Notes No. 8
Notes No. 8
Notes No. 8
a. Natural Person - one (1) year from Stipulation authorizing for appropriation
registration of the certificate of sale of property upon non-payment of the debt
with the Registry ofDeeds; A stipulation authorizing the antichretic creditor
to appropriate the property upon the non-
NOTE: The statutory period of payment of the debt within the period agreed
redemption is only directory and can upon is void.
be extended by agreement of the
parties provided:
Form of a contract of antichresis and its
i. The agreement to extend is contents
voluntary; and 1. Covers only the fruits of real property but not
ii. iThe debtor commits to pay the the immovable itself;
redemption price on a fixed
date. 2. Delivery of the immovable is necessary for the
creditor to receive the fruits and not that the
b. Juridical Person – same rule as contract shall be binding. Amount of principal
natural person. and interest must be specified in writing; (Art.
2134, NCC) and
c. Juridical Person (mortgagor) and
Bank (mortgagee) – three (3) 3. Express agreement that debtor will give
months after foreclosure or before possession to the creditor and that the creditor
registration of certificate of will apply the fruits to the interest and then to
foreclosure whichever is earlier. (Sec. the principal. (Art. 2134, NCC)
47, R.A. No. 8791)
Parties to a contract of antichresis
1. Antichretic creditor – one who receives the automatically become the property of the
fruits on the immovable property of the debtor. creditor in the event of non-payment of the debt
within the term fixed. Such stipulation is null and
2. Antichretic debtor – one who pays his debt void. (Art. 2085, NCC)
through the application of the fruits of his
immovable property. Elements of Pactum Commissorium
The remedies of the creditor in case of non- This is not against the law, since what the law
payment of the debt within the period agreed prohibits is only the acquisition by the creditor
when the fruits are not enough to pay for the of the property mortgaged after non-payment of
obligations are as follows: debt, and the above stated article simply
authorizes him to sell it with the aforesaid
1. To abandon the security and file an action for conditions, which authorization is inherent in the
specific performance; or ownership, and is not against morals and public
order. (Aquino, 2021)
2. Petition the court for the payment of the debt
or the sale of the real property
Pactum Commissorium
It is a stipulation whereby the thing pledged or
mortgaged or subject of antichresis shall