Tutorials Cve 303
Tutorials Cve 303
Tutorials Cve 303
CVE 303
1. Consider three pipes of diameter 300mm, 200mm and for 400mm and lengths 450m,
255m and 315m respectively are connected in series. The difference in water level, in two
tanks is 18m. determine the rate of flow of water if coefficient of frictions is: 0.0075, 0.0078
and 0.0072 respectively. When:
i. minor losses are considered. ii. Neglecting minor losses in pipes
2. In a flowing stream a turbulence occurred in a cross section 4.5m wide in which the rate
of flow is 15m3/s. If the depth of water before the jump occurs is 0.25m
i. The depth after the jump has taken place. ii. The specific energy of the water before and
after the jump.
(iii). The loss of power due to the jump. (IV). Determine the Froude numbers before and
after the jump.
3. A wooden block of width 1.25m, depth 0.75m and length 3.0m is floating in water.
Specific weight of the wood is 6.4KN/m3 Find i. volume of water displaced. ii.
Position of centre of buoyancy.