DR Bindu Pottali Pharma Article
DR Bindu Pottali Pharma Article
DR Bindu Pottali Pharma Article
Research Article
Ayurveda a science of life bloomed on its own concepts of health maintenance and curative
aspects. One of the prenomial off shoot of Ayurveda is Rasashastra, an Indian alchemy. Pottali
kalpana is a peculiar pharmaceutical dosage form, is unique in terms of its preparation, mode of
administration, quick in action, less dose and easy for transportation. Tamra Garbha pottali
(TMGP) is one such herbo-mineralo-metallic complex formulation containing Tamra bhasma
(T.B), Shodita Swarna, Hingulotta Parada and Sh.Gandhaka. Among the different pharmaceutical
methods, Gandhaka paka method is considered to be the best method to enhance the properties
of the drugs and to keep them in a concise form.
Pilot study of 6 Pottalis was conducted to standardize the temperature required to do Pottali paka
and to assess the Pottali siddi lakshanas like Vyoma varna of Gandhaka paka , hardness of Pottali
and changes of silk cloth tied to the Pottali. The main study conducted in 2 batches on the
standards made by the pilot study. Observations made on the time duration required for the
study, temperature to be given to Paka, changes in the Gandhaka varna till attainment Vyoma
varna noted. The Study gave standard pharmaceutical method of Pottali paka w.s.r to Tamra
garbha pottali.
KEYWORDS: TMGP, Tamra bhasma, Pottali, Pottali siddha Laksana, Gandhaka Paka.
Rasashastra is one of the prenomial off shoot Shula, Vardhakya, and Shosha.
of Ayurveda which deals with the herbo-mineral MATERIAL AND METHODS
formulations. Ever since the inception of Hindu Preparation of Kajjali & Tamra bhasma
Alchemy by Parada and Gandhaka, it’s evolution lead
Parada extracted from Hingula through
to series of compounds and formulations. Pottali is
Hingulotta parade[1] method. Gandhaka shodhana
one such formulation. Pottali word was used for
carried out in Kurma puta[2] method. Equal quantity
different purposes in Ayurvedic literature. The word
of Hingulotta Parada and Sh.Gandhaka are mixed in a
Pottali is derived as पटु् – पोट – पोट्टलि – पोट्टलिका । Khalva yantra and Mardhana carried out till
Here the word Puta applied to minimize, to concise attainment of Kajjali siddhi lakshanas for 150 hours.
or to make compact having Pratyaya, further from Pure Suchi vyadha Tamra patras taken and subjected
the root La with “I” Pratyaya meaning to take or to to Shodhana[3] and Vishesha shodhana[4] as per the
receive, thus the word Pottali formed. Among the classical reference. Tamra bhasma was prepared
different Pottalis mentioned in classics, Tamra according to the classics[5] using Samaguna Kajjali
Garbha Pottali (TMGP) is Sagandha, Sagni, Murchita and Nimbhu swarasa as media., Gandhaka which is
parada yoga, congaing ingredients like Tamra stated as Shulvari[6] is taken as Marana media in the
bhasma, Sh.Swarna, Hingulotta Parada, Sh.Gandhaka, successive Putas. TB was subjected to various
a generic formulation have its distinct role classical parameters of Bhasma pareeksha along with
therapeutically. It is the need of the hour to explore Amla dadhi pareeksha which is specific for TB, all
pharmaceutical aspect of the formulation. Hence found positive after 31st Puta. Amritikarna[6] of TB
present study made an effort to set a standard was carried out as per the classical reference.
manufacturing procedure for TMGP preparation
which is indicated in many of disorders like
Kaphajanya and Tridoshaja Shwasa, Kaasa, Jvara,
IJAPR | March 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 3 23
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2021;9(3):23-29
Preparation of Tamra Garbha pottali after 7th Bhavana and dried under shade. 6 Pottalis
The method of preparation was according to weighting 12gm each were prepared for pilot study
the Rasayogasagara . In classics different opinions
[7] and two Potalis weighting 1 Pala each were prepared
are there regarding the duration of heat for Pottali for main study. The dried TMGP tied in 4 layered silk
paka. Hence, pilot study was carried out initially to cloth, which is spread with sh.Gandhaka(1/4th part of
assess the temperature and duration of heat required Pottali wt) in each layer, and tied to a Loha shalaka,
to attain Pottali siddhi lakshanas. 6gm of Hingulotta immersed in Druta Gandhaka in a Mrit patra. Mrith
Parada and 750mg of Sh.Swarana patras were patra was kept at the centre of Valuka yantra.
triturated to prepare Dhatu pishti. Datu pishti Mandagni was given throughout the procedure.
prakshalana was carried out with Nimbhu swarasa Pyrometer was kept in Valuka 5cm always from Mrith
and Saindhava. 10 gm of Sh.Gandhaka added to Dhatu patra to assess the temperature. The observations
pishti trituration carried out till attainment of Kajjali and results were noted systematically. After
siddhi lakshanas.120gm of TB was added to the attainment of Pottali siddhi lakshanas, TMGP taken
prepared Kajjali, trituration carried out for 24 hrs as out of Gandhaka paka, allowed for Swangasheeta,
said in classics. Kumari swarasa bhavana was given to adhered Gandhaka was scraped and stored in a air
the Tamra Garbha Pottali kajjali for 7 times. Slight tight container.
weight gain was observed after 7 Bhavana. The whole procedure of TMGP Kalpana will be
Shikararambha (conical) shape given to the Pottali divided under 3 headings as follows
Table 1: The whole procedure of TMGP Kalpana
1. Purva karma a. Preparation of Pottali for Gandhaka Paka
b. Placing of Mrit patra in Valuka Yantra.
2. Pradhana karma a. Uniform Heating Pattern
b. Observation and Recording of Temperature
c. Maintaining the Gandhaka Level
3. Paschat karma a. Removal of Pottali from Mrith patra
b. Removal of debris around the Pottali
c. Collection of Final product.
Table 2: Observations made during Swarna Pisti
Swarna Shuddha Hingulottha Nimbu Saindhava Swarna Pisti after Loss during
Pisti Swarna Patra Parada Swarasa Lavana Prakshalana Pisti
1 750mg 6gm 30 ml 1 pinch 9gm 0
Table 3: Showing different phases of Tamra Garbha Pottali Kajjali during Trituration
Hours Observation
At 0 min Swarna Pisti + Gandhaka
After 5 min Light Grey with small Swarna Pisti particles
After 30 min Greyish green colour with shiny particles
After 1 Hour Yellow streaks with more shiny particles
After 5 Hours Colour turned to Black
After 10 Hours Black powder with shiny particles
After 50 hours flakes adhered to Khalwa.
After 100 hours flakes started to merge with Kajjali powder.
After 150 hours flakes reduced , shining particles seen in Kajjali
After 210 Hours Kajjali + Tamra bhasma
After 214 Hours Mixture became homogeneous
After 220 Hours Attained Rekha purnata & Shlakshnata
After 230Hours Varitara test was positive
After 234Hours Shining particles were reduced
Available online at: http://ijapr.in 24
A Research on Pharmacuetical Preparation of Tamra Garbha Pottali. Himabindu, Ravi chavan, M.S.Doddamani
Table 3: Bhavana with Kumari svarasa
Quantity Duration
of Kumari of Bhavana
1 40 ml 4 ½ hr Colour was blackish gray with persistent irritant odour.
2 40 ml 4 hrs Colour was black with persistent irritant odour.
3 40 ml 4 ½ hrs Colour was black with persistent irritant odour.
4 40 ml 4 ½ hrs Colour was black.
5 40 ml 4 ½ hrs Colour was black with slight irritant odour
6 40 ml 4 hrs Colour was black.
7 40 ml 3 ½ hrs Colour was black with reduced irritant odour.
Table 4: Temperature pattern and Observation - Pilot study of TmGP
Time Temp (0c) Observation
Agni is ignited, 4800 gm of Shuddha gandhaka taken.
4.15am 26
Gandhaka started melting slowly
7.15 am 187 Complete melting of Gandhaka. Pottali is immersed in molten sulphur
8.15 am 208 Golden yellow colour of sulphur is observed
8.45 am 209 1st Pottali was taken out @ 1 ½ hr
9.15 am 202 Sulphur turned to dark brown colour
Colour of sulphur turned to dark brown, S fumes became denser, 2 nd
10.15 am 235
Pottali was taken out @ 3rd hr
Dense fumes of sulphur seen, thick layer of scum was removed,
11.15 am - 2.15pm 222 - 228
Gandhaka attained dark brown colour
Gandhaka attained Reddish brown colour,
12.15 – 1.15 pm 228 - 239
3rd Pottali was taken out @ 6th hr
1.15 – 2.15 pm 239 Reddish brown colour of Gandhaka, Viscosity of Gandhaka increased
Bluish tinge in colour of Gandhaka started to appear, 4th Pottali removed
2.15 – 3.15 pm 226
@ 8th hr (Metallic sound heard)
Gandhaka turned to chocolate brown colour, Dark bluish reflects of
3.15- 4.15 pm 225 Gandhaka observed, 5th Pottali removed @ 9th hr (Metallic sound clearly
4.15 – 5.15 pm 224 Gandhaka fumes reduced
Observed for Vyoma varna of Gandhaka, burning of silk cloth, metallic
5.15 - 6.15 pm 223- 239
sound of Pottali
6.15 – 7.15pm 239- 248 6th Pottali removed @ 12th hr
Table 5: Temperature record during – TMGP paka - Batch I & II
Duration Temparature Observation Batch I Temp (0C) Observations Batch II
(0C) Batch I Batch II
0 – 2 hrs 250 - 1850 C Complete melting of Gandhaka. 26 – 185 Complete melting of Gandhaka.
TMGP immersed in molten TMGP immersed in molten
Sulphur. Sulphur.
2 – 3 hrs 185 – 208 Golden yellow colour of sulphur 185 – 200 Golden yellow colour of
is observed sulphur is observed
100 95
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
100 95
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
3. The TMGP was immersed after melting of 4. Acharya Sri Madava, Ayurveda Prakasha, Edited
Gandhaka present in the pot. by Gulraj Sharma Mishra, 2nd Edition, Varanasi,
4. White coloured Sulphur fumes were observed at Chaukamba Bharat Academy, 1999, 3 rd chapter,
i.e., after 2 & ½ hr of heating. The Sulfur having verse 48, 355pp.
114oC as melting point, melts (S) at 1690C, 5. Sri Vagbhatacharya, Rasa Ratna Samuchchya,
combines with Oxygen forms SO2 and escapes in Edited by Dharmanandana sharma, 2nd Edition,
the form of white fumes. Varanasi, Motilal banarasi das, 1996, 5th Chapter,
5. At 165-1850C sulfur starts forming long polymer Verse 50, 82pp.
chains and thus its viscosity increase slightly and 6. Sri Sadananda Sharma, Rasa Tarangini, edited by
it appear with thick yellow fumes. Kashinatha Shastri, 11th Edition, New Delhi,
6. For every half an hour, molten Gandhaka is Motilala Banarasidas publication, 1979, 8th
observed for its colour change according to time Chapter, verse 3-5, 175pp.
and temperature, helps in assessing the Vyoma
varna of Gandhaka.
*Address for correspondence
Cite this article as: Dr Himabindu
Himabindu, Ravi chavan, M.S.Doddamani. A Research on Pharmacuetical Assistant professor,
Preparation of Tamra Garbha Pottali. International Journal of Ayurveda and Dept of RSBK, Nagur Ayurveda
Pharma Research. 2021;9(3):23-29. Medical College Bijapur.
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Email: bindu013456@gmail.com
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