Research Prospectus
Research Prospectus
Research Prospectus
Sociology 3AC
December 9, 2020
Research indicates that black students are given heavier-handed punishments for
the same behaviors as white students. It has been demonstrated that much of this
the teacher’s race. That is, many times “good” and “bad” students are determined by
these implicit biases is only just emerging. Once we have a better grasp on how to
control for these factors, school decision-makers will be able to create more equitable
disciplinary actions for students of color. Specifically, I seek to uncover what methods
must first understand how this discrepancy develops. I initially want to know how this
punishment discrepancy occurs. How do teachers view black students and what are the
students less than white students? The second item I will review is how teachers differ
from the general population. Are teachers less biased than non-teachers? Do we select
to their own implicit biases. Consider the Two Strikes research conducted by Okonofua
and Eberhardt. This research conducted by the two psychologists is composed of two
separate studies. The first study obtained student records containing misbehaviors and
assigned these records to stereotypically black and white names. They then asked K-12
teachers to rate the severity of the student’s first and second infractions, how severely
their punishments should be, and to what degree the teacher considers the student a
troublemaker. The results indicate that teachers view students with stereotypically black
names as troublemakers and escalate punishments with black students more than with
white students.
The second study performed by Okonofua and Eberhardt aimed to dig deeper
into how teachers view multiple infractions as a pattern as well as how patterns of
infractions are punished. As with the previous study, they showed K-12 teachers
student records with stereotypical names, but they also asked the teachers to “rate the
extent to which they thought the student’s misbehaviors were indicative of a pattern.”
They also asked teachers to rate “the extent to which they could imagine themselves
suspending the student at some point in the future.” The research concluded similar
results with teachers disproportionately punishing black students and viewing multiple
These two studies demonstrate that teachers view the misbehaviors of black
students as a pattern more so than with white students. Teachers also punish black
students for these misbehaviors at a higher rate than white students. According to the
October 29th lecture, these disciplinary regimes extend beyond punishment; they are
demonstration of racial inequality with a causal explanation. The team analyzed two
datasets: the first being a comparison of implicit and explicit biases of teachers versus
The second dataset, the nationally-representative ANES 2008 Time Series Study, was
bias, with teachers having lower levels of bias, the second nationally-representative
study indicated there was “no significant association between occupation and level of
bias.” This similarity in levels of bias remained fairly consistent regardless of political
orientation, sex, or other factors that might be associated with lower levels of bias.
While we might look at teachers as characteristic of treating blacks and whites fairly
compared to non-teachers, this study indicates their levels of implicit bias are very
similar to non-teachers.
Significant research on how black students exhibit different behaviors than white
students has been studied in depth. Consider the ethnographic research highlighted in
Ferguson’s Bad Boys. To cope with the association of “troublemaker,” black students
embrace the identity to be associated with urban masculinity. We see black students
punished for the clothes they wear or mannerisms representative of their identity. The
academic literature paints a deeper picture of this vicious cycle: even for the same
bringing their implicit biases into the classroom. Does the cycle stop by changing
While students are the children of a community, teachers can be selected and
trained based on cultural competency. We see this through the hiring practices of the
Manhood Development Program in the Oakland Unified School District. Among many
incarceration. It is clear that the Manhood Development Program is very effective, and
students who participate in the program are less likely to be suspended at their
schools. As it is a new program, it’s yet to be seen if incarceration rates will drop. In my
research, I’d like to understand how their instructors view their own biases as well as
the methods they use to reduce the disproportionate punishment of black students.
Program. The first half of the study would learn the backgrounds of the instructors to
bring context to who they are and why they were carefully selected to be part of the
program. The second half of the study would learn how they interact with their
The Manhood Development Program’s instructors are black male teachers hired
teaching experience.” Intuitively, it makes sense that black male students in the
will have the most relatable experience. However, the aforementioned Two Strikes
study demonstrated that black teachers might be as likely to harbor implicit biases
against black students as white teachers. Considering this, do these teachers have the
same implicit biases as other black teachers? If they do not, has their teaching
For this half of the study, I would request to interview the current thirteen
Program. After receiving the consent of the instructors, I would ask if they would take
the Black-White Implicit Bias Test to compare against the ANES 2008 dataset.
Additionally, I would survey their experience in these three categories as well as their
academic background. A few of the questions I might ask them include: How has their
academic background affected their teaching? How conscious do they believe they are
of their implicit biases? Do they believe their biases influence how they treat students?
How much time have they invested in understanding youth development? How has the
questions would help build a picture of how these instructors view their own biases
compared to other teachers. Additionally, it would help identify any other systemic
understand the methods used to hire instructors for the Manhood Development
Program. Depending on their interview and hiring process, I would aim to speak with
three of the central office staff involved in hiring to better understand the methods they
use to select program instructors. Specifically, what questions do the hiring staff use to
past teaching experience? If the factors that go into hiring can reduce the implicit
can be used in schools across the nation to help foster a community of teachers that
After getting a broader understanding of the way the instructors are selected
and how the instructor’s past experiences inform their teaching styles, I would move on
to the second half of the study which would be conducted over the course of a year.
Throughout this part of the study, I would follow the cohort of the thirteen instructors in
their classes to see how they interact with their students. How do they handle disputes?
What punishment or rehabilitation methods do they use with students during their time
change? Understanding how instructors interact with and treat perceived misbehaviors
is important in explaining how the instructors differ from teachers in other institutions.
This difference can help explain how instructors can view situations with black students
in the context of their experience without creating worse outcomes for them than with
white students.
The ethnographic data from the instructor cohort would be formulated in a way
to be quantifiable over the duration of the year. This would allow an understanding of
how these relationships transform over time and how multiple misbehaviors are
perceived compared to the student records in the Two Strikes study. Each question
The combined data—Implicit Bias Test results, the surveys from the Manhood
study of program instructors—can explain what the methods are that make the
Our education system is a powerful tool that can uplift students out of poverty
and provide them with the cultural capital needed to succeed. However, it can also be
While much of the research has explored student outcomes from the perspective of the
student, much of the literature on the topic indicates that the implicit biases of the
teachers and the systemic problems embedded in the school system influence the
student’s outcomes.
The systemic problems of disproportionate punishment are well-formed through
past research, and I’d hope my ethnographic study could help glean on how we can
begin solving these problems. The information provided by this study could transform
we can understand the methods these instructors use to reduce the disproportionate
punishment black students face, we can apply them to schools everywhere and create
Works Cited
Okonofua, Jason A., and Jennifer L. Eberhardt. "Two strikes: Race and the disciplining
Mary E. Kelsey, Ph.D. “Bad Boys Chs 3 and 4.” October 29, 2020. Lecture.
Starck, Jordan G., et al. "Teachers are people too: Examining the racial bias of teachers