Nursing Informatics Docs Final

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Nursing informatics is not a new subject. The nurses need to become computer literate and
should be well versed in the dynamics of nursing informatics. Moreover, in the current
information age, there is the doubling of knowledge every 5 years and the increased
specialization of experience that make it imperative that nurses should know the latest
technology to assist in the delivery of high- quality care. Nursing informatics is a field of
integrating information and computer science with nursing. It will help nurses to gather and
manage the data and can convert into data to make knowledge-based decisions about patient
care. It is essentially the science and art of turning data into information. In India, nursing
informatics is in the infancy stage, but it will help in the new health care delivery system.


• Informatics comes from the French word “informatique” which means “computer
• Informatics is defined as computer science+ information science


The history of nursing informatics is as follows:
• Florence Nightingale was an early informatics nurse because of her use of data to
inform knowledge and change nursing practices. In 1863, she was very clear in her
desire to collect, retrieve, and analyze data to be able to recognize trends in illnesses
and treatments to improve the quality of care.
• During the 1950s and 1960s, health care and the nursing profession in developing
countries underwent many significant changes, and the analyses of nursing resources
and allocations were started in the mid- 60s; the nursing station was considered the
center of communication activities and information exchange. Computers were used
primarily in healthcare facilities for necessary financial and accounting operations.
• In the 1970s, the nursing staff became instrumental in the development of nursing
applications for hospital information systems.
• In the 1970s and early 1980s, nursing informatics considered the use of computer
technology to aid in nursing practice, and it was frequently confused with the
computer literacy skills of the nurse.
• Scholes and Barber in 1980 first used and defined the term "nursing informatics" in
their address to the MEDINFO conference the same year in Tokyo.
• During the 1990s and beyond, the Internet became the tool for web-based clinical
applications, communication, was accessed to evidence-based resources, was used at
the point of care where the patient was under nursing care and for other healthcare
• After that, informatics, through the use of computers, assists nurses as knowledge
workers within their four domains of practice: clinical, management, education, and
• In 1996, Turley introduced a model that illustrates the interaction of the sciences that
contribute to nursing informatics, computer science, information science, and
cognitive science in nursing science to include topics related to cognitive science such
as problem solving, memory, language processing, mental models, and visual
• In 2002, Staggers and Thompson documented in one of the papers the categorization
of definitions into three themes: information technology (IT)-, conceptually oriented,
and role-oriented definitions.
• The definitions of informatics continue to be modified slightly to adjust for continuing
advances in practice and technologies, but it has focused more on the information than
on the technology.


• Hebda (1998), defines nursing informatics as “the use of computers technology to
support nursing, including clinical practice, administration, education and research.”
• ANA (American Nurses Association) 1994, has defined nursing informatics as the
development and evaluation of applications, tools, processes and structures which
assist nurses with the management of data in taking care of patients or supporting the
practice of nursing.
• Scholes and Barber (1980) defined nursing informatics as the application of
computer technology to all fields of nursing-nursing services, nurse education, and
nursing research. It is a combination of nursing science, computer, and information
science to manage, process, and communicate nursing data to deliver nursing care and
enhance the quality of nursing care.


The primary goal of nursing informatics is to improve the health of communities, families,
and individuals by optimizing information management and communication. It includes the
use of technology in direct provision of care, establishing an effective administrative system,
managing and delivering education experiences, supporting lifelong learning, and nursing
research. The purposes of nursing informatics are as follows:
1. To enhance all aspects of patient care and health management.
2. To study the process and structure of nursing information to support clinical decision-
making and the delivery of nursing care at the micro level.
3. To help in retrieving evidence-based standards of practice, legislation acts, statistical
analysis of the profession of nursing and practitioners of nursing at any given time or
interval of time at the macro level.
4. To streamline data handling. The traditional method of documentation of a nurse's
daily work routine consigned to paper, and it was difficult to file the massive number
of documents. Computerization can make it possible to store information
5. Efficient information management to access relevant information.
6. To have easy access to sharing vital data within coworkers.
7. To safeguard personal records of patients, while at the same time allowing the most
comfortable possible access to information for those who need it.
8. To develop an information-sharing network and data handling standards to work
nationally and worldwide.


The bases of informatics are depicts below;
❖ Data (objective information): Data are discrete observations not interpreted,
organized, or structured
❖ Information (data + interpretation + organization + structure): Information is
data that can be interpreted, organized, or structured to give meaning to data.
Information is essential to study an information based discipline such as nursing
❖ Knowledge (information + synthesis) and relationships identified: The
information knowledge is the synthesis of data to identify links that provide further
insight into the subject area.

All these concepts can be stored within a computer system to automate the processing of
nursing data into information and the transformation of nursing information to nursing
knowledge. Hence, the change of data to the knowledge is the critical concept of nursing
informatics' role and has a potential impact on nursing practice. As data. transform into
information and information into knowledge, each level increases in complexity and requires
the more an significant application of human intellect.


▪ Nursing informatics allows nurses to access health information in order to develop,
implement, and evaluate methods of patient care or treatment.

▪ Nurses are able to review all information related to particular patient, which can lead
to more efficient, which can lead to more efficient communication and care.


Nursing informatics' standards of practice organize around a general problem solving
framework that closely resembles the nursing process of assessment, diagnosis, and
identification of outcomes, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
The five major component standards of nursing informatics are as follows:
1. Problem identification.
2. Alternative (or solution) identification.
3. Alternative (or solution) development.
4. Solution implementation.
5. Solution evaluation.
Nursing Informatics' solutions may encompass technology and nontechnology means such as
identification, developing, implementing, and evaluating f databases; having a new computer
application; creating a nursing vocabulary; designing informatics curricula and creating
structure, process, and outcome of IT.
The six major values of nursing informatics are as follows:
1. It enables the appropriate flow of data collected by nurses, improving access to patient
information and enhancing nursing abilities to benchmark, monitor and audit quality
2. It aids to collect, store, process, display, retrieve, and communicate timely data.
3. It facilitates to integrate data, information, and knowledge to support clients, nurses,
and other providers in their decision-making in all roles and settings.
4. It promotes to generate , manage and process relevant data for information and to
develop knowledge to improve practice and deliver better healthcare.
5. It enables nurses to make decision at planning levels of healthcare.
6. It allows nurses to evaluate nursing practices, nursing education and research.


The following are the various benefits involved in nursing informatics:
o It increases the overall efficiency and effectiveness of collection, storage,
presentation, and distribution of data.
o It aids in analyzing the massive data in a short time for decision-making and
o It will allow nurses to have easy access to multi- information. It will enable
nurses to access health information to develop, implement, and evaluate
methods of patient care or treatment.
o It allows nurses to devote more time for clinical activities.
o It will easily enable nurses to get logical views of services provided by the
services rendered for patients.
o It provides updated information about the accounting and finances of the
o It helps in strategic and resource planning.
o It assists in the preparation of operational documents such as treatment
books, stock books, etc.
o It will assist nurses to review all information related to a particular patient,
which can lead to a more- efficient communication and care.
The nursing informatics improves access to the nursing record of nurses, leading to
less time in documentation. Hence, they get more time for patient care. It facilitates
data collection and improves communication. It provides them to create permanent
clinical records.
The informatics offers historical and current data reports for effective data
management. It provides alert to any discrepancies in inpatient medications. It
provides extensive financial information and treatment-related information.
Point-of-care computers placed on the nursing units offer nurses and other healthcare
providers error-free orders_ capture of drug and food allergies, documentation of
medications, nursing care measures electronically, and paperless diagnostic results
from X-ray and laboratory departments and physical and respiratory therapy


Nurses get information about current research and get experiences of publications in
healthcare and nursing by using the World Wide Web.
It becomes easy to inform about wellness and quality of life. They may educate them
regarding the various aspects of healthcare.


Nursing informatics is used in all areas of nursing practice: clinical practice, administration,
education, and research .
• Computer-generated client nursing care data.
• Use of electronic medical record (EMR) and computer-based patient records.
• Automatic billing for supplies and procedures with nursing documentation
• Client assessment and care by physiologic display parameters, storing and
retrieving standardized care, monitoring client progress from plans, clinically
monitoring clients, and through sophisticated diagnostic testing.
• Computer-based technologies that support clinical decision-making.
• Create an integrated computerized clinical information system.
• Integrating standardized nursing languages into clinical information systems.
• Electronic human resources database.
• Manages buildings and non nursing services.
• Uses to facilitate billing and budget processes and cost analysis.
• Uses in preparing automated staff scheduling.
• Uses of e-mail for improving communication.
• Aids in quality assurance and conducting the nursing audit.
• Prepares leaders in the specialty.
• It facilitates computerized record-keeping, computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
as a teaching tool, interactive video technology, and distance learning.
• It aids nurses in using internet resources, PowerPoint, and MS Word for
preparing slides, etc. They can access and retrieve literature.
• The nurses can utilize it as classroom technologies and strategies for distance
• They can use it for examination and evaluation purpose.
The nurses can use informatics in computerized literature searching, such as in
CINHAL, Medline, and also use statistical software such as SPSS. The informatics
can of great use in disseminating the study findings. The results can be a knowledge
base for nurses. It can evaluate nurse-sensitive outcome measures.

Informatics has the following implications:
• Nurses can work as leaders in the effective design and use of Electronic Health
Records (EHRS) systems. They can integrate patients' information and make
decisions. They can be care coordinators across the discipline and advocate for
engaging patients and their families.
• Nurses can create a pleasant work environment to improve quality care and coordinate
and provide care through alarm/messaging, biomedical device integration, and
medication administration. It gives greater nurse satisfaction, leading to higher patient
• Enables nurses to incorporate data into health information, coordinate care across
settings, and bring evidence for decisions to the point of care.
• Empowers patients to be involved in the care.


• Storage of Patient Data:
o Store note of the patient observe during round.
o Access the right medical information at the right time.
o To access information when you need to be quick, efficient and accurate.
• Computerized Presentations:
o Computerized power point presentations are much more efficient and has
more impact on the receiver when it comes to presenting data.
o Even in the field of nursing education, computers help the nursing
tutors/educators to present the large and complicated detailed form of data,
which of course is a part of the medical study, in a very simplified and
effective form.
• Teaching nurses through Simulations:
o The field of medicine involves the concept of "hands-on work".
o Nursing education therefore, must involve a lot of practice programs to make
the students efficient to face the real life scenario.
o Computer programs which enable simulate such procedures therefore are of
great use.
• Computerized Self Evaluation:
o Computers also contribute and help the students know their strengths and
o There are many computerized quiz and medical tests with immediate feedback
that can help you brush and develop your medical facts and requirements
without any delay.
• Medical Data:
o Every day hospitals and clinics which are attached to it churn out enormous
volumes of data regarding patients, prescriptions, medications, medical billing
details, etc.
o Such medical records, are now a day‘s recorded into medical billing software.
Such mammoth databases are known as Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
and Electronic Health Records (EHR).
• Medical Examination:
o Medical monitoring which will help humans to properly monitor their own
o Such systems and procedures include, bone scan procedure, prenatal
ultrasound imaging, blood glucose monitors, advanced endoscopy which is
used during surgery and blood pressure monitors.
o Basically these medical tests and tools provide significant convenience to
medical practitioners.
• Medical imaging.
• Other uses of computer in hospital
o Assessment
o Patient monitoring
o Documentation
o Nursing minimum data sheet
o Telemedicine
o Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
• Computer networks are being used in innovative ways in home setting.
The main uses of computers in community are:
o A computer placed in high risk clients home allows them to access information on a
variety of health topics.
o They can record data about their health status that can be transmitted to the health
care providers at the central network computer.
o Advances telenursing or telehealth.
o Gathering of epidemiological and administrative statistics.
o Patient appointments- identification system.
o Patient assessment and data gathering.
o Monitoring.
o Documentation.
National Rural Health Mission (NRHM):
• The Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)- in each of the 6 lakh villages of the
country so that the medical needs of the people living in remote areas could be taken
care of.
• ASHA would be connected with a telephone as well as a computer with the rest of the
facilities in the public health care chain.
Primary health center:
• Designed to lessen the paperwork responsibility, get better data accuracy, and
facilitate village health worker to provide timely care and information to the rural and
semi urban population.

Other uses in community:

o Community information.
o Monthly report (no of birth, immunization, communicable disease, deaths, delivery).
o Planning for program.
o Planning for mobile clinic with regard to the information.
o Vital statistics.
o Hospital statistics.
o Community mapping.
o Research Epidemic outbreak.
o Demographic characteristics of population.
o Mass education
o The nursing profession is rapidly changing to keep up with advancements and new
challenges in the healthcare field. As direct caregivers, nurses are in the front lines of
patient care and consequently often feel the impact of changes in best practices more
immediately than other healthcare professionals.
o Assistant Professor of Biomedical and Health Information Sciences at the University
of Illinois at Chicago, reported that there are three specific challenges that healthcare
is currently facing:
✓ The aging population
✓ The incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases – such as cardiovascular
disease, diabetes and pulmonary disease
✓ The shortage of doctors and nurse.
“A lot of these challenges can be supported by the avocation of information and
communication technologies, particularly as hospitals are becoming more and more
interested in reducing their costs and shifting care from hospital care to home care,”
“Information and communication technologies, mobile health devices, wearable
technologies are all becoming very, very important for supporting remote patient
monitoring and home care.”
o One of the primary ways that informatics has changed nursing practice is through
o Health informatics is also an important part of care coordination in nursing.
o The ability to track staffing, workflow and communication can help nurses to identify
areas where current processes can be improved. This can also help ensure that staffing
levels remain adequate, which is critical for providing patients with the best possible


o Set Up and Internet Access:
An important disadvantage of technology in nursing is that some patients may not be
savvy with technology. Some patients may not have mobile phones or Internet access,
making applications and video visits useless for them.
o At the Mercy of the Server/Power:
If either of these things goes down due to weather, connectivity problems, or natural
disasters, you’re basically unable to do anything at all. This would be especially
problematic in a nursing classroom setting if simulations and virtual technologies are
being used as well as in a hospital when conducting video calls or procedures that
require machinery.
o Potential Lack of Attention to Detail:
While technology in nursing should lead to fewer medical errors, there is no guarantee
that it will eradicate ALL errors. Human efficiency and thought are still important,
which is why nurses, doctors, and patients must remember that technology does not
always have the final say. There is still plenty of room for error, and all diagnoses,
treatments, and care plans should be double and triple checked to ensure safety an
accuracy overall.

o Malfunctioning Equipment:
One of the biggest headaches of technology is what happens when technology
just doesn’t work.
o It needs a complex conceptual design process.
o There is a need for multiple external databases.
o Database-related employees are to be hired.
o Acquisition costs will be very high.
o Most commonly program failures.
o Highly dependent operations systems.


▪ Nurse Informaticists are often perceived as the “techy” nurse, “super-user”, or the
“go-to” person when new technology is implemented.
▪ They are often referred to as “bi-lingual” nurses who can speak the nursing process
and information technology language.
▪ Being an expert in both fields and a liaison between the two worlds, nurses have
assumed different roles and positions in the arena of informatics.
▪ A recent survey conducted by Healthcare Information and Management Systems
Society (HIMSS) revealed that 14% of nurses are in nursing informatics role.
▪ Nurses comprise the biggest workforce in healthcare. This being said, nurses are the
largest work-group of end-users of electronic medical record and clinical information
systems; therefore, it is imperative that nurses are well-represented in the selection,
design, implementation, and evaluation of clinical information systems.
▪ Evidence has shown that nurses who were involved in the clinical information system
cycle have more buy-in, user-acceptance, and positive perception – all are precursors
to successful implementation.


Focus Numerous roles within health care, Patient focused, emphasizing

emphasizing compliance with improvement in patient care.
regulations and improving hospital

Responsibilities • Work at the intersection of • Work at the intersection of

computer science, computer science,
information technology, and information technology, and
health care administration. nursing.
• Implement electronic health • Assess hospital and patient
records and understand how needs as well as business and
they impact organizational, IT needs.
operational, and staffing • Develop efficient clinical
needs. workflow to assess gaps in
• Manage, interpret, and health care delivery system
communicate data to and create ways to address
improve patient outcomes. them.
• Ensure compliance of data • Manage, interpret, and
and meaningful communicate data to improve
use initiatives. clinical practice.
• Coordinate hardware, • Verify that electronic health
software, regulatory records capture information
requirements, and at the point of care accurately
infrastructure of a hospital or and in a standardized format.
health system. • Support continuity and
• Work with staff education to quality of care across
design training programs for caregivers.
staff when implementing a • Integrate ICD-10 into
new electronic health systems.
records system. • Assist in staff training
• Integrate ICD-10 into programs on electronic health
systems. record systems.

Job title to • Chief clinical informatics • Nursing informatics

explore officer specialist
• Director of clinical • Director of clinical
informatics informatics
• Project manager • Clinical analyst
• Clinical manager • Consultant
• Program director • Clinical informatics
• Business analyst specialist
• Data analyst • Chief nursing informatics

Nursing informatics is the changing the way care is delivered to patient. By using informatics
in patient care providers can improve patient care by making it easier for them to understand
act on information.
❖ Basavanthapa, B.T.Nursing Administration, 1st edition, New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers
❖ Clement I. Management of nursing service and education, 2nd edition, India, Elsevier
2015, page-136
❖ Vati J. principles and practice of Nursing Management and Administration for B.Sc
and M.Sc Nursing, 2nd edition, New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers 2020, page:617-622.


Madam Manika Mazumder

Kankana Malla
M.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year

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