Lec-Bio103L, Expt 4 SUMMER 2024
Lec-Bio103L, Expt 4 SUMMER 2024
Lec-Bio103L, Expt 4 SUMMER 2024
(1 credit hour)
➢ Antibodies are proteins found in blood plasma. They're part of our body’s natural
defenses. Produced by the immune system following exposure to a foreign antigen, germs
or particles.
➢ Antibodies bind specifically to the corresponding antigen on the red cells.
➢ Humans with A-type blood do not contain antibody against A-antigen, they possess
antibody against antigen B.
Table: ABO Blood group
A A Anti-B
B B Anti-A
AB A and B Neither
➢ Human red blood cells possessing A and/or B antigen will agglutinate in the presence of
antibody directed towards the antigen.
➢ Agglutination of RBC with Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-AB reagents are a positive test result
and indicates the presence of the corresponding antigen..
➢ Rho (D) antigen will agglutinate in the presence of antibody directed towards the antigen.
Agglutination of RBC with spectrum Anti-D (Rho) reagents is a positive test result and
indicates the presence of D (Rho) antigen.
1. Reagent A (Anti-A)
2. Reagent B (Anti-B)
3. Reagent D (Anti-D)
1. Mark (circle) the test slide as A, B and D to keep three blood drops distant apart
2. Collect blood from the individual using a sterile needle
3. Take blood drops on the glass slide at A, B, D marked sites
4. Add one drop of each A, B, D reagent to the blood at the corresponding sites
5. Mix the reagent well with the serum by tooth pick
6. Gently stir the slide to visualize the agglutination
Importance of Blood Grouping
1. The most important reason to know your blood type is in case of emergency. If you
are in a situation where you require a blood transfusion, you’ll need compatible blood.
An incompatible blood group can cause blood cells to clump-which can be fatal.
2. Knowing your blood type can help predict some conditions that can occur during
pregnancy, such as Rh incompatibility between mom and baby.
3. One of the best, and most selfless, reasons to know your blood type is to help others
through blood donations. Medical facilities are always in need of blood donations.
Thank you