Radio Channel Model Tuning Mentum
Radio Channel Model Tuning Mentum
Radio Channel Model Tuning Mentum
29 Sep 2009
Scanner or CW drive test Map, projection Site configurations used (e.g, link budget, GPS)
Clutter effect
Weight factor K in last 1km to rx
multiply by K4 for non-LOS Calculation based on Epstein-Peterson method for 3 diffracting edge Use clutter height evaluate diffraction for non-LOS Use Clutter separation as distance between last effective diffracting clutter obstruction to rx antenna
PGM tuning
PGM only compute vertical diffraction In DU/U environment where horizontal diffraction can be significant, PGM often over-estimate vertical diffraction loss Compensate with clutter gain PGM effective where BTS ht >= surrounding clutter Using AMT manual Use Hata for K3 and K5, clutter offset = optimize Optimize K1, K2 and K4 smart Optimize K1 to K5 and CAL in one pass Optional 2nd step Fix tuned K and using clutter tuner to re-tune CAL or do manual change
Clutter effect specified as clear distance and obstacle height to receiver Map pixel
Huygen principle
(vector summation of secondary radiation sources)
CRC predict
Accurate clutter/terrain maps, secondary radiation sources Detailed prediction along many radials 360 Easy to tune, since accuracy dependent on clutter/terrain, NOT DT data Deterministic model based on Physical optics to calculate diffraction over terrain/clutter All mobile have same height for all clutter class Optimize clutter absorption property
Fast, good for long distance propagation 720 Needs more CW data to estimate slope Similar to COST231/HataOkumura, slope-based model with various K parameters Different value assigned to each clutter Optimize K, clutter absorption/ separation
If scanner DT is used
Planet uses RSSI as CPICH RSCP/pilot power for CDMA based network Allocate scanner record to sector and export as survey
If needed, combine multiple scanner log from same sector to 1 log Create header for each survey data per sector Filter survey data Average survey data
Assign filtered/averaged survey data to associated sector
Remove fast Rayleigh fading 10~20 or about 2m for 2.5GHz Average by distance to avoid bias effect or 1/3 of map pixel or 5m (use 2m since it is smaller)
Used to compare prediction coverage with survey data by calculating mean/std/RMS error
urban sites
suburban sites
urban sites (recommend 2000~3000 sample per clutter class for good model tuning, absolute minimum is 200~300 sample per clutter class)
suburban sites
urban sites
suburban sites
Clutter separation ~ 1 or 2 pixel distance, depending on environment Most clutter have some diffraction loss (except water) For PGM Diffraction loss is pre-calculated based on clutter separation/height, only clutter absorption loss is tuned
Use smart to tune all K values and CAL in one pass Optional 2nd step after running AMT, run CAL tuner to tune CAL only with fixed K values obtained from AMT
Check error
If negative model error model is over-predicting (i.e., predicted dBm is higher than survey) CAL is only calculated if survey available in that clutter class (if no survey, set to 0 by default) If clutter separation is too short, diffraction loss calculated will be too high. If clutter has gain, it basically means clutter separation is too low or clutter height too high uses clutter class with most sample as a reference to compute K1 and compare with other clutter type give -/+ clutter absorption loss
Model tuning (4) check error between survey vs prediction based on tuned model
Rerun prediction using tuned model, and check error for each sector
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