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Defy your limits

How can we improve

Better ventilation Cleaning and disinfection of
Most residential air conditioning the air conditioning system
systems do not have the ability to Cleaning the air conditioning system
mechanically bring in fresh air. We can and its main elements such as the coil
help by opening doors and windows. are key to prevent the generation of
Ventilation is key to improve indoor air fungi, bacteria and viruses.
quality by diluting contaminated air
with new fresh air.
Cleaning and disinfection
Air purifiers of indoor air
The effectiveness of an air purifier Ultra Violet Germicidal Cleaning
depends on how good it is at Lamps (UVGI) can destroy biological
capturing indoor air pollutants contaminants such as viruses, bacteria,
(efficiency percentage) and what is its and different types of fungi and mold
ability to treat air through its cleaning that develop in the humid areas of the
or filtration system (cubic feet per air conditioning system such as the coil,
minute). drain pan, and ductwork.

Daikin helps you navigate

through uncertain times.
No one has information on tests to kill
COVID-19, but we have products that help
kill similar viruses and other germs.
Total home active air purifier



Breathe better
The MicroPure® Total Home Active Air Purifier
uses a unique new indoor air quality process to
naturally produce airborne scrubbers that actively
seek out and destroy indoor pollutants in the air,
on surfaces, and wherever the air goes
Works 24/7 in every room
throughout the house
Unique new MX4™ Ionic Oxidation technology,
produces an active cloud of air scrubbers that
Utilizes propriety metallic technology
sweep through the home and seek out indoor
and UV light energy to naturally
contaminants. Many pollutants are safely and
effectively destroyed even when they have not produce ionic air scrubbers and
passed directly through the HVAC system! destroy many indoor pollutants, such
as bacteria, viruses, mold, VOC’s,
mildew, allergens, and odors.

Safely and effectively

removes smoke and odors
Smoke, VOC’s, and odors are some of the toughest
indoor pollutants to remove. The special oxidizing
powers of the ionic air scrubbers break down these
contaminants at their molecular level, throughout
the entire home

Eliminates contaminants
wherever they hide
Charged MicroPure® ionic air scrubbers attract
pollutants like a magnet. Even in areas of your
home that have reduced air flow, air scrubbers are Developed for the International
still able to seek out and eliminate contaminants. Space Station, MX4™ technology
This active approach is what makes the produces positively and negatively
MicroPure® system so effective. charged air scrubbers that attract
many contaminants like a magnet.
And reduces them!
Clean surfaces
The MicroPure® Total Home Active Air
Purifier takes the next step in whole house
air purification and is proven effective in
reducing contaminants on surfaces as well.

Models Dimensions Weight Output Sizing Warranty details

2 Year UV Lamp, 4 Year MX4 Core, 5 Year Power Supply
6×11×6 inch 3 lb 13.3 W 3-5 TON

The ETL mark, short for Edison Testing Laboratories, is, in part,
an equipment safety certification program operated by the
Mounting plate dimensions laboratory, Intertek. Intertek is one of the few NRTLs (Nationally
Recognized Testing Laboratories), a third-party testing program
which is overseen by OSHA. The ETL Mark includes a number
8×8 inch
of different variations that are designed to fit within the safety
and/or sanitation standards of the product, including the
operating and purchasing regions.

The MicroPure® air purifier is available in 24V 50/60Hz and

120V/230V 50/60Hz (auto-switching) power supply models. The unit
uses a detachable 9.8 ft power cord.
Control the air you breathe


Best in class UV light

Germicidal UV Light works with your home’s
filtration system 24/7 to optimize indoor air
quality by fighting mold and bacteria growth on
your system’s coil. The LightStick UV utilizes low
mercury lamps that are good for the environment Highest UVC output
and provide high ambient temperature operation.
100% ozone free.
compared to all other
24v UV fixtures.
Designed for any residential system
The LightStick UV’s professionally engineered injection molded
thermoplastic co-polymerhigh strength ballast design and
comprehensive HALT testing provide improved reliability.

›› Works in conjunction with your air ›› Custom bracket offer remote

filter 24/7 to disinfect cooling coils, mount capability
drain pans, and duct surfaces
›› Quick disconnect lamp
›› Fights mold and bacteria growth connection enables easy lamp
for optimal coil purification replacement

›› 24V power module ›› PuriFi compatible for real time

lamp status alerts (Patent
›› Expanded range ballast operates
over a range of 20V to 32V and
offers 3000V surge protection

›› Direct Connect™ custom design

allows lamp to be installed directly
in A-coil delta plate for optimal UV

Dimensions Weight Bracket Warranty details

4-year on power module / 1-year on lamp

3.16×4.75×1.75 inch 2 lb 2.25×3.5×3.5 inch

29.233 Ozone free Water resistant

9,000 Hour life
The ETL mark, short for Edison Testing Laboratories, is, in part,
an equipment safety certification program operated by the
laboratory, Intertek. Intertek is one of the few NRTLs (Nationally
Recognized Testing Laboratories), a third-party testing program
which is overseen by OSHA. The ETL Mark includes a number
Electrical of different variations that are designed to fit within the safety
and/or sanitation standards of the product, including the
24V (Expanded Range Ballast: 20V-32V), 50/60HZ. 1.4A. operating and purchasing regions.
3000V Surge Protection. 3-FT Power Cord. 4-FT Lamp Cord.
Control the air you breathe


Best in class UV light

The MINISTICK UV is designed for tight spaces.
The fixture is designed with the highest quality
components the industry has ever seen from the
Highest quality UV light
power supply and lamps to the connectors and designed for confined
cordage. 100% Ozone free.
spaces such as Ductless
Mini-Split applications.
Ideal for any ductless mini-split
Dust Free’s MiniStick UV has been designed using the highest
quality components in the industry. It has been professionally
engineered for HVAC applications. Designed for any Ductless
Mini-Split application and other areas where space is a premium.

›› Germ Reducing UV Light for ›› 2 year bulb warranty and 2 year

Ductless Mini-Split Units ballast warranty

›› 9” long by 3/8” diameter ›› Proprietary clockable lamp

miniature shielded UV lamps mount design for optimizing UV
›› Small enough to fit in tight ductless
Mini-Split applications ›› Quick release lamp connectors
for ease of lamp replacement
›› High ambient temperature
operation ›› High strength alloy mounting
›› Comprehensive HALT testing
for improved reliability ›› High strength / Heavy duty lamp
shield to protect lamp from
›› Professionally engineered injection
molded thermoplastic co-polymer
high strength ballast housing

Ballast Weight Bracket Warranty details

2-year on power module / 2-year on lamp

4×1×1.5 inch 0.5 lb 2.25×3.5×3.5 inch

Ozone free Water resistant


The ETL mark, short for Edison Testing Laboratories, is, in part,
an equipment safety certification program operated by the
laboratory, Intertek. Intertek is one of the few NRTLs (Nationally
Recognized Testing Laboratories), a third-party testing program
which is overseen by OSHA. The ETL Mark includes a number
Electrical of different variations that are designed to fit within the safety
and/or sanitation standards of the product, including the
120 or 230 VAC operating and purchasing regions.
Improve indoor air quality


UV Light LED system

for mini-splits
Mini UV LED is the first-of-its-kind UV light LED
system for mini-splits and similar limited space
applications. Like all A/C systems, mini-splits are
prone to internal mold growth and microbial
contamination, particularly on and near the
blower wheel. The LED light strip in Mini UV LED
is designed to sterilize surfaces while having no
impact on plastic materials.
Keep your mini-split
system clean
Mold thrives on mini-split blower wheels.
The Mini UV LED inhibits mold growth,
improving indoor air quality. The LED is
quick & easy to install. It also saves energy,
reducing maintenance costs, and extending
the life of your mini-split system.
Mold thrives on mini-split Mini UV LED inhibits
blower wheels mold growth

›› Fits mini-split & ceiling cassette

A/C systems
›› LED strip trimmable
in 4” increments
›› UV LED spectrum is safe for eyes
& plastics
›› 120-277 VAC power supply

›› Replaceable 40” Adhesive LED strip

›› 5 year warranty on all parts

›› 50,000+ hour expected LED life

LED strip Weight LED life Warranty details

1 50,000
All parts 5 years
40×0.375 inch
lb Hour life


120, 230, 277 V ~ 0.47 A, 50/60 Hz

PF ≥ 0.9, THD ≤ 20%

Kit Includes

40” LED strip, LED driver, #8 pan screws,

panduit straps, warning stickers, manual

Continuous germicidal disinfection


24 Volt germicidal
UV Light
UV247™ is the easy way to add
germ-killing UV light to any central air
system. The kit includes everything you
need. Just connect to a low voltage
transformer and install the UV light
where needed.
Sterilizes mold, bacteria, & viruses
Dirty coils
By reducing mold growth inside the HVAC system UV247 saves
energy and reduces the need for system maintenance.

UV light kills germs making indoor air healthier

for everyone in the home

Coils with UV
Bacteria Viruses Biological Allergens

›› Simple installation

›› 90 day warranty on lamp

›› Z-magnet mounting bracket

›› One year power supply warranty

›› 24 VAC power supply

Lamp Dimensions Power Supply Kit Includes

15” 0.4”
Power Supply, 6’ Lamp Cable, UV Lamp, Magnetic ‘Z’ Mounting Bracket,
Mounting Hardware, Panel Indicator
1.8×4.2×1 inch
Length Diameter
Warranty details

Electrical UV Lamp: 90 Days / Power Supply: 1 Year

24 VAC +/- 20%, 60 Hz, 0. 68 Amps, 16 VA The ETL mark, short for Edison Testing Laboratories, is, in part,
an equipment safety certification program operated by the
laboratory, Intertek. Intertek is one of the few NRTLs (Nationally
Recognized Testing Laboratories), a third-party testing program
which is overseen by OSHA. The ETL Mark includes a number
UV Lamp
of different variations that are designed to fit within the safety
and/or sanitation standards of the product, including the
100% 254 NM, Germicidal UV-C Spectrum, Unshielded Quartz Hot
operating and purchasing regions.

Cleans and deodorizes

in one easy step
Evap-Fresh No Rinse is a ready-to-use,
non-abrasive, one-step cleaner and
disinfectant for evaporator coils in small
air conditioners, commercial air handling
equipment, HVAC cooling coils and
refrigeration equipment. It is the first
product of its kind in the industry to
receive EPA registration for such claims.
›› Cleans and deodorizes in
one easy step ›› No rinsing required

›› EPA registered for the HVAC

application ›› Eliminates odors

›› Ready-to-use disinfectant
formulation ›› Cuts dirt and grime

Bacterial Activity: Virucidal activity

Using approved AOAC test methods (under Good Laboratory Practices, Organism ATCC Number Contact time
[GLPs], in the presence of 5% blood serum and a 3 minute contact
time, unless otherwise noted, (Evap-Fresh No Rinse) kills the following
organisms on hard non-porous inanimate surfaces: HIV-1(Associated
1 min
with AIDS)

Organism ATCC Number Contact time

Enterococcus faecium ATCC 6569 3 min
ATCC 10708 3 min
(choleraesuis)enterica Hepatitus B Virus
1 or 5 min
Yersinia enterocolitica ATCC 23715 3 min
Hepatitus C Virus
1 or 5 min
Enterococcus faecium ATCC 6569 3 min
SARS associated with
2 min
Corynebacterium Coronavirus
ATCC 6871 3 min

EPA Reg. # 1839-83-65516

Antibiotic-resistant bacterial activity


Organism ATCC Number Contact time www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/list-n-disinfectants-coronavirus-covid-19

Methicillin resistant
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 33593 3 min

Vancomycin resistant
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 51575 3 min

Methicillin resistant
Staphylococcus ATCC 51625 3 min
epidermidis (MRSE)

Kills odors and

controls bacteria
Bio-Fresh cd is a ready-to-use bacteriostat,
fungistat and deodorizer based upon
chlorine dioxide technology. It is
recommended for control of bacteria,
mold, mildew, fungi and yeast in IAQ
applications. Its EPA registration includes
application in HVACR ventilating
equipment, including coils, condensate
pans, filters and duct-work.
The powerful active ingredient in Bio-Fresh cd
oxidizes odors associated with bacteria, mold,
mildew, smoke, animals, etc. in the air and in air
handling units. The product does not cover up
or mask the odor with alcohol or perfumes, it
eliminates or “oxidizes” the source of the odor,
leaving the air fresh and clean.

Bio-Fresh Fogger
The Bio-Fresh cd Fogger provides the operator with
the widest range of options available for spraying
Bio-Fresh cd. The nozzle, attached to the flex hose,
allows the user to easily direct the spray in, under
and at objects. The convenient flow adjustment knob
located at the nozzle enables the operator to change
the liquid flow rate being dispensed.

Application Toxicity & Safety

Evaporator coils, condensate drain pans, filters and duct-work in air An enhanced benefit of Bio-Fresh cd is its low toxicity and safety rating
conditioning systems can be an excellent breeding ground for bacteria from the EPA. Bio-Fresh cd does not use any environmentally damaging
and mold. Left untreated, it can grow and eventually affect indoor air propellants or flammable ingredients, and may be applied to occupied
quality, a major concern of the IAQ movement today. Use of a product spaces.
like Bio-Fresh cd in a total program such as Nu-Calgon’s IAQ Assurance
Program will improve this problem by inhibiting the growth of bacteria
or mold.

Microbial Control

Bacteria and mold are everywhere in our environment. For many

allergy sufferers, their presence and growth in the air handling system
can significantly aggravate or even initiate an allergic response. Bio-
Fresh cd can address this by preventing the growth of bacteria, mold,
etc. It specifically reacts with the microbial’s cell wall, interfering with
and preventing their growth.
Daikin is the world’s leader
in Air Conditioning.
We are devoted to deliver
outstanding products and
innovative home, business,
and industrial solutions.

Defy your limits


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