Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
02 de diciembre de 2022
Throughout the years, work has been done to establish the most appropriate method
for teaching and learning a second language; the case of English has historically concerned
not only teachers but also psychologists and linguists, among others. Thanks to the
discoveries that have been made throughout history, the teaching of English has several
methods which date back to the sixteenth century where there are records of beginnings
with the method of "grammar translation" until reaching the communicative approach that
many teachers share today in language teaching centers worldwide (Bueno & Martinez,
2002). Language teaching was once a matter of memorizing and repeating, a boring and
uninspiring process for students. Likewise, according to (Sanders, 2010) the 20th century,
witnessed an explosion of new methodologies that focused on more creative and engaging
approaches. By learning about these techniques, ESL teachers can select the most effective
method for their students. Among the most common teaching methods are the audiolingual
method, direct method, and communicative approach method as mentioned above; all of
these methods have been proven by experts to teach English, each with different
performance but created to improve the mastery of one, two, three, or all four language
skills (speaking, writing, listening, reading). However, there are some methods that have
been ineffective in teaching English to their students because many teachers do not have the
First, for Luque, (2018) teaching a second language implies knowledge, attitudes
and skills that lead the learner to establish a relationship between the language and its
meanings, so that in a communicative situation he-she not only selects from the language
what is functional, but also what is appropriate to the context. In order to do this, he-she
must have a comprehensive diagnosis that guarantees full knowledge of the state of the
objective of identifying the appropriate method or methods that effectively respond to the
learner's needs. But in addition, it is not enough to identify the right method, what really
matters is how the teacher implements the method in the teaching process to ensure
In Colombia, teachers in the vast majority of schools and colleges, mainly in small
towns and marginalized rural areas, do not have the academic and pedagogical preparation
to teach the second language. From that moment on, the student may come into collision
with the learning process, not because of low intellectual performance, but because the
teacher does not have the skills to impart the knowledge (method) of teaching to the
student. These undesired results generate frustration and disinterest in the student at an
early age without exploiting all the learning potential he/she may have.
In this sense, no method is unique and perfect, but it is convenient to know them so
that each teacher can decide on the methodology in their classes, taking advantage of the
benefits of each one and thinking about the best way to promote the learning of a language
other than the mother tongue. Regarding the audiolingual method (Unir, 2022) indicates
that it is mainly based on the acquisition of a language through repetition, emphasizing oral
expression and pronunciation. The teacher focuses on speaking in English while the
students acquire speech patterns through repetition and analysis of oral language. This
method, like others that we are going to see, has a series of important characteristics which
before writing, it does not use the mother tongue, it always speaks in the language it is
intended to teach, and grammar is taught indirectly, being the students the ones who learn it
through listening. This is a method that in my opinion I consider of great importance for the
teaching of English but in adults with some basic knowledge of the language, for that
reason the need and importance of the initial diagnosis to the student body.
On the other hand, the direct method is also a methodology for teaching languages
that according to (Unir, 2022) basically consists of establishing a visual association. This
approach argues that the process of learning a second language should be similar to the
process of acquiring a mother tongue: direct contact with the language to be learned
through concrete situations, as close to reality as possible in the classroom. In other words,
the direct method is a methodology for teaching languages that consists of establishing an
immediate and visual association between experience and expression, between words,
phrases, idioms and their physical or bodily expression, without relying on the students'
mother tongue. The application of the direct method for teaching English implies, therefore,
this language will be the only one to be used in the classroom in order to try that immersion
in the language facilitates their learning in the most organic way possible, just as they
learned their mother tongue. Like the audiolingual method, the direct method uses only the
target language, "forgetting" that the mother tongue exists, but I believe that it promotes the
development of oral communication skills even more than the audiolingual method.
Last but not least, the communicative approach method has a particularity with
respect to the two previous methods. This approach does not consist of working on
vocabulary to answer small questions, but tries to create moments as close to reality as
possible in which students will use communication to solve them. It is based on carrying
out activities in which different materials are used to bring students closer to the reality of a
language. With this idea on mind, situations that may occur in real life are created to which
they must respond. For example, in order to choose a travel route for the vacations, they
must use communication and different materials. Based on situations such as the one
mentioned above, students will have to investigate, communicate and manage to resolve the
Consequently, the goal of the language teacher is to help students and individuals
become efficient, creative and critical users. In other words, language teachers must see to
it that people succeed in using languages to develop themselves and the world they inhabit.
As a result, these teachers must study both linguistic uses and policies in educational
contexts and the pedagogical processes involved in language teaching and learning (Van
Lier, 1995: 23-24). But on the other hand, there are authors who defend and argue the
process that includes eventualities and experiences programmed to foster growth and
development in the profession. For Loughran (2006: 5-8), teacher education has two
fundamental approaches: learning about teaching and teaching about teaching. These
focuses involve the acquisition and development of a broad set of skills, knowledge, and
Finally, according to what has been developed, it is correct that more work should
be done in teacher training to ensure productive teaching and learning processes. Not only
in the academic approach, which is important to know how to identify and teach English
with the most appropriate methodology to the students, but also in the abilities, skills and
personal attitudes to provide that motivation to the learner. The audiolingual method, the
direct method and the communicative approach discussed in the development of this paper
are not the only or the best, none of them are. Each has its benefits, advantages and
disadvantages in contrast to the others. What is really important is that the teacher has the
ability to get the best out of the teaching process by using one, two, three or more teaching
Bueno Velazco, Concepción, & Martínez Herrera, Juana María. (2002). Aprender y
: diciembre de 2022].
Understanding teaching and learning about teaching, Nueva York, Routledge Taylor &
Francis group.