Andhra Pradesh
Not allowed. Surplus energy by WPP for every month is payable at 85% of applicable tariff. Settlement to be done month to month & surplus energy at end of month shall be deemed as sold to Utility at 85% of the prevailing Tariff Rate.
Rs. 3.50 per kWh for PPA signed between 01/05/2009 to 31/03/2014 (frozen for 10 years) Rs. 3.56 kWh for 25 years without any escalation for projects commissioned on or after 11/08/2009.
Below 66 KV: 10% for investors with more than1 WEG. 7% for investor with 1 WEG. Transmisison charges in cash at the rate applicable for normal open access consumer. 5 paise/kWh for more than 2 wheeling points.
5% of Energy
Rs. 3.70 per kWh without any escalation for 10 years of commercial operation Rs. 3.14 per kWh for 20 years
Allowed under Electricity Act 2003 subject to regulation framed by respective SERs Allowed under Electricity Act 2003 subject to regulation framed by respective SERs
5% of Energy
Allowed. March to June power can be banked and can be withdrawn from June to February. Surplus energy at the end of financial year will be purchased by utility at the average selling rate. Allowed for one financial year. Surplus energy to be paid @ Rs. 2.95/kWh
Madhya Pradesh
2% of Energy
Rs. 4.35 per kWh fixed for 25 years without any escalation.
Allowed under Electricity Act 2003 subject to regulation framed by respective SERs Allowed under Electricity Act 2003 subject to regulation framed by respective SERs
Transmission loss @ 4.85% and wheeling loss ranging from 0% to 14% depending upon the voltage at which power is injected and consumed. 0 Transmission charges in cash applicable to normal open access consumers. Wheeling charges in cash ranging from 0 to 43 paise per kWh depending upon the voltage at which power is injected and consumed.
Allowed for self use or third party sale up to the end of financial year limited to 10% of net energy delivered to be paid at lowest slab of TOD tariff applicable on 31st March of the financial year in which energy was generated. Surplus energy at the end of the year in excess of 10% limit to be purchased by the utility at the rate equal to weighted average fuel cost for the year as determined by the commission in the tariff order.
Zone 1: Rs. 4.56/ 5.37 per kWh, Zone 2: Rs. 3.96/ 4.67 per kWh, Zone 3: Rs. 3.38/ 3.97 per kWh, Zone 4: Rs. 3.04/ 3.58 per kWh. Classificaion of Wind Zone as per Wind Power Density:Zone 1: 200-250 W/m2 Zone 2: 250-300 W/m2 Zone 3: 300-400 W/m2 Zone 4: > 400 W/m2
Losses ranging from 4.4% to 8% depending upon the voltage at which power is injected and consumed Transmission and wheeling charges in cash to be paid @ 50% of charges specified for normal open access consumer. 5% in case of consumption at HV/EHV and 7.5% in case of LV
Six Months (Apr. to Sept. & Oct. to March. Utilization of banking energy not permitted in Dec. to Feb.) Payment of unutilized energy will be settled (@) 60% of energy charges.
Rs. 4.22 per kWh for Jaisalmer, Barmer & Jodhpur. Rs. 4.44 per kWh for all other districts
Allowed under Electricity Act 2003 subject to regulation framed by respective SERs
5.75 paise per kVArh w.e.f. 01/04/2009 escalated at 0.25 paise per year
Tamil Nadu
5% (12 months financial year April to March) unutilized energy at the end of year to be paid by utility @75% of the relevant tariff.
Rs. 3.39 per kWh without any escalation for wind mills commissioned on or after 01.04.2009 Rs. 4 per kWh
Allowed under Electricity Act 2003 subject to regulation framed by respective SERs
25 paise per kVArh upto 10% & 50 paise per kVArh above 10%.
West Bengal
Allowed under Electricity Act 2003 subject to regulation framed by respective SERs
** For further details, please refer respective recent State Policies and Order.