Mythology and The Coming Great Deception - Rob Skiba
Mythology and The Coming Great Deception - Rob Skiba
Mythology and The Coming Great Deception - Rob Skiba
By Rob Skiba
Introduction ...........................................................................................................1
As it was in the days of Noah: ...........................................................................2
We’re being prepped to accept it.......................................................................5
Giants (“men of renown”) ..................................................................................6
Post-flood – sons of Ham ..................................................................................7
Names of Nimrod:........................................................................................10
It all started in Babylon. ...................................................................................11
Osiris is known by his symbols: the Ankh, the All-Seeing-Eye.....................12
Who is the antichrist? ......................................................................................16
His name is Apollo or Appollyon. .................................................................19
We are being set up for the great deception. ..................................................23
History Channel: “Our ancestors misinterpreted extraterrestrials as gods.”
IN the last several years, some common themes have shown up in movies.
What do these three movies have in common?
Avatar, Clash of the Titans, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Super-Human-Hybrids save the world
In the second two, it’s the son of a god that saves the world.
Before the flood, people lived more than 900 years
The younger generations tend to look at previous generations as immortals, or
even gods.
When we view the Bible from a Mythological worldview (in which the Mythologies
are considered reality), the Scriptures become much clearer.
Jesus says, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen my Father.” How does this comport
with the God we see in the Old Testament?
This can be clearly understood with the introduction of entities called, “The
Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son
of man.” –– Matthew 24:37
Noah lived 600 years before the flood, and 350 years after the flood
God created the 4-legged dinosaurs (vegetarian)
[Rob believes the Watchers and the Nephilim created the “terrible” dinosaurs.
He says you don’t see pictures of T-Rex with man. — But in Scandinavia, you
Genesis 6:12-13
1 Enoch 7:5 They [the Nephilim] began to sin against birds, beasts, reptiles, and
Jasher 4:18b taught the mixture of animals of one species with another
Jubliees 5:2b everything that walked on the earth were all corrupted in their ways
and their orders and they began to devour each other.
What about Centaurs, Minotaurs, and etc? In Crete, you see images of these
creatures everywhere!
Scientists are actively at work to mix human and animal species together to gain
super-human abilities. DARPA is looking into this as well. “How can we improve
on mankind.”
Documentary: “Building Gods” by Ken Gumbs: YouTube
Extended lifespan, extended thinking capacity, “We could build gods!”
Starting perhaps with Orson Welles, “War of the Worlds,” “they” were testing the
waters to see how people would respond. People flipped out! Since then, there
has been a steady diet of flying saucers, space ships, and etc., in Television,
Movies, Pop-culture, such that people are now expecting it.
Indeed! A huge space ship parked over Stephenville, TX a few years ago!
Many of the town’s people saw it, including the Sheriff and the Mayor.
“God and Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel” Except that it’s not really
The pre-flood giants were way bigger than that! The extra-Scriptural texts
describe them as 3000 ells (equals about 300 cubits, so an ell is 0.1 cubits).
About 450 feet. The Greeks could imagine this. They called them the Titans.
Is there any evidence these guys were real?
The Scriptures should be enough evidence, but there is physical proof.
Amos 2:9 the Amorites (who were descendants of Canaan) were as tall as
cedars. Up to 150 feet. Is God exaggerating?
Post-flood, you don’t see any mention of angels related to the existence of
giants, you see them coming through one (and perhaps two) of the sons of Noah.
Mitzriam: Egypt had a son named Caphtor who was the father of the Philistines
Genesis 10:14 And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (out of whom came Philistim,) and
Jeremiah 47:4 Because of the day that cometh to spoil all the Philistines, and to cut off
from Tyrus and Zidon every helper that remaineth: for the LORD will spoil the
Philistines, the remnant of the country of Caphtor.
Amos 9:7 Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the
LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from
Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?
There were at least 5 philistine giants
Caphtor settled the Island of in Crete. All of the Greek gods originated in Crete.
There was no evidence of Nephilim seed in Shem; the Messiah comes from
Shem and that seed must be pure.
Recently, there is evidence of at least two giants potentially in Japheth’s line:
Gog and Magog. In the UK, there is a celebration called the Lord Mayor parade
in which they march huge statues of God and Magog down the streets.
Supposedly these two entities had a part of first settling the British isles.
Lucifer was outnumbered 2 to 1 with regard to the Angels. But with regard to man
it seems it’s flipped: one third good, two thirds corrupt.
Rob believes that by the time of the tower of Babel, there were only a few
hundred people, definitely fewer than 1000 people.
The tower was built in a valley, so they clearly weren’t concerned with height.
God isn’t concerned with height. He didn’t “freak out” when we built the world
trade center…
Trying to “reach into heaven” —They were trying to build an Inter-dimensional
“Nothing that they imagine to do will be restrained from them.”
According to the extra-Biblical texts, Nimrod had divided the people into three
camps. Their objective was to make war with God, conquer heaven, kill God, set
up their own gods in the Holy of Holies in Heaven. This was their plan.
In theory, it must have been possible, so God decided to mess up their plans.
70 people groups (70 languages)
Nimrod became Geboren (Giant) This word has to be interpreted in context with
what is around it. Scripture says David had his Mighty Men (Geboren).
Names of Nimrod:
There are theoretically 70 or more names for Nimrod (each language group that
was created at Babel).
What’s the proof? Read about who these other guys were, and it describes
Many depictions of these powerful men are shown striking a lion: A giant killing a
Lion. Jesus is the Lion of Judah.
All through history you see depictions of these mighty hunters with different
names, but they all are referring to Nimrod.
The earliest evidence of any civilization points to the 3000-3500 BC time frame.
That is about the earliest organized large society found in history.
According to the Book of Enoch, that’s when a class of angels called “The
Watchers” came down to Mt. Hermon and mated with women (Genesis chapter
6). This is also when the Myan calendar started (3114BC).
A lot of evidence implies these structures were built before the flood.
“Fallen Angels taught men the use of magical incantations that would
force demons to obey man…. This became ingrained into the Egyptians,
Persians, and Babylonians.
Nimrod, called Ninus by the Greeks, was handed this knowledge and by it
caused men to go away from the worship of God and to into diverse and
erratic superstitions and they began to be governed by the signs in the
stars and motions of the planets.” —Recognitions of Clement 4.26-29
In their mythology, they worked together to create everything. Enlil’s idea was to
have a slave race that would serve them. Enki thought they should have wisdom
and knowledge, and we should help them to be more like us.
Enki was the serpent in the Garden to help Eve know about good and evil. Enlil
got angry and kicked them out of the garden. Enki showed up and gave them
the clothing so they would not be ashamed.
Then over the years, Enlil got sick of the whole mess and decided to wipe out the
entire creation. Enki told Noah to build an ark so they could be saved.
In many of the ancient carvings and drawings, you see such beings having a
human body and a bird head. You see it in the ancient Sumerian as well as the
later Egyptian carvings. At some point, there was a cross-over from Sumeria to
The name, Pharaoh came about because of the creation of a death tax by
Rakion to bury the dead. One day Osiris (Nimrod) came to town, this guy
bestowed his wealth on Osiris. Nimrod thought the death tax was great! Osiris
changed Rakion’s name to Pharaoh because he was so pleased with him.
When Lincoln died, they made post cards of the Apotheosis of Abraham Lincoln.
There is a sculpture of George Washington posing as Zeus. It was outside at
first, but they have now housed it away in a museum. It is the same pose as the
occult symbol for Baphomet.
There were Christians who came over to this country, but there were also
Illuminists (Illuminati) Free Masons, and occultists on the boat.
The entire layout of Washington DC is related to the occult [with pentagrams and
etc] and Greek mythology permeates all of the monuments.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again. What has been done will be done
Matthew 24:37 “As it was in the days of Noah”
many photos are taken with symbols behind his head representing a halo
The statue of Anubis was touring the world as Obama toured, visiting the same
cities at the same times!
Anubis was the god of the underworld until Osiris came down and usurped his
rulership. Anubis was also the god of mummification, and he decided where you
went when you arrived at Hades.
Nimrod was the first to be mummified because they expect him to resurrect.
The pyramids, mummification, and all of the mysticism in Egypt started with the
focus on Nimrod’s resurrection.
Obama: The one who brings back the worship of the old gods?
Given the Nobel Peace Prize (for nothing at all!) at Norway, and a mysterious
spiral sign appears in the sky!
“We come in peace”
The ancient texts say Esau cut Nimrod’s head off. This took place right before
the account of Esau coming in to Jacob and selling his birthright for a bowl of
porridge. He was probably more concerned with the repercussions of what he
had just done.
His name is Apollo or Appollyon.
Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.
Modern translators (to our obfuscation) changed eagles to vultures
But the scripture (Jesus) clearly said “eagles.”
1. The ankh represents resurrection
2. The cross is associated with Jesus
3. Jesus resurrected
4. Osiris is going to resurrect
The empty tomb of Osiris
In Washington, DC, there is a statue of a bearded god “coming out of the ground”
called “The Awakening.”
Every president the US has had has been related (except Martin Van Buren) is
from the House of Plantagenet in England
Where the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.
Our military uniforms are adorned with eagles.
The Eagle is also the symbol of nearly every world empire going back in history.
We are being set up for the great deception.
A deception that was started thousands of years ago.
Are UFO’s and strange things in the sky the work of Aliens? No, They’re re-
packaged Genesis 6 activity.
Rob’s Book: Babylon Rising
History Channel documentary trailer “The Clash of Gods”
To the ancients, it was reality.
“IN the myth, Zeus has held on to power in the face of strong opposition. But
there was one more challenger he didn’t count on: Jesus Christ. In the first
century AD, His message would take the world by storm and dethrone Greece’s
dominant god.” “In antiquity, there was no more powerful force than Zeus except
for one. [They show a cross.]”
Right to left, Yeshua’s name means
The Hand that destroys the establishment of the Eye
(Nimrod’s empire)
They’re working on a TV series to take this information to the world. The world is
not coming to the Church. The world wants to be entertained. If we’re going to
reach the world, we have to go where the world is.
They have to be reached through Parables: culturally relevant stories that speak
the truth.