Examcore 2
Examcore 2
Examcore 2
Date: 26-02-2023
Paper Code: CORE-02
Full Marks: 40 Time: Two Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Notations and symbols have their usual meanings.
(10 Marks)
(20 Marks)
3. Answer all the questions from the following : [10 × 2 = 20]
a. (i) State and prove division algorithm. [5]
b. (i) Determine the linear mapping T : R3 → R2 which maps the basis vectors
(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1) to (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2) respectively. Also find Ker(T )
and Im(T ) [3+1+1]
(ii) Find a basis for the vector space R3 that contains the vector (1, 2, 0) and
(1, 3, 1). [3]
(iii) Prove that any set of vectors which contains θ is linearly dependent. [2]
c. (i) Find the value of k for which the equation x4 + 4x3 − 2x2 − 12x + k = 0 has
four real and unequal roots. [4]
x+y+z = 1
x + 2y − z = b
5x + 7y + az = b2
admits of (I) unique solution, (II) no solution and (III) many solutions. [5]