FLUKE 435 Datasheet

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Test Equipment Solutions Datasheet

Test Equipment Solutions Ltd specialise in the second user sale, rental and distribution of
quality test & measurement (T&M) equipment. We stock all major equipment types such as
Spectrum Analyzers, Signal Generators, Oscilloscopes, Power Meters, Network Analyzers
etc from all the major suppliers such as Keysight, Tektronix, Anritsu and Rohde & Schwarz.

We are focused at the professional end of the marketplace, primarily working with customers
for whom high performance, quality and service are key, whilst realising the cost savings that
second user equipment offers. We fully test & refurbish equipment in our in-house, traceable
Lab. Items are supplied with manuals, accessories and typically a full no-quibble 1 year
warranty. Our staff have extensive backgrounds in T&M which enables us to deliver
industry-leading service and support. We endeavour to be customer focused in every way
right down to the detail, such as offering free delivery on sales, presenting flexible technical +
commercial solutions and supplying a loan unit during warranty repair, if available.

As well as the headline benefit of cost saving, second user offers shorter lead times, higher
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offers fast delivery, flexibility, try-before-you-buy, zero capital expenditure, lower risk and off
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We are based in at Oakley, Bedfordshire in the UK from where we supply test equipment
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All products supplied by Test Equipment Solutions include:

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- Support from our team of seasoned Test & Measurement engineers.
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Fluke 430 Series
Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

Technical Data

Pinpoint power problems faster,

safer and in greater detail

The Fluke 434 and 435 three-phase power quality

analyzers help you locate, predict, prevent and
troubleshoot problems in three- and single-phase
power distribution systems. Troubleshooting is
faster with on-screen display of trends and cap-
tured events, even while background recording
continues. The new IEC standards for flicker,
harmonics and power quality are built right in to
take the guess work out of power quality.

• Troubleshoot real-time: Analyze the trends • System-Monitor: Up to seven power

using the cursors and zoom tools-even while quality parameters on one screen according
background recording continues to EN50160 power quality standard
• Highest safety rating in the industry: • Inrush mode: For troubleshooting nuisance
600 V CAT IV/1000 V CAT III rated for use at circuit breaker tripping
the service entrance • View graphs and generate reports:
• Automatic Transient Mode: Capture 200 kHz With included analysis software
waveform data on all phases simultaneously • Logger function: Configure for any test condi-
up to 6 kV tion with memory for over 400 parameters at
• Fully Class-A compliant: Conduct tests user defined intervals
according to the stringent international IEC • Mains signaling: Measure interference from
61000-4-30 Class-A standard ripple control signals at specific frequencies
• Measure all three phases and neutral: • Battery Life: Seven hours operating time per
With included four current probes charge on NiMH battery pack
• AutoTrend: Every measurement you see • Warranty: Rugged, handheld troubleshooter
is always automatically recorded, without with Fluke three-year warranty
any setup
Frontline troubleshooting – quickly diagnose
problems on-screen to get your operation back
Predictive maintenance – detect and prevent
power quality issues before they cause downtime
Quality of service compliance – validate
incoming power quality at the service entrance
Long-term analysis – uncover hard-to-find or
intermittent issues
Load studies – verify electrical system capacity
before adding loads
Energy assessments – quantify energy con-
sumption before and after improvements to
justify energy saving devices

Measure all power parameters, find events and anomalies in seconds

CAT IV 600 V and CAT III 1000 V Troubleshoot real-time

safety rating AutoTrend feature provides fast insight into
Designed to help protect you and your equip- changes over time. Every displayed reading is
ment, the Fluke 430 Series analyzers and automatically recorded without having to set
accessories are all certified to meet the stringent thresholds or intervals. Analyze the trends using
standards for use in CAT IV 600 V and CAT III the cursors and zoom tools—even while back-
1000 V environments. They are the first tools ground recording continues.
of their kind to carry the CAT IV rating for use
in power connections and outlets throughout a
low-voltage power distribution system.

AutoTrend automatically
records all displayed param-
eters in the background.
Toggle between data and
trend view, and use cursors
and zoom to analyze mea-
surements without interrupt-
ing the recording.

2 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

What is Class-A conformity?
Power quality measurement is a relatively new, and quickly
evolving field. There are hundreds of manufacturers around the
world with unique measurement methodologies. Whereas basic
single- and three-phase electrical measurements like rms volt-
age and current were defined long ago, many power quality
parameters were not previously defined, forcing manufactur-
ers to develop their own algorithms. With so much variation
between instruments, electricians tend to waste too much time
trying to understand an instrument’s capabilities and measure-
ment algorithms instead of understanding the quality of the
power itself!
The new IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A standard takes the guess-
work out of selecting a power quality instrument. The standard
IEC 61000-4-30 defines the measurement methods for each
Fully Class-A compliant parameter to obtain reliable, repeatable and comparable results.
In addition, the accuracy, bandwidth and minimum set of
The Fluke 435 is fully compliant with the new parameters are all clearly defined.
IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A standard. With this
powerful capability, all measurements will be
consistent and reliable in accordance with the
latest international standard.

IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A Compliance

435 434
Measurement algorithms • •

Voltage accuracy 0.1 % of Vnom 0.5 % of Vnom

Time synchronization optional with GPS430 accessory

Measures everything
Measure true-rms and peak voltage and cur-
rent, frequency, dips and swells, transients,
interruptions, power and power consumption,
peak demand, harmonics up to the 50th, inter-
harmonics, flicker, mains signaling, inrush and

Logger: record the detail you need

User-configurable, long-term recording of MIN,
Simple menu structure
MAX and AVG readings for up to 100 parameters with logical function group-
on all 4 phases. Enough memory is available to ing gives fast access to key
record 400 parameters for up to a month with 10 measurements.

minute resolution, or capture smaller variations

with resolution down to 0.5 seconds.

Inrush function automatically

triggers off of current, and
captures start up measure-
ments on motors and other
devices to help determine
trip levels.

3 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

Automatic transient display
Every time an event or voltage distortion is
detected, the instrument triggers and automati-
cally stores voltage and current waveforms on all
three phases and neutral. The analyzer will also
trigger when a certain current level is exceeded.
Up to 40 dips, swells, interruptions and tran-
sients can be captured this way. You can see
The System-Monitor over-
voltage transients as high as 6 kV and as fast as view screen gives instant
5 microseconds. insight into whether the
voltage, harmonics, flicker,
frequency and the number of
System-Monitor: Summary screen of dips and swells fall outside
overall power quality health the set limits.

A single push of the MONITOR button delivers

a dashboard display of rms voltage, harmon-
ics, flicker, interruptions, rapid voltage changes,
swells, unbalance, frequency and mains signal-
ing. The dashboard is updated live, showing
compliance of each parameter to EN50160 limits
or your own limits. Color-coded bars clearly
show which parameters are inside (pass) or
outside limits (fail). During a monitor session,
you can easily drill down to more detail of any A detailed list is given of all
parameter to view and capture its trend for a events falling outside the set
limits. By scrolling through
report. the events list and selecting
an event, the event can be
Extensive data analysis possibilities analyzed in detail.

The Fluke 430 Series provides three ways

to analyze measurements. Cursors and zoom
tools can be used ‘live’ while taking measure-
ments, or ‘off line’ on stored measurement data.
Additionally, the stored measurements can be
transferred to a PC with the included software
to perform custom analysis and create reports.
Measurement data can also be exported to com-
mon spreadsheet programs. Store up to 10 mea-
surement datasets and up to 50 screen captures
Perform custom analysis and
for use in reports. create reports with included
software. Measurement data
can also be exported to com-
mon spreadsheet programs.

4 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

Pre-programmed setups and user-friendly
screens make power quality testing as simple as
you would expect from Fluke. The high-resolu-
tion color screen updates every 200 mS and
displays waveforms and wiring diagrams color Generate reports and view graphs
coded to industry standards. Handy on-screen with Fluke Power Log Software
wiring diagrams for all commonly used three-
phase and single-phase configurations guide you Designed to quickly view recorded data, the
through connections. included Power Log software displays all
recorded parameters on interactive trends.
Generate a professional report with the
‘Report Writer’ function, or copy and paste
images into report document manually.

View recorded data

Scope view shows voltage in simple graphs
and current waveforms for and tables.
three phase installations.
You can toggle to a phasor
diagram at any time.

Easily custom-
ize the report
by selecting
time period and
measurements to

Phasor diagram shows volt-

age and current unbalance,
and helps verify connections.

The full color display uses

region specific industry-
standard color-coding (user Create professional
selectable) to correlate reports quickly and
measurements with actual easily.

5 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

Technical specifications

The specifications of the instrument are verified using the “implementation verification”
table 3 as specified in IEC 61000-4-30 2002 Chapter 6.2. Accuracy is specified in % of
reading unless otherwise specified. Specifications are valid for models Fluke 435 and
Fluke 434 unless otherwise specified.

Input characteristics
Voltage inputs
Number of inputs 4 (3 phases + neutral) dc-coupled
Maximum input voltage 1000 Vrms
Nominal voltage range 50 V to 500 V internally divided in three ranges 500 V, 250 V and 125 V
Maximum peak measurement voltage 6 kV
Input impedance 4 M7//5 pF
Bandwidth > 10 kHz, up to 100 kHz for transient display
Scaling 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1000:1 and variable
Current inputs
Number of inputs 4 (3 phases + neutral) dc-coupled
Type Clamp on current transformer with mV output
Range 1 Arms to 400 Arms with included clamps (i400S)
0.1 Arms to 3000 Arms with optional clamps
Input impedance 50 k7
Bandwidth >10 kHz
Scaling 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 mV/A, variable, i5s and i430-Flex
Nominal frequency 40 Hz to 70 Hz
Sampling system
Resolution 16 bit analog to digital converter on 8 channels
Maximum sampling speed 200 kS/s on each channel simultaneously
RMS sampling 5000 samples on 10/122 cycles according IEC 61000-4-30
PLL synchronization 4096 samples on 10/122 cycles according IEC 61000-4-7

Display modes
Waveform display Available in Scope and Transient mode
Captures 8 waveforms simultaneously
Display update rate 5x per second
Up to 10/12 times horizontal zoom
Cursors: single vertical line showing min, max, avg reading at cursor position
Phasor Shows real time phasor diagram
Available in Scope and Unbalance mode
Display update rate 5x per second
Meter readings Available in Volts/Amps/Hertz, Harmonics, Power and Energy, Flicker, Unbalance and Logger4 mode
AutoTrend graph Available in Volts/Amps/Hertz, Dips and Swells, Harmonics, Power and Energy, Flicker, Unbalance, Inrush,
Mains Signaling4 Logger4 and Monitor mode
Cursors: single vertical line showing with min, max, avg reading at cursor position
Bargraph Available in Harmonics and Monitor mode
Eventlist Available in Dips and Swells Mains Signaling4, Logger4 and Monitor mode

6 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

Measurement modes
Scope Vrms, Arms, Vcursor, Acursor, Vfund, Afund, Hz, V phase angles, A phase angles
Volts/Amps/Hertz Vrms, Vpk, V Crest Factor, Arms, Apk, A Crest Factor, Hz
Dips and swells Vrms ½, Arms ½
Captures up to 1000 events with date, time, duration, magnitude and phase identification with
programmable thresholds
Harmonics dc, 1 to 50 Harmonic Volts, THD Volt, Harmonic Amps, THD Amps, K Amps, Harmonic Watts, THD Watts, K Watts, Interharmonic
Volts4, Interharmonic Amps4 (relative to fundamental or to total rms)
Power and energy Watts, VA, VAR, Power factor, Cos J/DPF, Arms, Vrms, kWh, kVAh, kVARh, peak demand interval using trend,
KYZ revenue meter verification via optional input.
Flicker Pst(1min), Pst, Plt, PF5, Vrms ½, Arms ½, Dc, Dmax, TDEX
Unbalance Vneg, Vzero, Aneg, Azero, Vfund, Afund, Hz, V phase angles, A phase angles
Transients Vrms, Arms, Vcursor, Acursor
Inrush currents Inrush Current, Inrush duration, Arms ½, Vrms ½
Mains signaling4 Relative signaling voltage and absolute signaling voltage averaged over three seconds for two selectable frequencies
Logger4 Measures and records up to 100 parameters on all 4 phases simultaneously with selecable averaging time
Captures up to 10000 events with date, time, duration, magnitude and phase identification with programmable
System monitor Vrms, Arms, Harmonic Volts, THD Volts, Plt, Vrms ½, Arms ½, Vneg, Hz, dips and swells, unbalance
All parameters are measured simultaneously in accordance with EN50160
Using Flagging to indicate unreliable readings according IEC61000-4-30

Accuracy, resolution and range

Measurement range Resolution Accuracy
Vrms (ac+dc) Fluke 435 1 Vrms to 600 Vrms 0.01 Vrms ± 0.1 % of nominal voltage
600 Vrms to 1000 Vrms 0.01 Vrms ± 0.1 %
Fluke 434 1 Vrms to 1000 Vrms 0.1 Vrms ± 0.5 % of nominal voltage
Vpk 1 Vpk to 1400 Vpk 1V 5 % of nominal voltage
Voltage Crest Factor (CF) 1.0 to > 2.8 0.01 ±5%
Arms (ac+dc) Fluke 435 0 kArms to 20.00 kArms1 0,001 Arms to 10 Arms1 ± 0.5 % ± 5 counts3
Fluke 434 0 kArms to 20.00 kArms1 0,001 Arms to 10 Arms1 ± 1 % ± 5 counts3
Fluke 434 with i400s 0 Arms to 40/400 Arms 0.1 and 1 Arms ± 1 % ± 5 counts3
Fluke 435 with i430Flex 30 Arms to 3000 Arms 1 Arms ± 0.5 % ± 20 counts3
Apk using 1 mV/A scaling 0 Apk to 5500 Apk 1A ±5%
A Crest Factor (CF) 1 to 10 0.01 ±5%
Hz5 Fluke 435 @ 50 Hz nominal 42.500 Hz to 57.500 Hz 0.001 Hz ± 0.01 Hz
Fluke 435 @ 60 Hz nominal 51.000 Hz to 69.000 Hz 0.001 Hz ± 0.01 Hz
Fluke 434 @ 50 Hz nominal 42.50 Hz to 57.50 Hz 0.01 Hz ± 0.01 Hz
Fluke 434 @ 60 Hz nominal 51.00 Hz to 69.00 Hz 0.01 Hz ± 0.01 Hz
Dips and swells
Vrms½ (ac+dc) Fluke 435 0.0 % to 200 % of nominal voltage 0.1 Vrms ± 0.2% of nominal voltage ± 1% of
Fluke 434 0.0 % to 200 % of nominal voltage 0.1 Vrms nominal voltage
Arms½ (ac+dc) Fluke 435 0 Arms to 20,000 Arms1 0,001 Arms to 10 Arms ± 1 % ± 10 counts3
Fluke 434 0 Arms to 20,000 Arms1 0,001 Arms to 10 Arms ± 2 % ± 10 counts3
Fluke 434 with i400s 0 Arms to 400 Arms 0.1 Arms and 1 Arms ± 2 % ± 10 counts3
Fluke 435 with i430Flex 30 Arms to 3000 Arms 1 Arms ± 1 % ± 20 counts3
Threshold levels Programmable thresholds in percent of nominal voltage
Event detection based upon ½ cycle rms voltages
Captures dips, swells, interruptions and rapid voltage changes
Duration hhh,mm,ss,mmm Half cycle One cycle

7 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

Accuracy, resolution and range cont.
Measurement range Resolution Accuracy
Harmonic order (n) DC, 1 to 50 grouping: harmonic groups according to IEC 61000-4-7
Inter-Harmonic order Off, 1 to 49 grouping: harmonic and interharmonic subgroups according to IEC 61000-4-7
Vrms Relative (%f): 0.0 % to 100.0 % 0.1 % ± 0.1 % ± n x 0.1 % (± 0.4 % for %r)
Fluke 435 Absolute: 0.0 Vrms to 1000 Vrms 0.1 Vrms ± 0.05 % of nominal voltage if
< 1 % of nominal voltage
± 5 % if r 1 % of nominal voltage
Fluke 434 Absolute: 0.0 Vrms to 1000 Vrms 0.1 Vrms ± 5 % ± 2 counts
Arms Relative (%f): 0.0 % to 100.0 % 0.1 % ± 0.1 % ± n x 0.1 % (± 0.4 % for %r)
Absolute: 0.0 mV to 4000 mV x clamp scaling 1 mVrms x clamp scaling ± 5 % ± 5 counts
Watts Relative: 0.0 % to 100.0 % 0.1 % ±nx2%
(Harmonics only) Absolute: depends on clamp and voltage scaling ± 5 % ± n x 2 % ± 10 counts
DC Relative: 0.0 % to 100.0 % 0.1 % ± 0.1 % V and A (± 2 % Watt)
Fluke 435 Absolute V: 0.0 V to 1000 V 0.1 V ± 0.2 % of nominal voltage
Fluke 434 Absolute V: 0.0 V to 1000 V 0.1 V ± 5 % ± 10 counts
Absolute A: 0.0 mV to 4000 mV x clamp scaling 1 mVrms x clamp scaling 0.1 V ± 5 % ± 10 counts
Absolute W: depends on clamp and voltage scaling depends on scaling ± 5 % ± 10 counts
THD(n=40) (relative %f or %r) 0.0 % to 100.0 % 0.1 % ± 2.5 % V and A (± 5 % Watt)
Hz 0 Hz to 3500 Hz 1 Hz ± 1 Hz
Phase angle Fluke 435 -360 º to +0 º 1º ± n × 1 º ( 8)
Fluke 434 -360 º to +0 º 1º ± n × 1.5 º (8)
Power and energy
Watt (VA, VAR) Fluke 435 1.0 MW to 20.00 MW1 0.1 kW to 1 kW1 ± 1 % ± 10 counts3
Fluke 434 1.0 MW to 20.00 MW1 0.1 kW to 1 kW1 ± 1.5 % ± 10 counts3
kWh6 (kVA6, kVAR6) 00.00 kWhr to 200.0 GWhr1 0.01 Xhr to 100 Whr1 ± 1 % ± 10 counts3
00.00 kWhr to 200.0 GWhr1 0.01 Whr to 100 Whr1 ± 1.5 % ± 10 counts3
Power Factor 0 to 1 0.01 ± 0.033
Cos J/DPF 0 to 1 0.01 ± 0.033
Pst (1min), Pst, Plt, PF5 instantenous 0.00 to 20.00 0.01 Within ± 5 % of tabulated values
Flicker according IEC61000-4-15
Dc%, Dmax% and Time d(t) 0.0 % to ± 100.0 % for Dc% and 0.1 % for Dc% and Dmax% and 10 ms ± 1 % for Dc% and Dmax% and 20 ms
exceeds limits as described per Dmax% and 0.000 s to 9.999s for for Time for Time
IEC 61000-3-3 Time
Volts Fluke 435 (neg. and zero seq.) 0.0 % to 5.0 % 0.1 % ± 0.15 %
Fluke 434 (neg. and zero seq.) 0.0 % to 5.0 % 0.1 % ± 0.5 %
Current (neg. and zero seq.) 0.0 % to 20 % 0.1 % ±1%
Transient capture
Volts cursor reading ± 6000 Vpk 1V ± 15 % of cursor reading
rms reading 10 Vrms to 1000 Vrms 1V ± 2.5 % of Vnominal
Minimum detect duration 5 µs
Sampling rate 200 kS/s
Inrush mode
Arms (ac+dc) 0.000 kArms to 20.00 kArms1 0.001 Arms to 10 Arms1 ± 1 % of meas ± 5 counts
Inrush Duration mm:ss:mmm between 7.5 s to 10 ms ± 20 ms (Fnominal = 50 Hz)
30 minutes selectable
Mains Signaling4
Threshold levels Thresholds, limits and signaling duration is programable for two independent signaling frequencies
Signaling frequency 60 Hz to 3000 Hz 0.1 Hz
Relative V% 0 % to 100 % of 0.1 % ± 0.4 %
Absolute V3s (3 second average) 0.0 V to 1000 V 0.1 V ± 5 % of nominal voltage

8 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

Trend recording
Method AutoTrend automatically records min, max and average values over time for all readings being displayed for the 3
phases and neutral simultaneously
Volts/Amps/Hertz, Harmonics, Power and Energy, Flicker, Unbalance and Mains Signaling4 mode
Sampling 5 readings/sec continuous sampling per channel
Recording time From 30 min with 1 second display resolution up to 450 days with 6 hour display resolution.
Zoom Up to 6x horizontal zoom
Memory 1800 min, max and avg points for each reading
Duration 30 min. 2.5 hr 7.5 hr 15 hr 30 hr 150 hr 450 hr 900 hr 75 days
Resolution 1s 5s 15 s 30 s 60 s 5 min. 15 min. 30 min. 1 hr
Dips and Swells mode
Sampling 100/1202 readings/sec continuous sampling per channel
Recording time From 90 sec with 25 msec display resolution up to 450 days with 3 hr display resolution
Zoom Up to 12x horizontal zoom
Memory 3600 min, max and avg points for each reading
Duration 90 s 180 s 6 min. 12 min. 30 min. 1 hr 2.5 hr 7.5 hr 15 hr 30 hr
Resolution 25 ms 50 ms 100 ms 200 ms 500 ms 1s 2.5 s 7.5 s 15 s 30 s
Inrush currents and flicker PF5 mode
Sampling 100/1202 readings/sec continuous sampling per channel
Recording time From 7.5 sec with 25 msec display resolution up to 30 min with 500 msec display resolution for Inrush
measurements and up to 2 hr with 2.5 sec display resolution for PF5 recordings
Zoom Up to 12x horizontal zoom
Memory 3600 min, max and avg points for each reading
Duration 7.5 s 15 s 30 s 90 s 180 s 6 min. 12 min. 30 min. 1 hr 2hr
Resolution 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms 50 ms 100 ms 200 ms 500 ms 1s 2s
Logger mode
Sampling Combination of 5 readings/sec and 100/1202 readings/sec continuous sampling per channel depending on the
parameter measured
Recording time Depends on selected readings and averaging time
Zoom Two zoom positions, display all or 1x
Memory User configurable shared memory, up to 15 MB on Fluke 435, up to 7 MB on Fluke 4344
Nr of readings on 3 phases + N 1 10 100
Averaging time 0.5 s 10 min 2 hr 0.5 s 10 min 2 hr 0.5 s 10 min 2 hr
Max7 duration using 15 MB 66 hr 9 year 100 year 6 hr 333 days 10 year 18 min 31 days 1 year
Monitor mode
Sampling Combination of 5 readings/sec and 100/1202 readings/sec continuous sampling per channel depending on the
parameter measured
Recording time Up to 1 week with 10 min resoluton
Memory 1008 min, max and avg points for each reading, 10 minute resolution
Limits According EN50160 or customer definable

Measurement method
Vrms, Arms 10/122 cycle contiguous non overlapping intervals using 500/4162 samples per cycle in accordance with
IEC 61000-4-30
Vpeak, Apeak Absolute highest sample value within 10/122 cycle interval with 40 µs sample resolution
V Crest Factor Measures ratio between the Vpeak and Vrms
A Crest Factor Measures ratio between the Apeak and Arms
Hz Measured every 10 sec in accordance with IEC61000-4-30
Vrms½ ,Arms½ Value is measured over 1 cycle, commencing at a fundamental zero crossing, and refreshed each half-cycle.
This technique is independent for each channel in accordance with IEC 61000-4-30.
Harmonics Calculated from 10/12-cycle gapless harmonic group measurements on Voltage and Amps according to
IEC 61000-4-7
Watt Selectable Total or Fundamental real power display
Calculates average value of instantaneous power over 10/12 cycle period for each phase
Total Active Power PT = P1 + P2 + P3

9 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

Measurement method cont.
VA Selectable total or fundamental apparent power display
Calculates apparent power using Vrms x Arms value over 10/12 cycle period
Total apparent power is root mean square of real and apparent power
VAR Selectable total of fundamental reactive power display
Calculates reactive power as root of VA squared minus watt squared over 10/12 cycle period
Capacitive and inductive load is indicated with capacitor and inductor icons
Power Factor Calculated watt/VA
Cos J/DPF Cos of angle between fundamental voltage and current
Unbalance The supply voltage unbalance is evaluated using the method of symmetrical components according to
Flicker According to IEC 61000-4-15 flickermeter—functional and design specification
Includes 230 V 50 Hz lamp and 120 V 60 Hz lamp models
Transient capture Captures waveform triggered on signal envelope
Additionally triggers on dips, swells, interruptions and Amps level as specified by IEC61000-4-30
Inrush current The inrush current begins when the Arms half cycle rises above the inrush threshold, and ends when the Arms half
cycle rms is equal to or below the inrush threshold minus a user-selected hysteresis value. The measurement is the
square root of the mean of the squared Arms half cycle values measured during the inrush duration. Each half-cycle
interval is contiguous and non-overlapping as recommended by IEC 61000-4-30. Markers indicate inrush duration.
Cursors allow measurement of peak Arms half cycle.
Mains signaling Measurements are based on: either the corresponding 10/12-cycle rms value interharmonic bin or the rms of the
four nearest 10/12-cycle rms value interharmonic bins per IEC 61000-4-30
Limit setup for Monitor mode follows EN50160 “Meistercurve”
Time synchronization Optional GPS430 timesync module provides time uncertainty b 20 ms or b 16.7 ms2 for time tagging of events and
time aggregated measurements. When synchoronisation becomes unavailable, time tolerance is b 1-s/24h

Wiring configurations
3Ø WYE Three phase four wire system WYE
3Ø DELTA Three phase three wire system Delta
1Ø + NEUTRAL Single phase with neutral
1Ø SPLIT PHASE Split phase
1Ø IT NO NEUTRAL Single phase system with two phase voltages without neutral
3Ø IT Three phase system without neutral WYE
3Ø HIGH LEG Four wire three phase Delta system with center tapped high leg
3Ø OPEN LEG Open delta three wire system with 2 transformer windings
2-ELEMENT Three phase three wire system without current sensor on phase L2/B (2 watt meter method)
2½-ELEMENT Three phase four wire system without voltage sensor on phase L2/B

General specifications
Design Rugged, shock proof with integrated protective holster
Drip and dust proof IP51 according to IEC60529 when used in tilt stand position
Shock and vibration Shock 30 g, vibration: 3 g sinusoid, random 0.03 g2/Hz according to MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2
Type Bright full-color LCD with CCFL backlight, 80 cd/m2
Size 115.2 mm x 86.4 mm (4.5 in x 3.5 in)
Resolution 320 x 240 pixels
Contrast and brightness User-adjustable, temperature compensated
Screens 50 screen memories
Data 10 data memories for storing data including recordings
Logger User configurable shared memory, up to 15 MB on Fluke 435, Up to 7 MB on Fluke 4344
Limit templates 2 preprogrammed, 2 administrator (programmable via FlukeView®), 2 user locations
Real-time clock Time and date stamp for AutoTrend, Transient display and SystemMonitor

10 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

General specifications cont.
Size 256 mm x 169 mm x 64 mm (10 in x 6.5 in x 2.5 in)
Weight 2 kg (4.5 lb)
Line power Switchable 115 V, 230 V adapter with country specific plug
Power adapter output voltage 15 V dc to 23 V dc; use only power adapter BC430
Battery power Rechargeable NiMH BP190 (installed)
Battery operating time > 7 hours
Battery charging time 4 hours, 8 hours for/006 version (instrument off)
Power saving Adjustable time for dimmed backlight with on screen power indicator
Measurement methods used IEC61000-4-30 class A
Measurement performance Fluke 435 IEC61000-4-30 Class A, Fluke 434 IEC61000-4-30 Class B
Power quality EN50160
Flicker IEC 61000-4-15
Harmonics IEC 61000-4-7
Cross talk
Between V inputs -60 dB @ Fnominal
Voltage to current input -95 dB @ Fnominal
Compliance IEC/EN61010-1-2001
CAN/CSA C22.2 No 61010-1-04
UL std No 61010-1
Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use, Part 1: General requirements
Rated: 600V CAT IV / 1000V CAT III Pollution Degree 2
Max voltage on banana input 1000 V CAT III/600 V CAT IV
Max voltage on current BNC input 42 Vpeak
Operating temperature 0 °C to +50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F) battery only, 0 °C to +40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F) with adapter,
within spec +15 °C to +35 °C (59 °F to 95 °F)
Storage temperature -20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)
Humidity 10 °C to 30 °C: 95 % RH non-condensing; 30 °C to 40 °C: 75 % RH non-condensing;
40 °C to 50 °C: 45 % RH non-condensing battery only
Maximum operating altitude 3000 m. Derate to 1000 V CAT II/600 V CAT III/300 V CAT IV above 2000 m
Maximum storage altitude 12 km
Warranty Three-years on mainframe, one-year on included accessories
Printers and Interface
Type Serial, optically isolated. Compatible with PM9080 (RS-232) or OC4USB (USB)
Baud rate 1200, 2400, 9600 to 57 kb
Print out facility (B&W only) Via optional adapter PM9080 or PAC 91
Print protocol Epson FX LQ, Deskjet, LaserJet , DPU-414 or PostScript

Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)

Emission and immunity EN61326-1 Fluke 434/435, including standard accessories, conforms with the EEC
directive 89/336 for EMC immunity, as defined by EN61326, with the
addition of the table below
Frequency Disturbance < 0.5 % Disturbance < 10 %
80 MHz to 400 MHz All ranges
400 MHz to 600 MHz All other ranges 125 V range
600 MHz to 1 GHz All ranges
The Analyzer is susceptible for RF fields with a field strength of 10 V/m, between 400 MHz and 600 MHz (Performance criteria B).

1Depending on clamp scaling, volt scaling 1:1 5Measured on reference voltage input A/L1
250 Hz/60 Hz nominal frequency according to IEC 61000-4-30 6Maximum time 9999 hours
3Add clamp accuracy 7Estimated duration
4The logger and mains signaling function are optional for the Fluke 434 and 8Add ±(n-1) x 2.5 ° for amplitude when using i430-Flexipack

standard on the Fluke 435

11 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

Power quality analyzer selection table
435 434*
Measures voltage, current,
dips, swells, interruptions,
harmonics, inter-harmonics,
flicker, power, energy,
transients, frequency,
• •
unbalance, inrush,
EN50160 overview

Logger function with

multi-parameter logging • optional*

Mains signaling • optional*

Memory size 16 MB 8 MB

3000 A flexible 40 A/400 A

Current probes
(4) clamp (4)
water-tight hard
Carrying case rugged hard case
case with rollers
Fluke Power Log
Software FlukeView®
and FlukeView®

*Optional functionality can be added with upgrade kit.

435 Includes: Hard carrying case

with rollers, four flexible cur-
rent probes (i430-flex), five test
leads and clips, battery charger,
Ordering information FlukeView software, Power Log
Fluke-435 Three-Phase Power software, optical USB cable, color
localization set, Getting Started
Quality Analyzer manual, Users manual on CD-ROM.
Fluke-434 Three-Phase Power
Quality Analyzer
Optional accessories
i400s 40 A/400 A switchable current
clamp (included w/434)
I5sPQ3 3 pack of 5 A precision current
i430-flex-4pk 4 pack of 3000 A flexible current 434 Includes: Hard carrying case,
probes (included w/435) four current probes (i400s), five test
C435 Water-tight hard case with rollers leads and clips, battery charger,
FlukeView software, optical USB
(included w/435) cable, color localization set, Getting
GPS430 GPS time synchronization module Started manual, Users manual on
for Fluke 430 series CD-ROM.
Fluke 434/LOG Upgrade kit for 434, includes
Power Log software and enables
logger and mains signaling
function (accuracy and memory
not upgradeable)

Fluke. Keeping your world For more information call:

In Canada and U.S.A. (877) 766-5412 or
up and running.™ Fax (403) 265-3431 or info@optimumenergy.com
Distributed by Optimum Energy Products Ltd
Fluke Corporation
PO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206 Web access: http://www.myflukestore.com

Fluke Europe B.V. ©2006 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.

Printed in U.S.A. 6/2006 2643006 D-EN-N Rev A
PO Box 1186, 5602 BD
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

12 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers

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