G., 2003. The efficient market hypothesis and its critics. Journal of Economic
Perspective 17, 59-82.
Sarno, L., Thorthon, D.L., 2004. The efficient market hypothesis and identification in structural
VARs. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 86, 49-60.
Timmermann, A., Granger, C., 2003. Efficient market hyphothesis and forecasting.
International Journal of Forecasting 20, 15-27.
Verdelhan, A., 2006. A Habit-Based Explanation of the Exchange Rate Risk Premium. Mimeo
Boston University.
Villanueva, O.M., 2005. FX Dynamics, Limited Participation, and the Forward Bias Anomaly.
The Financial Review 40, 67-93.
Abuaf, N., Jorion, P., 1990. Purchasing power parity in the long run. Journal of Finance 45,
Engel, C., 1996, Long run PPP may not hold after all. NBER Working Paper Series 5646.
Frankel, J.A., Rose, A.K., 1996. A panel project on purchasing power parity: mean revision
within and between countries. Journal of International Economics 40, 209-24.
Froot, K.A., Rogoff, K., 1994. Perspectives on PPP and long run real exchange rates. NBER
Working Paper Series 4952.
Imbs, J.,Mumtaz, H., Ravn, M.O., Rey, K., 2005. PPP strikes back: Aggregation and the real
exchange rate. Quarterly Journal of Economics 120, 1-43.
Koedijk, K.G., Tims, B., van Dijk, M.A., 2004. Purchasing power parity and the Euro area.
Journal of International Money and Finance 23, 1081-107.
O’Connell, P.G.J., 1998. The overevaluation of purchasing power parity. Journal of
International Economics 44, 1-19.
Pappell, D.H., 1998. Searching for stationarity: Purchasing power parity under the current float.
Journal of International Economics 43, 313-32.
Rogoff, K., 1996. The purchasing power parity puzzle. Journal of Economic Literature 34, 647-
Sarno, L., 2005. Towards a solution to the puzzles in exchange rate economics: Where do we
stand?. Warwick Business School Working Paper Series 05-11
Sarno, L., Taylor, M.P., 2002. Purchasing power parity and the real exchange rate.
International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, 49.
Sarno, L., Valente, G., 2004. Deviations from purchasing power parity under different exchange
regimes: Do they revert and, if so, how. University of Warwick mimeo.
Taylor, A.M., 2002. A century of purchasing power parity. Review of Economics and Statistics
84, 139-50.
Predicting volatility in financial markets
Bauwens, L., Laurent, S., Rombouts, J.V.K., 2006. Multivariate GARCH models: a survey.
Journal of Applied Econometrics 21, 79-109.
Bera, A.K., Higgins, M.L., 2006. ARCH models: properties, estimation and testing. Journal of
Economic Surveys 7, 305-366.
Bollerslev, T., 1986. Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. Journal of
Econometrics 31, 307-327.
Engle, R., 1982. Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity with estimates of the variance of
the UK inflation. Econometrica 50, p. 987-1008.
Engle, R., Bollerslev, T., 1986. Modelling the persistence of conditional variances. Econometric
Review 5, 1-50.
Engle, R., Mustafa, C., 1992. Implied ARCH models from options prices. Journal of
Econometrics 52, 289-311.
Gourieroux, G., 1997. ARCH models and financial applications. Springer.
Hamilton. J. D., 1994. Time series analysis. Cambridge Unviersity Press.
Hidalgo, J., Zaffaroni, P., 2007. A goodness of fit test for ARCH models. Journal of
Econometrics 141, 835-875.
Jeanthreau, T., 2002. A link between complete models with stochastic volatility and ARCH
models. Finance and Stochastics 8, 111-131.
Lundbergh, T. T., 2002. Evaluating GARCH models. Journal of Econometrics 110, 417-435.
Nelson, D.B., Conditional heteroskedasticity in asset returns: A new approach. Econometrica
59, 347-370.
So, M.K.P., Phillip L.H.Y., 2006. Empirical analysis of GARCH models in values at risj
estimation. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 16, 180-197.