Unit 4 - Good To Hear From You Again!
Unit 4 - Good To Hear From You Again!
Unit 4 - Good To Hear From You Again!
1. Listen to the recorded extracts. Match each call to the appropriate picture below.
In each case there is a communication problem.
What is the problem, and how could it be solved?
a. Conversation 1 Picture
Problem ________________________________________
Solution ________________________________________
b. Conversation 2 Picture
Problem ________________________________________
Solution ________________________________________
c. Conversation 3 Picture
Problem ________________________________________
Solution ________________________________________
4. Choose the closest definition of the following words from the text.
1. literal (1.7)
a) direct and clear b) full of literary style c) abstract and complicated
2. understatement (1.8)
a) kind words b) less strong way of talking c) clever speech
3. deduce (1.15)
a) reduce b) work out c) disagree
4. vague (1.18)
a) unclear b) unfriendly c) insincere
5. devious (1.18)
a) rude b) dishonest c) clever
6. Pleasantries (1.25)
a) questions b) requests c.) polite remarks
2 Making arrangements
1. Listen to the recording. Two colleagues, Bob and Lara, need to meet because a third
colleague, Leon, has resigned. As you listen, write the details of the appointment they
make in Bob’s diary.
2. Here Vladimir Kramnik from Moscow calls Joanna Hannam of Swallow Exports Ltd., in
London. He wants an appointment with Ms. Hannam. Complete the details of the
arrangement made in Ms. Hannam’s diary.
May June
27 Monday 3 Monday
28 Tuesday 4 Tuesday
29 Wednesday 5 Wednesday
30 Thursday 6 Thursday
31 Friday 7 Friday
1 Saturday 8 Saturday
2 Sunday 9 Sunday
Practice 1
In the following conversation, a Singaporean exporter plans to send goods from Singapore to
Greece. He wants to have a meeting with a Greek shipping company, Internship.
Suggest suitable phrases for each step in the conversation, then practise the dialogue with a
Caller (Computech) Called Person (Internship)
‘Internship, good morning.’
Introduce yourself.
Check name.
Confirm / correct.
Offer help.
Ask for appointment
with Mr. Dionis.
Ask what it’s about.
Explain that you want
to discuss transport of
goods from Singapore
to Athens. Acknowledge - ask when
would be a good time.
Suggest next week.
Reject - Mr. Dionis is away.
Suggest beginning of the month.
Suggest Monday 3rd.
Reject - On Monday
Mr. Dionis is busy all day.
Suggest Tuesday.
Agree. Suggest 10 a.m.
Agree - ask for fax to confirm.
Offer to book hotel.
Agree to fax - hotel
booking is not necessary.
Signal end of call.
End call / thanks / refer to fax, etc.
End call.
Practice 2
Sending a fax after a telephone conversation is an important way to check that there has been
no misunderstanding in the conversation. Many companies also like to have written confirmation
of things agreed by telephone.
Use the template below to write a fax confirming the arrangement made in the
Computech/Internship conversation.
Lorong One Toa Paych
Singapore 1253
Telephone: ++65 350 574
Fax: ++65 250 552
3 Changing arrangements
1. Listen to the conversation between two colleagues, John and Paula. Note:
a. details of the original arrangement
b. reasons for the change
c. the new arrangement.
3. Listen again to the conversation between John and Paula. Not the four part structure of
a conversation about changing arrangements. Complete the missing words from the key
phrases below:
Role play
Keep to the same A or B. Student A should turn to File card 10A. Student B should look
at File card 10B.
4 Ending a call
Before you listen, suggest what she might say about the following:
a) ways to avoid misunderstanding
b) a way to check that there’s nothing left to say
c) the importance of small talk
d) ways to get off the phone when the other person keeps talking and you are very busy
2. Now listen to what Catherine usually says. Compare her suggestions with what
you suggested above. Discuss these and other suggestions.
3. Hans Rossler is an Export Manager for a German company in Munich. An agent,
Hassam Akhtar from Morocco, is planning to visit him. You will hear two versions of how
Hans ends phone conversation with Hassam. Notice how they are different.
a) What is wrong with the first version?
b) Which key phrase is in the second ending that was not in the first one?
Practice 3
Sit back-to-back with a colleague and have a telephone conversation about any small talk topic.
One of you should try hard to keep the conversation going. The other should politely try to get
off the phone.
Transfer 2
Next time you have to arrange a real meeting by telephone, use the language and
recommendations made in this unit. Prepare the call, think about the call structure (see Skills
Checklist) and think about how to end the call.
Language Checklist
Telephoning (2)
Making arrangements
Could we meet sometime next month?
When would be a good time?
Would Thursday at 5 o'clock suit you?
What about July 21st?
Changing arrangements
We’ve an appointment for next month, but …
I’m afraid I can’t come on that day.
Could we fix alternative?
Confirming information
So …
Can I check that? You said …
To confirm that …
Can you / Can I confirm that by fax?
Ending a call
Right. I think that’s all.
Thanks very much for your help.
Do call if you need anything else.
I look forward to … seeing you / your call / your letter / your fax / our meeting.
Goodbye and thanks.
Bye for now.
Skills Checklist
Telephoning (2)
● speed
● clarity
● Volume
● background information
● key information
● repetition, emphasis and confirmation
● possible confirmation by fax
● formal / informal
● cold call / new contact / established contact
● in-company vs. customer
outside agent
● colleague / friend / business associate / public
● company image
Structure of a call
introduce yourself
get who you want
small talk
state problem / reason for call
ask questions
get / give information
confirm information
signal end
thank other person
small talk
refer to next contact
close call
check that there’s nothing else to say